Chapter 4
"Diana! Guess what happened?" I yelled as I entered my home with Bear and Blake. Diana came into the Living room from the kitchen. "What?! Did someone die at school?! Oh. Hi Blake." Diana said, holding a kitchen knife. "Hi Mrs.Carter" Blake said waving at her. "So what happened?" Diana asked. I looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled. "Me and Blake are dating now." I said. There was a long pause until Harry bursted into the room with a towel around his waist soaking wet. "You are what now?!" Harry yelled surprisingly. Diana calmed him down. "Okay...Okay..."Harry took a deep breath and looked at Blake. "You hurt our Daughter and I will send West, Bear and myself to hunt you down and end your life." Harry growled. Blake put his hands up in defeat. "Don't worry sir, I won't hurt your daughter. I'll treat her like a princess." Blake said. "No, Like a queen." Diana said crossing her arms. Blake nodded. "I'll treat her like a queen when we marry." I covered my face with my hands at all of this embarrassment. "Please stop guys..." I said quietly. "Awe okay my princess" Blake said as he hugged me. Diana awed. Harry glared. West just wanted belly rubs.
"Okay. We'll be in my room. Yes I'll keep the door open and yes we'll keep it PG." I said dragging Blake upstairs. I opened my door and let Bear go so he could do whatever. Blake walked in and I followed behind him leaving the door open. Me and Blake just sat down on my bed facing each other. "I've known you for a week and I know damn well you don't have any attacks." Blake said smiling. I sigh. "My grandfather is out to get me, he hated the fact that my parents married and had me. So he lit my house on fire, my parents died but Diana was able to save me without any harm. So Bears my guard dog then my service animal." I told him. The look on his face was full of confusion.
I kissed his cheek. "But don't worry, he disappeared after he thought I died." I say reassuring him. Blake nodded. "Okay, I trust you." He said. "Avery! There's a spider on my bed!" West screamed. West seems like a grown man when he's in an animal form but in reality he's 6 years old. "Hang on!" I yelled and ran to his room. "Where's the spider?" I asked him, looking around his room. "There..." West pointed to his pillow that had a peacock spider. "West, this spider is friendly..." I say kinda disappointed. I walked over to the spider and picked it up gently. "See? It's harmless." I say walking over to him. "GET IT AWAY!!" He screamed. Causing Blake to run in.
"What's happening?" Blake questioned. "Avery has a spider and it's evil! She's evil!" West yelled, tears in his eyes. "Seriously? It's a peacock spider! Yeah it's venomous but it's fangs are too small to break skin. Plus it's extremely friendly." I said while walking over to the two boys. "Avery how do you know so much?" Blake asked. "Cause I payed attention to Ms.Jones when she talks about spiders." I simply say. I gave West a pat on the head and began to walk outside. Blake followed me. "But are you sure Ms.Jones is right? She owns snakes not spiders." He said. I shrugged. "Oh well. At least I'm saving it from Harry. He hates spiders." I opened to backyard door and sat down on the ground to let the spider wander off. After the spider got off of my hand I stood up and looked up at Blake.
"How tall are you?" I asked him. "Uh...6'2. Why?" Blake questioned. "I'm 5'1..." I looked down. "Awe! That just makes it even better for cuddles! Of course I'm big spoon." Blake smiled. I looked back up at him. "I hate you and your stupid tallness..." I began walking back inside to my room. "Hey! Come back!" Blake yelled and followed me.
Once we arrived to my room, I simply face planted onto my bed. "Do you want cuddles?" Blake asked. In which I simply nodded not wanting to talk. Blake chuckled and layed down next to me. "Cuddles it it then." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to his body. "Why are you so warm?" I asked, burying my head in his chest catching a brief scent of his natural scent. Pine cones, grass, and roses. I nuzzle my nose further into his chest and took a deep breath. Then something caught me off guard. Blake doesn't own any animals yet he smells like a dog. "Like my natural scent?" Blake asked. "I love it but how come you also smell like dog?" I asked him confused. "Oh, when I walk home there's a dog in an alley so I always pet them and give them food and water." He said. "That's so sweet." I smile. "This is way I love you." I kissed his cheek and went back to cuddles. Blake chuckled and kissed my forehead. "You are cute." He said.
"Shut up..." I pout. Blake chuckled. "Nah. You're so cute that I could write a book about all of your cuteness." He said. I simply smacked his arm. "Shut up before I send Bear on you..." I pout. "Aw I know Bear won't hurt me. He'll probably lick my cheek and woof." He smiled. "I hate it when you're right..." I say. "Honey I'm alway right." He kissed my cheek. "Oh yeah?" I questioned.
"Yep" He said with a smirk. "Well sorry to break your confidence but you're not alway right honey." I say with an evil smile. "Then what am I wrong at?" He asked. "You fail a lot of your tests and quizzes and you failed to notice after a week of us being friends slash dating." I smiled. "Okay the tests and quizzes don't count. What have I failed to notice Avery?" Blake questioned. "That I'm not a girl. I'm a boy." I look at him. "Wait, so...You're trans?" He asked. "I'm perfectly fine with that, though I would have been happier if you'd have told me earlier." He kissed my cheek. "I still love you tho." I roll my eyes. "I'm happy that you accept the fact that I'm a boy, but I'm biologically a boy. Was born a boy but was raised as a girl because of my feminine structure but I'm still a boy." I kiss him softly. "But I'm glad you wouldn't mind dating a guy." He smiled. "I'm glad you told me." He kissed my cheek. "As much as I'd want to take this further. I don't want Harry to kill me." I kissed his nose. "Then let's just cuddle and sleep. Thank god it's friday." I say.
Blake nods and he wraps his arms around my waist. I smiled and snuggled close to his chest. "Sleep well Avery." He said. "I love you" He kissed my forehead. "Love you too..." I say and fall asleep. Blake soon followed me into the dream world.
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