VIII - Who are you?!
Joey's POV
We made it to the market which was held in the center of the kingdom's village.
Joey- So what do you want to do first?
Daniel- I don't really kn- what's that?
He cut himself off and pointed to a stall which contained racks of clothing items.
Joey- That's a stall that sells clothes, do you want to go have a look at them?
Daniel- But we aren't really growing that much anymore?
Joey- What?
Daniel- You get new clothes when you grow out of you old ones.
Joey- You only have one set of clothes?
Daniel- Well I have two including the ones you gave me, why would I need more than that?
Joey- What about when you need to wash your clothes?
Daniel- You wash your clothes in the river when they are on you. If you didn't you would be getting naked in front of half the village.
He said laughing and I laughed a bit too at the thought.
Daniel- Is that the only reason you have lots of clothes?
Joey- Well another reason is for appearance see different types of clothing can be more suitable or practical for different things and some clothes just make you look better.
Daniel- That seems kind of dumb.
Joey- Hey, you can't hate on it till you've tried it. Come on let's go try some on.
We went over to the stall and I see a teal colored formal jacket that would look very nice on him.
Joey- Here try this on.
After he put it on he tried moving around a bit and found it's not all that easy to move around in a blazer.
Daniel- Isn't it a bit impractical?
Joey- It's a formal blazer you see, people wear them to balls, parties and events or if they just want to look formal and wealthy.
Daniel- Oh, well I guess I wont need it then since I definitely wont be going to any of them anytime soon.
He said taking it off.
Joey- But it looks so good on you! I'm still getting it for you.
Daniel- Are you sure Joey? I don't need it.
Joey- Absolutely.
I said before putting it in a basket and paying the man running the stall for it.
Joey- Come on, let's go look at some other things.
Daniel- Okay.
We headed over to a stall that was selling assorted foods. Daniel looked very excited at the wide range of things to eat.
Daniel- Wow this is like a gigantic feast! This could like feed like the whole village or something!
X- There's a lot less food here than at this boy's table for dinner every night.
The stall owner said looking directly at me. I've been spotted! Oh no, hopefully he doesn't make a scene or question why I am here.
Stall owner- So your Majesty, what might you be doing in the market alone, without guards and with that boy?
Joey- I am simply at the market to look around and maybe get a few things, just like a villager would, there's no need to make a scene sir.
Stall owner- Very well Prince Joseph but I'm keeping my eye on your little companion over there.
He said looking at Daniel.
Stall owner- He is a criminal after all don't you know? Never know if he might try and steal something. You should also watch your back; I'm assuming you know the crime he is guilty for.
I glare at him letting him know I'm not pleased by his statement. I didn't like this man at all. He had no right to be speaking to me like this but as I said I don't want to make a scene and draw attention to us.
Joey- Come on Daniel, we have more important things to do.
I said pulling him away.
Daniel- Oh. Okay sorry.
He looked sad but understood why I brought us away.
Joey- It's fine, it's definitely not your fault, no need to apologize.
Daniel- What?
Joey- What, what?
Daniel- Why do you look mad?
Joey- Because Daniel, that man was being disrespectful, making accusations and assuming things and I don't appreciate it.
Daniel- Can you really blame him though Joey? You are the Prince, in the village without any guards and you're with me. You know what I am Joey.
Joey- I'm sick of it Daniel! People shouldn't treat you so poorly and assume all these things about you just because of who they think you are! People always treat me as royalty but they forget that fact i'm actually a real person. I hate that people think of us so differently just because of such superficial reasons. We really aren't all that different.
Daniel- I know that you have good intentions Joey. All you want is equality and so do I but you can't deny the fact that who we are and that our lives are very different.
Joey- I know Daniel, you're right. I just wish that it wasn't the case.
Daniel- C'mon. Let's keep looking around, there are plenty of other stalls.
We went over to a stall which displayed lovely jewelry and watches. All of them glistening in the now midday sun.
Daniel- Wow these are beautiful.
Joey- They sure are. What do you like the most?
Daniel- Ummm... I don't know. What are these ones?
He said pointing two beautiful necklaces which each had a single large pinkish white pearl.
Stall owner- These are two one of a kind matching pearl necklaces. The pearls are from the very ocean just down the river to the north.
Daniel- Oh just like me!
He said laughing and I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact he didn't know much about his past and referred to himself as like a pearl.
Joey- Yes, just like you. Hey Daniel would you mind going and picking out some flowers from that stall over there? I want to put some in a vase in my room.
I said pointing to a flower stall a little away from us but directly behind us.
Daniel- Sure.
He went over to the stall and began looking at some of the flowers. I turned back around to the jewelry stand.
Joey- I'll take the two pearl necklaces please.
Once I had payed the man for them and hidden them under the blazer in the basket I was holding I turned around to witness something I definitely wasn't expecting to see. Daniel and another boy were standing talking to each other. The boy looked confident and somewhat aggressive and Daniel looked afraid and defensive. I started advancing towards them when the boy said something else I couldn't hear and took one step too close, Daniel's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and fear and he punched the boy right in the nose. I ran over to them and yelled at the boy;
Joey- Who are you?!
(A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!! Who is the mysterious boy??? Why was Daniel afraid of him?? Why did Daniel punch him?!?!? You'll find out next time >:). Word count; 1202. Thanks for reading please add, vote, comment, share etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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