Chapter 40 ~ Distant Promise Land
*Author's Note: The finale has arrived. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this one, this one I hold close to my heart, I guess I know what it's like to lose a loved one to an illness, not HIV but something just as worse, losing them... its a feeling I would never want you to feel, I guess I mirrored those feelings I hid deep down and put them into words. These words are my own. Thank you for your support on Forbidden Love and Fate. Let's send it off with a warm smile :)
~Alexander PoV~
"Daddy hurry up", says Lucas.
"I'm coming son", I sigh.
"Where's mommy?", asks Lucas.
"She's getting Lucy ready", I say to him.
"Why is grandpa not here yet?", asks Lucas as he fusses.
"I don't know Lucas. Go put your shoes on, we'll be late for the memorial service", I say as Lucas retreated to go put his shoes on.
About 30 years passed since that day when I was older mother told me the story of my dad and uncle Alex, it was a beautiful story and it broke my heart knowing it was true, dad always seemed normal to me, I didn't notice how sad he was when Alex died. I guess a part of him died with Alex. I was too young to know better, I would often catch him crying in the corner or sulking outside. It took years but he was back to his old self, it took uncle Angel and Dean to knock some sense into him. They told him if Alex saw him depressed then Alex would be depressed too. He started smiling again and being his usual cheerful self. According to mom, they both fell in love all over again. I guess when one door closes then another one opens.
I had a great childhood because you were there dad, you did so much for me and I love you.
~Dean PoV~
"Angel!", I shout.
"What inbred?", he yells from downstairs.
"Get Logan ready!", I shout.
"In a minute! I'm watching the game!", he shouts.
"Screw the game! Your team sucks anyway", I scream.
"You suck!", he yelled.
"I also swallow!", I yell back.
"Haha, you idiot. I love you", he yells.
"I love you too. Now come on, we'll be late for the memorial service!", I yell.
I get Lucas out of the bathtub and dry him off, Lucas was our grandson, his parents were away for the weekend so me and Angel were taking care of him.
This life has been good to us, i married the man of my dreams and we're living peacefully and happily. My dad and mom passed away a few years back and left me with everything, needless to say, I'm rich now, Angel never changed, he swore to be a working man till the day he dies. I guess some things never change huh?
~Daniel PoV~
"Chase. Get Max ready. We'll be late for the service", I say to Chase as he was finishing up some work.
"Okay, babe. I'm almost finished with these documents", he says to me as he stays focused.
I then go up to him and kissed him which immediately broke his focus.
"I hate when you do that", he says to me.
"It's because I love you", I tease.
This life has been good to us. Even after all these years I'm still a teacher, Chase was a lawyer, he was working in Kyle and Jessica's firm, Angel and Dean gave us their old apartment until we built our dream house. We're all connected to Alex and we've all been great friends. I miss you, Alex, I hope you're looking down on us.
~Scott PoV~
I found it strange they would include me in their little get-together, I'm one of the reasons Alex is dead. I'm sure he can never forgive me but they all did, I lived with my illness for 30 years, my health is taking a toll for the worse in my old age but I guess it happens. I managed to live a good life. I got married, had a lovely child and now he's taking care of me. This life turned out well for me. It's been a good one. There were many sad times but there was also good.
~Alex PoV~
The day of the year I've been dreading. It was the 30th Anniversary of Alex's death. On this day we all meet up and pay our respects, Me, Jessica, Alexander, Angel, Dean, Daniel, and Chase. 30 years flew so fast. When you died Alex I was a mess, it took me a long time to find my way but I wasn't alone, I had Jessica and Alexander by my side. They helped me through it. I miss you, Kyle. I'll buy your favorite roses. The oldest red ones that you liked, according to you the older ones have been through a lot and still look beautiful and its marks are its battle scars. You were always such a weirdo Alex. I really do miss you. Alexander turned out to be an amazing man, he inherited your will and he reminds me of you. You never did truly leave me, did you?
~Jessica PoV~
It was the day of the memorial service and we were headed to the gravesite of Alex. Kyle always looked so depressed on this day but he always smiled for us, Alexander and his wife took us to the gravesite where we met the rest of our friends.
Everything was going well until Kyle fainted. He wasn't getting up so we called the paramedics. He was rushed to the hospital, it would seem he suffered from a stroke. We all waited patiently for any news from the doctor, one finally came.
"He's asking for you", says the doctor as he leads me to Kyle's room.
"Hey babe", I say as I kiss his cheek.
"Hey Jess", he said weakly.
"How you doing?", I say as a tear fell out my eye.
"I think it's time", he says as a tear fell out his eye.
"Yeah it is, you gave me the greatest years of my life and I love you Kyle.", I say as I kiss his forehead.
"I love you Jessica", he says to me.
"Go to him, he's waiting for you", I smile.
Everyone then entered the room and gave him a big smile. They all stood around the bed and smiled at him, I guess it was our way of sending him off. Kyle you never lost that smile, now... it's time to go to the one that put that smile there.
"Goodbye, dad. I love you and thank you", says Alexander as he began crying.
~Kyle PoV~
I closed my eyes and it was like I faded away. I then felt a strong breeze on my face. I open my eyes and see the beautiful blue sky. I then sit up. I'm young again? I was sitting in the middle of a field. The strong wind blew and the grass was golden, it seemed so unbelievable. The Golden Grasslands? Is this what you were telling me about Alex? A place where you spend eternity living out your deepest desire?
I then get up as I notice a forest, it looked so familiar. I enter the forest as I run through it, my eyes then widened as I end up in front of our old dorm. I hurry upstairs to apartment 68... I take a deep breath as I open it, the room looked the same, it was just as I remembered it. I then see Alex's clothes and stuff there. I then move closer to find a tux on the bed with a note attached to it "Meet me at the church weirdo".
This is Alex's handwriting. I held it close to my heart as a tear fell out of my eye. I quickly put the tux on and rushed to the nearby church.
"Finally", said Angel as he greeted me.
"What are you doing here?", I ask.
"Waiting. We all thought you had cold feet", says Angel as he sighs.
"Waiting?", I ask.
"It's your wedding day silly", he says as he leads me up the stairs.
"My wedding?", I say as I notice someone waiting at the top of the stairs.
"My gosh. Where have you been? Your mother has been worried sick", he says as he grabs my hand and opens the door.
"Dad", I say shocked.
"He's here!", my father yells to a crowded room.
"Dad you're really here", I say to him.
"Yes now let's go, I'll walk you down the aisle", he smiles.
He then led me down the aisle as I stare at everyone. They all smiled and waved at me.
I then notice someone standing at the altar, his back was turned but I notice that little scar. It was Alex.
"Hello son", says my mother as she smiled and waved at me.
I then stop in front of the altar. He was right there, mere footsteps away, all I had to do was walk up to the altar but I didn't have to do that. Alex then turned around and gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. He then stepped but missed his footing and came tumbling down the altar.
"You always know how to make an appearance", I say to him as he stares at me.
"You finally came", he says as I pick him up.
"Sorry to keep you waiting", I say to him with tears in my eyes.
"The words I couldn't say, I love you Kyle", he says as he smiles at me.
"I love you too Alex", I say as I cried.
"Now let's go. We have to get married. What do you think we have? Eternity?", he teases as he grabs my hand and leads me to the altar.
I then look around and see everyone, Jessica was there, my parents, Alex's parents, Angel, Dean, Daniel, Chase, and even Stefan and Scott all smiled at me.
"Let's start over?", he whispered to me.
"Um.. Alex", I say as he turned around.
"Yes my sweet?", he says.
"Thank you for the chocolate", I smile as he blushes.
~The End~
#Authors Note: Do you believe something or someone is waiting for us in the afterlife. I guess this is my perception of what it'll be like, it doesn't have to be accurate or true, I guess if you strongly believe in something then it may happen. You never know the way this life would turn out. I think regret is necessary for this life, without it you wouldn't know your way, it helps you learn and always teaches you a valuable lesson, one that you'll always remember. This life may not be kind to you but always be kind to life. I personally believe that all the love I've given away will find its way back to me one day.
Sorry for the rant XD
Thank you again for your love and support. *hugs*
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