Daniel's POV
Wow he was so kind!
Joey- It's a pleasure to meet you your Highness. I am Prince Joseph of Aedon.
Alexandru- Ah, Aedon. That's a long trip, what brings you here?
Joey- We have traveled here for our kingdom is in terrible danger and the lives of my people are at stake.
Alexandru- What has happened?
Joey- My father; the king and a boy were turned into a monster by a witch and the kingdom is being destroyed. We need your help to defeat it.
Alexandru- Well we will definitely do our best to help you and your kingdom.
Joey- Thank you, you are very kind.
Alexandru- Come take seat so we can discuss.
Hope- I must be going now.
Hope said and she walked to the door.
Joey- Oh, well thank you very much for your help Hope.
Hope left and the king lead us through to another room where we could sit down. Then he took notice of me.
Alexandru- Who is this?
He said gesturing to me. Joey went to speak but I cut him off.
Joey- He's my-
Daniel- No one important.
Joey looked confused but I just gestured for the King to continue.
Alexandru- Alright... well what happened?
Joey- Well first of all me and Daniel found a box in a magic cave a long time ago. We lost it for a long time. Then a few days ago we found it and we were able to open it. Inside was a map to Romania and a note. Unfortunately the box was lost when we were shipwrecked. So what happened was back at Aedon we were just outside the castle and some witch comes up to the king and casts some spell on him. A boy unintentionally got in the way, causing them to both become a monster.
Alexandru- I know the box you speak of.
Daniel- What? How?
Alexandru- Because I sent it.
Joey- What?!
Alexandru- Did you read the note?
Daniel- Yes we did.
Alexandru- I am the king it speaks of.
Joey- Wow...
Alexandru- Many, many years ago, my wife gave birth to a son. He was our only child and so the kingdom's sole heir. One day the Queen went for a ride alone in the forest and she never returned home, I still don't know what happened to my wife.
Joey- Oh I'm so sorry.
Alexandru- I took our son to a prophet that would foresee his future. The prophet foretold that a great danger shall come for the Prince. A monster that would seek to destroy all in it's path. I had to send my son away to keep him safe, since my wife disappeared he was the only heir for Braștov. I sent him away with my most loyal servant named Jerold, who I always trusted. He took both my son and hid the box which would be found when the time was right and I guess it was. You must find the second half of the key. Then you will be able to defeat the beast which will save your kingdom, bring back my wife and the heir of Braștov.
Joey- Where is the key?
Alexandru- In the heart of the Braștov forest, to the south.
Daniel- Can you help us find it?
Alexandru- I can take you to the key and I can give you a boat to get back to Aedon but I cannot go with you to Aedon, I must stay and take care of my people and you must take care or yours.
Joey- Thank you.
Alexandru- Well we mustn't waste anytime now. You have a kingdom to save!
Joey- You are right, let's go!
Joey's POV
We traveled through the Romanian forest for many hours and the whole way King Alexandru told us is incredible battle stories. My father would never go into battle himself for it would 'ruin the kingdom if anything was to happen to him.'
Alexandu- Of course I go into battle, I would never put my men in danger without being there along side them.
It was now getting dark and he told us about the time they came across pirates whilst exploring new islands.
Alexandru- And just as I was about to impale the pirate with my sword the leader of the pirates came from behind me and sliced my hand, with one finger hanging off I was able to finish them both off, saving my men who the pirates had captured!
He exclaimed, acting out a few part of his story.
Alexandru- And that's why I'm missing my left pinky finger.
He said, showing us his four fingered hand.
His stories were incredible and he was truly an amazing king, much unlike my father.
Joey- That sounds amazing, I wish I had adventure like that in my life!
Alexandru- You do, right now, this is an adventure!
I could tell Daniel was also really enjoying the stories because he had also never heard of such adventure. The King was a very interest man.
Alexandru- Look! We are here!
He exclaimed and I looked around. I saw that we had made it to a clearing and in the middle of the large clearing was an enormous tree. The tree had dazzling lights intertwined in the branches and stood tall above all the other trees, it was magical and I gasped in awe.
Alexandru- This is the magical oak tree of giving and foreseeing. The day I sent away my son I hid the second half of the key inside the tree. Only the two chosen hero travelers can retrieve it.
Daniel- Chosen ones? We are just travelers trying to save Joey's kingdom, we are nothing special.
Alexandru- I guess there is only one way to know. Ask the tree for the key.
Joey- Ask... the tree...?
Alexandru- It's not just some tree, it's a magical tree, now go and we will see.
Joey- Alright...
I said unconvinced and Daniel and I walked up to the magical tree. It was even more stunning and enormous close up.
I looked briefly at Daniel and noticed how stunning he himself looked in the soft light emitting from the tree. He glanced back at me and flashed the smile that made me fall in love with him and I was reminder why I was doing this. For him.
Once we were in front of the tree I didn't know what to say so I looked back at the Romanian king.
Joey- What do I say?
Alexandru- Listen to your heart, it will tell you what to say.
I turned back to the tree, think deep deep down to what my heart was saying.
Joey- Uh, I am Prince Joseph of Aedon, we have come before you to ask for the key of Braștov. We need it to defeat the monster and bring peace to the kingdom.
A sudden gust of wind picked up and the whole tree rustled. The branches swung and the lights twinkled.
Suddenly I heard a voice in my ears.
Tree- You have come for the key?
I gasped since the voice sounded like it had come from inside my head.
Joey- Did you hear that?
I asked Daniel and he nodded.
Daniel- Um... yes, we have come for the key.
Daniel said and the tree shifted once again before speaking inside our ears again.
Tree- And who are you?
I looked at Daniel and he looked nervous.
Daniel- Um... I, uh I'm Daniel, I don't have a title, I am but a simple servant accompanying Prince Joseph.
I was dissatisfied with his answer.
Joey- Actually, he's a lot more than that, he's the love of my life and is very special.
I said half to the tree and half to Daniel and a huge smile made it's way to his beautiful lips.
Tree- Is that so?
Joey- Yes, and I mean every word.
I said truthfully, I wasn't going to lie to a magic tree of wisdom. We waited for a few moments before the tree finally replied loudly.
Tree- You are deemed worthy.
I let out a sigh of relief and the middle of the large trunk suddenly split, revealing a silver, engraved box. Then the tree whispered one last thing.
Tree- You have the key.
(A/N: I want a magic wisdom tree... 1/3 remaining chapters before the end!!! the count down has begun!!! Word count; 1450 words. Thanks for reading, KEEP VOTING PLEASE it doesn't take long to hit the vote button and it makes me feel like people actually enjoy this story, thanks to all the people who always vote and comment. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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