Chapter 21//The Flower Women
I'm gonna attempt to write this in third persons Pov(For a little cx). Tell me if it was great, ok, or if it just plain sucked.
Thank you!
•Cause I don't wanna be like this. I've been running these streets for too long now, I've got nothings that's true but this song now, but the further I go I wanna go home. . .~ Hollywood Undead - The Diary•
Dina had decided to go out and take a walk by herself. She really did need to think about her life.
As she was walking down the forests path, she ran into five women. One had beautiful, long silver hair that looked like it shined. Her eyes were also silver and sparkled like the starry night sky. Two had short yellow hair that always fell in their eyes. Their eyes were mismatched. The girl on the left had a yellow eye(R)and a blue eye(L) while the girl on the right had a blue eye(R) and a yellow eye(L). Then there were the last two women with long red hair that stopped right before hitting the ground. They had deep violet eyes with a tint of red. The two red headed women whispered quietly to each other, snickering every so often.
The two blondies stared at you with pure disgust in their eyes. "Pardon us, but might you be Dina Gonzalez?" The beautiful silver haired woman asked with a light voice.
"U-Umm.. Yes, why?" Dina responded curiously.
The beautiful girl had a grim look on her face. One of the blonde women began to speak, "We heard you have a powerful demon with you. We want him." She said with an annoyed tone. Dina looked shocked but it was soon placed with determination, "I can't allow that." Dina said sternly.
"Oh ok, then we won't bother you anymore." The red haired woman on the right secretly lied through her teeth. She gave the others a look and they all nodded, "We'll be on our merry way, now. Tootles~!" The other red haired woman waved and walked away with the rest of the group.
Dina was stuck in shock, she couldn't comprehend what just happened. She slowly walked back to the amusement park, thinking hard about what just went down.
^Back at the Amusement Park^
The five flower women arrived at the park, sending around for intense magic power. "There." The silver haired woman pointed towards the house. "Got it. You guys ready?" The blonde women asked simultaneously. Everyone nodded and they ran into the room.
The yellow women sprayed a deadly gas into the room and Kyle fell to the ground, his pulse immediately stopped. But as for Devin, he just passed out.
The red headed women grabbed him and they all ran out.
Kiari's Pov(Tell me if the third person Pov was ok or not /: I'm not very good at it, but it's really your guys opinion that counts ^_^)
My eyes opened in a flash and I fell off the tree branch. "Oooowwww......" I groaned and rubbed my head as I stood up.
Was that...... the future?! I have to warn everyone... I thought.
I usually hang from trees and meditate that way to see into the future. But never have I ever seen anything that intense.
I ran to the group of people having fun and laughing. "Guys!" I panted.
"What's up Kiari?" Dina asked happily. "I.... had another... vision...." I panted in reply.
Everyone grew silent as I caught my breath and continued, "Five women.... One had silver hair, two had blonde hair, and the other two had red hair. They.... They killed Kyle and ran away with Devin." I explained.
"Ok, got it. I'll cast a protection spell around the park. It'll alert us when strangers enter." Ova said and immediately got to work.
"I'll go warn the boys." Dina said and ran to the house.
"I'll take guard, I'm good at fighting." Justice volunteered but I objected, "No, Justice, you're still hurt from the last fight. Remember?" I said, reminding her of the fight not too long ago with that strange woman.
She sighed, "I know..."
"But, you can take watch over the boys. Keep your eye on Devin closer, though, we don't want him to be taken by the women in my vision. Ok?" I explained sternly
"Sure thing!" She chirped and stood up. "Wait!" I grabbed her arm softly, "Don't push yourself, ok? I don't want you to get more hurt, it could be fatal if you get any more injuries." I added, looking into her eyes. She nodded and left to the house to protect the two boys.
Short little chapter. I didn't really want to write a chapter of the fight between that strange water/razor/possession lady and Justice, sorry.
Buuut, hope you enjoyed nonetheless.
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