Chapter 3
It's been a month since Diana told me my backstory. I was a bit surprised as anyone else would be. I'm an Angel Demon hybrid. Diana is a angel. Harry is a Wizard. And West the german shepherd who I thought was a dog is really a shapeshifter who likes being a dog. Bear is just a fluffy puppy. The only thing normal in this house. I looked up at Harry. "How come I have to go to school?" I asked. Harry started writing in his mini notepad. 'Because you need to learn. Plus you might make a friend. Or even a boyfriend.' I shook my head. "Nope. No way in hell will I ever get a boyfriend. Why? Cause no one will like me..." I said lowly while looking down. I felt Harry place his hand on my shoulder. I look at him and smile.
"Even tho I can't hear you. I somehow know what you're saying" I smile and he returned the smile. "Avery! I hope you're ready for school! Cause we're leaving now!" Diana yelled from the kitchen. I pick up my galaxy print backpack and nodded. "Yep! I'm set." I said walking to the door. "Good." Diana said now in front of me. "And Bear has grown pretty fast. So I registered him as your service animal." Diana said happily handing me Bear's leash. "Seriously?" I asked excitedly. "Yep" She said.
I jumped up happily. "Bear! Here boy!" I call out. In just a few seconds Bear came running down the stairs and sitting in front of me. Now that I think of it. I don't think Bear is normal. He's only a month old and he already looks like a grown wolf. "Hey Diana?" I asked. "Is Bear enchanted or something?" I looked at her. "Harry did that. It's so Bear can protect you faster. And don't worry about his age. His soul is attached to yours, so when you die he'll die." She explained. "Got it." I attached Bear's leash to his collar. "Bye I'll see you after school." I waved goodbye to Harry as me and Diana walked to her car.
Arriving at school was easy. Finding the office was something else. I walked around the courtyard aimlessly. Until I bumped into a 'wall'. 'Who puts a wall in the middle of a field?' I thought and looked up. "Oh! S-Sorry!" I stepped back from the tall male, he wasn't as tall as Harry but still pretty tall. The male had a football jersey from the school, he had short brown hair with bleached tips, his eyes were a light brown. 'Yep. He's a football jock' I thought to myself. "Hey cutie, you do know a picture lasts longer right?" He asked in his deep baritone voice. "Sorry for staring!" I squeaked out. He chuckled and held out his hand. "I'm Blake." He said. I took his hand. "I'm Avery and this is my service animal Bear." I said smiling. Blake nodded. "Since I've never seen you here and the fact that you didn't fangirl over me. You're new right?" I nodded. "Yep. Where's the office?" I asked. "Really?" He started laughing. "Right behind you." He turned me around and pointed to the office. I blushed in embarrassment.
Blake chuckled softly. "Its okay cutie. Everyone makes the same mistake. If you want I could lead you to your classes." He said with a dorkish smile. "That would be nice." I smiled up at him. He nodded and lead me into the office. "Hello Blake. Haven't seen you in here in a while." Said the secretary. Blake chuckled. "Actually I'm here to help Avery here to get her schedule." He said pointing to me. 'He thinks I'm a girl? I mean my hair is pretty long...and my body is pretty feminine...I'll tell him later.' I thought and looked at the lady. "Hmm. What's your name young lady?" She asked. "Avery. Avery Krieg." I said. She hummed and typed my name in I think.
"Avery. You have a service animal correct?" She asked. "Yes. His name is Bear. He helps with my anxiety and my panic attacks..." I said while looking at Bear. 'I feel bad for lying...but Diana said it was for protection from my grandfather.' I hear she mumble something under her breath. "It says here that you have History first hour, Choir second hour. Theater 1 third hour, Algebra 2 fourth hour, lunch, English 2 honors fifth hour, and earth and space science sixth hour, Good luck." She said as she handed me my schedule. "Now go. Don't want to be late for class." With that we left the Office. "So good news, we have all classes together but choir and theater. Bad news is that my ex girlfriend is with us in those classes." Blake said.
"Why is that bad?" I asked. "She still thinks we're still together and gets extremely jealous over any girl that hangs out with me." He said. "Well don't worry, I think Bear will explain why we are hanging out. Just say that you feel bad about my panic attacks and that you want me to be able to warm up to people." I say smiling at my "evil" plan. "That actually might work, We should head to class so we can get good seats." I nodded and followed him to class.
~1 week later~
"Ugh I hate that Mrs.Jones never lets us do our homework in class!" Blake complaned. I shake my head. "Maybe her reason is because of our class. All anyone does is talk about how rich they are because of their relatives death will." I say. He groaned and rested his head on my back. Blake was currently sitting behind me, as I'm sitting in between his legs peacefully eating my lunch. "Did you get the homework done?" He asked, lifting his head up to my shoulder. "Yes." was my answer. He pouted. "No fair, you already did all of your homework." He huffed. "Not my fault that I want good grades to get into a college." I took a sip of my apple juice. "That's why I'm using football to get a scholarship." He said proudly. "Do you know the percentage of people who actually make it into the big leagues after college football?" I asked. "15%?" He questioned. "Wrong. 1% make it. I don't want to ruin your dreams but you need to rethink your future so you can get a good paying job to help support your family." I looked up at him and the look on his face was priceless. "Damn...But maybe I already know my future." He said smiling. "Oh yeah?" I turned around to look at him. "What's your future?" I asked. "I'll have a big dog." He rubbed the top of Bears head. "I'll have a kid or two." He looked at me in the eyes. "And my wife will be..." He inched close to my face. "You" He whispered and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. As soon as I was about to kiss back someone interrupted us. "Excuse me. No PDA at school." Mrs.Allen the P.E teacher said. Blake pulled away. "Sorry Mrs.Allen." He said in a panic. She nodded and walked away. He looked at me. "Sorry Avery." He looked down. "Hey Blake?" I asked. He looked up. "Yeah?" I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I hope I'm your wife in the future too." I smiled at him.
Blake was frozen for a bit until he finally realized what I had said and tackled me into a hug. "Are you for real?!" He said excitedly. "Yes I am." I kissed his forehead.
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