XIV - Okay
~One year later, Daniel is 17 and Joey will be 18 in one month~
Third person's POV
Daniel- Hey Joey. How was the courting today?
The raven haired boy called from a low tree branch overhanging the river.
Joey- Hi Danny. As horrible as ever.
The lighter haired boy replied as he joined the other. Now that they were away from their responsibilities and prying eyes they could finally be themselves. They linked hands; interlocking their fingers and the shorter boy leaned his head on the others shoulder.
Daniel- There wasn't a single decent person?
Joey- Nope. I'm sure that some of the girls were more interested in the village boys and the ones who weren't were talking to me as if they had something better to do!
Daniel- Wow.
Daniel said laughing a little and Joey let out a small chuckle.
Joey- I don't think this will last much longer, I can only turn down so many princesses before my dad just picks someone for me. I wish I didn't have to get married.
Daniel- Don't you ever want to get married?
The taller boy had always fantasized about meeting the right person, settling down, getting married and spending the rest of his life with them when he was younger.
Joey- I don't know, not if they aren't the right person.
Daniel- How would you know if it's the right person?
Joey- Because it would be you.
The smaller boy looked lovingly up at the other who's face was plastered with shocked.
Daniel- Wait, you would marry me?
The boy had always loved the other and would dream about being with him forever but he never thought it could ever become a reality.
Joey- Of course, I love you!
Daniel- Well I love you too and I think I would marry you too, although I don't think the king would be too happy about that.
Daniel said laughing and Joey laughed as well.
Joey- Yeah I think you're right, he would kill me if he ever knew about any of this.
Daniel- I think it would be more likely for him to kill me.
Daniel said half joking, half serious.
Joey- Well you're not exactly wrong...
Before the mood got too dark and deep the boys decided to go for a swim in the river. They were at a specific spot that was only known to them and Jerold, Joey's trusted butler, who had always supported the two like a parental figure since neither of the two really had one.
The lovers just swam and relaxed for hours for this was the only real time they got to spend alone with each other apart from at night. It was between Daniel's jobs and Joey's courting and studying.
The two boys had no clue what the future had in store for them, the twists, turns and surprises. All they could do was hope they would make it through together, hand in hand, for the rest of their lives and possibly beyond. But they had no idea of the events that would take place very soon.
Joey's POV
Daniel and I were seated on the edge of my bedroom balcony, overlooking the kingdom while soaking up the last rays of the setting sun. The sky adorned with a painting of colour and light. Just enjoying the comfortable silence and each other's company.
We made our way back into my room once the sun had finally set and were preparing to get into bed. It was still early in the evening but we were both tired. We hopped under the covers. I pulled Daniel closer to me and I could tell he was drifting off to sleep and so was I when...
I jolted up immediately, knowing the voice calling me from outside my door knocking. It was the king, my father.
King- JOSEPH! Open the door!
Joey- Daniel, quick, get under my bed.
I whispered, terrified.
Daniel had also been woken from his half asleep state by my father's booming voice. But he wasn't moving. I lightly pushed him but that resulted in him falling right of the bed with a thud.
Daniel- Ow!
King- Joseph, what was that?
Daniel then realised who was at the door and quickly shuffled under my bed without a sound. Once he was out of sight I made my way to the door and opened it.
King- What was that thud Joseph?
Joey- Ahh... it was me, of course, I fell off the bed.
He looked at me skeptically.
Joey- Anyway, what did you need?
King- I need to speak with you immediately, come to my study so we can talk.
I glanced back at the bed. I really don't want to leave Daniel alone, even if he is in my room. It's not safe for him in the castle unless I'm with him. There was no way I could refuse my father or even lock the door because he would question it.
Joey- Um, okay.
I shut my bedroom door and followed the king down the hall. We made it to his study/ conference room And we sat opposite each other.
King- So Joseph we have a few things to discuss. About a year ago I told you we would begin trying to find you a suitable princess to marry, it's been a year Joseph! Why haven't you found one? Have none of them been good enough? We've introduced you to so many!
Joey- No father it's just...
King- Just what Joseph?!
Joey- I don't feel anything with them. I don't want to marry someone I don't love.
King- I'm sure you are perfectly capable of loving any of those princesses.
Joey- No, I want it to be real, not for Money or a crown. I don't want forced 'love'.
King- A year ago I told you I would let you choose who you would marry but we've run out of time! You turn 18 in a month! So I have made the decision to choose the princess you will wed since you seem incapable of doing so.
Joey- What? No! I can't!
King- Why not?
Joey- Um... I...
King- Exactly. Now Joseph there's more things to discuss.
I sigh annoyed.
Joey- What?
King- So I understand you've made a little friend have you? That servant boy, no?
I was suddenly less annoyed and a lot more anxious.
King- Despite the fact I told you I didn't want you around him.
Joey- Uhh... I just... what about it...
I tried to be strong but my fear started showing as I remembered I left Daniel alone, in my unlocked room where anyone could find him.
King- Well I've been watching the boy over the years he has been working here and it seems he's never caused any more trouble. He must had grown up and been cured of that awful disease.
It made me sad that my father still felt the same way about gays. It wish I could have parents that were accepting or live in a world where it wasn't thought of as some horrible disease.
King- And so I've decided to let you be friends with him.
My jaw dropped. I was shocked. The extremely homophobic king just told his son he could be friends with a boy who had almost been killed because he was homosexual.
Joey- Wait really?!
King- At one cost.
Anything, I'll take it! Anything for Daniel...
King- You will marry before your eighteenth birthday.
That. Of all things. The one thing I can't do. Why does life have to do this to me?!
King- Well Joseph?
I needed to make a choice, either Daniel would be safe and I could be around him as often as I wanted but I would have to marry a princess and I know Daniel wouldn't be happy with that or don't marry a princess which would probably lead to something bad happening to Daniel. Either I hurt Daniel emotionally or someone does physically. I can't have Daniel taken away or anything happen to him...
Joey- Okay.
(A/N: I'm at a McDonald's free wifi! Joey took the kings deal! What is Daniel going to say about it?!? Hey, how are you doing? Are you having a good day? I hope you liked this chapter! I wrote it in the car going away :'). The Janiel drought is still going!!! Ah!! Word count: 1421 words. Thanks for reading, please vote, comment, follow etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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