He took the devil's mat, but he'll pay back with his skin.
-Russian Proverb Quotes
I'll be writing in Veronica's POV for a bit, just so you guys can understand her and how she feels about Carol.
I rarely do this but, vote/comment/share. Let's see if we can get 3K reads.
I love you. 😘
Veronica's POV
I felt groggy and my head felt light. I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to readjust to the brightness that surrounded me. I tried to groan my protest but I couldn't, my voice was gone, or so I thought. I blinked. Once, twice.
All the walls were painted white and aided in the place being two white to be legal. I had no idea where I was or why everything felt so different. I tried to remember something, anything that could tell me how I ended up in this situation but my mind came up blank.
Just as I was about to freak out I saw two persons walk into the room. The woman who was dressed in a white dress started checking some machine which I had just noticed was beside me. The man who was dressed in normal clothing but who wore a long white shirt looking gown, came closer and I saw his mouth starting to move.
Was he talking to me? I asked myself.
I continued to blink up at him and he wore an odd expression on his face. Seconds later the woman came to stand next to him. I found it funny that they were both moving their mouths without making any sounds.
My eyes started to feel light and I struggled to keep them open as more weirdly dressed people came running in the room.
My eyes opened again and I was happy to see that the room wasn't as bright as it was before. I blinked a few times before looking around the room and that was when I noticed the man sitting on the chair. I trailed his body and my eyes landed on his hand that held my own.
That was when I heard the first sound.
The first thing I heard was some slow constant beeping that was so low I wasn't sure if I was really hearing it. Then, I heard the quiet noise from outside the room and a soft voice overhead. I looked up and saw a speaker at the ceiling and I continued staring at it until I felt my hand jerk and the once sleeping man stood.
"Oh my gosh! Nika! You're awake, I was so worried!"
I stared up at the strange man and tilted my head when I heard him call me a name I wasn't familiar with. I watched as tears littered his eyes before falling against my arm, which he was now kissing. My heartbeat started rising and each sound was getting louder by the second.
The man turned his attention to the door screaming off some random names while I just laid staring after him.
Who was he and why the hell was he kissing my hand?
Before I could freak out a woman ran into the room with three other people trailing after her. She was crying and screaming 'my baby' the entire way and I just stared at her as she started doing the same thing that the man did. She was kissing my fingers like it was the best thing to do in the world.
Please tell me I'm not apart of some kinky sex thing with these two people. I silently hoped as I watched the rest of people in the room.
I recognized the other man and woman from earlier but the other male in the room had me confused. He looked like the man who was kissing my arm earlier but at the same time, he looked like the woman who was kissing me now. He had a mop of dark curls, his eyes were a really light brown and his right side lower lip had a piercing. He smiled at me and that was when I noticed his deep dimples.
Okay? Who are these people? He looked familiar... They all do... But still...
I turned my attention to the man who's voice was warm and welcoming. I vaguely noticed when the three look-a-likes stood back and allowed him space.
I tried answering but my voice wouldn't give, so I nodded.
"Good, at least you can hear now. That's progress." He said the last bit at the woman standing next to him.
"I'm Dr. Doolittle and this is Nurse Jackie." He said pointing to the woman besides him. "You're in the hospital... Do you remember anything? Nod once for yes and twice for no."
I cocked my head to the side before I nodded twice.
"Okay, well it's normal to have a slight amnesia. Just rest for a while and your family will come back to see you, okay?"
Wait! They're my family?
Before I could ask the question I felt my eyes slowly begin to close and the people in the room start to disappear. I tried to stay awake, I didn't want to drift off into the darkness but I couldn't fight it. Once more my vision grew black.
I opened my eyes for the third time and noticed yet another person in the room with me. It was once again bright but I could tolerate it this time. The boy was sitting in the place of the pervious person only this time, his head was resting on my fingers and I swore it felt wet. I stared down at his face as I tried not to get completely grossed out. Taking a deep breath, I composed my strength and yanked my hand from underneath him.
He jerked up in surprise and I couldn't resist laughing. He was so cute when he was disoriented.
"Shit Ron, I'm sorry."
"It's okay Brian, I'm just glad you had a nice little nap on my hand." I giggled as I wiped it on the sheet.
"Wait! You know my name?" He asks, a shocked look on his face.
"Oh course dummy-"
I stopped,
I looked over at him,
I felt my mouth hang open.
I remembered. I remembered? I remembered! Oh shit, I remembered!
"Oh my gosh! Where's Carr?" I asked him as I ignored the shakiness of my voice and the erratic beating of my heart.
The machine next to me started beeping fast and I wanted to slam the damn thing down.
Some time during the night all my memories had come back to me and I remembered everything. Now all I wanted to know, all I could think about was Carol and whether she was okay.
My heart kicked up a notch and so did the machine.
I watched as Brian's eyes turned wide and he got up from his chair. He was acting weird and backing up like I would explode near him or something.
"Ron, calm down." He said and held his hands up.
Calm down? What? What the hell was he talking about? Where was Carol?
My heart increased again and so did the machine. If I wasn't so weak I probably would have thrown the damn thing down.
"Brian... Where's Carr?"
"Don't freak out but-"
My heart slowed before rising as I watched his expression and my gaze followed his hands as he ran it through his hair, a move he did when shit got real.
"Brian... Where the fuck is my girlfriend?!"
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