Chapter 1: Betrayed
<(Y/N)'s POV>
"(Y/N) Lets go! Your brothers already in the car hows that possible?!" My mom screamed from downstairs.
I bounced around my room and packed a bunch of things like a box of matches and my favorite little knife my father had given me when I entered the girls scouts. I packed basically anything I thought that I would need for a camping trip. Quickly, My hands zipped up the duffle bag and threw it over my shoulder while reaching for a hair tye and wrapping my hair into a messy bun.
"Coming!" I shout back to my mother as I fly down the stairs
Like a bullet I shoot out of the house and my mother locks the door behind me. We all hop in the small grey truck my father had since I was born and I squeeze next to my little brother (Brothers/Name). He grunted in annoyance as he fixed his big headphones that were practically glued to his head.
"Dude can you move over!" He hissed in annoyance.
"I would if I freaking could its bad enough I have to sit next to your musty butt this whole trip!" I growled back
My father then turned the truck on and it roared to life. Then my mom faced tword us with a frown on ber face and with her motherly voice she said.
"Hey! Cut it out or we will be camping for two weeks instead of one!"
With that she silenced the both of us and we both sat like angels. She smiled and chuckled as she faced forward.
—-Lil time skip—-
We finally reached the camp site we would be staying at. Me and (B/N) both fall out of the car as he opened the door. I stretched my legs as my eyes took in the site of the beautiful green forest ahead of me. For some reason I was stunned by how beautiful it was. My eyes locked onto something tall and black but it soon disappeared into the trees... It looked like a man?
"(Y/N) Lets go you happy camper!" My dad said as he handed me my bag and we started out hike.
Ugh, its bad enough I gotta carry my own bags but a hike is gonna kill me! After what seemed like eternity my legs grew tired but suddenly I bumped into something infront of me.
"Hey watch it!" (B/N) said
"sorry youre so big you were still in my way when I moved to the side" I snickered.
(B/N) was about to take a swing at me till my mother both interrupted our little friendly conversation.
"Guys! We are here behave or we will be here for two weeks!" Mom shouted.
Immediately we both ran over and claimed our spots and set our bags down along with our mini tents.
After hours of setting up a very confusing tent, I crawled into it and started to set my little space up. I unrolled my (Favorite/color) sleeping bag and grabbed my warm (F/C) blanket. Spreading the blanket over my sleeping bag my body plops onto the little make-shift bed and My eye lids start to close slowley.
The sounds of nature filled the air. I could hear my Family outside laughing as my dad tried to build a fire but failed. My ears drowned them out as I focused on the wind that blew and rustled the tree leaves. The birds sang a beautiful song and I could hear a stream near by with the water flowing slowley.
My eyes twitched as I started to pick something else up. It was static but...why? The static started to draw louder and louder as if someone were carring a walkie talkie.
"Come home" A voice whispered.
Sweat dripped down my forgead and I sat up quickly while panting softly. My hands were shaky for no reason and I felt fear just being here. My brain couldnt wrap around it. Why was I so scared? Where did that static come from? Why do I have to go home?
"Hey dork lets go!" my brother poked his head into my tent making me jump
"where?" I ask trying to play off the fact that he scared the living shit out of me.
"To walmart" He said in a sarcastic tone "To the fucking lake dumbass where else would we go dad hasnt stopped talking about it come on!" He continued as he ran off to join my mom and dad.
A groan escaped my lips as I stood up and fixed my shorts and exited my tent to reunite with my family aho was waiting for my outside. We all walked to a small lake that was not far from our camp site. They all bickered about things as I walked and starred at the woods getting lost in my thoughts again.
"They are liars" The voice spoke again.
"Whos a liar?" I said causing my family to look at me funny.
My mother stopped me and signaled my father and brother to keep walking. The expression on her face grew clear as day as she was clearly worried about me. I guess Ive been spacing out too much again
"(Y/N) is something wrong? you are spacing out a lot do you feel well?" she brushed a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.
"I dont know mom Im not really in the mood for swimming can I just go lay back at the camp? I didnt sleep well last night" I say looking to the ground and nibbling my bottom lip
She sighed and nodded and swiftly I turned on my heels and headed back. I didnt know what was happening but I started to feel dizzy. Once I reached the camp I crawled into my tent and fell fast asleep.
<Moms POV>
My heart started pounding as I heard the static. (Y/N) had gone back to the camp it was only a matter of time. My legs ran as fast as they could tword my husband and I whispered in his ear.
"We are doing this tonight" I whisper with a hint of fear in my voice.
(Husbands/Name) looked at our son and nodded. We a headed back a hour and a half later and packed up as fast as we could. (Y/N) was asleep we raced like mice to get all our things into our bags. We left a bit of food and water out for her.
"Are you ready?" I asked my son and he nodded.
I looked at my husband and kissed him softly while heading out. It took us a few hours to get to the car but we know (Y/N) wouldnt come looking.
I felt bad leaving her but we could have her anymore she was not ours...She was his. I thought as my eyes watered and I hugged my son.
<(Y/N)'s POV>
My (Eye/color) Eyes fluttered open and the sound of crickets and small insects chirping could be heard. Then the sound of tires screeching away could be heard and I dart out of the tent. My eyes widened I look around and Im alone. Tears started to form in my eyes as I bit my bottom lip.
"Mom?! Dad?!" I scream only to hear an echo.
I whimper as I start to look around by now tears were running down my cheeks and I bit my lip so hard I tasted the sweet taste of blood. My hands gripped my (Hair/color) hair and I fell to my knees.
How could I have been left out here? What did I do to deserve this? I thought they loved me? Why have I been betrayed?
My trembling hands covered my puffy eyes. The static came back and filled the area. My head was pounding but the all stopped as I felt a cold hand press against my shoulder. The contact was so sudden it sent a shiver down my spine and a small gasp escaped from me.
I look up only to see a thing with no face starring back at me. My eyes widdened as it spoke.
"Hello (Y/N)"
HEY GUYS I HOPE YOU ENJOYED CHAPTER NUMBA ONE. THIS STORY IS ABOUT TO BE THE MOST INTRESTING SHIT EVER. Ive already got other chapters planned out so dont you worry It wont be long before another update im glad to be back because im back and better than eva. Hit me up on that Private message and befriend me child ;) I dont bite. Till next time baiiiiiii~ Thatcreepywriter
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