Chapter Fourteen: Come Together
They had all come, of course they did, from the moment classes had let out for the Easter holidays and they'd gotten proper permission. Filius agreed to watch the school so that Minerva could come herself to see Titania, dabbing at her eyes with a tartan handkerchief, while Horace gently soothed her. I could see that Severus's lip curled at the Celtic engagement ring upon her finger, but I merely smiled and wished her congratulations. She deserved to be happy, after her one failed engagement in early adulthood, and then subsequent widowhood years later.
"She looks just like me!" my father proclaimed to the mixed company, practically sashaying around the room in celebration, while Severus appeared as if he wanted to rip Titania out of his arms. "A good celestial name, Cressida, well done."
Hermione, meanwhile, placed her hand gently upon Sirius's arm, and made to take the baby for a moment, which seemed to calm Severus down considerably, as the young witch expertly supported her head. "Oh, she's absolutely gorgeous," she said softly, creating a soft bounce to her step that all babies seemed to enjoy. "You can see by her eyes how intelligent she is. Can't you Harry, Ron?"
Harry looked over Hermione's shoulder, his green eyes melting as he caught a good and proper glimpse of Titania for the first time. "What do you reckon, Ron? Chaser?"
"Beater, especially given those impressive kicks Cressida had to suffer though—oi!" he hissed, obviously not wanting to scare Titania, but nevertheless bestowed an annoyed look in Ginny's direction, before she returned to stand beside Harry.
"She'll be a Seeker if she plays at all, it's in her blood," Ginny responded with satisfaction.
"I'll thank you not to sign my daughter up for any Quidditch teams before she begins her education at Hogwarts," Severus told them firmly. "Besides, we've agreed that we'll be leaving the decision up to her."
I took Severus's hand in mine, gently patting it. "While we know that she will be exposed to it rather early on, given that you lot are her cousins," I said, smiling at Ron and Ginny, "and you're practically her aunt and uncle," I continued, nodding towards Harry and Hermione, "we don't want to rush things, or have her influenced to form an opinion not her own."
"Quite right," Hermione said stoutly.
"While the practice Snitch and toy broom are adorable," I continued, smiling at Harry and Ron respectively, "I rather think that Ginny's mobile of the Beatrix Potter characters, and Hermione's considerate gift of a first-edition copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard are a bit more appropriate for her at this point in time."
"I have had the broom checked over, and it does meet all the safety modifications necessary...for a toddler," Severus put in, and Harry and Ron quickly appeared sheepish. "However, I shall ensure that, while she cannot use it now, we will introduce it to her when she is the proper age for them, and the two of you can be there to supervise."
Ginny took a turn with Titania next, smiling down lovingly at her. "Oh, you are so precious," she said softly, her eyes alight with love.
"Careful mate—she'll be wanting one eventually!" Ron informed Harry with a grin.
This time, Hermione took the liberty of elbowing him in the ribs.
Kreacher arrived soon thereafter, informing everyone present that there was a lovely meal awaiting them in the dining room. I took the opportunity to take Titania back from Ginny, and remained in the parlor to feed her myself. Severus agreed to play host, and play nice, with our company without my need to supervise him, while Tonks perched beside me on the couch to keep me company.
"How are things with Remus going?" I asked quietly, once the door had shut behind us. I turned as Tiffy popped into the room, thanking her as she provided one of my breastfeeding slings, and popped out again. I situated Titania inside its softness, and she immediately seemed to calm down, almost as if she knew what was happening, as I unbuttoned my blouse and got her situated for her meal.
"Much better since the ball," Tonks said, her eyes alight with excitement. "He took the opportunity to claim me for every dance, once a few eligible wizarding bachelors seemed keen on sharing the experience with me."
I raised my eyebrows. "Possessive, eh?" I asked, gently settling Titania against my breast, and feeling immense relief as she began her feed. "Sounds to me like Moony was attempting to stake his claim before witnesses... Do Dromeda and Ted approve?"
My cousin rolled her eyes. "My fool of a mother would approve of any wizard who looked my way, if I felt as strongly about them as I do for Remus," she replied. "And Dad? Well... He likes having philosophical discussions with Remus, who, despite for the week before, during, and after full moons is quite gentle at the end of things."
I lowered my eyes, rubbing at the soft down of dark hair upon Titania's head. "So, I take it you see a future with one another, then?"
"I certainly do," Tonks confirmed. "Whether or not Remus wants to make it official remains to be seen fully, although Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Draco, Charlie, and, surprisingly, Sirius, have been supportive. Dad and Mum do and say whatever they can in their own way, and although they were a bit apprehensive, initially, about the age difference, I know they've come around to the fact that Remus is it for me, and there won't be anyone else."
I reached outwards, taking her hand in mine. "He'll come around," I assured her gently.
We parted company on good terms with our guests and, as the spring bled into summertime, I did my best to get Tatiana on a better sleeping schedule. I knew that we would be bombarded with guests more and more as the summer went on, and I could sense that Kreacher was looking forward to it, as I knew that the Black family had had company over pretty regularly. Severus, meanwhile, seemed pleased that Kreacher and I were happy about it, and never complained about a thing. I knew I would have to give him plenty of notice before anyone came over, and I hoped beyond hope that my father would keep his dropping in to a minimum, although he was always excited to see his first grandchild.
One evening, in early July, when I was tucking Titania into her bassinet beside our bed, I smiled down at her as I pressed a final kiss to her forehead. I watched as her long eyelashes fluttered, before she shut her eyes, and Severus came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to my temple. Automatically, I leaned slightly backwards and into him, biting down hard on my lower lip as his own lips pressed further down from my temple, to my cheek, neck, collarbone...
"Thank Peronne for Silencing Charms," I murmured, and permitted Severus to summon one of my nightgowns, and take off the simple dress I'd worn for our gathering that day.
Severus chuckled, bundling my dress and chucking it into the hamper for Tiffy or Kreacher to take care of eventually. "I agree with you, my dearest wife."
I peeked over my shoulder at him with a grin, before I pulled my nightgown over my head and straightened the long skirt. "Did you have a good time today?" I asked, getting onto my side of the bed, the one closer to Titania's bassinet.
Severus rounded the bed, himself garbed in sleep pants and a T-shirt, and climbed into bed beside me. "I did," he said at last, nodding. "Remus was only too keen to sample my latest alterations to the Wolfsbane Potion, and your father was on his best behavior."
I smiled, leaning towards him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You behaved splendidly," I told him, and Severus seemed to bask in my praise. "I love that you were able to apologize to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny for your past treatment of them."
Severus inclined his head. "It was high time to do so, although Minerva was breathing down my neck as much as you were," he admitted, and I grinned. "Are you prepared for next weekend, when we'll be opening up our home to Draco and Charlie, Bill and Fleur, Andromeda and Ted, and Molly and Arthur?"
I nodded, pleased that our circle of friends had agreed to take it in turns of small groups, much to Severus's and my relief. "Fleur's written to me, and informed me that she's becoming more and more interested in Curse Breaking, and that the apprenticeship with Poppy is only temporary. It seems as though Poppy will be taking Draco on next term, and, hopefully, once this is over, Bill will be joined by Fleur at Gringotts, once it is safe again."
"Not a bad idea to brush up on Healing Magic anyhow," Severus said, nodding his head. "You can encounter medical problems in any line of work. It will put her ahead in her future position with the goblins, and likely will ensure that they respect her as well."
I watched as Severus took our pillows and placed them up against the headboard, before leaning back on them, and opened his arms. I scooted closer to him, feeling immensely happy when I felt his strong arms around me. "It would be so much easier for her to go back to France... If it weren't for Bill, and for me, she could go back..."
Severus leaned forward slightly, resting his chin upon my shoulder. "Are you frightened for her?" he asked me quietly.
"I'm frightened for anyone who has a connection to us," I admitted, turning my head to gaze at Titania, still fast asleep in her bassinet. "One false move, and the wards could fall here, or at Hogwarts, and life as we know it could end. He... He could..."
Severus held me tightly against him, but just loose enough so that I could get away from him if I wanted to. "Dolohov can't touch you here," he assured me, "nor can any other Death Eater. If anyone with the mark tried to bypass the wards of Hogwarts, or here, they would be met with the Cruciatus Curse, if not worse." He pressed a kiss to my temple. "No one is coming for you, my love, I swear it."
I swallowed, finding that I was trembling. "It's not getting any better..."
"Your nightmares?" he whispered back.
I shook my head. "No, they're not. The one where I'm drowning was bad enough, with creatures keeping me hostage beneath the water, but the one last night was even worse..."
Severus shifted closer. "What happened?"
"There was a cloud of smoke, wherein I was rendered temporarily blind, and then you came out of the shadows," I whispered, shutting my eyes as I envisioned the nightmare again. "You told me that you were just using me, that the whole potion was futile, and that you would go back to his side again... Dolohov came out next, telling me that he would find me, and that he would do whatever he liked to me," I continued, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Then, you were telling me what a dirty whore I was, that I deserved what was being done to me..."
"I would never," Severus whispered fervently to me, "I would never say such things, Cressida, I swear it. Please...please, believe me."
I turned to look up at him, and nodded my head. "Of course I do, Severus. And I hope that you know I would never say anything like that to you either."
Severus leaned forward, brushing his lips to mine. "These dreams worry me," he admitted at last, shaking his head. "I think we should consult Minerva about them, the next time she visits. She may know someone who can be of help—"
It was then that an animalistic sound erupted from somewhere outside the manor, and Severus tensed around me. I felt my jaw drop at the notion of it, wondering who, or what, could have made such a sound. My thoughts immediately went to Titania, who woke up unexpectedly, and screamed, tossing her dark head backwards. I threw back the blankets and gathered her up into my arms, watching as Severus got his wand.
"Stay up here," Severus ordered, his eyes blazing. "I don't know what in Merlin's name made that noise, but I won't have you or Titania coming to harm."
I opened my mouth to counter, to beg him not to go, or not to leave without me, but he was gone almost immediately thereafter, summoning his robe and slippers as he flew across the room, threw open the door, and was gone. I crossed over to the rocking chair beside the window, doing my best to soothe Titania, and lowered myself into it, pressing a kiss to her forehead and whispering soft words to her, rocking back and forth. I hoped beyond hope that the soothing motion would calm her, and, after a few moments, her eyes fluttered, and she fell asleep in my arms once more.
Tiffy popped in a moment later, smiled at the picture, and carefully levitated Titania back into her bassinet without me having to ask her. "Master Severus and Kreacher are asking Tiffy to summon Mistress Cressida," the elf reported very seriously. "Tiffy will watch over Mistress Titania while Mistress Cressida goes downstairs."
I slowly got to my feet. "It's safe?" I whispered.
Tiffy nodded her head. "Kreacher is assuring Tiffy that it is."
I bit my lip, knowing entirely well that this had everything to do with the sound made outside not five minutes ago, but nevertheless summoned my own robe and slippers and left the master bedroom suite myself. As I entered the corridor and crossed over to the staircase, I could hear Severus shouting, Kreacher's plaintive tone, as well as that of another voice, one that I'd never heard before, seemingly begging for mercy. Stunned, I found myself hurrying down the landing and down the next set of stairs, through the entrance hall, and into the parlor where the voices were coming from, before I stood upon the threshold, gaping.
"Mistress Cressida!" Kreacher croaked, turning as I entered the room.
"Kreacher," I said, finding my voice as I gazed past the house-elf, to take in my husband, who was holding our visitor at wandpoint; our visitor, meanwhile, was crouched in a submissive position in front of the fireplace, holding his dark head in his hands, pure fear ebbing off from him. I immediately crossed over to stand by my husband's side, my own wand finding its way into my hand. "Who the hell are you?! What do you want?!" I demanded of the stranger, the thought of anything happening to my daughter causing rage to fill my tone.
Slowly, the man raised his eyes upwards, his blue-gray eyes taking me in for the first time, which nearly sent me reeling backwards. "You're a Black," the man breathed, his expression a completely stunned one.
"She is a Snape now, for she is my wife," Severus snapped at him. "What in Merlin's name do you think you're playing at? No one with a Dark Mark can cross our wards, and impersonating someone from the Ancient and Noble House of Black, or any member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, is tantamount to treason. What do you think you're doing?"
"Severus, it really is me," the man said brokenly.
I blinked, looking up at my husband, to the stranger, and back again. "What are you saying? I thought that my father was the final male Black..."
Severus narrowed his eyes further at the stranger. "He is," he replied in a clipped tone, "which is why I'm convinced that Polyjuice Potion is at work here, despite it being a regulated substance, although whoever brewed it does good work, which is dangerous..."
"But I don't understand," I said firmly. "Who is this?"
"My name is Regulus Arcturus Black, younger son of Orion and Walburga Black, and younger brother of Sirius Black," said the man slowly, and my eyes immediately locked back onto his. "I joined the man formerly known as Tom Riddle during my final years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where I was sorted into Slytherin, and played Seeker for my house Quidditch Team..."
"All of which can be deducted by anyone who attended Hogwarts with you, or its professors both during and current. Not to mention anyone with the ability to search the Hall of Records at any Ministry of Magic," Severus informed him, staring down his nose at my supposed uncle, as if he was staring at something one would wipe off their shoe. "Regulus Black died in a Death Eater battle when he wasn't considered up to snuff—"
"No!" Regulus shouted, shaking his head.
"That is not what happened to Master Regulus!" Kreacher growled.
I turned to Kreacher, knowing that, despite his apparent loyalty to Regulus, he couldn't lie to either Severus or myself. "What happened to him, Kreacher?" I asked.
Kreacher bowed his head. "Kreacher took Master Regulus, in the month following his commencement from Hogwarts, to a cave, all by his orders," he informed us, his ears lowering in sadness as he told his tale. "Master Regulus sliced his hand, offering it to the rocks inside, and a boat came up from the depths of the dark water. Kreacher smelled danger, but Master Regulus said that this was important, and so Kreacher obeyed. Kreacher and Regulus went into the boat, towards a beautiful mountain of crystals, where one was filled with a potion, and a seashell for someone to drink from..."
"Emerald Potion," Severus breathed, and my eyes snapped to his; my husband's face had turned a shade of milky white, and his eyes had gone hollow. "I created it for the...for Riddle, in my early days of service. My task was to create something so foul, that the drinker would relive their worst possible memories..." His eyes turned towards Regulus, before going back to Kreacher, and nodded for him to continue.
"Kreacher was ordered to stand by as Master Regulus consumed the entire potion, despite Kreacher's pleas for him to drink it, but Master Regulus refused," the aged house-elf said, lowering his eyes as his ears went flat upon his head. "Master Regulus convulsed, but was able to give Kreacher the locket, telling Kreacher to leave and not come back, and to put the locket somewhere where no one would ever find it..."
"Do you still have the locket, Kreacher?" I asked breathlessly.
"Kreacher still has it," he said softly, "hidden in a compartment of his quarters."
"I was able to track Kreacher, based on his loyalty to the House of Black, which is what led us all here," Regulus said, holding up his hands in surrender, as he slowly got to his feet.
"Us?" snapped Severus. "Have you brought more of your kind here? We won't have Death Eaters in this house—!"
"My wife," Regulus said, with the same amount of intensity as Severus had a moment ago when it came to me, "is an American No-Maj-Born witch."
Severus immediately proceeded to laugh at that. "No Black would ever willingly marry a No-Maj or a No-Maj-Born!" my husband cackled. "Even a Half-Blood would be pushing it..."
"But it's true!" Regulus protested. "She is outside with our two children."
I crossed my arms, knowing entirely well that there was a way to settle this. "What is your wife's name?" I asked.
"Her name is Ariadne Black, but, in public, she was known as Ariadne Ash," Regulus informed me, and I raised my eyebrows at that.
"Severus, there is a member of the Auror Office at the MACUSA with that name," I said quietly, placing a hand upon my husband's arm.
Severus sighed. "I won't have you coming to harm..."
"Keep your wand on him," I said, slowly lowering my own, and approached Regulus.
Severus immediately sputtered, "What are you doing?!"
I turned around, my back to Regulus, to face my husband. "Try and hex him."
Severus shook his head. "Cressida—"
"Just do it!" I cried out impatiently. "You know as well as I do that if it's Polyjuice Potion, then it'll hit me."
"Precisely," Severus hissed. "I won't hurt you."
I rolled my eyes. "You are the topmost potions master in Great Britain, if not the world," I told him testily. "You can heal me easily, or Kreacher can. Now, come on. Try and hex Regulus," I said, and stepped to the side a little. "Go on."
Severus gritted his teeth, but nevertheless, growled, "Formica Aculeo!" with a violent jet of red light slashing through the air.
I immediately intercepted it, launching myself between Regulus and the hex; it was then that the pair of us were enveloped in white light, which caused the hex to burn upon the edges of it, before the white light overtook it completely. Slowly, I stepped away from Regulus, before I turned around and faced him again. "I know you are who you say you are," I said softly, as he stared at me, stunned. "It wouldn't have worked otherwise."
It was then that the hearth blazed from behind us, and none other than my father stepped through it, his eyes wide, and his hair bedraggled from sleep. He caught sight of me, my stunned husband, and, finally, followed our gazes, until they dropped on his brother. "Reggie?" he whispered in disbelief. "What...?"
"Hello, Siri," Regulus said quietly. "Nice to see you."
My father shook his head. "How did he get in here?" he hissed, turning and looking me over. "I felt the magic... Are you all right?"
"She's yours, then?" Regulus guessed, gesturing between me and Sirius. "So, it looks like you did have a child with that French girl..."
"Don't talk about her," Sirius snapped. "What do you think you're doing, barging in here, alive, after almost twenty years?"
Kreacher growled, "Master Sirius will show respect to Master Regulus."
Severus sighed. "Unfortunately, Black, it seems as though a little stunt that your daughter just pulled means that this is, indeed, your brother, who is, apparently, alive and well."
I put my hands on my hips. "Oh, so when I do something you don't like, I'm suddenly my father's daughter, and not your wife?"
Severus huffed. "That's not what I meant."
"Regardless," I said, shaking my head, "Regulus is who he says he is." I walked over towards the entrance hall, and in the direction of the front door.
"Where are you going?" Severus yelled.
I scoffed. "I'm inviting in my aunt and my cousins," I told him. "Kreacher, would you please put some food together?"
Kreacher looked back and forth between Sirius and Regulus. "Kreacher will do this," he said after a moment, before vanishing into the kitchen.
I opened the front door, lifted my wand, and peered out into the darkness. "Lumos," I whispered, and it was then that I was greeted to the sight of a black jaguar, Arctic wolf, and black bear. "Oh, I see your wife and children are Animagi," I said, nodding in approval. "Very good." I stepped outside a bit further. "Ariadne, you and your children are welcome to Prince Manor," I declared with a smile. "Please, feel free to return to your human forms. No one will harm you here," I vowed, hoping that they would take me at my word.
Ariadne transformed first; she was in her mid-thirties, with long, black hair, around two inches taller than me, and intelligent brown eyes. She approached cautiously, motioning for her children to remain just outside the wards, her wand gripped tightly in her hand. Finally, she made her way across the grass towards me, the light of my wand illuminating her beautiful face. "My husband is all right?" she asked, her voice an American Southern accent.
I smiled. "He is," I told her. "My husband is keeping an eye on him, as well as my father. I think the worst that may happen is some swearing, or, perhaps, a fist fight."
Ariadne smirked at that. "Well, that's all right then," she said after a moment, before she turned towards her children. "Cassia, Al, come along now."
I watched, grinning, as my cousins transformed; Cassia was around my height, and was a near duplicate copy of her mother, while Al was closer to my father's height, with the sharp features of the House of Black. "Kreacher has just gone to get us some food," I said, standing back so that the two of them could come inside.
Ariadne looked me over as Cassia and Al ventured towards the parlor, where Regulus and my father were hissing at one another, and Severus was attempting to get them to calm down. "You have a child as well," she said, and I raised my eyebrows. "I heard a baby crying soon after we arrived, and... Well, feline sense of smell."
"I should know; I'm a snow leopard," I told her, and she looked mightily impressed. "Perhaps you would like to go for a run sometime. Our wards stretch back into the woods behind the house here."
Ariadne looked pleased. "I would like that," she responded, linking her arms with mine as we stepped towards the parlor. "How old is the baby?"
"A few weeks," I replied, beaming. "Her name is Titania."
"That is a beautiful name," Ariadne responded as we finally stepped into the parlor, and she immediately shook her head at the scene that greeted us. "Reg, really. Can't you just speak civilly to your brother? You kept going on about wanting to see him again after all these years to clear the air..."
Sirius blinked at that. "You wanted to see me?" he asked, from where he and Regulus seemed to be doing Muggle wrestling moves on the carpet.
Regulus huffed. "Of course I did—look at my Dark Mark!" he said, his voice filled with the annoyance of a younger sibling.
Sirius reached forward and yanked up Regulus's sleeve. "It's... It's not..."
"That means he's inactive," Severus said, just as Kreacher popped into the room with fixings for various kinds of sandwiches, and a variety of crisps. "Thank you, Kreacher."
"Do you still have any of the potion left?" I asked, sitting on the love seat with Ariadne, and gestured for Cassia and Al to sit beside Severus on the couch.
"I do," Severus replied with a nod.
"Potion?" Ariadne asked.
"Of my own invention," Severus explained, "which I created on my wedding night to Cressida here. With certain ingredients, we were able to successfully remove my Dark Mark, plus that of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy."
Regulus's head snapped in Severus's direction. "They went turncoat as well?"
"As did I," Severus responded, rolling up his sleeve without shame, and showcasing his bare arm to Regulus for the first time.
Regulus shook his head. "It's not... It's not possible..."
"I can assure you, it is," Severus told him, slightly irritated that his potion making skills were being called into question.
I gave my husband a meaningful smile as I perched upon the arm of the couch, while I summoned over a plate with ciabatta bread, salami, pesto mayonnaise that Kreacher had perfected, Dijon mustard, gouda, plus arugula and roasted red peppers from our garden. I made a sandwich silently, aware of my husband's eyes upon me, before I used a minor Slicing Spell to cut it in half, paired it with salt and vinegar crisps, and a chilled bottle of blackcurrant squash, which I wordlessly handed to my husband with a smile. "Eat up," I told him gently.
Severus mumbled something under his breath, but nevertheless gave me a smile, before he began to tuck in.
I next sliced up a baguette, which I paired with roast beef, standard mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, gorgonzola, and tomato chutney. "Dad? Could you please stop playing with Uncle Reg for a moment?" I asked, pairing that sandwich with cheese and onion crisps, and a bottle of chilled pineapple squash. "You don't want your late-night snack going cold, now do you?" I wanted to know, sharing a smirk with Ariadne.
My father finally untangled himself from Uncle Reg, spearing him with a dark look as he managed to collect himself, smoothing down his formal, pinstriped black silk nightwear, before he took a seat in an elegant manner, with his back straight, every inch the Pureblood angel. "Thank you, dearest," he said stoically, as I handed over the plate, bag of crisps, and bottle of squash, to him.
"Help yourselves, please," I said gently to Ariadne, as well as Cassia and Al. "You three must be hungry; I know that we burn our energy differently in our secondary forms, what with all four limbs running like that. I've had to have a high-protein diet for years."
Ariadne smiled at her children, and gestured towards the cutting board. "You heard your cousin, sweetheart, honey," she said, nodding at Cassia and Al in turn. "Go ahead."
I watched as Ariadne began making a sandwich (wheat, chicken salad) which she handed over to Uncle Reg, who thanked her quietly.
"I remember you saying how much you missed it," she said quietly to her husband, a soft smile on her fact. "Kreacher made it, didn't he?" she asked me conversationally, handing Regulus a bag of spring onion crisps, and a bottle of lemon squash.
I returned Ariadne's smile. "He did," I confirmed. "He likely just whipped it up fresh. I don't fancy it myself, and Severus has to be in the mood for it."
Ariadne nodded her head. "I'm not a fan either, though I learned how to make it for Reg's and Al's sakes; Cassia doesn't like it either," she said with a smile. "Although Reg is always very gracious, I know it can't compare to Kreacher's."
"Gracious? Reg?!" my father demanded with his mouth full.
Severus stared him down immediately thereafter. "Kindly don't display your impressions of the youngest Weasley son in my own home, thank you," he said curtly.
Regulus blinked, clearly interested. "When I left, Arthur and Molly only had a handful of kids—Bill, Charlie, Percy, and the twins...Fred and George," he said after a moment. "I remember hearing that she was pregnant again, and that Molly really wanted a girl..."
"She got her girl, after the aforementioned youngest Weasley son," Severus informed him. "Ron was the child she was expecting when... When you left Britain," he said quietly. "Their youngest, the girl that Molly so desired, is called Ginny. She is currently dating Harry, of all people, and they seem to be very happy together."
"It's lovely to hear that Harry has got himself a romantic partner," Ariadne said quietly, and we all turned to look at her. "Reg has filled me in on the goings-on of the Wizarding World over here, though I expect I have quite a bit to learn." She had, meanwhile, taken two slices of sourdough bread, like I had, spread the basil mayonnaise upon it, also like me, and paired it with roast chicken before shutting the sandwich. She caught me staring at her inquisitively, before she lowered her eyes to my own plate, and smiled. "Great minds," she said quietly.
I gave her a smile. "Clearly," I said, noticing that we had selected cheese crips, and apple flavored squash as well.
Cassia had made herself a turkey sandwich, clearly inspired by Thanksgiving, given the white bread, herbed mayonnaise, red onion, cranberry sauce, and stuffing. She then selected ready salted potato crisps, and paired them both with a bottle of peach flavored squash. Al, meanwhile, seemed to be going all in, as many teenaged boys would when presented with a wide array of options; he grabbed a fairly large bun, the pulled-pork in barbecue sauce mixture, coleslaw, pickles, onions, and jalapeños. He chose BBQ pulled-pork flavored crisps, as well as a pineapple-flavored squash drink.
I smirked, reminded of Ron, and, catching my expression, I explained to Ariadne, "One of Harry's closest friends, Ron Weasley, has quite the appetite as well."
Ariadne's eyes danced as she stifled a giggle, as her mouth was full. "You didn't grow up with siblings," she mused.
Sirius turned to regard his sister-in-law for the first time. "I didn't get to raise Cressida," he put in, and both Ariadne and Regulus turned to listen to him. "She would have been two when I thought you'd..." He awkwardly cleared his throat. "...when all that happened, happened. It was a bitter blow to me to discover that Cressida's mother, Thérèsa, a French Pureblood witch, had died not too long after Cressida's birth..."
"I was raised by my mother's half-sister, Apolline," I explained, sensing how difficult it was for my father to discuss, "and her husband. They adopted me, and raised me alongside their daughters, Fleur, who is a few months older than I am, and Gabrielle, who is due to turn eleven this year."
"In France?" Ariadne asked, as it seemed like a safe question.
I nodded. "Yes. French is actually my first language. I learned English because I was so stubborn, and I am fluent in it, as well as Latin."
Ariadne nodded. "Since you don't have a French accent, I would never have guessed," she informed me, looking very impressed.
"Had I known about her, and had circumstances gone the correct way when it came to the aftermath of James and Lily's deaths, I would have raised Cressida, as well as Harry," Sirius put in softly.
I placed a hand on Severus's arm, squeezing it softly, as the subject of Lily's death had always been a difficult one for him.
"I always thought it was odd that they arrested you; all they had was circumstantial evidence at best," Regulus said softly.
Sirius chuckled darkly, shaking his head. "Look at you," he drawled, "sounding all fancy with the law jargon..."
"My father is an attorney," Ariadne informed Sirius patiently, "while my two older brother work in the MACUSA's Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
"Mom's an Auror, too," Al spoke up.
Cassia promptly elbowed him in the ribs. "Don't talk with your mouth full!" she hissed, giving him that patented, annoyed older sibling look.
"Mom!" Al whined. "Cassia elbowed me!"
Ariadne promptly whipped around, pursing her lips as she regarded her children. "Cassia, don't elbow your brother," she said softly, "and Al, you know better than to talk with your mouth full, especially in mixed company. We don't want you to choke so soon after getting all the way here," she reprimanded. "Now, both of you, I want you to behave, or you're sleeping outside in your forms tonight."
"We have plenty of room," Severus said softly, and a looked at him, giving him a small smile. "I know that Cressida and I wouldn't have it any other way. The east wing is where we sleep, but the west would be lovely for you and Regulus. I'm thinking the emerald room..."
"The north tower, I think, particularly the amber room, would be a wonderful place for Al, while you, Cassia, shall have the rose room in the south annex." I flashed my cousin a smile. "It overlooks the rose gardens... Do you like flowers?"
Cassia waited until she'd swallowed before she answered, "I do. Yes."
"That's so kind and generous of you," Ariadne said with a smile.
"Hogwarts is full-up," Sirius put in, although there was a pang of regret marring his features. "I do know that Minnie will be glad to know that you didn't... That you're back, and firmly on our side, as it were..."
Regulus nodded. "It will be nice to see everyone again... How is Remus?"
"Madly in love with Tonks, although he won't admit to it," Sirius replied, and, at Regulus's questioning expression, continued, "Cousin Dromeda's daughter. She married Ted Tonks, as you probably remember, and they had a daughter, Nymphadora, but don't let her catch you hearing calling her that."
Al snickered at the name, and Cassia swatted his arm gently.
"I remember Walburga blasting Cousin Dromeda's name off the family tapestry," Regulus said darkly, and Ariadne took his free hand in hers. "Considering I was knee-deep into my identity quite quickly after my arrival in the States, I didn't realize that Orion and Walburga... Well, that Orion had died the same year I left, and that Walburga did so six years later. Ray and Bash, Ariadne's brothers, came to me with the information."
Sirius nodded. "Walburga has a portrait at Grimmauld—nasty old thing," my father informed his younger brother. "I was named the heir, but, of course, now that you're back—"
Regulus shook his head promptly. "No," he told Sirius firmly, "you always should have been the heir, as the elder son, and, as she is your only child, Cressida should follow you."
Sirius gave Regulus a small smile. "All right, then," he said softly. "The goblins at Gringotts, however, have proven themselves trustworthy, in the wake of Riddle's return. I'll be sure to meet with the Black family goblin, with you, so we can divide the assets accordingly. I won't have you not having any of their money, Reg. By all rights, its half yours."
Regulus sighed, seemingly comforted when Ariadne leaned her head down on his shoulder. "All right," he agreed.
"Why don't we finish our food, and head back to bed?" I asked softly, in the lull of silence that followed. "We can contact Minerva at a decent hour, let her know that Regulus is firmly upon our side... Will you be staying in England?"
Ariadne nodded her head, as Sirius and Regulus began their goodbyes, watching as Regulus brought Sirius into the entrance hall, Cassia and Al following, to introduce his children to his older brother properly. "That is certainly our intention. Minerva will be able to get places for Cassia and Al at Hogwarts, won't she?"
Severus nodded his head at that. "She certainly will," he confirmed; as a former employee of the eponymous school, he would certainly be a good asset to have in that area. "She will likely provide an informal examination, to ensure that they are on track for their magical age group, given that education in different wizarding schools is typically on a different timetable. Did Cassia complete her EAGLEs?"
Ariadne brightened at that and nodded. "She has," she responded, "but they were taken under the name Cassiopeia Ash."
"The surname you deemed beneficial for your protection," I put in, and Ariadne gave a soft smile at my statement.
"Minerva will be able to contact Headmistress Partridge about it at Ilvermorny, and ascertain whether or not that the EAGLEs she took will transfer," Severus assured Ariadne. "Once the examinations are completed by the professors, and they are assigned a year, the two of them will be sorted by the Sorting Hat into a house at Hogwarts. After that, school supplies, books, robes, and the like will need to be purchased from Diagon Alley—by Owl Order, as going there in person would be deemed unwise as well as unsafe—and then the two of them could Floo directly to Hogwarts from here come September."
"I'm sure Regulus has informed you about the Hogwarts Express," I said softly to Ariadne, who smiled in confirmation, "but, as I'm sure you can imagine, it has been out of commission for quite a while, given safety measures, and that most of the student body, as well as their families, are living on the Hogwarts grounds full time. We'll keep the four of you safe come term time, and then, Minerva will do so from the first of September on."
"It bodes well that Cassia and Al are Animagi," Severus informed Ariadne, "because Minerva is as well. It showcases not only that they are very powerful wixen, but, also, due to the fact that Minerva has a soft spot for them."
"Oh," Ariadne breathed, "the Hogwarts headmistress is one, too?"
"Indeed," Severus replied, "a little tabby cat. Perhaps a bit of catnip wouldn't be remiss when we invite her over to meet everyone..."
I shot my husband a mocking scathing expression. "Severus Snape, you wicked, wicked man," I scolded him lightly.
Severus held up his hands. "I aim to please in all things, Cressida Snape."
I shook my head at him, looking up as Sirius, Regulus, Cassia, and Al rejoined us in the parlor. I got to my feet as my father ventured towards the Floo, knowing that he was likely exhausted, and hoping that he'd be able to sleep. "Severus, perhaps Dreamless Sleep wouldn't be remiss all around," I said softly.
Severus nodded his head. "Kreacher," he called.
Kreacher popped into being a moment later. "Yes, Master Severus? Should Kreacher be bringing the locket now?" he asked.
"Not tonight, Kreacher," I told him gently, "but we'll look at it soon."
"Seven bottles of Dreamless Sleep from my potion stores, please, Kreacher," Severus told the house-elf gently.
Kreacher bowed his head. "Of course, Master Severus," he said, and popped away.
"I haven't been to Black Manor in ages," Sirius said softly, and I raised my eyebrows.
"Black Manor?" I asked.
"The family estate in Essex," Sirius explained. "Most noble families, especially Muggles, would have a house in town, as well as a country estate."
"The Prince family being an exception, as they always seemed to prefer the country," Severus put in softly.
A moment later, Kreacher arrived with the requested bottles, and handed them all out to everyone present in turn. "Can Kreacher be doing anything else?" he asked.
"No, thank you, Kreacher," I told him. "You may say your goodnights now."
Kreacher promptly approached Regulus and embraced his legs. "Kreacher is very pleased to have Master Regulus back, alongside beautiful Mistress Ariadne, lovely Mistress Cassia, and gallant Master Al."
Regulus smiled indulgently, patting the house-elf gently upon the head. "I missed you, as well, Kreacher. I look forward to catching up with you soon."
Kreacher pulled back, beamed at the new faction of the Black family, and disappeared.
"Anyhow," Sirius continued, turning to Regulus, "perhaps when we meet with the Black family goblin to settle the accounts, we can ask him to send in a team to update the wards, as well as scout the place to ensure it is habitual."
"We would be happy to lend out Kreacher and Tiffy, our female house-elf, if they are amenable to it, for cleaning," Severus said quietly. "I'm sure Kreacher would jump at any opportunity to help you out, Reg."
"We hardly spent any time there as children, as Grandfather Arcturus and Grandmother Melania didn't have us over very often, due to our commitments as Pureblood sons," Regulus said softly, obviously thinking it over. "Of course, this means that no bad memories are truly associated with the property."
"Exactly," Sirius said, nodding. "I have plenty of money at my disposal if I am truly desirous of owning property, one day, but I have to be at Hogwarts now, due to my work."
Regulus nodded, and I surmised that my father had told him about his current position on the Hogwarts staff while out in the entrance hall. "If Ariadne is agreeable to it, then, I suppose, we could live there eventually, one it's deemed to be safe..."
"Of course," Ariadne said, nodding. "We can't depend upon the goodwill of your niece and nephew forever, love."
"You are always welcome," I put in firmly.
"Precisely," Severus told them both, "although I can understand the desire for a home of one's own, more than you can imagine."
"Excellent," Sirius said, rubbing his hands together, before turning to Cassia and Al. "It was wonderful to meet you both. I suppose I'll be seeing a lot of you."
Cassia brightened. "I guess you will, Uncle Sirius," she said.
Al grinned. "Yeah, Uncle Sirius. Looking forward to it," he told him.
Sirius next approached Ariadne, and kissed her on the cheek. "Lovely meeting you, Ariadne. It's nice to know I have a sister-in-law, and that Reg was loved all these years."
Ariadne smiled at Sirius. "It was impossible not to," she said. "It was really nice to meet you, too, Sirius, after all this time."
Sirius clasped Regulus's arm, in the traditional Pureblood greeting and farewell, before he nodded to Severus and approached me. "Thank you for hosting, love," he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Will the little one be up in the morning?"
I laughed. "Like clockwork, Dad," I told him. "She misses you when you're not around, especially Padfoot."
"Padfoot?" Al whispered, and Cassia shrugged at him.
Sirius chuckled at that. "Well, I'll be sure to give Titania that Padfoot treatment," he joked, before he turned around and walked to the Floo, took a handful of powder, called out for his destination, before he vanished.
"Well, on that note," Severus said, putting an arm around my waist, "I propose we show our guests where they'll be sleeping."
"Do you have any belongings?" I asked.
Regulus nodded. "Shrunk down and pocketed. Our house-elf is closing up our home in Virginia, and will be along eventually with the rest of the things. We accumulated a fair amount of books over the years, which we won't unpack until Black Manor is deemed habitable."
"Your bedrooms are traditional, in that they have a living room as well, which includes a library, as well as attached bathroom," I explained to them all as we migrated from the parlor and to the entrance hall, knowing that Kreacher would be in shortly to tidy everything up.
Severus placed a hand on my arm once we'd reached the landing. "Go on and check on Titania, love, and go back to bed."
I blinked. "But Severus—"
"Darling, you're exhausted, I can see it," Severus said gently.
Ariadne gave me a considerate smile. "I know I was exhausted when I had Cassia," she said gently to me, and I smiled at her. "You go check on your little one and get some rest. I can't wait to meet her properly once we're all rested up."
I sighed, knowing when I was beaten. "All right," I said reluctantly, before turning to my uncle with a smile. "Thank you for coming back to us, Uncle Regulus. He won't admit it right away, but I know Dad missed you terribly."
My uncle chuckled. "You truly know my brother," he replied, pressing a loving kiss onto my forehead. "Get some rest."
I next turned to Ariadne, bid her goodnight, along with Cassia and Al, before I walked down the long corridor and into my bedroom. Opening the door, I excused Tiffy, who had been diligently watching over Titania, and, once she cracked away, pressed a kiss to my daughter's forehead. I downed the bottle of Dreamless Sleep, removed my robe and slippers, and got back into bed, which Tiffy had freshened up and re-made. Settling under the covers and propping up my pillows to my liking, I stared up at the intricately-pattered canopy, waiting for Severus to return to the master bedroom.
Severus did indeed return, just ten minutes later, and gave me a smile. "Is she all right?" he asked softly, looking down at Titania.
"Fast asleep and perfect, according to Tiffy," I told him, smiling as he took off his own robe and slippers and got into bed beside me. "I know we weren't planning to open up our home tonight, let alone to four new people, but I can't thank you enough for your consideration."
"Regulus was always far better behaved than your father was during our school years," Severus said softly. "Plus, it will be nice to do potions with someone again."
I blinked. "Uncle Regulus had a flair for potions, then?"
"Oh, yes, and was a great favorite of Horace's, and seemed delighted to discover that Horace and Minerva were now engaged to be married," Severus replied.
"What did you think of Ariadne, Cassia, and Al?" I wanted to know.
"Ariadne is perfectly lovely, and I think the two of you will get on well together, due to your similar career paths," Severus responded. "She's asked if I can invite Kingsley and Alastor over to see if she might become an Auror for our ministry. Perhaps she can take over your former position as Auror Guardian to Hogwarts, alongside Tonks. As for your young cousins," Severus continued, taking my hand in his, "Cassia seems truly brilliant. Al, on the other hand..."
I raised my eyebrows. "You're worried about him?"
He shook his head. "There is intelligence there, don't get me wrong, but, thankfully, he exhibits Slytherin traits and won't be in Harry, Ron, or Hermione's year," Severus told me. "Perhaps the name of 'Black' will work as a shield against the other Slytherins to keep him safe. I think that he and Draco will get along swimmingly, however."
I snuggled into my husband's side. "How do you think Minerva will take it, knowing that more of the Black family is alive?"
"I think it will shock her, initially, but, knowing that Regulus is firmly upon the side of the Light will likely ease her worries," Severus said quietly. "Horace, of course, will be over the moon, given his past with Regulus."
"When will you be giving Regulus the potion?" I whispered.
"As soon as we've rested fully," Severus replied. "He wants to be free of the final reminder of his service to Riddle, and I cannot blame him for that. Besides, it will show he is truly against him, once and for all."
I shook my head. "I thought it would merely dissolve..."
"Not so," Severus said. "It will only dissolve completely if the wixen in question is truly against Riddle, and fully ready to forfeit their status as Death Eater, as well as having the courage to face all the potential risks involved."
"Peronne, so you weed out the unlikelies in one fell swoop," I breathed.
"Just to ensure that they are going into it for the right reasons, as well as the notion that we don't get any spies for the Dark," Severus explained.
I shivered at the very prospect of it. "I'm so pleased that Minerva didn't let you go back..."
Severus smiled, leaning in and kissing me on the lips, leaving me to taste the lavender upon his tongue. "Knowing then what I know now... I would never have gone back, save for killing Dolohov. I will never regret that."
I gasped at him. "You won't?"
"I won't," Severus said firmly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You are as much mine as I am yours, and he dared violate the sanctity of our bonding by taking you by force." He pressed his forehead to mine. "You don't know how long I will regret that, Cressida, that I wasn't by your side to protect you..."
I shook my head, putting my arms around his neck. "In times of war, Severus, we cannot always be at each other's side," I whispered. "However, we can take opportunities as they come to us, and enjoy what we have, when we have it."
"I cannot bear to lose you, Cressida... I cannot..."
"Then, you won't," I said simply. "Once I am recovered fully from Titania's birth, we will practice as much as we can. Not to mention the research that we have before us on these Horcrux things..."
"Binns will be of no help, the ruddy ghost," Severus said bitterly.
I chuckled. "No, perhaps not, but Remus would be a good candidate for that, and you know Sirius will go straight to him, once he's rested."
"Marauder's in my house," Severus moaned.
"Ah, but for a good cause," I reminded him, pulling him closer as I whispered, "Nox," and we were shrouded in darkness.
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