Chapter Thirteen: Labor of Love
We quickly landed in the sitting room of the Prince ancestral family home, giving me the opportunity to look around for the first time. Dust hung upon the beams of the ceiling, as well as the expensive-looking rosewood furniture, and there were cobwebs in the hard-to-reach places, most notably the crystal-cut chandelier upon the center of the ceiling. I swallowed, vaguely listening to Severus telling Kreacher that the master bedroom suite would be easy to find, and that we would need it cleared out first, followed by the nursery, bathrooms, kitchen, potions lab, library, and other common areas of the house.
I turned to look up at my husband when Kreacher vanished, and sneezed. "Sorry," I said, covering my mouth as I sneezed for a second time.
Severus snook his head. "It is no matter," he responded, tickling Maldue underneath his chin, almost as if he had taken a fancy to the Jarvey in the space between leaving the Hogwarts dungeons and our arrival at the manor. "Perfectly understandable."
I reached up and petted Morgana, relieved that the both of them had the good sense to be quiet, considering that my husband and I, clearly had a great many things to discuss. "You mentioned that this estate lay upon an acreage. Is there a garden as well?"
Severus inclined his head. "Yes, kept alive by the wards and magicks surrounding the property," he responded. "Of course, lots of the garden space is used for potions ingredients..." He hesitated for a moment as he crossed over to me, inspecting my hair. "Hellebore..."
I flushed. "A gift from Tonks," I replied.
He raised his eyebrows. "I was not aware you were so close."
I shrugged. "We're friends; of course we're close." I flushed deeper when I saw something in his gaze, and immediately shook my head. "No! We're cousins, nothing more. In point of fact, she was not a candidate for marrying you, due to her affection for Remus."
"Ah. Black informed me that Lupin had rejected her," he mused.
I rolled my eyes. "Hopefully, there will be a positive development later on in that regard. She truly cares for him, and they would do well together, if he would stop being so bloody stubborn and noble about it."
Severus chuckled. "Lupin is not a Slytherin, but a Gryffindor to the core. They are known for playing the martyr whenever it suits them."
I scoffed. "Oh, yes, I see. And you Slytherins take what you want whenever you please?"
Severus arched an eyebrow. "I bonded myself to you, did I not?"
I gritted my teeth. "And left me at the first opportunity," I shot back.
Severus seemed to hesitate at my comment. "If you would prefer, I will inform Kreacher to prepare one of the guest suites for my use," he informed me steadily.
I blinked; did he mean that I would be sleeping in the master suite on my own? I had only had a few days of sleeping in the same bed as my husband, and although I was still scarred from what Dolohov had done to me, Severus had avenged me by killing him. I swallowed, knowing him well enough to know that he would never force me into something if I wasn't ready for it, so perhaps—
"I can see by your silence that that is what you wish." Severus then gave me a stiff nod, and permitted Maldue to scurry off from his arm. "Very well. I shall inform Kreacher forthwith—"
"No," I called out, hurrying forward as Morgana hurried after Maldue, and took Severus gently by the hand. "I don't want you to sleep in a guest suite, Severus. I want you to stay in the master bedroom with me, please."
Severus turned slowly, regarding me with his fathomless gaze. "I am surprised that you are touching me," he said after a few moments of silence. "When I came towards you, you practically climbed the head board to get away from me."
I lowered my eyes. "Severus, I had only just regained my memories of being kidnapped, raped, and subsequently imprisoned," I told him softly. "While I don't know if I shall ever get over what was done to me, I do know that you left my side in order to weaken Riddle's power, and that included taking the life of the man who hurt me. I will never forget that, and I will always be grateful to you for it."
Severus dragged the rough pad of his thumb along my knuckles, eliciting shivers from within me at its deliciousness. "Why did you tell Black to keep your pregnancy a secret?"
I swallowed. "I knew that it was a possibility that, if you ever returned to Riddle's side, you could be held accountable for ignoring his calls. Of course, you wouldn't have been able to accept them in any case, due to the successful removal of your Dark Mark. In the event of your imprisonment, I knew that Riddle could search your mind. I... I couldn't let anything happen to our little Titania," I whispered, taking his hand and placing it upon my stomach again.
"For the moon of Uranus," Severus breathed, "as well as the Queen of the Fairies in William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream."
I looked up at him, pleased that he had seemed to accept the name. "Yes," I responded, a gasp escaping me as he took his free hand, and used to it cup my cheek.
"William Shakespeare attended Hogwarts, you know."
I blinked, unaware of such a thing, given that much of the Wizarding World didn't talk about him, and seemed convinced that he was a Muggle. "Did he?"
"He did; he was a Muggleborn," Severus confirmed, "and the first student on record to be a recorded as a Hatstall. The Sorting Hat had difficulty placing him, and was torn between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. It picked Ravenclaw."
I found myself smiling at that little tidbit of information. "Oh? And were you saddened to have lost a great playwright to your house?"
Severus huffed, shaking his head. "Don't be ridiculous. I have far better things to set my emotions upon."
Kreacher appeared with a crack in the main entryway of the house, and stared over at Cressida and Severus. "Mistress Cressida, Master Snape, Kreacher has readied the master bedroom suite for the two of you."
"Thank you, Kreacher," Severus responded with a nod. "We'll head up there shortly. Will you be needing anything else?"
Kreacher bowed his head. "Kreacher is not needing anything, Master Snape. Kreacher will finish his tasks this evening, and in the morning, Kreacher will go to the closest wizarding village to procure groceries for his master and mistress."
I smiled, pleased that Kreacher seemed happy here. "Thank you, Kreacher," I said softly, and was about to step towards the staircase, when suddenly, Severus wrapped an arm around my waist and hauled me up into his arms. "Severus!" I squawked.
Severus chuckled at that, carefully making his way to the impressive rosewood staircase, which featured a lush, expensive-looking green carpet in its center. "Allow me the pleasure of taking you to our bedroom for the first time in our family home, Cressida," he requested gently.
I swallowed, gripping as tightly as I dared onto his robes with one hand, while my other wrapped around his neck in an effort to keep myself safe. "Well, all right," I responded awkwardly, shaking slightly as he began carrying me up the stairs. "Just don't drop me..."
"I wouldn't drop you, Cressida," Severus assured me, staring straight ahead, although his voice was thick with emotion. "Not only because you carry our heir, but because you mean too much to me to drop."
I had to contain the gasp within me as I considered it; as the daughter and only child to the Head of the House of Black, and the notion that I was married to the Head of the House of Prince, our daughter would be seen as very important to the Wizarding World. I knew entirely well that she would carry the name of Snape, but, if Voldemort ever got wind of her existence, the entirety of her future could be in jeopardy. The crazed madman and his band of merry men could easily take control of me, for I would do anything to keep my daughter safe, and potentially take her from me in an effort to sway my hand. Not just your hand, a treacherous voice snapped from within my mind, but Severus's as well. He has proven his loyalty for the side of the Light by binding himself to you, removing the Dark Mark, and forsaking the ways of Lord Voldemort. Marriage to a Pureblood, as well as to a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, was no small feat, and, if I didn't trust my husband, I knew entirely well that he could turn against us all—
"You are deep in thought, are you not, my dearest wife?" Severus asked softly, reaching the top of the staircase and turning upon the landing, where a second staircase was, and climbed up it as well. "It is if I can hear the tapping of your mind with each and every thought..."
I shook my head, trying my best to clear it. "I'm worried about the future," I said at last, letting go of his robes to rest that hand upon my belly. "You know entirely well that marrying a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight plays right in to Riddle's hands for his picture of what he wants the world to look like. One false move, and he could find out that I'm pregnant, which would mean that I and our daughter would be marked for death. What if he finds out that you've gone turncoat, publicly this time around? What if—"
Severus, who had reached the top of the second staircase, as it was considerably shorter than that of the main one, set me on the ground outside some ornately-carved rosewood doors. "I know it would be futile for me to ask for you not to worry..."
I nodded, not breaking eye contact with him for anything. "You're right. It would."
Severus sighed, reaching upwards and cupping my cheek. "The wards upon this property are so ancient that they only allow individuals within the blood lines of entering it, as well as those that the blood line has granted admittance to."
I shook my head at that. "One cast of Imperio or Crucio and then those wards wouldn't even work for a moment. Not to mention Avada, Severus, which would annihilate the Prince line entirely, which would render this place to ruin ultimately..."
Severus gave me a soft smile. "The wards take into account for the Unforgivables," he informed me patiently, and I raised my eyebrows. "One must willingly invite someone into the house, without ulterior motives or eyes clouded by a curse. Literally no Death Eaters can get into this place, not if I can help it. And, besides, I made enough of the potion for Lucius to take, and he is being administered it this very evening."
I gasped aloud at that. "They are truly defecting, then? I know Narcissa was never marked, but she was complicate, at least, for a while, until she agreed to turn spy..."
"Lucius knew it was time, ever since he decided to leave the clutches of Riddle to Malfoy Manor," Severus said softly. "Riddle was able to still enter it, despite the same wards in place as the ones here, due to him being loyal to Riddle during the First Wizarding War. My maternal grandparents still lived during that period, so the house couldn't pass to me then, and they themselves never supported Riddle, naturally."
I trembled at the notion, hoping beyond hope that Hogwarts' wards could somehow hold those who were on the side of the Light closely, and not permit the darkness to infect it. It was only when they escaped my eyes that I realized I was sobbing, and I bit down hard on my lower lip in an effort not to cry out.
Severus stared at me, likely wondering if he had said the wrong thing. "Cressida... Cressida, what can I do?" he whispered.
"Please... Just hold me," I whispered back, throwing myself into his arms, my sobs becoming muffled by his shoulder, and he did hold me, swaying me gently back and forth, until such a time when I could calm my nerves entirely.
When the silverly light of dawn seeped through the miniscule opening of the green curtains around the rosewood four-poster, I was slightly taken aback when I realized that Severus was still holding me. I found I enjoyed the sensation of his arms wrapped around my waist, one of his hands placed protectively on my belly, while his head was tucked in between the space of my left cheek and shoulder. It was pleasantly warm in the bedroom, and I could faintly hear the fireplace crackling merrily, as well as—
"Swans," Severus whispered, his breath hot upon the thatch of skin that wasn't covered by my long, cotton nightdress. "Mother frequently would tell me stories about them, splashing in the pond in summertime."
I turned my face slightly, peering at my husband, who, after a moment, opened his eyes, almost as if he knew he was being looked at. "Happy Christmas," I whispered.
Severus chuckled. "Happy Christmas. You fell asleep quickly," he said softly. "I hope you don't mind, but I told Kreacher to summon a tree from outside last evening, and use the old Prince decorations from the attic to decorate the house."
I slowly smiled at that, positively trembling with excitement. "I don't mind at all, Severus. I... I love Christmas," I confessed, suddenly realizing that I would have to tell my husband as much about myself as possible, for, given that we were at war, he would need to know things about me, in case we were separated, and we were made to question one another. "I'll have you know that it is my favorite holiday."
Severus inclined his head. "Indeed?" he asked. "Well, you will be very pleased to know that your gifts from Hogwarts found their way here via the Floo in the early hours of the morning..."
I grinned. "Kreacher probably found the ones I secreted away in my belongings, separated them, and divvied them up accordingly." I found myself flushing then, and I lowered my eyes, not fully comprehending how my husband would take my next train of thought, as we truly had to get to know one another. "I... I didn't know when you were coming back, but I got you a few things as well. I hope you don't mind..."
Severus gently rubbed at my arm. "Why would I mind?" he asked. "I got you a few things as well. I hope you don't mind..."
I peeked up at him. "I also selected a few things for the nursery," I said, and Severus looked curiously at that. "I know you are not fond of your father, but I only bring him up to ask your opinion on Muggles generally."
Severus sighed. "You are indeed correct, Cressida; I am not fond of my father, and that is putting it lightly," he said quietly, hitching up one of the pillows behind him, so as he could lean up upon the rosewood headboard. "However, I am not all for the mass extermination of Muggles, which is a common misconception when it comes to Death Eaters. It is one of the few things I could not stomach when I signed my life away in service of Riddle." He shook his head, dragging a hand down his face as if fully considering it. "Anyhow, I am sure there are plenty of Muggles that I will readily dislike, my father not included—Hitler readily comes to mind." He shuddered at that. "But, in all honesty, I am quite positive that there are, at the very least, some good Muggles in the world." He smiled softly, as if remembering something. "In point of fact, my mother's parents, Peregrine and Persephone, had a great number of Muggle books in the library, and shared my mother their love of literature as well."
I blinked, pushing my own pillow to lie beside Severus's, and moved to lie next to him. "I thought they disapproved of Eileen's marriage to Tobias?"
Severus gave a stiff nod. "They did."
I pursed my lips, considering it. "Then, was it just as a case of no one was good enough for their only child?"
Severus chuckled. "I suppose that must have played a part in their way of thinking when Mother announced their engagement, and sent them a wedding announcement after they declined the formal wedding invitation, but, no, Cressida, that was not the reason."
I shook my head. "Then, I'm afraid I don't understand."
Severus stared off into the distance, almost as if he was studying the intricate thread pattern of the green curtains around our bed, the very bed that Peregrine and Persephone Prince had slept in, so long ago. "They hated my father as much as I did. It had nothing to do with Muggles, but the fact that they saw right through him."
I bit my lower lip. "They sensed his proclivities for alcohol?" I guessed.
Severus's mouth formed a thin line. "Among other things. They held a summer get-together as an official 'Welcome to the family', on behalf of my mother and Tobias' relationship becoming serious. My mother had been out in the Wizarding World for three years, following her graduation from Hogwarts, where she had excelled in Charms, Potions, and was Captain of the Gobstones Club. As a Pureblood, although not a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the world was still a semblance of an oyster for her, and she took a respectable position at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Games and Sports, her main focus being on Gobstones and Charms, how to make it safer, and to teach it to younger members of wizarding society, so that they could have an upper hand when they arrived at Hogwarts."
"Slytherin?" I guessed.
Severus smirked. "Of course. All members of the House of Prince have been Slytherin, until now," he said, taking my hand, while the other cupped my belly. His gaze darkened as he returned to his story. "At the summer get-together, my grandparents were surprised when Tobias did not invite any members of the Snape family; we later learned that his own father, Terry, had drank himself to death when Tobias was a child, and his mother had succumbed to liver cancer when he was in his teens. They were determined to bring him into the Prince family, and welcomed him with open arms, initially. However, my grandfather, Peregrine, noticed that Tobias was drinking heavily, and was, naturally, concerned, due to the fact that he used vulgar language and hit the house-elves when he thought people weren't looking."
I felt my skin crawl at the sordid description of my father-in-law. "Peronne, that's vile," I breathed, shaking my head.
"Indeed," Severus responded. "Then, Tobias disappeared from the garden where the party was being held. Peregrine took it upon himself to look for him, encouraging Persephone and my mother to remain at the festivities. He discovered Tobias in one of the parlors, together with Thomasine Travers, the aunt of one of Riddle's current Death Eaters, doing something that an engaged man should decidedly not be doing."
I raised my eyebrows. "Oh. New school of thought, then."
Severus looked over at me. "What do you mean?"
"In certain circles, it wasn't uncommon for men to keep mistresses in centuries past," I said quietly, finding that I flushed ever so slightly. "Although, let's just say that I would tell you to see my barrister if you stepped out on me, Severus Snape."
Severus tightened his grip upon my hand. "I have never looked at another woman from the moment I first saw you in the Great Hall when you placed your name in the Goblet of Fire, Cressida Thérèsa Snape."
My eyes widened. "I was a seventh-year!" I cried.
Severus chuckled. "Ah, but a Beauxbatons seventh-year, who I'd only just met that year. I hardly met you at the age of eleven and said, 'This is the witch I shall marry!'"
I smirked, gently slapping his chest. "No, thank Peronne."
Severus leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my temple, which caused me to gasp. "Anyhow," he continued, smirking slightly, as if to nonverbally inform me that he had heard me, "Peregrine, naturally, confronted Tobias on it, leading Thomasine to excuse herself rather quickly. You see, although Peregrine and Persephone were arranged—Persephone being a member of the Prewett family—they had, rather quickly, mind you, fallen in love with one another. Peregrine and Persephone had always told Mother that, if she ever wanted to marry, that she should find a person who respected her, and that included fidelity."
"But, Thomasine Travers was a Pureblood! Surely, she didn't think that Tobias was worthy of her, given that the backward mind of her family likely had brainwashed her—"
"Thomasine Travers had no standards," Severus said, rolling his eyes.
"Ah. I see."
Severus nodded. "So, Peregrine informed Tobias of how he and Persephone had raised Mother, and that they wouldn't stand for him stepping out on her, even if they weren't married, or even engaged, yet."
I swallowed. "Peronne, I don't anticipate he took that well."
"No," Severus confirmed, "he didn't. Tobias laughed in his face, informing him that he loved his daughter too much to rat on him, before returning to the party. Peregrine told Persephone almost immediately, and, although she was reluctant, due to the fact that she didn't want to hurt Mother, but, they finally told her. However, by that time, Tobias had lied to Mother, telling her that Thomasine Travers had come on to him, and it had been a complete misunderstanding that Peregrine and Persephone had walked in on."
I shook my head, wanting to ask if the Princes had considered utilizing a Time-Turner, but, knowing entirely well that, as Purebloods, they would know the consequences of meddling with time, so I let it lie. "I suppose she rebelled against them, then?"
"She did," Severus said, nodding, his tone grave. "She told them that Tobias had proposed and that she had accepted. She then immediately moved out of here, and into the ramshackle house that Tobias had inherited from his parents in Spinner's End. As time went on, Tobias urged her to leave her position at the ministry, which she agreed to, after falling pregnant with me. I later discovered that Tobias had tampered with her birth control, despite never truly wanting children himself, for he saw it as yet another way to control and isolate her."
I felt numb as Severus told me of his mother's existence under his father's thumb, and how utterly devastating it would have been for her. "He never let her out of the house?"
"Oh, he did, but only at specific points," Severus was quick to explain. "If he was working at the mill, she had only a few hours of freedom. She had to keep the house clean—no magic, of course, as he had ordered her to snap her wand to prove her loyalty to him, which, really, broke her spirit even more—do the shopping, and cook the meals. All the meals, of course, had to be catered to his tastes—fish and chips, bangers and mash, steak and kidney pie, and the occasional Sunday roast if he hadn't pissed it all away on drink come the weekend."
"Are British Purebloods traditional in their dining habits, then?" I asked.
"Well, unless there are Muggleborn or Half-Bloods integrated within the family, the Pureblood diet has remained the same for a number of centuries. For example, chateaubriand, swordfish, caviar, things of that nature, would be found on a typical dining room table." Severus pressed another kiss to my temple. "I know you have never been particularly fond of seafood, given that I have seen your dining habits in the Great Hall at Hogwarts, and I would never force you to eat something just because I myself enjoyed it. Once we have more house-elves that Kreacher, we will likely be able to request separate meals, if it comes to that."
I nodded. "If we were Muggles, the smell would bother me, but I know entirely well that Kreacher or one of our other elves, as well as you, would be perfectly capable of casting a charm to ensure that I wouldn't smell it."
Severus smiled, putting an arm around my shoulder, and seemed a bit taken aback when I took the opportunity to cuddle in closer to him. "Well," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly, "my mother soon became a shadow of her former self, given the lack of freedom, as well as magic, that had been imposed upon her by Tobias. When she had me, I know entirely well that Tobias hoped that I'd be a Squib, but, it was not to be. I was a wizard, and my mother was overjoyed, so much so that he beat her to death the final time I came home, this time with a Dark Mark to show for it on my arm."
"Oh, Severus," I whispered, getting as close as I possibly could to him. "Did... Did you tell him about it? Riddle," I clarified.
Severus stiffened. "He knew of my hatred for my father. I... I had been out on a walk to get away from one of their latest shouting matches. I turned around halfway, to beg her to leave him, intent on informing her that we could figure something out. She was a Pureblood; surely Riddle would have found a place for her. However, by the time I returned, I saw Tobias just wide eyed, staring at her. He had thrown her against the wall in a fit of rage; she had hit her head, and was gone within moments. I acted on instinct; I killed him, and, thankfully, Muggles cannot do autopsies on wixen causes of death. They took them both away, her death being attributed to homicide, while the cover story for him was heart palpitations, leading to a heart attack when he had seen what he had done."
I reached out slowly then, taking ahold of his chin and gently easing it to the right so as his eyes met mine. "I don't blame you, not for any of it," I whispered. "You acted on instinct, and sought to protect her, even though it was too late to save her. In your own way, you did save her, by punishing the man who had executed her, by draining her life fore for years."
Severus looked completely tormented. "How can you even bear to look at me? touch me so kindly, after I have just told you that I murdered my father?"
I shook my head at him. "Isn't it obvious, Severus? Because I love you," I whispered, the words tumbling out before I could stop them, leading to my husband to stare at me, shocked. "I love you, I'm in love with you. Why do you think I accepted the prospect of bonding with you without hesitation, and that the only hesitation was on your behalf? I didn't think that you could ever have feelings for me, but, nevertheless, I developed feelings for you. And, when I heard that you potentially had feelings for me from Igor Karkaroff, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I reciprocated them—"
Severus's eyes, which had never left mine, had suddenly dropped to my lips as I mentioned Igor Karkaroff, and it was then that he launched himself forward, pressing his lips to mine. As he did so, I knew immediately that it was a claiming kiss, as his tongue dragged seductively along my lower lip, and I gasped, arching up against him, which he took full advantage of, pressing closer as my lips opened to his like a flower in springtime. He shifted the goose down duvet ever so slightly, running his hands up and down my legs beneath it, and I shivered, wrapping my arms around his neck.
Severus pulled back at my closeness, his eyes roving over my face. "I..."
"What?" I whispered, opening my legs to wrap around his torso. "What is it?"
Severus shuddered as my core reached his, and he did his best to focus. "I want you..."
"Do you?" I whispered, my voice trembling from excitement.
"Of course I do," Severus confirmed. "But... But I don't want to hurt you..."
I shook my head, cupping his cheek. "I'm all right, I promise I'm all right," I assured him. "I want you, too."
"The baby..." Severus said softly.
"Poppy told me it's fine," I said quickly, remembering the conversation I'd had with her about it, even though, at the time, I had no idea if Severus would ever be coming back to me. "She told me it was fine. Please..."
Severus's eyes darkened impossibly further then, lowering his head, and his lips immediately meeting mine. He snapped his fingers, leaving me naked beneath him, and he above me, thus making me shiver with delight. He gently took ahold of my waist, bringing me upwards to sit astride his thighs, and I felt his member coming alive from beneath.
I dragged my tongue across my lower lip, reaching in between us and finding him, before I permitted it to tease at my folds, which were already wet with excitement. I grinned as his eyes snapped shut, his head rolling backwards, a moan escaping from between his lips as I parted my legs further, anchored my hips, and took him inside me. "Oh, Severus," I moaned, my eyes rolling upwards into my head.
Severus's eyes snapped open as he proceeded to piston his hips, and reached upwards to grab at my hardened nipples, pulling and twisting them ever so slightly. "Cressida, fuck," he growled, his teeth gritted against one another, as he drove faster and faster into me. Finally, when he heard my gasps getting faster and faster, one of his hands dove between us, stimulating my clitoris as he moved faster and faster underneath me.
"Severus!" I cried.
"Come for me, my love," Severus whispered. "Now, Cressida. Come for me now!"
I suddenly found myself letting out a shriek as I came, my legs trembling around his, and, just a moment later, Severus let out an almighty groan as he spilled into me. I tried my best to get my breathing under control a moment later, as Severus made a grab for his wand, vanishing the mess from between us and the sweat from our bodies. I let out a short gasp as he took ahold of my hips and got me off him, and lay me beside him, one more charm for each of us before he summoned my nightgown and put it back on me. "Happy Christmas indeed," I said, grinning up at him.
Severus chuckled. "Indeed," he agreed. His eyes suddenly snapped to attention. "Before all of that, before I saw fit to inform you of my past, you mentioned my supposed hatred of Muggles. I never permitted you to finish your point."
"Oh," I said, giggling slightly. "It was about the nursery."
Severus blinked. "The nursery?"
"Yes, Titania's nursery," I clarified. "There were a series of stories by a Muggle woman, Beatrix Potter, that I very much enjoyed growing up. Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Tom Kitten, Pigling Bland, Jemima Puddleduck, and the like..."
Severus smiled. "Yes, I am aware of her work. Mother would read them to me. Not only was she Muggle, but she was an Englishwoman, so Tobias reluctantly approved... Did you have a favorite story of hers?"
"The Pie and the Patty-Pan or The Tailor of Gloucester," I said without hesitation. "How about you, then? Did you have any favorites?"
"The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or The Rolly-Polly Pudding or The Tale of Jeremy Fisher," came Severus's quick response. "Any particular reason that you brought her up?"
"I was thinking that we could use her stories as the theme to Titania's nursery," I said softly. "I had the Hogwarts owls go off and collect each of her works, and I've also managed to track down wallpaper as well. We would still need to find bedding, a suitable mobile, cuddly toys of the characters, a rug or two, and swaddles."
"Any particular furniture?" Severus asked.
"Oh, nothing modern," I said quickly. "Something antique, and in rosewood to match the ever-present theme of the house. Not to mention a crib skirt, and matching curtains, plus a rocking chair, changing table and supplies, as well as bookshelves."
"We'll have a literary child on our hands, eh?" Severus asked, reaching down to cup my belly, which, inevitably, led Titania to kick out at him.
I giggled. "Perhaps," I replied. "Would that be all right with you, though?"
Severus grinned. "You can have whatever your heart desires," he proclaimed. He snapped his fingers again, this time putting our robes around us and slippers on our feet. "But, as it is the festive season known as Christmas, I believe Kreacher will be making a wonderful breakfast and dinner for the two of us, and you have some gifts to open."
"I got you presents, too, Severus," I said, huffing ever so slightly as he took me in his arms and lifted me from the bed, after he drew back the curtains. I permitted him to carry me towards the door, out into the hallway, and down the two flights of stairs, and my eyes widened at the sight before us, as Kreacher had, clearly, outdone himself.
There was an impressive spruce in the main parlor, a fire crackling merrily away beside it, with many gifts surrounding the base of the tree. Holiday garlands decorated the banister of the staircase, as well as the mantelpiece, and there were golden fairy lights in them, plus within the branches of the spruce itself. Antique ornaments, the ones from my rooms at Hogwarts, hung upon the branches, while other Christmas decorations dotted the surfaces of the parlor, as well as, I suspected, other places in the manor.
"Breakfast first or presents first?" Severus asked, his voice warm in my ear.
I was about to answer, but my stomach did so for me.
"Oh, I see how it is," Severus replied, chuckling. "Our daughter is a bit peckish."
"As am I!" I squawked, and Severus chuckled, carrying me into the kitchen, where all manner of delicious smells were emitting from.
"Good morning, Kreacher," Severus said, settling me down at the breakfast table.
"Good morning, Master Severus, Mistress Cressida," Kreacher responded, bowing his head from where he stood before the stove. "Kreacher is preparing the French toast that Mistress Cressida is so fond of, as well as bacon, sausages, fried eggs, breakfast potatoes, fruit, sourdough toast, and cheese crumpets," he informed us proudly.
"Oh, that all sounds delicious, Kreacher," I praised him.
"Kreacher has gotten berries for Mistress Cressida," he continued, knowing my preference for them, "as well as cantaloupe, honeydew, and pomegranate for Master Severus."
Severus nodded his head in approval. "Thank you, Kreacher."
Kreacher beamed at us both. "Kreacher has tidied the house in the order Master Severus requested, and all his potion items—books, ingredients, cauldrons, and the like—have been stored accordingly in the cellar."
I blinked, truly amazed at all Kreacher had done. "How are you finding your living quarters, Kreacher?" I asked, knowing that many Pureblood families weren't very considerate when it came to such things.
"The Prince family was more reformed than that of other Purebloods," Severus explained. "They had plenty of room, comfort, and amenities necessary for common human household servants. I trust you found everything to your liking, Kreacher?"
"Master Severus's ancestors were most generous," Kreacher reported. "But for some dust and cobwebs, which Kreacher took care of, there were no issues Kreacher found."
I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank Peronne," I whispered.
"Kreacher will be preparing a turkey for Christmas supper," he continued, as he proceeded to plate up the various breakfast dishes. "Accompanying that will be Mistress Cressida's favorites of Caesar salad, scalloped potatoes, a cheese loaf, and stuffing, cranberry sauce, and grave, all from the House of Black," he informed us.
Severus smiled. "As it is a favorite of my wife's, I have no objections."
I blinked, looking over at Severus. "What?"
"I remember you told me that you disliked ham," Severus said. "When Kreacher asked me about supper last evening, I told him a turkey would be more appropriate."
"Oh, Severus," I said, reaching out and clutching at his hand. "Thank you."
"Kreacher will be serving Bûche de Noël and homemade vanilla ice cream for pudding," the aged house-elf said as he brought over the various platters, filled with breakfast delights. "Will there be anything else?" he asked, quickly snapping his fingers, and an iced jug of apple juice appeared on the table for me, as well as a pot of coffee for Severus.
"No, thank you, Kreacher," Severus replied, once I'd shaken my head.
Kreacher bowed. "Kreacher began to brine the turkey last evening, and it is in the cooling cupboard," he said promptly. "The potatoes have been peeled and sliced, the cheese loaf is rising, the Caesar dressing is prepared, the croutons have been baked, the cheeses have been cut up, the cranberries have been peeled, and all the vegetables for the stuffing julienned according to the recipes," he said, as if it was nothing. "Kreacher will now set the master bedroom to rights, while leaving his master and mistress to enjoy their breakfast," he declared and, with a snap of his fingers, vanished.
"I have never had French toast like this," Severus commented, cutting into it and sampling it. "Is it a favorite from France?"
"The chefs hired for Beauxbatons taught us how to make it," I explained. "I don't know about Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, or any of the other magical schools, but I know that Hogwarts employs house-elves. We have top chefs train us, and then we do the cooking," I told him.
Severus appeared slightly uncomfortable at what he was going to say next. "When Karkaroff was headmaster, he used Squibs for the cooking," he said bitterly. "He would parade them around during special feasts, where he would also have his top students showcase their magic. Muggleborns weren't allowed there, based on their principals, but what he would do to those Squibs was just cruel..."
I felt my jaw dropping at the picture he painted. "Peronne, you mean he would actually show the Squibs what they were missing? That's incredibly cruel," I whispered. "Didn't their local Ministry of Magic have anything to say about that? The Squib Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 was put into place throughout the Wizarding World, I thought..."
"Due to the fact that no one truly knows where Durmstrang is—only if you are a professor or student there do you truly know and, even then, a sort of Unbreakable Vow is taken so that you never reveal its location to outsiders—it could be in many jurisdictions. Most wixen are led to believe that it is located in the Scandes, which separate Sweden and Norway, and even extend into Finland. As it has more than one Wizarding Ministry, its rules have become foggier, although the Wizarding Council of Europe is set to appraise its rules, now that Karkaroff is dead, and a descendant of its founder, its new Headmistress Irina Vulchanova, has taken over."
I shook my head. "I really hope she's more liberal than Karkaroff," I said bitterly.
"Well, there are already talks of permitting Muggleborns to attend," Severus replied. "It was kept out of the Wizarding Council of Europe's Schools because of their previous stance."
I smiled, pleased with that, and immediately proceeded to tuck into my breakfast, pleased when Severus did as well. We continued making small talk, with Severus informing me that he had never had pleasant Christmas holidays until after he'd graduated from Hogwarts and achieved his potions mastery, for the holidays at Hogwarts were lovely, especially as a professor. Once we had finished eating, I grinned and permitted Severus to take me by the hand and lead me into the main parlor, where the clutch of gifts still lay underneath the tree.
"Where are Morgana and Maldue?" I asked, looking around. "I don't want them to miss any of this..."
"I spoke with Maldue last night, after Kreacher had made the familiar guest quarters available to them," Severus said gently. "They will be nesting for the first three days, with Kreacher bringing them food, water, and anything else they need."
I blinked, looking up at my husband. "Do all old estates for wizarding families have quarters for their familiars?" I asked.
Severus chuckled, placing me into a finely upholstered chair beside the fireplace. "Many of them do," he replied, "although I cannot say Malfoy Manor does. They prefer to keep their white peacocks in the garden, or the specially-heated greenhouse if the weather is cold. They also have an owlery, for they have always kept owls."
"Hmmm," I said in response, and grinned, snapping my fingers and waiting for Severus to sit across from me. I handed him the carefully wrapped gift—green paper with a silver bow—and kept on smiling. "I hope you like it," I said quietly.
"Featherlight Charm?" Severus asked, inspecting it, as it was quite large.
I nodded, folding my hands in my lap. "Naturally," I responded.
Severus smirked, carefully untied the ribbon, and tore into the paper, revealing three very old potions tomes. "Cressida..."
I blinked, confused. "Yes?"
"These... These are too much," he breathed, staring at the covers of Book of Potions, Moste Potente Potions, and Potion Opuscule. "However did you find them?" he asked, looking up at me with a shocked expression. "They're all first editions, and exceedingly rare..."
"The library at Grimmauld Place," I replied. "I had Kreacher go through the books and take down any hexes or curses, before he brought the salvageable ones to me. I've given Hermione some Arithmancy and Ancient Runes texts for her birthday and for today, Harry some of the age-appropriate Defense Against the Dark Arts books, Remus some of the other books of that subject, Bill some Transfigurations ones to get him to accept the position at Hogwarts, Filius some Charms texts, Pomona some Herbology ones, and Hagrid some Care of Magical Creatures ones. The others I donated to the Hogwarts Library... Do you like them?" I asked, my voice trembling ever so slightly.
"Does... Does Sirius know?" he asked, and I found I was surprised that he addressed my father by his first name.
"He does," I confirmed, "and he doesn't mind at all. He told me that everything in Grimmauld Place that I want I could have. He never had taste for reading like I do, of course, so once the hexes and curses were gone, he said I was welcome to them."
"Surely you kept some for yourself," Severus said.
"Of course," I assured him. "Some tomes on Ancient Magic, History of Magic, and Magical Theory may have made their way into my personal library," I said, grinning.
Severus breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank Merlin," he replied.
I giggled, snapping my fingers again, this time a three-dimensional rectangle box flew gently into Severus's lap. "I cannot say this is as exciting, but, I suppose it will be interesting."
Severus unwrapped the gift and chuckled. "Ah, a Muggle chemistry set?"
"Yes, plus a book filled with experiments for you to try, and materials," I said happily. "I know that Sirius and Remus told you to go and play with one for years. Now you can tell them that you can, if you like. If not, we can save it for Titania—"
"No, I think I shall play with it," Severus responded decidedly. "Thank you, love. These are both wonderful gifts."
"I honestly didn't know what all to get you for today," I said softly, and snapped my fingers one last time, "so, I will readily admit, I had some help on this last one."
Severus unwrapped the final gift from me, revealing the antique bottle still filled with Ogden's Old Firewhiskey—vintage, thank you very much—and the box of new Artisanal Dark Truffles from Honeydukes. "Minerva?" he guessed.
I nodded. "Yes. She suggested whiskey, so I did a little research of my own. I've been told that was a good year for bottling, so I selected that one. As for the box of chocolate," I continued, nodding at the deep purple shade of the box, and matching silk ribbon, "all I had to go on was your fondness for dark chocolate. I selected those because they were new, and have had good reviews all around from various European chocolatiers."
"I am quite fond of truffle, thank you," Severus replied, smiling. "Are you fond of them? Perhaps we might share..."
I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry," I said quickly. "I have to be especially in the mood for dark chocolate, and I'm not fond of truffles."
"Ah," Severus replied, nodding. "I suppose I'll have to consume these myself, then."
Kreacher popped into the room. "Mistress Cressida, the project in the cellar is ready for Master Severus's inspection, whenever you are ready."
I nodded. "Thank you, Kreacher. We should be ready now, if you'd like to show him. I think I need to sit for a while."
Kreacher bowed. "As Mistress Cressida wishes."
Severus looked at me, confused. "What's in the cellar, Cressida?"
I bit my lower lip. "I saw some blueprints in the dungeons, before I took my own suite of rooms near the headmistress' tower," I said softly, and Severus's eyes widened. "I... I bought everything you wrote down for your dream potions lab, and Kreacher needs to show it to you. I showed it to him, and he—"
Severus immediately got to his feet, setting down his gifts carefully in the chair that he had just vacated. "Show me at once, please, Kreacher," he said, breathless, and the little elf hurried to keep up with him.
"Severus?" I asked, gripping tightly onto the arms of my chair.
Severus hurried down the corridor, Kreacher just at his heels, and I heard a door open, leading me to believe that they were going down to the cellar. Quick footsteps upon the set of stairs confirmed my theory, and then... "DEAR MERLIN!"
I sat still in my chair, listening to Severus shout in excitement repeatedly, before he hurried back up the staircase again, his dark eyes alight with happiness. "Severus?" I asked again.
Severus, to my shock, hurried forward, and knelt before me, clutching at my hands. "Cressida, I don't know what to say," he whispered. "I... No one has ever done such a lovely thing for me before in my life..."
I smiled, gasping slightly as he opened my hands, pressing kiss after kiss to my palms. "Oh, Severus, you don't need to thank me..."
"I do!" Severus assured me, shaking his head and looking up at me again. "Dear Merlin, Cressida, I love you so much," he breathed.
I gasped again, my eyes filling with tears. "You... You love me?" I whispered.
Severus nodded, inching himself upwards, and wrapping his hand gently around my head. "I love you," he said softly, leaning in and pressing a kiss onto my lips.
Kreacher, who had returned without us noticing, cleared his throat. "Master Severus, would now be a good time for Mistress Cressida's gift from you?"
"Yes, please, Kreacher," Severus said, never taking his eyes off me. "Do make sure that Morgana and Maldue have socialized enough, and bring it here, please."
I blinked, barely registering Kreacher popping away. "Socialized...? Severus, what have you done now?" I asked him.
Severus grinned. "Trust me," he assured me.
Kreacher reappeared a moment later, a luxurious-looking hatbox in his arms; it was circular in shape, with red and gold stripes, and completed with a white ribbon. Kreacher stepped forward and handed it over to Severus who, without hesitation, placed it in my lap. "Kreacher will check on the preparations for dinner," the house-elf announced, vanishing into the kitchen.
"Go on," Severus encouraged me, returning to his chair across from me, his own gifts carefully placed upon the floor beside him.
I swallowed, reaching for the ribbon, when a curious squeaking sound came from inside the box I held. "Not a hat, then," I said softly.
"You don't like hats?" Severus asked.
I laughed. "No!" I replied, shaking my head. "I'm surprised I even made Head Girl with the amount of times I 'accidentally' set mine on fire..."
Severus chuckled at that, watching as I pulled the ribbon. "One of the many reasons why I fell in love with you—you're opinionated stubbornness."
I huffed through my lips at him, getting the ribbon off completely and setting it aside, before I lifted the top off the box. I gasped, looking down at the little kitten sitting inside there, its blue eyes looking imploringly up at me. "Oh, look at you!" I cried out, lifting it out of the box and holding it close, smiling when it began to purr at the affection.
"That's a female Siamese kitten," Severus explained to me, waving his wand. "Look into the box again, will you?"
I blinked, but nevertheless did so, seeing a pink, diamond-studded collar inside there, along with a rose-gold colored, heart-shaped pendant hanging from it. "Oh, how lovely!"
"Once you've picked a name for her, you tap the pendant with a charm. The incantation is Nomine Te, and then the name you've selected."
I stared into the little kitten's eyes, nodded, and summoned my wand. "Nomine Te Circe," I declared, a beam of violet light zinging from my wand, leaving elegant script behind on my newest familiar's collar. I unhooked the collar and carefully placed it around her neck, seeing that it was equipped with Sizing Charms as it shrank ever so slightly to fit her. "Aren't you the sweetest little darling?" I asked. "Don't you be eating Severus's last present now..."
Severus's eyes widened. "There can't possibly be any more..."
I grinned at him. "Oh, Kreacher?" I called. "Would you please bring Severus's last present out here for inspection?"
Severus's eyes went wide as Kreacher walked into the room, a thick glove upon his hand, with a black greater sooty owl poised atop it. "Dear Merlin," my husband whispered.
"I noticed we didn't have an owl," I explained as Kreacher came to stand beside Severus, "and Kreacher was quick to inform me that every wizarding family should at least have one."
"Y-yes, he is indeed correct," Severus responded, pleased when Kreacher handed him a second glove, which magically grew to fit him. Severus then coaxed the bird onto his own hand, stroking its feathers gently, leading the owl's eyes to flutter ever so slightly.
"The proprietor at Eeylops informed me that this handsome boy was not only gentle, but wise and considerate, with the ability to fly long distances," I explained, grinning as Kreacher handed Severus a piece of bacon left over from breakfast.
"Does he have a name yet?" Severus asked, feeding the treat to his new friend.
"He doesn't," I confirmed, shaking my head. "He's yours, after all, and I thought I would leave the naming to you."
Severus, who looked very excited, did his best not to bounce in his seat. "All right. I believe you look like a...Mercury?" he asked, causing the owl to flutter with excitement. "Very well, then, you wonderful fellow. Mercury it is." Severus turned towards me then, extended his hand, and smiled when I took it. "Happy Christmas, Cressida."
I beamed back at him. "Happy Christmas, Severus."
Even though he had his state-of-the-art potions lab to tinker with, as well as the new books, and Muggle chemistry set, I could see that Severus, despite protesting to the contrary, truly missed teaching at Hogwarts. At least, he finally admitted, the NEWT-level students; that is, the sixth and seventh-year classes. In his words, Merlin only knew what kind of marks Horace Slughorn, especially as the new paramour of Hogwarts' headmistress, was giving out.
I did my best to calm him down, make him happy, and even managed to get Kreacher to do some other tasks as I cooked Severus some of his favorite meals. He seemed to enjoy doing research in his potions lab, feeling Titania kick, and having simple conversations about our future. It pleased me that he seemed keen on the notion of having more children after Titania, despite the fact that she was, technically, unplanned. He helped me with the nursery, owl ordering from secondary places that provided Muggle items to our tastes, as well as the rosewood antique furniture I so desired for our daughter as well.
Winter finally ended, and Kreacher and I executed our plans for the flower and kitchen gardens on the wide expanse of property. I told him of all the things I wanted to plant, which had already been ordered and put into a written plan, and Kreacher happily followed orders. He even brought home a surprise one afternoon, in the form of Tiffy, a female house-elf who had been unjustly surrendered to the House-Elf Placement Agency, after her sworn enemy, Petrovsky, another house-elf, framed her for a bad deed. Tiffy willingly had her memories examined, as house-elves could not take Veritaserum, and Severus determined she was telling the truth, thus permitting her to stay on.
Tiffy knew several handy House-Cleaning Spells, and was a dab hand in the kitchen; plus, Kreacher proved immediately to be sweet on her, with the feeling, wonderfully enough, being quite mutual. We replaced her rotting, smelly pillow case with a spiffy uniform, which Tiffy wore gladly, and would often sing to herself during her hours of work throughout the day. She went on and on about her experience with babies, how much she loved them, and how much she was looking forward to Titania's birth. Severus and I knew immediately that we were in good hands with Tiffy, who had replaced Kreacher's hunched-over, growling demeanor with that of a more kindly disposition.
Now that the weather was warmer, I took the opportunity to explore our grounds, though the wards both protected and hid me from view. I would carry Circe, with Morgana and Maldue walking at my feet, and, sometimes, Mercury flying overhead. One afternoon, we explored the orchard; the cherry trees had shot into flower, and numerous pink blossoms peeking upwards at the suns' rays, leading Circe to bat at them when an errant one or two decided to block our path as they flew downwards to the soft, green grass.
"How are you holding up?" Morgana asked, looking up at me.
I smiled; Poppy had been by three days previously, and had told me that I was progressing right on schedule, with Titania likely to come by the end of the week. "I'm just glad that I haven't been ordered to bed rest, although Severus would have it differently," I said, shaking my head, though it was lovely that he was so attentive to me, given that this was his first child.
"It's so nice out," Maldue agreed, scurrying forward to catch at a rogue blossom. "Thankfully, Poppy mentioned short walks and lots of fresh air were just the ticket."
Morgana watched her mate for a moment, trying and failing not to be amused at his antics. "Are you feeling nervous about it?" she wanted to know.
I shook my head. "Not entirely, no. Severus's potions have worked wonders, of course, and Poppy, Molly, Andromeda, Tonks, and Dad are just a Fire-Call away if I need them."
Maldue huffed at that, peering at me from over his shoulder. "You know very well that Severus will not allow your father in the delivery room," he informed me pointedly.
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I know that very well, thank you. He will likely be in one of the many parlors this place has to offer, commiserating with Remus and Ted..."
"Drinking us out of house and home, no doubt," said a voice from behind me.
I turned around, gazing down at the raven Patronus of my husband, which was still a bit of a shock to me, as I was getting used to it. "How now," I said, grinning down at it. "Is lunch ready, then, love?"
"Shortly, I don't want you going too far," Severus's raven responded; he had been working for months on this new form of communication, whereby you could actually have conversations with a Patronus, and not merely deliver a one-sentence message.
"Never fear, I won't," I informed him, giggling as the raven flew into the sky and beyond, and I turned around to continue my walk. I stroked Circe behind her ears, watching as Maldue hurried towards Morgana, nipping playfully at her ear. "And how are the pair of you doing?" I asked them, the question clearly directed at them both. "Getting excited?"
"Not if it involves more of that dreadful cake you insisted upon serving at your birthday two days ago," Maldue said, looking disgusted.
Morgana promptly hit him with her tail. "Maldue! We discussed this..."
Maldue sighed. "I'm sorry, Cressida... But what do you call that infernal flavor anyhow?"
I bit my lips, trying my best not to laugh at Maldue finally disliking something. "It's called Funfetti," I told him gently. "Severus got Kreacher to make it as a surprise, because it was also the cake that was served at our wedding."
"Not to mention that it's her favorite flavor," Morgana told Maldue hotly. "When it is your birthday, we can serve what you like..."
"When is your birthday, Maldue?" I asked him.
Maldue grinned. "The seventh of May," he replied promptly.
"Well, we'll be sure to serve all your favorites on that day," I told him, and Maldue looked plenty pleased at that.
"I wonder what labor is like," Maldue mused, tilting his face upwards and inhaling something, likely our lunch cooking.
"You heard what Poppy said," Morgana said patiently to him. "We magical creatures have a different reproductive cycle than that of ordinary ermine. The twin fetuses inside me have developed much like a traditional human pregnancy, whereas a Muggle ermine one would lay dormant for several months, and then there would be a four-week gestation period. This way, I can feel the entire developmental stage in phases, spaced out over several months, and not all at once, in the four-week period."
I raised my eyebrows. "Peronne, I had no idea that it would be different from that of a Muggle ermine," I said softly, and Morgana looked up at me. "Please let me know if Severus, Kreacher, Tiffy, or I can do anything, since I'm sure Maldue has been doing exceptionally well preparing for fatherhood."
Maldue looked even more pleased by my words. "Oh, we'll let you know," he assured me, "but I can say that having those delectable field mice for Sunday dinner each week has been much better than anything we could have gotten in the wild."
"I do have cravings for vole every now and again," Morgana said softly.
Maldue scurried to Morgana's side. "Perhaps I might go out and procure you one? As long as I've got Cressida's permission," he added quickly.
I smiled at him. "Of course you can," I said gently. "You're keyed into the wards, which surround the property, including the surrounding field and the woods beyond. I'm sure you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Just remember, no going outside the wards. I would hate for a Muggle to come upon you; the consequences could be dire."
Maldue nodded his head. "Don't worry, I'll watch out for the boundary," he assured me, before he turned to Morgana, kissing her on the cheek. "I shall return as quickly as possible to present a vole to you... Would you like Kreacher or Tiffy to roast it, or would you rather eat it raw?" he asked, ever the attentive mate.
"Roasted vole sounds lovely," Morgana said, her eyes fluttering.
Maldue nodded his head before he hurried off.
"He'll make a good father," Morgana informed me lovingly, watching as he made his way quickly through the field.
"I'll say," I replied, as Circe seemed to mew in agreement from my arms. We rounded another bend, coming to the other side of the cherry trees, when something lurched from within me, causing me to gasp.
"Cressida?" Morgana asked, looking up. "Is anything amiss?"
I swallowed, gritting my teeth against the onslaught of pain. "N...No," I gasped out, shaking my head at her, and doing my best not to squeeze Circe in the process. "Just... Just an ache."
Morgana tilted her head to one side. "Didn't Poppy say that it could be any day now?"
I laughed aloud at that. "Well, I'll have you know that Severus and I have a plan, and that plan includes not welcoming Titania until April arrives—" I cut off then, as I felt something between my legs, small at first, but then reminiscent of a dam bursting. I stood there, stunned for a moment, until I took the opportunity to lower my eyes, seeing that my legs were soaking wet, as was the grass beneath me. "Peronne," I whispered, far calmer than I ever expected to be when faced with this situation, "it's time."
"It's time?" Morgana asked.
I nodded, my knees buckling and sending me to the ground, leading Circe to yowl at being unexpectedly dropped. "Morgana, get Circe inside and tell Severus what's going on," I managed to get out through gritted teeth, which is when another pain surged through me. "Please hurry!" I screamed out, as it promptly decided to tear through, and Morgana corralled Circe as a dog might do to a sheep, the two of them hurrying away from me and into the house.
I gripped the soft grass in front of me, the blades creeping between my fingers, fresh-smelling dirt already lodged underneath my fingernails. I did my best to breathe, to focus all my energy on that, and not the fiery inferno of pain inside me. My heart thudded in my ears as I trembled, knowing entirely well that Poppy was only one Fire-Call away, along with the select few people we'd agreed to have there for the birth. My own mother couldn't be there, so Molly had willingly stepped up, with Andromeda as a close second if Molly was unavailable, and Tonks in the event that both women couldn't be here. However, all three were invited, but only Poppy, Molly, and Severus had been invited into the room for the birth itself—
"Cressida!" came Severus's shout not a moment later, followed directly by the pounding of his feet upon the ground, leading me to believe that he had jumped down the stairs leading into the garden, and hurried towards where Morgana had told him I was. He flew towards the orchard, as I could see him through the trees, and I threw up my hand, waving frantically to him as he drew nearer. He rounded the final bend and effortlessly lifted me into his arms, pressing a kiss to my temple as he hurried towards the house. "Kreacher has called Poppy, who, in turn, will inform everyone whom we've invited," he told me gently. "Of course, as it is a Tuesday, some may not be available to come..."
I nodded; since Arthur still needed to support the Weasley family, he had been given the position of Muggle Studies professor, after Charity Burbage had decided to move to South America for a position at Castelobruxo. Remus, of course, was still teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts; Sirius had taken over Ghoul Studies; Bill now taught Transfiguration; Fleur would likely be left in charge of the hospital wing as Deputy Matron, along with Draco Malfoy, who had been given an apprenticeship; Tonks had plenty to do when it came to patrolling the castle as an Auror; Andromeda was teaching Art; Ted was teaching Alchemy; and Charlie had temporarily left the dragon preserve to be closer to Draco, taking the reigns of Magical Theory, when given permission to bring dragons up as a subject, although he was not allowed to invite any from Romania.
"Molly and Poppy will do, if that's all that can make it," I said softly, gritting my teeth as another pain gripped me. "You'll stay, won't you?"
Severus nodded as we got into the house. "Of course I will," he said gently. "Thank Merlin that Kreacher and Tiffy have been preparing for this moment..."
"Thank Peronne we got the nursery done on time, too," I said, managing to let out a laugh. "Do you mind if I teach Titania French?"
Severus blinked as we went through the kitchen and directly towards the main staircase. "It is a part of who you are, my love," he said softly. "Of course I don't mind... Will we be teaching her Latin as well?" he asked.
I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder. "I'd like that," I whispered. "It certainly was advantageous for me to be trilingual, so Titania should be given all the opportunities she can when it comes to academics..."
"Most wixen children are taught at home for the first ten years, or, at least, until their magical abilities showcase themselves," Severus told me.
I shook my head at that, breathing a sigh of relief once we arrived at the master bedroom suite. "I really hope that something can be done about that..."
"At the moment, the only thing that will be done will be ensuring that your little witch will get here safe and sound," said Poppy, who was already there, with Molly in tow. "Severus, put her on the bed, please. Molly and I have finished casting the proper Medicinal Charms so that the mattress and blankets don't get ruined."
Severus crossed the room and placed me gently in the center of the bed; there were an abundance of pillows to prop me up, which felt like heaven. "Shall I transfigure her into a nightgown?" he asked, obviously keen to help out.
"No need, Severus," Molly told him gently with a flick of her wand, and I was placed into a lightweight, cotton nightdress, which was much more comfortable, and my sandals were spelled clean and returned to my wardrobe. "Just sit beside Cressida and hold her hand, dear."
Severus did just that, summoning a chair as he did so, while all the while keeping ahold of my hand as Poppy and Molly bustled about. "Do you need anything?" he asked me, gently pushing my hair off from my forehead, which was an immense relief. "Shall I summon Kreacher or Tiffy to bring you some water?"
I nodded. "Tiffy, please, with lots of ice and a Keep Cold Charm."
Severus smiled. "And a Keep Full one, love, of course," he assured me, and called for Tiffy. "A large glass of water for Cressida, please, Tiffy, with Keep Cold Charms and Keep Full Charms added as well."
Tiffy bowed her head. "Of course, Master Severus," she said, and popped away.
Severus turned back towards me, still clutching at my hand, and pressed a loving kiss to the back of it. "I don't think I've ever seen you more beautiful."
I turned to fully face him, glaring at him. "My cheeks are blotchy, my forehead is sweaty, my lips have more than likely been bitten to the quick, and my eyes have gone red with tears," I responded huffily. "Somehow, I doubt that the adjective of 'beautiful' can be used to accurately describe me at the moment."
Severus grinned at me. "One of the many reasons why I fell in love with you, Cressida, was your ability to quickly deduce a situation," he informed me.
Tiffy returned a moment later, the requested large glass of water gripped tightly in her hands, her dark eyes wide. "Tiffy has procured the water for Mistress Cressida, Master Severus."
Severus nodded, accepting the water. "Thank you, Tiffy," he said softly. "We will summon you if we have need of you." He waited for Tiffy to pop away again before handing the water over to me, which I sipped slowly. "Better?"
I huffed at him, which he took as a cue to place the water on the bedside table. "You will find that I will not be 'better' until our daughter comes into the world, Severus Snape."
"I second that," Poppy declared from the foot of the bed; she gently separated my legs from their put together position, and peered up into the space between there. "You are already a fair few centimeters dilated, so everything is on schedule."
Molly, meanwhile, who had moved to sit upon the other side of the bed, gently took my free hand into hers. "There you are, love. Some first babies can be quick, others like to take their sweet time. Your Titania seems to be anxious to meet you as quickly as possible."
Severus grinned. "Perhaps Titania is going to be on time, much like her father," he mused, his smile waning ever so slightly when I glared at him.
"Perhaps you would like to deliver our next child, Severus?" I quipped.
Severus immediately appeared nervous at the prospect. "Next child?" he asked.
It took another half hour to become fully dilated, and I called Severus a few choice words in the process of it all. Molly, of course, calmed my husband down, informing him that she said a fair few of those words herself to Arthur when she'd given birth. Poppy, meanwhile, spoke with encouragement towards me, and, when I felt the contractions coming within moments of each other, she urged me to push on them.
"That's right," Poppy informed me soothingly, taking the opportunity to rub my legs every few moments to ground me. "You're doing very well, dear. Oh, look at that—we've got ourselves a head!" she crowed.
I gasped aloud at that, knowing entirely well that the head being born meant definite progress, so I did my best to follow her orders. I kept my breathing shallow and deep when the occasion called for either, gripping as tightly as I could to both Severus's and Molly's hands, hoping to Peronne that I wasn't hurting either of them. Mercifully, if I was, neither of them voiced any complaints to me!
Poppy promptly snapped her fingers, summoning a fresh towel, which she used to grab the baby once it came forth from within me. "Oh, congratulations!" she said, beaming with pride. "Your little Titania is here at last!"
I fell back onto the pillows, doing my best to get my heart rate under control. I felt relieved when Molly had cool cloths to dab upon my forehead, cheeks, and neck, and was vaguely aware of Poppy giving instructions to Severus. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice hoarse as Molly gave me Wiggenweld Potion and more sips of water, before Severus crossed the room slowly to me, and presented me with our daughter for the first time.
"Here she is, love," Severus whispered.
I immediately took hold of Titania, staring into her pale blue eyes, gasping at how beautiful she was, and the overwhelming sense of love I felt. I took in her upturned nose, full cheeks, and crop of black hair, amazed that she was mine, truly mine. I was a bit aware of Poppy rubbing gentle circles upon my stomach so that the placenta could come free, but I was fully absorbed in looking at my baby daughter. "Do you want to pick her middle name?" I whispered, looking up at Severus for a moment.
Severus hesitated for a moment, looking down at her. "I thought, perhaps, Iris would go well with Titania," he said softly.
I blinked, staring up at him. "What?" I whispered.
Severus gave me a small smile. "Although brilliant, I could see through your Concealment Charms from the beginning," he admitted quietly. "It was the first tattoo of yours that I saw. I remember seeing it when you placed your name into the Goblet of Fire. I thought it was a lovely tattoo, and that there was obviously something to you that I couldn't even begin to imagine fully until I met you properly..."
I held Titania securely to me, lowering my nightgown to give her some milk when she fussed ever so slightly, before using my free hand to grasp onto Severus's as I anchored our daughter to my breast for the first time. "I suppose one could say there was more to me," I said quietly to him, barely aware of Molly and Poppy exiting the room, likely knowing that we would want a few private moments to ourselves, before we were bombarded with well-wishers. "Had I grown up attending Hogwarts... Well, we wouldn't have been here today..."
Severus sighed, shaking his head. "Perhaps, had your mother been able to stay with your father, then... Then you could have had them both..."
I swallowed, gnawing ever so slightly on my lower lip. "But, then, I couldn't have had you," I said quietly. "You must know that, had you known immediately who I was, and met me at the age of eleven, that you likely wouldn't be interested in me..."
"It would have been different, surely," Severus remarked. "And, if I had taken an interest, it certainly wouldn't have been while you were still my student. Perhaps, if you had left Hogwarts upon the occasion of your graduation, went abroad for a period of years..." He shook his head. "I find I am unknowing of what would have happened."
"We wouldn't have fallen in love," I mused, looking down at Titania, whose eyes fluttered, for she was likely exhausted from the ordeal of her birth. "We wouldn't have had this beautiful little girl, and you may have not removed your Dark Mark..." I felt my shoulders slumping. "I don't doubt your skills at potions, so, perhaps, you would have sought out a different witch to procure the virgin's blood from..."
"There was no one else I wanted," Severus told me, his voice so firm that I turned and stared at him, my eyes wide. "I've never wanted anyone else in the way that I want you."
I shook my head. "But... But Lily..."
"Was a childhood infatuation, a beautiful dream, I see that now," Severus replied, leaning forward, his fathomless eyes never leaving mine. "I love you, Cressida. I will always love you. I believe from the moment you willingly submitted to my interrogation in potions class upon that first day, I was already on my journey to becoming lost." He reached out, cupping my cheek, his thumb gently easing away the tears that flowed upon it. "I cannot tell you how pleased I am with our life, Cressida, I cannot..."
I let out a gasp-filled sob as I inched forward as best I could, leaning in and pressing my lips to his. "I love you, too, Severus," I whispered.
Severus gently pressed his forehead to mine, gazing down at Titania again. "Look at this beauty that we have made," he whispered, wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders, before he reached between us, gently tickling Titania's palm, leading to our daughter grasping onto his finger tightly.
"She has your hands, love," I whispered, laughing softly.
"Perhaps she will have my potions skills as well," he mused.
I laughed again at that, feeling safe and warm, for the moment, at least, in our little bubble of serenity, joy, and love. And yet, at the back of my mind, I knew entirely well that, just on the horizon, there were trouble and war brewing, and it all was about to boil over.
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