XV - Come home
(The song above doesn't really have much to do with the chapter it's just really nice, you should listen to it)
(Warning: this chapter may cause your Janiel hearts to ache. UneFilleDeLaNuit I'm getting you back hehe.)
(*Laughs evilly.* Plz don't hate me... Enjoy...)
Daniel's POV
My face was pressed into the carpet and my heart was still racing. Joey had left with his father and now I am alone. I can't see because it is dark underneath his bed.
What is this? I wonder as my fingers run along a smooth, patterned, wooden surface. I crawl out from under the bed and pull out the mysterious wooden object.
It's a box? Why is there a box here? It has intricate patterns carved into the exterior of the wood. It also hads two little indents in the side that looked kind of like a keyhole. (Sound familiar?) I still have no idea what it is.
Suddenly there was a knocking at the door and I quickly put the box down on a chair and was ready to hide again when the door burst open.
A familiar voice calls. Oh good it's just Joey.
Daniel- Yeah, I'm in here.
Joey- Oh good, I was worried.
Daniel- Why were you worried? What did the king want?
Joey- Uh... N-nothing important. (Dint lie Joseph)
Daniel- Um... okay?
I said as more of a question than a statement.
Joey- U-um let's... go... to bed.
Daniel- Why are you acting so weird?
Joey- I'm not... come on.
Daniel- Alright.
I trust Joey with my life... so why do I feel like he's hiding something?
~The next morning~
Joey's POV
I need to tell Daniel what I agreed to doing. I have no idea how I'm going to do it. I really hope he doesn't take it too bad. Well here goes...
I roll over to see Daniel facing the opposite way. I realize we slept the entire night back to back. We never do that. He's already upset, he's definitely not going to take it well now! But I still have to, I can't lie to him, I love him too much.
Joey- Danny.
I softly whispered in his ear. He stirred but didn't wake up.
Joey- Danny, wake up.
I said, this time trailing soft kisses from his cheek down the back of his neck.
This seemed to work for he began moving and then rolled over to face me.
His eyes fluttered before opening entirely. I was met with a sight of his striking, bright, forest green eyes. I love his eyes so much, they look like a secret entrance to a whole other mystical world. I could stare into them forever.
A small smile made its way to both of our lips before I connected them for a sweet morning kiss. We both continued smiling into the kiss and I still felt the sparks- no- fireworks like the very first time we kissed on the mountain top. I knew this was the man I would love forever.
He shuffled closer to me, I wrapped my arms around him protectively and played with the soft strands of hair on the back of his head as he melted into my touch. I wish I could always protect him from all the horrible realities of the real world. I wish I could just keep him here, where he would be safe. Or I could leave with him, leave everything behind and just travel away with him. I would do anything for him. That is why I agreed to the kings deal. For him.
Joey- Danny?
Daniel- Yes, pig?
He grinned mischievously but his smile soon dropped when I didn't say anything snarky back and he looked up at my face.
Daniel- What's wrong?
Joey- Nothing.
Daniel- Then why's your face all sad? I can read you like a book Joey, don't lie, just tell me what's wrong so I can help.
Joey- Well, you know last night... when my father wanted to talk to me?
Daniel- Mmhm.
We moved a little farther back from each other so we could talk.
I held his hand, nervously playing with his fingers. I looked down at them, avoiding eye contact.
Joey- Well it was about a few things. The first was courting, he said how I'll be eighteen in a month and I still haven't found a princess to marry. He said he will find me a suitable one since I seem unable to decide.
Daniel looked confused but gestured for me to continue.
Joey- He knows about you, about us.
Daniel- What do you mean? How could he know about us?
Daniel said nervously, looking scared.
Joey- Not that we are together, or even gay. Just that we are friends. Remember years ago when he said we couldn't be friends, I wasn't even allowed near you?
Daniel- Yeah, of course. The king hated me.
Joey- Well he said we can be friends. I'm allowed to hang around you, take you places, do everything together.
Daniel- What?! You're kidding right?
Joey- Nope.
Daniel- Your dad?! The king?! Oh wait, extremely homophobic king, is letting his only son be friends with a homosexual?!
I laughed at his statement and his disbelief.
Joey- Well... he kind of thinks that he 'cured' you...
Daniel- Ahahaha! 'Cured' me? I'm as gay as they come. What a fucktard...
Joey- Well you're not wrong... Anyways, there was one condition...
Daniel- Condition?
Joey- Yeah there's just one thing I have to do.. so that we can be friends.
Daniel- Well, what is it?
Joey- I have to marry the princess he chooses.
Daniel- What? No! Don't take the deal. It's not worth it!
Joey- I have to Daniel! Hes letting us be friends! You can have anything you want.
Daniel- Except you...
Joey- It's the only way I can keep you safe Daniel! If I don't take the deal something might happen to you!
Daniel- That doesn't matter. You can't go around pretending to be something you're not forever!
Joey- I'm not pretending! I have to marry a princess Daniel, my father's making me!
I didn't mean to raise my voice but I was surprised when Daniel started to.
Daniel- You can't marry one of them, Joey why don't we just leave? What's the point of staying here?
Joey- We.. I.. can't leave, Daniel. I'm going to be king soon.
Daniel- Oh, yeah. King. I guess that's more important to you! I guess I was stupid for ever thinking that I was enough for you!
Joey- I've already taken the deal, I'm trying to keep you safe! It's the only way we can be together!
I moved towards him to touch him. I latched onto his wrist and he literally flinched. I watched as fear filled his eyes. I suddenly remember all of the stories Daniel told me about Tyler, how he used to yell at him, grab his wrists, then emotionally, physically and sexually abuse him. How could I do this? I am so stupid! I forgot about the major consensual touch issues Daniel has, as any normal person would after being raped. Daniel, the love of my life, the one I cared for more than anything else in the world was afraid of me, and it was my fault.
I immediately released his wrist.
Joey- Oh my gosh! Daniel I'm so sorry, I didn't mean t-
He cut my apology off. His eyes still showing fear but I could tell he was trying to calm down enough to speak.
Daniel- No Joseph. (Don't use the full name Danny, it's scary) We can't. We can't be together if you are going to marry one of them.
He removed himself from my reach and moved farther away. By now we were already sitting on opposite sides of the bed facing each other.
Daniel- I'm already a secret, I'm not going to be some prince's secret affair. I'm done being a toy, you know what happened in my past, well I'm not going to let it happen again. Enjoy your crown, marry a princess, become king, I'm sure that will bring you all the happiness you need in life. Goodbye Joey.
Daniel started to get off the bed. He walked over to the balcony window.
Joey- I need you Daniel! I need you so much more than you know. Please don't leave me!
I said begging him to stay.
Joey- Where are you going?
I said quietly, trying to not make him even more scared.
Daniel- I don't know, not here.
Joey- When will you be back?
Daniel- It's more if than when.
Joey- Please don't go Danny.
I said begging him to stay as the tears already filling my eyes started to blind me.
Daniel- I.. I h-have, to. I might be back later tonight. I just need some time to be alone and think.
Joey- O-okay well please b-be safe, I-I love you.
He sighed and climbed out the balcony window, but not before he said;
Daniel- I love y-you too.
He sniffled and I watched him climb down the vine and run into the forest. I kept my eyes on him until he was completely out of sight.
Once he was gone the tears that had filled my now glossy eyes began to leak. They trailed down my cheeks at a steady flow. Thank goodness he said I love you back. I don't know what I would have done if he didn't.
The whole day I clung onto the hope that he said he might come back later tonight. I sat on a balcony chair just waiting for hours, tears still silently flooding my cheeks. It still hadn't hit me that he was really gone. Eventually as day slowly transitioned into night my eyes started drooping but I tried to stay awake.
I needed Danny to come back, to come home.
(A/N: Janiel just had a fight!!!! I bet that you weren't expecting that! Will Daniel be alright? Will something have happened to him or will he come home and forgive Joey? Find out next freaking time!!! Now that all of the big time skips are out of the way the story can continue. Word count: 1733 words. Thanks for reading, please add, vote, comment, follow, etc. Thanks, love you, as you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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