X - Sweet dreams Sweetie
(A/N: Play the song above to get a better feel of the chapter)
Daniel's POV
Joey- Come stop your crying, it'll be alright.
Joey started to sing softly in my ear, a song I didn't know but he sounded beautiful.
Joey- Just take my hand, hold it tight.
He sung before lifting my face off of his chest and taking my hand in his.
Joey- I will protect you from all around you, I will be here, don't you cry.
I tried to hold in my giggles but he was so cheesy.
Joey- For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us, can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry.
Joey wiped the remaining tears from my face and helped me stand up, we walked to the side of river and Joey kept singing.
Joey- 'Cause you'll be in my heart, yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on now and forever more. You'll be in my heart, no matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart, always.
He stopped singing for a bit so I sang what I was thinking.
Daniel- Why can't they understand the way we feel? They just don't trust what the can't explain.
Joey- I know we're different but, deep inside us, we're not that different at all.
He was right. We weren't that different, we were just in love.
Joey- And you'll be in my heart, yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more.
(A/N: You can stop playing the song now, they have stopped singing.)
Joey- And Daniel, I love you too.
I stopped walking, making him stop as well since our hands were connected. I pulled him closer and looked into his beautiful eyes and I knew he meant every word he said. I placed my hand softly on his cheek and kissed him with passion and love, he kissed back immediately with an equal amount of passion and love. It was such a perfect moment, just the two of us and I was no longer sad. After a months of tormenting and abusive from Tyler I was finally no longer sad because I had found my fairy tale Prince Charming and I smiled.
Joey's POV
He was was smiling. He was happy. That was all I ever wanted, for my love to be happy. We walked back to the log and I picked up the basket I had left beside it containing the blazer, some food and the necklaces.
Joey- Turn around.
Daniel- Why?
Joey- Just do it.
He turned around and I got the necklaces out.
Daniel- What are you rustling around with?
Joey- You'll see.
First I put one of them around my neck and then I turned back to Daniel who was still facing away from me and I gently clipped the other one around his neck. He brought his fingers to it and held it so he could look at what it was before turning back around to me smiling.
Daniel- Joey, you really didn't have to get this.
Joey- I know I didn't have to, I wanted to. Look I have a matching one.
I showed him the one around my neck and he gave me a big warm hug. I love his hugs.
Joey- Come on, I think it's time for us to go back to the castle.
Daniel- Okay.
As we walked I noticed his smiled still hadn't left his face.
Joey- Why are you still all smiley?
Daniel- Because I'm happy.
Even just that warmed my heart.
Daniel- After months of sadness and depression I'm finally happy, and it's all because of you. Thank you Joey, for everything.
Joey- It's truly my pleasure because you make me just as happy.
We were now almost back at the main path so even though I didn't want to, I knew we had to let go of our hands. As we did I'm sure my entire body suddenly felt a lot colder, as if I had energy from his touch and it was suddenly drained. I must be imagining it.
We made it back to the castle a little while later and we climbed back up the vine and onto my balcony. I looked out over the view and noticed how much I could see.
Joey- Wow I've never really noticed the view from here.
Daniel turned and walked over to the edge to get a better look.
Daniel- It is really beautiful.
Joey- Look at that view.
I said in a kind of cocky, teasing tone and pointed at him. He rolled his eyes at me.
Daniel- You're stupid.
He said laughing.
Joey- Hey, don't call me stupid.
Daniel- What're you gonna do about it Joseph.
Joey- Oh you're gonna get it!
I said creeping towards him. He tried to sneak past me and into my room but I grabbed him. I held onto the sides of his waist looking him in the eyes. I smirked and moved my right hand up his side. He yelped out in shock and a devilish grin made it's way to my lips.
Joey- Oh is someone ticklish?
Daniel- No! W-what are you t-talking about?
I curled my fingers into his side and he jumped again.
Daniel- No, J-Joey! Please d-don't!
Joey- Alright but now you know what will happen next time you call me Joseph!
I let go of him laughing and he sighed with relief. We went into my room.
Daniel- I'm tired!
Daniel said before collapsing onto my bed.
Joey- It's barely late afternoon.
Daniel- What? I'm like a Koala, they need like 22 hours of sleep a day.
Joey- Well koalas are very cute so I guess I see the resemblance.
Daniel- Are you saying I look like an animal?
Joey- Absolutely.
Daniel- Eh, rude and disrespectful!
He buried himself in the many blankets and duvets covering my bed so I intentionally fell on top of him.
Joey- Oops.
Daniel- Ah! My gosh! An elephant just fell on me! I can't breathe, i'm going to die!
He said dramatically and laughing.
Joey- I say you look cute like a koala and you say I weigh as much as an elephant! Look who's rude and disrespectful now!
I said giggling and pulling the blanket off his face.
Daniel- Well look who's cute now!
He said reaching up and pinching my cheeks so I pinched his cheeks back. He pulled me under the covers with him
Daniel- Well goodnight!
He pulled the blanket back over his head so he was fully underneath the covers. I went in after him, pulled the blanket over my head as well so we were in like a cave of blankets and I snuggled into his warm body.
Joey- Night, sweet dreams Sweetie.
(A/N: Would you like some crackers with all that cheesy? Would you like a pillowcase for all that fluffy? OMG GUYS 300 READS!?! It seemed like just last chapter I was at 150 and the chapter before that 50. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and votes :). I'm really glad you guys are enjoying this book and I hope you like this chapter xx! Word count; 1236 words. Thanks for reading, please add, vote, comment, follow, etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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