Chapter 3 ~ The Boys
"Where are we going?", I ask as we leave the apartment.
"I know a place not too far from here", he says.
"Okay. Are we walking cause I have a car", I ask.
"We're walking. You young people gotta go out and enjoy the evening breeze and the moonlight stroll", he says.
"Young people? How old are you?", I ask.
"I'm 23", he says.
"I'm 22", I reply.
"Yup. Young people", he teases.
It was about 7 PM. After the dorm rooms, there was a small forest to pass by to get into town. It was a small isolated town. The forest looked so creepy as we walk by. He was right though. An evening stroll isn't so bad sometimes. We walk for about 20 minutes as we arrive in front of a club.
"Club Angels?", I ask as I read the sign.
"Yeah. My friend Angel owns the club.", he said as the bouncer let us in.
Angel? Sounds like a pretty name. She must be beautiful.
We enter the club as he leads me straight to the Lounge Area.
"Are we allowed in here? Looks like this place is reserved for VIP's", I said as i read the Reserved sign.
"It's for me. I'm VIP", he says as a server appears.
"Kyle. You're back and you brought a friend", said the incredibly cute guy approaching us.
"Yes. Alex meet Stefan, Stefan this is my roommate Alex", says Kyle.
Stefan was super hot, he wore a tight blue shirt and a white tie, his pants were skin-tight and he had piercing bright blue eyes and had near-perfect hair.
"Nii. Nice to meet you", I say blushing as he extends his hand to shake mine.
"Angel would love this one", he smiled.
"Yes. Very much so", smiles Kyle.
"So what would you guys like to drink?", asks Stefan.
"2 shots of Tequila", says Kyle.
"Why tequila?", I ask.
"It's like a drinking ritual for me. My first drink is always Tequila.", says Kyle.
"Tequila it is", I say to Stefan as he smiled and walked away.
"He seems like an interesting guy", I say to Kyle.
"He's also gay", says Kyle excitedly.
"He is? I never would've thought. I'm shocked my gaydar didn't pick up on that", I say shocked.
"He's a nice guy. I'm sure you'll like him. He's usually not interested in anyone but do your best", says Kyle.
"Oh? That sounds interesting. It's likely I'll try and fail terribly.", I say sulking.
"You won't know until you try and if it doesn't work out then we'll find you another", he says.
"You bought me here because of this reason?", I say surprised.
"Yeah. I told you, I'll find you a nice guy", smiled Kyle.
"Here you go. Two tequila shots", says Stefan as he returns with our drinks.
"Right on time", says Kyle.
"Shot, lime then salt", says Stefan.
"Is it that obvious that I don't usually drink?", I ask Tyler.
"Somewhat. I'm very perceptive", smiles Stefan.
We then shot the tequila as I felt my chest burning and I start coughing.
"There you go", smiled Tyler as he takes the napkin and wipes my mouth slowly.
"Tha... Thank you", I stutter.
"Are you okay?", asks Kyle.
"Yeah I'm fine", I say catching my breath while blushing.
"Bring him some orange juice and mine with Vodka?", asks Kyle.
"Of course.", smiles Stefan as he hurries off.
"He's flirting with you", teases Kyle.
"Really? He is?", I ask.
"He's never flirted with me, probably cause I'm straight. I guess he caught you looking at him", teases Kyle.
"Oh? That's embarrassing", I say.
"Oh no that's great. He doesn't usually seem interested in other guys", Kyle smiles.
"Two vodkas and an Orange juice. I spiked yours, Alex, just so you know", says Stefan as he returns.
"What time do you get off Stef? Wanna hang out with me and Alex?", asks Kyle.
Ooh, I see what he's doing! I like what he's doing!!!
"I get off at 10 PM, sure I'd love to join you", says Stefan as he looks at me.
"Get us drunk till then?", asks Kyle.
"Will do", smiles Stefan.
"Cheers", smiles Kyle as we drink the vodka and orange juice.
Stefan brought us a few more drinks and I could feel myself getting tipsy. Maybe I should stop. Feels like my head is spinning in circles.
"Are you okay Alex?", asks Kyle.
"Yeah. I'm not accustomed to drinking.", I say.
"Well then, time to cut you off my sober companion. You look high.", laughs Kyle.
"I think that would be best", I say calmly.
"Kyle you bought a friend.", says an unknown voice.
I turn around and saw a man glaring at me. He was tall, super cute, and had an evil look on his face. He had brown eyes and neat hair. He had on a tight black shirt which highlighted his muscles. You can see them trying their best to escape out of his shirt.
"Angel", smiles Kyle.
"This is Angel?", I ask in surprise as he continues to glare at me.
I really thought Angel was a chick (O_o)
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