XII - Closer
~Three months later (Joey is still 15 and it's Daniel's 15th birthday)~
Joey's POV
I woke up cold and alone, as always. No one to wrap my arms around and cuddle into. No one to softly kiss my forehead.
I sat up at looked down at my neat covers and to my side at a lone flower lying on my bedside dresser. A soft smile made it's way to my lips. A slight breeze crept through my open window which lead to the balcony.
I decided to get up and begin my day. I walk over to my closet and picked out some clothes to wear. Once I was all ready I made my way to the dining room where croissants were laid on the table. I picked up two chocolate ones and headed outside.
Daniel- BOO!
Daniel jumped out from behind a courtyard pillar and tried to scare me. Unfortunately he didn't succeed.
Daniel- I scared you!
Joey- No...
Daniel- Oh, well I tried.
Joey- Yeah, you tried.
I gave him his croissant to eat and we walked out to the garden so he could keep working.
Joey- Hey guess what tomorrow is Mister.
Daniel- Um... I believe that's a Wednesday.
Joey- It's December the 16th!
Daniel- Yup, definitely a Wednesday.
Joey- No silly it's a special day.
Daniel- Uh... it's... Oh I know, it's lasagna night!
Joey- It's your birthday!
Daniel- Oh! Really? Well that's kinda cool but why is that so exciting?
Joey- Because birthdays are special and we are going to spend the whole day together!
Daniel- But we do that everyday anyway?
Joey- But I convinced my parents to change their trip to the Saigngate Castle to tomorrow, they wont be back until the day after tomorrow!
Daniel- Oh great! So what are we going to do?
Joey- It's a surprise sweetie!
Daniel- No, I hate surprises!
Joey- Well too bad, you have to wait to find out.
Daniel- Fine.
~Later that day, at night~
Joey- Hey Daniel, what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?
Daniel- What do you mean?
We were currently in bed, Daniel spooning me from behind. I could tell from his voice that he was on the edge of sleep.
Joey- For a present.
Daniel- You get presents on your birthday?
Joey- Yeah.
Daniel- Why?
Joey- Well it's a way for someone who loves you to show you how much they appriecite you in their life.
Daniel- Wouldn't it make more sense for me to get you something?
Joey- Why do you think that?
Daniel- Well because you appreciate me everyday and then on my birthday I can get you a gift to pay you back.
Joey- Well how about I get you something on your birthday since it's your special day and if you want you can get me something on mine, deal?
Daniel- But I missed your birthday.
Joey- It's alright, there will be another one next year.
Daniel- Okay deal.
My tiredness was catching up on me as well and I yawned.
Daniel- You sound tired J we should go to sleep.
Joey- Okay, night Danny.
Daniel- Night J, see you tomorrow.
~Next morning, approximately 6.30am~
Daniel's POV
It was morning and the birds had woken me up. I crept out of bed, making sure to not disturb Joey who would sleep for another few hours. Leaving Joey's room before the kingdom awoke was the best way to not get caught. I remade the bed so Joey was neatly tucked in it and left through the balcony window, but not before I left a single lilac flower on Joey's bedside dresser. It was so he doesn't worry about where I am like the first time I left early, but now he knows what it means. I left the window open behind me and climbed down the vine. I started off with my chores at the stables so that I could be back at the castle gardens by the time Joey woke up.
A few hours later I was back at the castle and Joey came out to greet me.
Daniel- Morning J.
Joey- Morning Danny. Happy birthday!!!
Daniel- Thanks.
Joey- Your finally 15 you old man, how does it feel?
Daniel- You know your 15 too...
Joey- Oh yeah.
Daniel- But it feels good.
Joey- Great. Come on, my parents have already left so you can come inside with me so I can get you a special birthday breakfast to start off your special day!
Daniel- Okay.
We went to the castle and Joey brought me to the huge dining room table in the even bigger dining room. He sat me down and then disappeared into the kitchen. I looked around at the huge room, it's columns towering well above me, the shiny floor waxed till I could see my reflection. I stared at my reflection at noticed how out of place I looked in this huge room. I don't know why I am here, what have I ever done to deserve this, I didn't deserve to be inside a castle, to have nice clothes and especially not such a wonderful boyfriend. I would feel sorry for anyone dating me but somehow Joey always made me feel like I was worth something and never hesitated to let me know how much he cares about me, someone as pathetic as me. I don't know why because I am definitely not enough for someone as amazing as him. He deserve someone who can care for him as much as he does for me. Someone who can return every favor and keep him safe. He deserves a Prince like himself, not a servant like me.
I looked up from my floor reflection as Joey appeared from the kitchen with a tray of delicious looking food and my thoughts were only justified further.
Daniel- Wow Joey this is amazing, you didn't have to do all of this, or any of it.
Joey- Of course I did, because I love you.
Daniel- I love you too.
Joey- Now eat up!
Another kind thing I could never return. He does so much for me and all I am is a hassle. Joey should be preparing to be a king or finding someone better than me rather than wasting his time with me.
I dug into the incredible delicacies, I certainly wasn't going to waste Joey's time and food.
Daniel- Mmm Joey this is so good!
Joey- Thanks but I didn't make it, I can't cook at all. Jerold made it.
Daniel- I'll make sure to thank him later but still thank you Joey.
Joey- For what?
Daniel- For everything, just everything you have done for me. I appreciate it all so much and I don't really know what I did to deserve all of this let alone you. You brought me out of a hole I was trapped in and you showed me the world so just thank you.
Joey- Daniel, thank you too.
Daniel- What for?
Joey- Because even though you might not know it I was also trapped in a endless hole of my own. My life revolved around who my parents wanted me to be and not who I wanted to. You showed me a whole other world that I could have never found on my own. Not just a new way of living but in this world I found love and it has been the best experience of my life and I sure hope it never ends. So Daniel thank you so much and I love you, like a lot. I was going to give you this later but I feel like now Is the right time.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. He opened it revealing a beautiful ring. It was gold, rose gold and silver.
Joey- This is a promise ring. It symbolizes my promise to always love you no matter what and that I will always be here for you and I hope you do too.
He took the ring out of the box, tears of joy running down both of our faces. And he slid it onto my right ring finger.
Daniel- I love you too, like a lot.
What Joey said really opened my eyes and I started to appreciate things more instead of wondering why it happened.
We spent the entire day together just spending time with each other doing random fun things. Once it was evening we came back to the castle and I cooked Joey some dinner to say thank you for the amazing day and he helped because he didn't want me to cook alone on my birthday. It was actually a lot of fun cooking together and we made a big vegetarian pizza. After we had eaten Joey brought me out of the dining room and started leading me to the part of the castle I had never been in. When we were in the corridor he made me stop and he put a blindfold on me. I was skeptical at first but went along with it. I felt him bring me into an unknown room before removing my blindfold, revealing the room.
Joey's POV
I brought Daniel into the mystery room blindfolded and he gasped once I removed it.
Daniel- WOW! What is this room? It's HUGE!
Joey- Haha. Well you remember when you said my bedroom looked like a ballroom? This is the ballroom.
Daniel- It's the size of... I don't know! I've never seen a room this big! Why is it so big?
Joey- Well like it says in the name balls are held here. When we have balls people are invited from all different kingdoms across the land to gather for a special event and then everyone dances.
Daniel- They all dance? I don't know how to dance.
Joey- Well then i'll have to teach you.
I reached out my hand so he could take it and said;
Joey- Will you do me the pleasure of dancing with me, my handsome love?
He grinned and took my hand.
Daniel- Of course, my handsome Prince.
I brought him to the middle of the dance floor. I placed his arms over my shoulders and mine around his waist.
Then I pulled him closer.
(A/N: Awwwe. Currently in a Janiel drought, it sucks! Hope this chapter help cure your Janiel addictions in this troubling time. Word count: 1756 words. Thanks for reading, please add, vote, comment, follow etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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