XXIX - Aedon
Third person's POV
Joey reached out and took the silver box from the tree. The second it's contact with the tree ended everything went black.
Slowly Joey opened his eyes, frantically looking around. He was trying to figure out where he was and why, but mainly he was trying to find Daniel and make sure he was okay.
Joey stood up, looking around. He saw that they were no longer anywhere near the magical tree and it was now morning. Joey turned around and he could faintly see the highest pillars and turrets of the Braștov castle far in the distance.
Joey was confused about how he ended up back near the castle. The last thing he remembered was taking the box from the tree.
Joey walked a few paces and then saw something sticking out from behind a tree.
Joey- Daniel?
He said hopefully but once he walked closer and it was in view he saw that it was King Alexandru. He was lying on the moss asleep.
Joey- King Alexandru?
Joey said shaking the sleeping King by his shoulders. He quickly awoke.
Alexandru- What? Prince Joseph?
Joey- Yes.
Alexandru- Where are we?
Joey- We are just a little bit from your castle but I don't know how we got here.
Alexandru- It was the magic tree, it doesn't want anyone else to find it.
Joey saw the silver box lying on the ground just beside the King and so he picked it up.
Joey- Oh okay, have you seen Daniel? I can't find him.
Joey said frantically as he was now getting rather worried.
Alexandru- Is that him?
He pointed to what looked like a foot sticking out from behind a log.
Joey- Daniel!
Joey was about to leap up and go to the sleeping boy when the King held his arm, turning him back to face him.
Alexandru- You really care for that boy? Don't you?
Joey- Oh, um yeah. I really, really do.
Joey said with smile and the King mirrored it.
Alexandru- That is wonderful, never stop. No matter what anyone tells you Prince Joseph, never give up on your love because in the end it's the only thing that will truly matter.
Joey- Thank you so much.
Alexandru- Take care of him, he will need it.
The King mumbled something else under his breath but Joey didn't hear it.
Joey's POV
Joey- Don't worry, I will always take care of him. I love him.
Alexandru- Then you better hurry and get back to your kingdom. You have a lot of people to save.
Joey- Yes, I will.
I went over to Daniel who was still lying on the mossy ground, unconscious. I shook him a bit and just as his eyes began to flutter I pressed my lips onto his. I could tell he was confused at first but then melted into my touch once he realized it was me. I pulled back and his eyes blinked opened again. His eyes were so perfect, a striking, forest green with tiny specks of ocean blue. His plump lips molded with mine oh so well and I felt like I could kiss him forever. Unfortunately the King was waiting.
We stood up and followed the King back to the castle.
Alexandru- There will be a boat waiting for you down at the shore, fully equipped with supplies.
Joey- You are so kind.
We had made it back to the castle and we said our goodbyes.
Alexandru- Well, this is as far as I can help you on this journey.
Joey- Thank you, we really appreciate you help.
Daniel's POV
Daniel- Yes, it was very helpful and I really appreciate and admire your selflessness.
Alexandru- It was my pleasure.
King Alexandru and Joey shook hands in farewell and then the King walked towards me. He went for a hand shake but I ignored it and engulfed him in a hug. I hadn't known him very long but I felt like I had known him my entire life and he was special. He showed me a kindness that you don't find in just anyone. I wish I could be more like him.
Alexandru- Always be yourself Daniel. Never forget who you are inside and you will achieve incredible things. Always believe in yourself and you will be okay.
He whispered in my ear so only I could hear.
Daniel- Thank you.
I whispered back and we mutually released from our hug.
Joey- Well, we must be going now.
Daniel- Yup, goodbye!
I called as we walked away and towards the kingdom's village.
Me and Joey walked back through the village and towards the beach. As we were walking I spotted the kind lady that had given us the loaf of bread when we arrived. She looked kind of poor and I got an idea.
Daniel- Hey Joey, can I have your necklace?
I asked him pointing to his pearl necklace that matched my own.
Joey- What? Why? I never take it off.
Daniel- Just trust me.
He raised an eyebrow but unclipped the latch an handed it to me. I took mine off as well and then walked over to the lady who was sitting on the side of the street.
Lady- Hello again.
Daniel- Hello, I have something for you, as a gift to thank you for your true kindness.
I opened her palm and placed the necklaces in it, closing her hand before she could see what it was.
Lady- Thank you, you are a very kind soul. I wish you the best for your travels.
Daniel- Thank you.
I walked away, back to Joey, before she could try and return them.
Joey- That was very nice, but those were our special necklaces?
Daniel- I don't need some necklace Joey, I have you and you are all I ever need. Besides, I think they would be more useful to her.
I glanced back at the lady who was currently hugging what looked like her son.
Joey smiled widely and softly kissed my cheek so I kissed his forehead.
X- These are where the food and water supplies are, here is the mast and over there is the helm. Sleeping quarters are in there.
We followed around the kind man who was showing us around the large sail boat.
Joey- Thank you, I think we should probably be on our way now.
X- Yes, you mustn't delay, you have a Kingdom to save so I heard.
Daniel- Yep, well let's go!
The man left. We untied the ropes that were keeping the ship docked and began slowly drifting out to sea.
The ocean was a lot calmer on the way back than the way there. The winds were calm and the skies where clear and blue. After two days of easy sailing I sighted land from the crows nest.
Daniel- Land aho- Ah what the heck! JOEY! JOEY, THERE'S LAND!!!
Joey looked out over the ocean where I was frantically pointing and he could see it as well.
Before too long we were pulling up onto the shore.
We made it, we are back in Aedon.
(A/N: I don't know what to say.... next chapter is THE.LAST.ONE. I'm so sad. It will be going up later today. There will be an epilogue after the final chapter so stay tuned for it. Word count; 1251 words. Well thanks for reading, please add, vote, comment, follow, share, etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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