Figuring It Out
|Logan's POV|
I get my crofters and head to the dark side common area.
The first thing I see when I walk in is Deceit facepalming while Remus is running around the whole room multiple times really fast.
I decide to knock on the wall to get their attention. As soon as I do they both stop what they're doing and immediately look my direction. I paused for a second feeling awkward but then walking in.
"Salutations, I would like to *cough* to speak with Deceit, " I greeted.
"don't go on, " Deceit said crossing his legs putting his elbow on his knee and his hand on his chin. "in *cough* private, " I continued crossing his arms.
"Ah, then definitely don't follow me, " Deceit said getting up and walking out of the room. "Bye D!" Remus shouted before they left.
"Peace!" Deceit said walking backward out of the room doing a peace sign as well.
As we walked down the hall I looked around at the place, I'd actually never been in here before, to be honest, the dark housing area was pretty bland. I could understand why they don't usually get that much attention.
As we made it into the snake-like sides room I took a look around. The walls were painted black and there were many snake posters. The bed covers were striped dark yellow and a dark yellow-y green color. There was a table on the side that had a fish tank shaped thing on top of it with a black cover on it. I wonder what's in there.
Deceit walked over to his bed and sat down, "don't come over here and sit down, " deceit said.
I walked over and sat on the bed. "So what did you not want to talk about?" Deceit asked.
"Well, I was hoping I could have your assistance in *cough* *cough* in finding out what's wrong with me, " I said.
"I'm not going to assume that you don't mean the coughing?" Deceit guessed.
"That *coughing fit* that is correct, " I said in an exasperated tone. The coughing had begun to make my throat sore.
"Have you had any other symptoms?" Deceit honestly asked.
"Well no, but did you just speak the truth?" I asked curiously.
"Yes, you idiot I have the ability to do that, " Deceit said sassily.
"Okay well, I'll have to take that into account for future videos, " I stated
"Cool cool cool anyway why did you want to talk to me about it?" Deceit asked.
"Because I thought over it and ruled everybody else out deciding that you were the best person to speak to, " I explained.
Suddenly I started to cough, a lot. I just kept coughing and coughing. Deceit quickly got up and started to pat my back, presumably that helps when people cough. I just kept coughing and Deceit began to panic, so he decided to call for Remus.
"REMUS! GET IN HERE QUICK!" Deceit shouted.
Remus ran into the room, "What's wrong!?" he asked looking in my direction.
"GO GET THE LIGHT SIDES QUICK, I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!" Deceit screamed clearly panicked.
Remus ran out of the room presumably to get the others. I just kept coughing. Tears began to form in my eyes. It hurt a lot. I then began to spit up blood. I was now sobbing on my knees hanging onto the bedpost holding my throat.
Deceit just kept getting more panicked. I'm pretty sure he started to have a panic attack. I wish I could help but I was to busy coughing up my guts right now.
|Remus' POV|
I quickly decided to pop up in front of Thomas making him jump in the process. "Thomas!" I shouted in a panicked tone.
Thomas sighed and rolled his eyes "What now Remus?" Thomas said exasperatedly.
"Thomas you have to get the other sides quickly! It's Logan!" I said panicked.
"and why should I believe you?" Thomas asked.
"Okay okay okay!" Thomas exclaimed. He summoned everyone up. As soon as everyone got there Patton asked, " What's wrong Thomas?"
"And why is he here!?" Virgil asked angrily. "Somethings wrong with Logan! Hurry he's with Deceit!" I exclaimed.
Everyone then started to panic. I popped out and started to run through the corridor to get to Deceit and Logan with everyone following close behind me.
To be continued.....
737 words
Hello again! What did you think of this chapter? I worked hard on it! Please give some constructive criticism when necessary.
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