Levi had left a while ago. Melisende had spent the time looking at her ceiling.
Finally mustering up the courage she got up, running a hand through her hair she groaned loudly. And before she chickened out, she made her way to her father's study.
Mel found herself gazing at the luxurious interior, the wall paintings until her eyes finally rested on the family portrait. There she was, barely three year old smiling cheekily. A small smile settled on her face as she gazed in her own eyes. Oh what it would take to be a child again.
Shaking her head she moved forward reaching her father's study. She knocked politely and wondered how it would have felt to barge in. After hearing a muffled come in she moved the door knob, stepped in making her presence known.
Dereck looked up only to feel surprise as he saw his daughter standing in the doorway. He didn't knew what to say.
Melisende sat on the chair opposite her father, without his permission which was a must and stared openly at him. He avoided her gaze, pretending to read the document in his hand.
What should i say? she wondered. That i heard you fixed my engagement from a friend or i don't recall you asking for my permission?
Then she laughed out aloud. Her father looked up bewildered.
"So you are going to say nothing?", she asked looking straight in his eyes. Melisende had always been afraid of her father. Maybe because of the strictness or his high expectations. There is nothing more lethal than high expectations for your conscious.
He sighed loudly. Standing up, he moved towards the big window.
"The Dark Lord has fixed your engagement with the Lestrange boy. It's our duty to obey him, whether we want or not".
Mel sucked in a breath, wondering why this statement affected her so much when she knew he would say something like this. The dread in her stomach intensified.
"And what about me, where is my choice? Why am i being forced into this? Just because i was born in a prejudiced slytherin family?".
She saw her father stiffen. "What do you suppose i do then?", he asked finally turning to look in her eyes.
And then she saw it, a unfamiliar emotion she never expected her father to show. Vulnerability. His shoulders dropped and his cold facade broke as he continued to stare.
Mel felt strange, she couldn't believe that this was the same man who had never shown an emotion in front of her, or the man who forced her to learn the slytherin ways, or the man who punished her with magic if she got anything less than an E in her exams, or the man who locked her up when she misbehaved.
She tried to see this his way, being a death eater was no joy. You had to obey Voldemort at all cost or lose your own life.
"How do you feel about it then? That some different guy just fixed your daughter's marriage without your consent?", she whispered looking at him intently.
Something flashed in his eyes, a foreign emotion.
"My duty is to obey him nothing more".
She involuntarily nodded, expecting this. She wondered how of a hollow man her father had become, a puppet who could only look as his master wielded his strings.
"It's a funny thing you know, mother told me something about my grandparents. I wonder if it's true?", she asked.
Had it been a normal day, she wouldn't have dared to ask anything. Her father had made it perfectly clear all this years about how their relationship worked. He spoke and she agreed, or faced the consequences.
His shoulders tensed and he looked away, ignoring her question. But that was all she needed to know that it had been true.
"He killed you parents to gain your loyalty", she said almost in a taunting way. Mel knew she was trading on thin water, provoking her father was not the best idea. But she was tired, tired of everything and everyone. She was tired of being controlled. Everything was already wrong with her life, what else could make it worse?
She wanted a reaction out of him, she wanted him to talk to her. Like a normal father and daughter. And making him angry was the only way to break his silence.
"How does it feel? Serving your parent's murderer? Does their death mean nothing to you? Did they mean nothing?"
But he remained shut.
"I wonder how they must feel now, when they look at you. Do you see them get murdered in his eyes? Or does it not matter?"
That was all.
She watched as he turned to face her, his eyes filled with rage. He whipped his wand out and Mel closed her eyes, waiting for the curse to come.
But it never did.
Hesitantly she opened her eyes. Her father was still looking at her, his wand directed towards her.
She stared back. Mel watched as a tear ran down his cheek. He all but threw the wand on his desk.
"Are you that scared of me?", he asked softly.
Confused she answered, "You haven't really been nice to me all this years". He father looked at her with remorse. He seemed to be having an internal fight.
"Trust me, i never wanted this. You are just like him, your grandfather. A slytherin yet brave".
"What does that mean?", she asked curiously.
He exhaled loudly, as if debating whether to speak further. Mel wondered if her father will finally open up. She wanted to desperately know what made her father the man he is today. What made him so distant and cold. She wanted to know why she never got the love she deserved,
"When i was approached by Lord Voldemort to be a death eater, i refused. I didn't agree with his methods. But he was young and power hungry. He knew he would only succeed if he had followers. In the end, he did had followers but ended up crossing all the limits that have ever existed in this world".
Dereck moved towards his study, opening the small drawer he pulled out a photograph. He gazed at the photograph with a broken expression, blinking a few times he passed the photo to Mel.
There was a couple, they were smiling happily at each other as they danced. It was a moving photo, probably taken at some party. The resemblance shocked her. The man looked like an exact elder version of her father. The only difference was the bright twinkle in his eyes and the laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. The lady was extremely gorgeous, dark green eyes and black hair which were tied in a fancy bun.
These were her grandparents.
Mel looked at her father, he smiled bitterly.
"When i refused, he was angry and i underestimated him. He tired everything to change my mind, but i still refused. And then one day he just appeared out of nowhere. We were in the dining hall having dinner. The four of us may not be perfect, but we were happy. Your mother was pregnant with you. He just barged in, eyes red, he was already angry. My father fought for me. But he killed them, both of them in front of my own eyes. And then he threatened your life", he paused sucking in a breath. His eyes glistened with tears.
"I had to do as he said, to save you and your mother. And all this years i have been cruel to you because i didn't want you to be attached to me. I don't want you to go through the same pain i went through. I want you to choose your own path when the time comes. I just-", his voice cracked.
"I don't want you to hold back, especially for me"
A deep silence followed. Melisende felt overwhelmed and exhausted. She tried her best to not cry. Everything is so fucked up, she thought.
A part of her sympathised with her father, while the other cursed him for making her childhood horrible. It was like having her own angel and devil. The angel wanted her to forgive her father while the devil reasoned that he didn't have to abuse her for it.
Her father was at fault, she decided but he had no choice.
She got up hastily avoiding her father. "I need time", she murmured and left the room. But she didn't see her father nodding dejectedly as the tears escaped his eyes.
After having a glass of water, Mel made her way back to her room. Her mind was spinning in circles, there were so many thoughts, so many questions. She just wanted to sleep it all.
Closing the door behind her back, she nearly gasped aloud as she saw James sitting on her bed.
"What the hell?", she whisper shouted locking the door. He just gave her a swoon worthy smile. Still shocked, she walked towards him and raised her eyebrows at him.
As if suddenly realising he stood up and looked at her nervously. Fidgeting with his hands he almost stuttered as he spoke. "You remember what happened yesterday right?"
Her body relaxed as everything flew out of her mind, her focus on the boy who now had his hand on the back of his neck. Her silence was making him even more nervous and he tried to look everywhere but her.
"Yeah, i do. And i mean it", she whispered softly, surprised by her own words.
His face lit up, and he gave her a dashing smile. She squealed softly as he pulled her in a hug. His hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her body tight against his. She could swear she heard him sighing softly.
"Thank god! I was afraid that you won't remember a thing because of the alcohol. I am sorry for ignoring you in morning, i was too nervous to face you. I kept thinking that you won't remember a thing. I didn't want it to be just a dream", he babbled.
Mel found her hands wrapping around his neck tightly. It was a new emotion for her, as she stood hugging James, she felt safe, satisfied and happy. It was mix of everything. She felt content.
He pulled back sightly, gazing in her eyes adoringly. His eyes were shining and he looked extremely happy making him look even more handsome.
"So this means that you are giving me a chance right?"
Mel hesitated. What about her supposed engagement? James will be furious, she thought. But he doesn't have to know right now right? I will figure something out, maybe he will understand. There is still so much time.
She hugged him again. Mel liked this feeling, having him in her arms. Her mind wandered to Levi's words.
"Yes", she whispered praying that she wasn't making a mistake. Though she could still feel the guilt pooling in her stomach.
So.... i have this story on quotev as well and it turns out i had this part published there but not here.....😅😅.
Btw y'all i'm so soorryyyyyyy.....!!!!
I'm kinda busy with college and i lost my wattpad accout as i was inactive!
But i'll update regularly now.
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