Chapter 5
Yeah, the picture isn't gonna be related to ANYTHING but I just love that picture and I wanted to share it with the world. Kthxbye~
"Take notes, my boy. Your sister, Adriana, is far more powerful than you can ever be right now!" The man laughs. "Shut up!" I scream, "I can be tough, too! I can protect people, I can fight, I'm not the weak one here!" Despite being hurt, I run towards Adriana. She looks at me from the corner of her eye and mumbles something to herself.
The pain in my stomach increases as well as pain running through my veins. I fall forward, unable to move an inch. My blood is literally boiling! She walks up to me and puts her foot on my back. The weight of her foot causes my veins to boil hotter, more violently. "Don't interrupt, question, or attack me. Let me do my business." She tells me angrily, "Tch... You say you aren't the weak one, but you're the one on the edge of death here. Honestly..."
I felt the burning pain cool off and it went away after a few seconds. My body now felt useless. I felt useless. Just who the hell does she think she is?!
"Stupid." I mumbled under my breath as I walked away. Alright... Let's see if this works. I think to myself. I used too much energy trying to keep Devin down... I don't even know if I can fight this guy... Well, what better time to find out then now?
I focused on expanding my powers. Maybe, just maybe, if I get more of my powers back I can manage to strike him, at the very least. My eyes had a faint crimson glow to them as I looked to Jesus. Tch... He stands next to that boy as if he were planning to protect him, but he's just hiding behind him. "Blood freeze." I mumbled, focusing my power into his body, staring directly into the eyes of Jesus.
I smirked as I watched him fall forward just like Devin did. "Wh- N.. No! Hey! What's going on?!" The little Angel boy cried, floating over to Jesus. "Who... Who the hell is that?!" Devin yells in surprise. "Ah, finally, you can see him." I sigh angrily. "Yep, now tell me who that is." He demanded impatiently. I got a little annoyed at his tone but let it slide as he was very confused. "He is Jesus." I replied as calmly as I could.
"STOP THIS!" The little Angel boy shouted, charging at me. I could tell he was serious by the look in his eyes but he was weak. "Boiling blood." I said, forcing my power through his eyes and into his veins. The boys wings disintegrated and he curled up into a ball, whining loudly as tears streamed down his face. Such a revolting sight... I turned away.
"H-Hey! I told you not to hurt him!" Devin shouted and he tackled me. "You stupid little-!" He shouted but I interrupted him by giving him a good punch to the throat. He coughed hard when I kneed him in the stomach, pushing him off me. "You fucking brat!" I shouted angrily at him, "You're gonna get it now! DAAAAAAAD!!!!" I shouted out for my father once more.
Finally, the ground shook as he rose from the depths of Hell. "What?" He growled angrily, "You know I don't like being in the sun, Adrianna." I looked at him without fear but with anger, "Devin isn't letting me finish the job!" I shouted, pointing over to Devin. I could tell he already caught his breath as was having a little trouble breathing. I smirked as I watched my father slowly walk over to him.
I shook horribly and watched weakly as Lucifer, my father, walk to me. My throat has been punched, I've been kneed in the stomach twice, I'm constantly being told that I can't be with my new friend, and I've been verbally abused by my own family. Why do I have to endure all of this? And now I'm going to be horribly punished by Satan himself!
He stood in front of me with a deadly black aura that could be made of human souls, for all I know! "Devin..." He starts, "Is it true?" I widen my eyes, "W-W-Wait! Sh-She s-said that-" I stutter for words. "Devin!" He firmly shouts my name and looks me in the eye. If it wasn't terribly noticeable, I'm definitely sure it is now. I'm shaking more than a scared chihuahua. "Y-Y-Yes, f-fath-" I was cut off by him grabbing my arm.
My arm started to burn quickly. I shout out in pure agony, I could've sworn I saw 'the light'. That is, if 'the light' is supposed to be a glowing, red, cat-like eye. This punishment felt like it went on for days, years, CENTURIES! I could feel the heat down to my bone in less than two seconds, my nerves and veins felt as if they could disintegrate at any moment.
After what felt like forever, dad let go of my arm, leaving a nasty burn on my wrist that was sure to leave a scar. I let out shaky breaths as I stared at him with pure terror written on my face. The only thing his eyes were telling me was 'That was a warning'. Warning?! Just how bad does this get!? I cry out in my mind, alone.
I fell over as the ground shook for the second time, the boiling heat in my veins had went away finally. I crawled over to Devin, weakly, who had fallen over onto his side. He was trying to hide his wrist. "D-Devin! Wh... What happened?" I ask with a shaky voice. I no longer had my heavenly glow or wings, surely he would be fine if I came over to him!
As I inched closer, Devin looked at me like he was a hungry tiger and I was his prey. It was a violent look and I was afraid, but I continued closer. "No... Please, stay away." The scary look in his eyes had faded away as he pleaded. I continued... "Stay away, please..." He begged more, I continued... But, when I got too close, the violent look of the hunting tiger had appeared once again. "I said, STAY AWAY!" He angrily shouted at me and pushed me at full force, wounding my chest.
I coughed violently, some blood came out. I looked over to his arm he was hiding. I gasped when I saw the big burn mark on his wrist. The blood dripped quickly onto his legs and a large spot on his shirt was stained with blood already. Devin changed back to his normal form, his wings retracted into his back and his tail dissolved with a hissing noise. Tears fell from his eyes, staining his cheeks.
I was about to grab his hand when Jesus grabbed my shoulder. He laid me back onto the grass. I stayed there, too weak to move any further. The pain in my chest wasn't stopping but it wasn't bleeding much. Jesus then got up and walked to Devin.
I sat here, the tears blurring my vision, watching as Jesus walked closer. "No more.... Please..." I pleaded. Why can't I just be a normal kid living a normal life with normal friends...? I ask myself. Instead of feeling pain, my wound started to become more numb and I felt my heart beating through it. It was bleeding heavily and Adriana wasn't doing anything to help. I looked at her desperately and watch as she changed back to her innocent form.
Her blood red hair had slowly faded back to white, her eyes were back to their normal silver color, her wings and tail had vanished with a hissing noise, her nails shrunk to their original size and color, her fangs were gone, and her skin was back to it's normal color.
She turned away from me and started to walk away. "Next time, don't attack me or the punishment will be even worse." She said darkly in her high-pitched, 'innocent' little girl voice and laughed at me. She skipped away. "How nice of you, sis..." I muttered to myself and felt my heart sink heavy.
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