XI - I like you, silly
~A few weeks later~
Joey's POV
Daniel- Hey Joey.
Joey- Hiya Daniella.
Daniel- How was your dinner Josephina?
Joey- Really awkward like every night. My Dad kept trying to start dumb conversations and my Mum literally said nothing the whole time and Nicole kept being rude to the servants so I just ignore all of them.
Daniel- Sounds wonderful.
He said sarcastically laughing.
Joey- Not funny. Here, I brought you a ham and tomato bread roll.
Daniel- Mmm thanks, I'm starving.
I passed it to him and he took a big bite of it.
Daniel- Do you want some?
Joey- No you have it, they don't give you enough to eat and I already had dinner.
Daniel- Okay.
Joey- Hows your gardening going?
Daniel had been assigned to taking care of the little gardens around the castle, and it just so happened to be underneath my bedroom balcony, which made it easy to sneak him in.
Daniel- Good. Can you hold this for a second?
He passed me a small garden shovel so that he could finish his bread roll.
Joey- Oh look, I just planted all these flowers. I did such a great job, didn't I?
I said with a mischievous grin.
Daniel- You did not plant those, I did!
He said with a mouth full of bread roll.
Joey- Don't talk with your mouth full, sweetie.
Daniel- At least mine isn't full of shit! Sweeeetie!
Joey- You're stupid. C'mon I'll give you a hand.
We worked on the garden together for the rest of the evening, well mostly Daniel and I watched but I helped when he asked me to so... Once he was done planting some flowers I said.
Joey- Ah I did some much work planting all of these I think I deserve a rest.
Daniel- You literally did nothing.
Joey- No! I... helped.
Daniel- Then what are these ones called?
Joey- Uh, flowers
He sighed.
Daniel- There's no hope for you is there?
Joey- Uh, rude.
Daniel- They're called Plumeria.
Joey- Vaary prettaaay.
Daniel- Mm hmm.
Joey- It's getting cold, we should probably go inside.
Daniel- Alright. Are you sure it's okay for me to be sleeping in your room these last few weeks? The king could find out.
Joey- He wont, it's fine Daniel.
Daniel- I just don't want you to get in trouble.
Joey- Awe Danny, you don't need to worry about it.
Daniel- Yes I do, it's my job.
Joey- Your job is gardening?
Daniel- As your boyfriend my job is to worry about you.
Joey- Well I can assure you I wont let anything happen to us.
I made sure nobody was around before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
Joey- Now come on, let's go to bed.
We climbed up onto the balcony and went into my room. We changed into some comfy pajamas and snuggled under the covers buried in blankets but because of the heat from our cuddling bodies we ended up kicking most of them off.
Daniel's POV
~The next morning~
I woke up to the sweet sound of the birds chirping outside. I felt cold so I reached out for my boyfriend so I could receive one of his warm hugs and I frowned when I didn't feel anything. Worried I opened my eyes searching for him. He wasn't In the bed at all. Where was he?
Joey- Over here sweetie.
I heard a voice call from the other side of the room. I looked over to him and saw him sitting in a chair with a book in his hands.
Daniel- What're you doing?
Joey- Reading.
Daniel- Why?
Joey- Because I haven't done any of my studies for weeks.
Daniel- Studies?
Joey- Don't worry about it, it's just a boring Prince thing.
Daniel- Well I didn't wake up to Joey cuddles so can I at least have a hug?
Joey- You'll have to get up if you want a hug.
Daniel- Nooooo! I'm cold! Please?
Joey- Fine but you have to get up after I give you one, deal?
Daniel- Fine.
He put his book down and walked over to me. He sat down on the bed and gave me a big warm hug. Just as he was going to pull away I pulled him onto the bed, trapping him in my long, lanky arms. I rolled on top of his so he couldn't escape.
Daniel- Ha! It was a trap, i'm never letting you leave!
Joey- Daniel! Let me go!
Daniel- Never!
Joey- I'll give you a kiss if you let go.
Daniel- I think you'll give me one anyway.
I said hovering over him smirking.
Joey- Nope.
Daniel- Ergh, fine!
I let go of him and rolled off him and onto my back and he gave me a quick peck before getting up.
Daniel- That's it?
Joey- Yep, now get up pig.
Daniel- Fine.
I got up and went over to his closet to put on some warmer clothes. Then there was a knock on the door.
Joey- Who is it?
Jerold- It's Jerold, Prince Joseph.
He walked over to it and unlocked it letting Jerold enter the room.
Jerold- Good morning you two.
Daniel- Morning Jerold.
Jerold- The King wishes to speak with you Prince Joseph.
Joey- What about?
Jerold- I'm not sure. He is in his study waiting for you.
Joey- I better hurry then. Daniel you can do whatever Daniels do and I'll bring you some breakfast after I'm done talking to my father.
Daniel- I think I'm going to start my gardening.
Joey- Alright I'll see you out there later.
Joey gave me another quick peck on the lips and I went out to his balcony and down the vine to the garden.
Joey's POV
Jerold- Quite a gentleman you've got there Prince Joseph. I would suggest keeping him around.
Joey- Well Jerold, I'm definitely not letting him go anytime soon.
Jerold- Wise choice.
We left my bedroom and I headed to the study to speak to my father. I entered his study and found him seated at his desk.
King- Ah Joseph you're here.
Joey- You wanted to see me father?
King- Yes, I wanted to speak with you about a few things. Have a seat.
He said gesturing the the seat on the opposite side of the desk from him so I sat down.
King- So firstly, I told you to keep and eye on that servant boy for me a few weeks ago, anything to report? Has he been causing any trouble or done anything I should know about?
Okay, you've got this Joey.
Joey- No, nothing father. He's been very well behaved, always does his jobs, never causes any trouble.
King- Alright, good. Now I know I said to keep a close eye on him but keep in mind Joseph, I don't want you befriending him. He is a servant for a reason and you mustn't forget that.
Joey- Yes father.
He wont find out, i'll just have to be more careful.
King- How are your studies going?
Joey- Good father.
King- Good, you need to keep them up so that you will become a good king, like me.
Yeah, sure, you're amazing. Not.
King- Speaking of becoming king, you will need to find a princess to marry before too long son.
Joey- Father why must I marry a princess?
King- Joseph you know very well you must be married before you can become king, you must carry on this family legacy with new generations just as many have done before you.
Joey- But why must it be a princess?
King- I will not have my son, the Prince, wed to anything less! To marry such as a peasant girl would be a disgrace!
Well technically he's not a peasant girl...
King- There are many suitable princesses out there from other kingdoms and that is the best way for us to form alliances with the other kingdoms.
So I am just a pawn in my father's quest to build himself an empire, great.
King- It is only a matter of time before you will need to start looking for someone so keep that in mind Joseph.
Joey- Yes father, I understand. Will that be all?
King- Yes, you are dismissed.
I left my father's study and headed outside to the garden to find Daniel but first I got us both some toast with honey. Once I found him I gave him his piece.
Daniel- Thanks. So what did the King want?
Joey- Oh you know the usual, keep up your studies, you'll be king before to long, keep an eye on that servant boy, which I am definitely doing
I winked at Daniel and he rolled his eyes.
Joey- Oh and you'll need to find a princess to marry soon!
Daniel- Really? But you're only 15?
Joey- Yeah, my father's a little forward thinking but still he will actually make me start courting princesses before too long. It's going to be awful!
Daniel- What's so bad about princesses? I'm sure they'll be nice.
Joey- Yeah they'll be super nice, for my money and power. I wont like any of them!
Daniel- How do you know you wont you like any of them?
Joey- Because I like you, silly.
(A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! IT'S 2017!!! Well this chapter sucked, oh whale. Some big time skips will be happening in the next few chapters so yeah. Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was at a new years party, i'll be updating again later today hopefully. Joey: Sorry I wont be uploading today, me: that's fine, it's just, there goes the best part of my day... Word count: 1526 words. Oh yeah, thanks for over 375 reads and over 70 votes and all the lovely comments, it means so much to me! Thanks for reading, please add, vote, comment, follow etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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