Chapter 29
•Can you see me my love? Up there above? When you were dying, I was dying too. ~ Hollywood Undead - I'll be there•
Dina's Pov
I found Devin laying in the middle of the road covered in serious injuries that I couldn't heal.
I called an ambulance and we're on our way right now.
I hold Devins hand and tears are falling from my eyes, "Oh.... Devin.... what happened to you?" I ask his unconscious body.
Kyle isn't here with me, he had taken a walk right after Devin left the house.
We arrived at the hospital and I called Kyle.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Kyle!" I exclaim, "Kyle. You have to come to the hospital, right now. Devin he.. I-I don't know what happened to him, I found him unconscious in the street."
"Okay... I'm coming right now, just.... hang in there, don't do anything crazy, don't leave the hospital. Got it?" He tells me.
"Y-Yea, got it." I answer.
Kyle arrived sooner than I thought he would. He rushes up to me and hugs me. I cry into his shoulder, "Kyle, d-do you think he'll be o-okay?" I ask. "I'm sure of it. Trust me, Devin is more than an idiot, he will be okay." He reassures me.
After five hours, of what seemed like three decades, the doctor came out. "Devin is okay. There's one thing, though, he's been sent into a coma. Maybe the person who caused the injuries was important? For now we can only hope the best." The doctor explains to us.
Pft worst Doctor ever... I say in my mind but my mouth words, "Ok. Thank you, Doctor."
Devins room is number 125 on the second floor of the hospital.
I decide to do something I've never done before; go into his memories and try to see how he got this way.
So I walk up to him and place a hand on his forehead where his recent memories would be, I focus hard on visualizing myself entering his mind through my hand.
I'm in.
I see a beautiful path surrounded by big trees.
Then a large shadow, figure of a man, walks through the trees. Even when he bends down to level with Devin, I can't see his face.
He then begins to beat Devin, throwing his around like a rag doll, burning, scratching, and bruising him.
He slams him against the tree 30 times before Devin passes out.
Then everything is black, I'm listening to ambulance sirens.
I guess that's it...
I pull myself out of his thoughts.
Devins Pov
I walk around aimlessly in the darkness that surrounds me.
I'm lonely...
I want someone...
A friend...
Colors slowly fade in around me. I look to see that I'm back at the amusement park with Ova, Tora, Justice, and the others.
I smile.
I get to see Justices happy face once more.
I sigh, "I miss you.... everyone."
Everything is fading back to black again. I can feel a part of me hurt terribly as I watch Justices face disappear.
Tears are filling my eyes now as I realize that I'm all alone in this black abyss of nothingness.
On the ground appears a note. It's covered in blood...
I pick it up, it reads;
It's been a month since Devin died. I miss him.... so much.
I wish I could just see him again, his smiling face, I just want to be with him again. I want his witty comments.
I want Devin back.
But of course, life would never allow that to happen.. That's why, if he won't come back to me, I'll go to him.
So..., Kyle, I'm sorry.
Please don't be mad at me.
Please don't grieve for me.
And most of all, don't blame yourself.
It's not your fault, I'll take all the blame if that's what it takes.
So, for the last time, goodbye..
I love you...
Tears fall from my eyes as I recognize this persons writing, "Dina... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I...."
The tears overpower my will to talk and I'm left here crying like a fool.
A familiar black cat walks up to me and lays on my lap. I immediately know who this is. It's Justice.
I cry harder knowing that this isn't real.
The paper and the cat both disappear, I'm left alone once more.
Vulnerable to my thoughts.
No one here to save me because now.... I'm really alone.
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