Mel's pov
James sat on my bed as i rushed in my walk in closet. Quickly putting on a muggle outfit i brushed my hair leaving them in their natural curls. I grabbed a black clutch, leaving my wand on the dresser, it's not like i can do magic so carrying it would be just pointless.
"You ready?", he asked. Nodding my head i grabbed his extended hand.
Mentally gagging i massaged my head slightly, felling the after effects of apparition. Looking around, i realised that James had apparated us in an alleyway. I raised an eyebrow at him.
He just shrugged and grabbed my hand, pulling me in a specific direction. We came out of the alley only to find ourselves outside a pub.
"Seriously? This is your definition of having fun?", i asked him.
"Oh common you are going to have fun".
The bouncer nodded at us, letting us in. Wait, didn't they looked for our Id's?
"Remus charmed him", he answered as if sensing my question. Of course he did, i mean what else can i expect us from Marauders?
As soon as i got in, i was met with stink of alcohol and sweat, lots of muggles dancing around and some tripping over their feet. Scanning my eyes over the crowd, i spotted Sirius and Remus sitting in a corner. Sirius waved frantically, beckoning us over.
Sitting between them both, i hugged Remus and then Sirius who looked already intoxicated. I rolled my eyes at him as he basically ran towards the dance floor.
"Hey, are you okay?", i whispered to Remus. He had a few fresh scars on him, probably from his transformation though they were not that noticeable.
He smiled softly and nodded at me. "Though i am running out of the cream".
Well basically i had found about Remus being a werewolf when others are turned into animagus. We have always been library buddies, so i knew him quiet well and none of them were exactly good at hiding things. You just had to be observant.
My family being quiet prestigious and noble pureblood, we have quiet a big library. On doing a bit research i found out about a cream that helped reduce werewolf scars. And again being a rowle has it's advantages. The rare ingredients were easy for me to get, so i have been supplying him with the cream for past few years.
"Yeah, i'll send in the new batch".
Grabbing the drink from James, i gulped it down. "Wanna dance?", he asked.
"Maybe later", smirking i motioned the bartender for another drink. He shrugged and dragged Remus to the floor. There were so many people dancing, with friends or strangers without a care in world.
After observing i realised that maybe clubbing was not that bad, i mean everyone had their story. So what if they don't have magic? They had their own responsibilities, expectations, their own demons and angels.
Some came here to simply enjoy, some to release their frustrations, some to drink away their problems.
Muggles aren't really any different than us, just like magic is a fantasy to them, science is to us. With it's grace muggles are able to do things we do, without magic, something we can't even imagine.
It's not their fault they don't have magic, and still they are leaving in peace without our knowledge. They have criminals, thieves, etc but we have Grindelwald and now Voldermort who i suppose are much more worse than them. Then why purebloods are so desperate to wipe out non-magic people?
They haven't done anything to us, why are we destroying them?
They are living their lives just like us!
Looking at the various people in the club, i realised that Voldermort wasn't going to get anything even if he succeeded. Sure he would get the power, maybe forced respect! And i think forced respect is much much worse than hate. You never know what the other person is thinking, for all he could be planning your murder.
He will go around forcing people, by imperio, kill muggles and muggle born witches and wizards, force half bloods by threatening them. Only the purebloods will have freedom, but neither will be happy.
People will live terrified of their lives, and no matter how many times Voldermort killed or used the unforgivable curses there will be always people who defy him. It's human tendency, we will always fight for our rights.
The more he unfurl the darkness the more determined people will get.
And with so many great wizards and witches around there are less chances that he actually wins. He will always be one step to success.
And no matter what, i will never work alongside him. I know my morals and no one can change them, i will fight like i always have. For my family, friends, James, this innocent muggles and especially myself. Let him force me all he wants, i am no quitter, i am not my father.
(AN/- Gosh i went so deep)
Realising that my drink was finished, i scanned the crowd for James. Unsurprisingly Sirius was dancing with some girl, while James and Rem were just jumping up and down on the tune.
Smiling i pushed through the crowd to reach them. James gave me a wide, heart melting smile when he saw me, giving me butterflies in my stomach. Remus just wriggled his eyebrows as i reached them and left to dance with some random girl.
His hair were tousled from the dancing, sweat glistening on his forehead. The neon lights flashing gave him an ethereal glow, highlighting his cheekbones. His eyes twinkled, drawing me in like a moth.
He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. We were almost touching as he stared intensely at me. He moved closer, resting his cheek against mine. A shiver ran down my spine, my stomach knotting.
"So wanna dance now?", he breathed in my ear.
I laughed at myself mentally. No matter how much i resist him or bury my feelings, they are never gonna go away. They will be there, forever and always.
Not trusting my voice i nodded my head. He moved his hands towards my waist making mine go around his neck and pulled me even closer if that even was possible. I saw Sirius smirking at me, disappearing with a wink.
I laughed loudly, making James grin at me. Maybe the alcohol was showing it's effects. I felt free, without any burdens. Just Melisende, not Melisende Rowle.
We started swaying as a new song started. Everything disappeared, nothing mattered any more. Just his eyes, his face, his touch and the closeness.
If you let me take your heart I will prove to you
We will never be apart if I'm part of you
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me
He twirled me around, earning a giggle from me. It felt so good, to dance with him and get lost in the depth of his eyes.
Big and black the clouds may be, the time will pass away
If you put your trust in me, i'll make bright your day
Look into these eyes now, tell me what you see
Don't you realise now, what you see is me
Tell me what you see
Arms snaked around my waist and he lifted me in air. Our faces were incredibly close, noses touching. His gaze flicked towards my lips, i felt as if someone had charmed us, intensifying our feelings by ten folds. This time my eyes wandered towards his lips, and i felt a sudden urge to kiss him. To tell him that i loved him as well. My brain had stopped working rationally.
I was drunk, drunk on the love and adoration in his eyes, the softness of his touch, the electrified sparks, the butterflies swarming my stomach.
Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can't you try to see that I'm trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me
Tell me what you see
For once i wanted to do something myself, not because others wanted me to. We had stopped dancing, just looking in each other's eyes as we held the other close.
The emotions in his eyes escalated, making me feel warm and fuzzy. Their sharpness made me wonder if it was possible to love someone so immensely. I could feel the memory replaying in my mind, the one where James had accepted that he loved me.
I needed no proof, his eyes screamed telling me that it was the truth.
Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can't you try to see that I'm trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me
He brought his lips closer to mine, pecking me softly, igniting a fire in me. He pulled back immediately as if afraid of rejection or crossing his limits.
He smiled at me lovingly. "I love you, I love you to the moon and back".
For the first time my mind and my heart felt on the same side, no internal battle. It felt as if replying by saying those three words was almost an instinct. And i followed it.
"I love you too".
His eyes widened, as he looked at me in disbelief. I nodded my head, repeating my words. "Yes, I love you, I always have".
And this time he kissed me, gripping my waist as if his life depended on it with the intention of never pulling back.
Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyy !!
You didn't see that coming did you?!?
I realised it will be better if they fought their battles together, not alone earning for each other.
Phew! Writing romance is not my thing. I have never been in love in my 17 years of life (a few months to 18). Just never really found the one. And i live in India, relationships are exactly not encouraged here. (If you are an indian you know what i mean)
So i really don't know how to write this stuff cause i have never felt it.
I hope you guys liked this chapter! Add it to your library and comment.
Btw the song is Tell me what you see by Beatles. I haven't listened the song, just copied the lyrics because they seem fitting. Please ignore it if you don't like it.
See ya soon! Enjoy, take care and make sure you are following the precautions for Coronavirus.
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