Chapter 10//The fight
•And will we ever end up together? ~ The Nightmare Before Christmas - Sally's Song•
Justices Pov
I put him to sleep. Good. Now I can start and he won't feel any pain.
I closed my eyes and focused on making my powers stronger, I know I wouldn't be able to cut my friend open without feeling guilty.
My hand started to glow red and I opened my eyes. I pulled up Devins shirt and traced his stomach with the tip of my finger, acting as if it were a scalpel.
His stomach was now open and I could feel my power weakening. Tears wanted to form in my eyes as I looked at his sliced organs.
"N-No tears. Not now." I whispered to myself. I used my other hand to fix his organs that haven't completely healed.
My hand started glowing white as I touched his insides and felt them closing. I couldn't stop one tear from falling down my cheek.
"He's my friend. He puts up with me. And he could've been killed because of me. And now... I've cut him open." I said to myself, causing more tears to fall.
I finished closing all his wounds. One of my hands started to glow a bright blue as I invisibly stitched the incision closed.
Both of my hands stopped glowing, "W-Wake!" I shouted my power being thrown at him.
I fell to my knees, powerless and weak. Devin made that adorable whimper noise "mmm?"
I attempted to wipe the tears from my face, "Mnn? What's wrong?" Devin asked concerned when he saw me.
"I-I..... I'm s-sorry. You w-wouldn't be in th-this situation..... if I-I hadn't......" More tears streamed down my face as I talked, "Shhh. It's okay...... I don't mind." Devin reassured me, cupping my face.
Devins Pov
I don't like seeing her like this.... She's usually so happy.....
"Really, I'll be okay. I promise." I said pulling her closer to me.
"Are y-you sure??" She said sadly
"Yes." I replied honestly, hugging her.
Some time passed, Justice was laying her head on my chest. I stroked her hair lightly as she purred softly.
How did this all happen? How did things get so dangerous? .....Well it doesn't matter. What matters is I have to protect my friends. I have to get stronger. I said to myself.
I listened to Justices purring and drifted off to sleep.
Kyles Pov
I was still on the couch with my head in my hands. Mom and Dad want to know what's wrong, but I can't tell them. It might put them in danger.
"Why do things have to be so..... complicated..." I mumbled to myself
"That's life." Jesus said
"I know... It's just.... I feel like I cant do anything to help... I need to get stronger so next time this happens, I'll be there." I said
"It's not your fault." Jesus reassured me
"I know, but earlier today.... I was almost out of the times grasp. But I was too weak and I couldn't get out. That's why I need to be stronger." I replied, "Do you understand?" I looked over to Jesus who nodded.
I started to yawn and my eyes felt heavy, "I should..... get to sleep." I said to myself as I got up and walked towards my room.
-----(Yea u know what happens... sleep duh)----
Devins Pov
I woke up with pain in my stomach. "ach..." Looking over at the clock I noticed it was 5 am... around the time Kyle gets up.
But he's sleeping still
I looked over to the other side and saw Justice sleeping on the ground next to me.
"J-Justice..?" I asked touching her soft arm.
"Mm?" She purred as she opened her mismatched orbs slowly.
Once she was finally awake she got up and looked at me concerned, "What's wrong?" She asked quietly, not wanting to wake Kyle.
I pointed to my stomach, "It hurts."
"Wh-What? That.... That can't be! I-I healed you!" She said loudly
Kyle woke up instantly in panic, "Eh? Wh-What's wrong? What's happening?" He asked frantically
"I-I..... I healed you! Y-You shouldn't...... Unless......" She gasped, she clenched her fists "I'll.. Be back....."
"O-Okay." Kyle and I said unison
"Make sure he doesn't experience any more pain." She said worried
Kyle nodded in understanding.
Justices Pov
Why does he ALWAYS do this to me?! I'm gonna make sure I don't lose anyone else. Devin will be okay. I WILL fix him!
A newfound rage built up inside of me as I exited the house and walked towards the park.
I reached the park and scanned the entire place until I finally found him.
I stomped up to him. My hand turned red and I slapped him, cutting his face.
"How DARE YOU!" I screamed at him.
"How dare I? Psh, it's your fault." He snapped at me
"Shut up! I ran away because you were abusing my powers!" I shouted at him as the world stopped, "I HATE YOU!"
I slapped his face, slicing his face once more. "TAKE IT OUT OF HIM!!" I yelled while punching his stomach, making a small incision.
"Tch, if you think you're hurting me then you're sadly mistaken. My dear child." He said evily as he punched me in the gut, causing me to fly backwards into a tree.
"Gaaaah!" I whimpered as I coughed up blood.
I stood up and both of my arms started to glow red. All the red sunk down to my hands and they turned the deepest crimson, almost black, as I formed my hands into guns.
I stared him in the eyes and shot him, 6 times in the chest, 2 times in the head, and 9 times in the stomach.
I fell to the ground with little power left, "Well. I guess I was wrong, you have gotten stronger...... But not strong enough." He said as he started to glow and his big black wings poured out like magic.
He flew fast towards me and landed in front of me. "Y-You..... bastard......" I spat at him.
"Oop, no no no." He said wagging his finger at me, "Bad girl. Don't talk to your dad like that."
He kneed me in the face, making my nose bleed heavily. The impact was so hard that my head flew back, hitting the tree again. "Aaahhh" I whimpered softly as everything around me went black.
The last thing I heard before passing out was my fathers laugh.
Kyles Pov
Here it is again! The trap! The time hold!
Okay.... just focus..... I can get out.
I focused on my powers and once I felt I had enough, I tried moving.
I was able to move my arms and with that the time hold freed me, allowing me to escape and find Justice.
"She has to be in trouble! She was the only one who left." I said to myself.
I looked around and couldn't find Jesus anywhere, "I-I guess.... The time hold works on.... him too..?" I questioned.
I shook my head, "That's not important right now."
I ran out of my house and heard a faint whimper and then laughing. I ran towards it and saw Justice passed out on the floor, "JUSTICE!!" I yelled.
Ryan came out from behind the tree, "Wh-What did you do to her?"
"Well well well. If it isn't little Kyle. I see you've grown an attachment to my little girl, no?"
My eyes widened in shock, "How..... How do you know my name?"
He shrugged, "No reason."
I took another look at Justice and anger struck me, "You're a monster. You'll pay for what you've done." I shouted at him.
Alright that's all cx This took an hour to write soooo hope you enjoyed! xx
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