Chapter Eleven: Blood in the Water
I grimaced, walking back and forth as I peered down at Harry's head; he had asked me to cut his hair before his birthday party, which was being held despite Sirius, Severus, and the rest of them not returning to the castle yet. I had been asked if I wanted to delay the celebrations by Harry, Molly, Ginny, Ron, and the rest of them, but assured them I did not. However, the notion that the Wizarding World had Hair Charms was something that was lost upon me, so I knew entirely well that Fleur would likely have to step in if I ruined the fifteen-year-old's hair.
"Are you sure you actually want me to do this?" I asked him for what must have been the seven-hundredth time. "Fleur's always been better at this than I have. I can go and check and see if she's available—"
"I asked you, Cressida, didn't I?" Harry asked. "Besides, I trust you."
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I gathered that," I told him, "but that doesn't mean that I'm going to be at all brilliant when it comes to the sacred art of hair cutting..."
Harry snorted at that. "I'm sure you'll do fine. Besides, I can magically grow my hair back, you know."
I raised my eyebrows. "You can?"
"Sure. When Petunia used to cut my hair before school, because she always thought it was a ruddy mess, I would try to get away from her, because I didn't trust her," he explained.
I chuckled wryly at that. "I'll bet she didn't like that," I mused. "And I also bet that it looked nothing short of terrible."
"You'd be right," Harry replied. "I was so miserable after all that that I think my magic acted out of its own accord and grew it back for me."
I rolled on the balls of my feet for a moment, considering. "I suppose..."
"And, not to mention, Mrs.-Wife-of-a-Potions-Master," Harry said, cutting across me with an impish grin tossed my way, "they have Hair-Growing Potions."
I very nearly smacked my forehead in a moment of pure stupidity. "Sometimes I forget that the Wizarding World considers everything," I muttered.
"I want it shorter, Cressida," Harry informed me patiently from where he sat, stroking Morgana on his lap. "It's not like it's rocket science. I know you can do it."
I sighed, rolling my shoulders; I was pleased that my familiar had taken to Harry so quickly, so much so that I hoped she could keep him calm in the event that I ruined his hair spectacularly. "I know you have confidence that I can, Harry," I told him gently, wondering if he would have better luck with Molly, who had gotten Fred, George, and Ron to submit to her scissor treatment in the days previous. I reached outwards and ran my fingers through his hair, attempting to judge its thickness and length, and Harry trembled slightly. "Sorry!" I said quickly, and all but yanking my hand backwards.
"No, it's fine," Harry assured me, peeking up at me. "I... No one's ever done that before," he confessed, flushing a bit. "It felt nice."
I crossed my arms, showcasing my wedding ring. "Did it?"
Harry sputtered at that, vehemently shaking his head. "What—?! Not that kind of nice!" he cried out, leading Morgana to squeak, and Harry quickly soothed her. "It was just nice-nice, not sexual nice," he explained, lowering his voice. "You and Hermione are like my sisters, Cressida. And that's not something I'd change."
I sighed, feeling a bit better about it now. "I can understand it feeling nice," I said quickly, and moved my hands back to his hair, slipping my fingers into it, and massaging his scalp gently. "I remember Mère doing it to Fleur or me whenever we had nightmares, when we were very small, and she still does it to Gabrielle," I told him, wondering, not for the first time, how my adopted parents had been doing.
"Do you hear from them much?" Harry asked.
I shook my head. "No," I said softly, "I don't. Fleur does."
Harry seemed to mull that over for a moment. "Did you ever have conversations with them growing up, about what would happen, if you ever found your dad?"
I blinked, considering it. "Not really, no," I said. "It never came up, honestly. More to the point, on the rare occasions we discussed my mother, it always seemed to end with Mère getting sad or uncomfortable, so we didn't even discuss her much at all either."
"I wish people talked about my mum more," Harry said a little sadly. "With Sirius, he's always going on about my dad and how great he was..."
I summoned a pair of scissors and wet Harry's hair slightly with a charm, so as to make it easier to maneuver. "Have you asked him about your mum?"
"A little, but he always turns the conversation back to my dad," Harry said, his voice slightly impatient as he thought about it. "I know I have her eyes, she had red hair, she was Muggleborn like Hermione, and they were both smart..."
"She was very brave, too, and selfless," I said softly, not even having to mention the reasons why those attributes applied to Lily Potter.
Harry sighed. "Do you think you would have liked her? My mum."
I smiled. "I'm sure I would have, and I can only hoped she would have liked me," I told him. "I think that, when Sirius and the rest of them get back, the two of you should have a conversation about how it makes you feel. Who knows? Maybe he's not the right person to ask..."
Harry peered at me, but I quickly straightened him out again, not wanting to lose my place in his hair as I snipped at it. "What do you know?"
I bit my lip, unknowing how much I should say, so I kept it simple. "Severus and your mum grew up together," I said softly, and Harry seemed to perk up at that. "They were great friends, although, given that she sorted Gryffindor and he Slytherin, they were unable to spend as much time together as they could before beginning at Hogwarts."
Harry nodded in understanding, likely knowing it wasn't my tale to tell. "I don't know what I would've done in first-year, if I hadn't been sorted Gryffindor with Ron," he said.
I blinked, surprised. "Oh, you mean you knew Ron first?" I asked him.
"I met him before I went through the platform," Harry explained as I continued snipping away at his hair. "Vernon and Petunia just abandoned me outside the train station without so much as a by-your-leaver. I even asked an employee if he knew where the platform was, and he thought I believed I was being funny."
I found myself wrinkling my nose. "Charming gentleman," I muttered.
Harry scoffed at that. "No kidding... Anyhow, I ran into Mrs. Weasley, who was escorting Percy, Fred, George, and Ron to the platform. Oh, she had Ginny with her, too, of course, but she's a year younger, and she couldn't come to Hogwarts yet. She was really upset about it, too..."
"So, that's where you met Ron, then?" I wanted to know.
"Yeah," Harry replied. "We just briefly greeted one another, but the proper how-do-you-dos came once we were on the train, and he couldn't find a free compartment. I had some Galleons and bought us one of everything from the trolley, which really impressed him, because all he had was a corned beef sandwich."
I raised my eyebrows. "I thought he hated corned beef."
"He does," Harry confirmed.
I giggled. "So do I," I whispered conspiratorially.
Harry shared in my laughter. "We didn't meet 'Mione until she came to the compartment rather unexpectedly, telling us that Neville had lost his toad, Trevor."
"I didn't know Neville had a toad," I said softly.
"Lost him third-year; apparently, they were both better for it," Harry reported. "But Ron didn't like her at all—surprising, I know," he went on, as I'd gasped at that information. "She insulted a spell he was doing, and then she fixed my glasses which, of course, went over perfectly."
I smiled, considering it. "Of course."
"We didn't become friends with her until Halloween, when Professor Quirrell, that year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, let a troll in," Harry explained.
"Oh, that," I said. "Aurors have to read about particular previously unexplained incidents that occurred on Hogwarts property as an initiation process," I told him. "I think you'll find that you and your adventures are prominently featured in those files."
Harry huffed. "Wish they weren't," he grumbled.
"Well, maybe not, but they do help us in solving mysteries in the Auror Office," I told him, which seemed to calm him ever so slightly. "Who knows? In a few generations, perhaps we can strike your name out of the history books..."
"I don't think so," Harry replied glumly. "I think I've achieved infamy by now."
We had to utilize owl orders for Harry's presents, and send away out of the country for them, as Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade had been deemed unsafe. France and the States were more than willing to accommodate our orders and, thankfully, they weren't intercepted and tampered with by Death Eaters. Madam Rosmerta of The Three Broomsticks was helping the house-elves in the kitchen, much to their apparent delight, and Aberforth Dumbledore, owner of The Hog's Head and last remaining member of the Dumbledore line, brewed alcoholic beverages, finding a friend in Horace Slughorn, the former Head of Slytherin House and potions professor, as well as Hagrid, for the half-giant was more than willing to befriend almost anyone.
What did end up surprising me was when I headed into the hospital wing on the final day of July, Harry's birthday, with Poppy's post, when I got the shock of a lifetime. The doors were open, as they frequently were during the summer months, and the windows were open as well to permit the summer breeze to float in and around the beds. I passed over the threshold, only to hear girlish giggling emitting from Poppy's office and, stepping closer, caught her and Aberforth in a heated and passionate embrace.
"Oh!" I cried out, deliberately averting my eyes once I caught sight of them completely. "I'm so sorry, please excuse me!"
Aberforth chuckled. "Don't worry yer pretty little head about it, lass," he informed me, and, once I peeked again, noticed Poppy, face flushed, smoothing down her matron's uniform. "Poppy and I have been married for quite some time now."
I blinked at that, knowing that, despite the nearly fifty year age difference, wixen aged differently, and so, in Muggle years, the pair were likely relatively the same age, falling somewhere between their sixties and seventies. "Oh?" I asked, my throat suddenly dry, not having considered either of them having romantic partners.
"Albus disapproved, of course," Poppy said, and smiled as Aberforth reached between them and took her by the hand, "as he didn't want any of his staff members to have any kind of personal life whatsoever."
I raised my eyebrows, realizing that what Poppy said was true; Severus and I had only bonded when Minerva had taken over as headmistress, and the pairings of Filius and Amelia, plus Pomona and Hagrid, had only recently cropped up as well. "I see," I replied.
"We married in secret thirty years ago or so," Aberforth went on, the usually gruff barman getting crinkles around his eyes as he smiled, likely remembering the day. "Of course, given that our son, Alberich, was born not too long afterwards," he said softly. "We sent Alberich to live with Poppy's relatives in France, along with his two younger sisters, our twins, Arabella and Adelaide, and his younger brother, Alexander. They all went to Beauxbatons, and were educated under the surname of Midgley, so as to keep them safe from my brother, who would have stopped at nothing to either bring them to his side or eradicate them completely, like he did with our sister and mother."
I raised my eyebrows, only knowing the bare minimum when it came to Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore, as well as the former patriarch of the family, Percival. Of course, I was well-aware of the famous three-way duel between Aberforth, Albus, and Gellert Grindelwald, the one-time lover of Albus, who was the fiercest wizard the world had ever known, before Riddle. Of course, no one truly knew who had dealt the Avada Kedavra which had ultimately snuffed out poor Ariana Dumbledore's life, although there were suspicions about it.
"Ab, darling, Cressida doesn't need to think about that," Poppy informed her husband gently, as she turned to face me. "Are you here for your weekly pregnancy potion refills, dear?"
I nodded, relieved to be given a reprieve. "Yes, Poppy," I replied, and unshrunk her mail, which had been placed into the pocket of my lightweight summer robes. "I also brought this to you. The owls were feeling a bit lazy in the Great Hall this morning," I explained.
Poppy giggled as Aberforth kissed her on the cheek, saluted me, and left her office. "By Merlin, he keeps me young," she mused, taking her post from me and venturing over to her potions closet, located just outside her office. "I have everything prepared for you, dear. Thankfully, I had the foresight to ask Severus to brew a fair few of these, which he did, once Minerva decided that the two of you were to be bonded."
I blinked, amazed that my husband had so readily done such a thing, only to leave my side the moment he believed that I carried another wizard's child. Shaking my head, I took the small bag of potions Poppy offered to me, and forced a smile onto my lips. "Thank you," I said awkwardly, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn't catch my change in demeanor. "You and Aberforth will be coming tonight, won't you?" I asked, knowing entirely well that Molly had invited all the staff to Harry's birthday celebrations that evening.
"Of course, dear," Poppy assured me. "Considering that Fred and George will be in attendance, I can guarantee you that the punch will more than likely be spiked. I will need to be on hand for any potential upset stomachs that come our way, naturally."
I drank down the pregnancy potions I needed that day under Poppy's supervision before I left the hospital wing, wondering what else I could do. I decided to find Hermione, Molly, Ginny, and Fleur, who had tasked themselves with decorating the Great Hall for Harry's birthday, and given that Ron had invited Harry to play some Quidditch, along with Fred and George, Oliver, Angelina, Alicia, and the rest of them. Madam Hooch had agreed to supervise, as well as organize a picnic for their lunch at about midday.
Venturing into the Great Hall, I noticed that preparations were already in full swing, with a massive banner that proclaimed, Happy Fifteenth Birthday, Harry!, as well as red and gold decorations all around the room. There were streamers, confetti suspended in midair, and even the plates had been decorated temporarily with the color scheme. Hermione could be seen going over the guest list with the invitations beside her; Ginny was organizing the little gift boxes as party favors for the guests; Fleur was using spells to figure out who had given Harry what, and was preparing an outline for his thank-you notes; and Molly was spelling various tables and chairs to her liking.
"Anything I can do to help?" I called out upon my arrival.
Molly turned around to face me, while Hermione, Fleur, and Ginny all respectively beamed at me, likely pleased at my seemingly perfect arrival. "Oh, Cressida dear, thank Merlin!" Molly said, taking a break from her Transfiguration and bustling over to me. "Would you please go over the menu one last time, as well as the cake? We need to send them down to Madam Rosmerta and the house-elves as soon as possible..."
I nodded my head, squeezing her arm. "Of course, Molly," I said reassuringly, and made my way over to where she'd indicated, and sat down at the small table and chair. I smiled to myself as I pulled the menu towards me, knowing entirely well that, had we been Muggles and hadn't had all our ducks in a row when it came to the food, we would be pulling our hair out. As wixen did food a bit differently, we would have plenty of time to organize it.
I proceeded writing down foods I knew Harry was fond of, as well as ones which I knew would go over well at the celebration that evening. For appetizers, I wrote mini meatballs, potato skins, sausage rolls, fried macaroni cheese balls, spinach artichoke dip, stuffed mushrooms, Scotch eggs, vol-au-vents, a fruit and vegetable platter, and a cheese and cracker plate. For drinks, I opted for Gillywater, pumpkin juice and pumpkin fizz, Butterbeer, Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice, exploding lemonade, Gillyweed Tonic, apple juice, Party Punch, Tongue-Tying Lemon Squash, and Frothing Hot Chocolate, an iced version that the house-elves had invented since Madam Rosmerta had arrived at the castle.
"Are you doing all right over there, love?" Molly called out to me.
"Fine, Molly, thank you," I told her, flashing her a smile. "Got the appetizers and drinks covered already, and now I'm moving on to the main dishes."
Molly breathed a sigh of relief. "You are a lifesaver, Cressida," she replied.
For entrées, I wrote down sausage lasagna, vegetable lasagna, macaroni cheese, fish and chips, Cornish pasties, rotisserie chicken, shepherd's pie, toad in the hole, cheese soufflé, garden salad, tomato soup, vegetable soup, potato and leek soup, vichyssoise, gazpacho, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, scalloped potatoes, and French beans with tomatoes. For the sweets table, I asked for pumpkin pasties, treacle tarts, rice pudding, Cauldron Cakes, apple tartlets, butterscotch custard, trifle, chocolate pumpkins, cranachan, and knickerbocker glories.
I looked around the room, noticing that Molly and Fleur were hard at work conjuring scarlet-colored tablecloths with a lovely shade of gold trim. Hermione, meanwhile, was enchanting the Great Hall to temporarily turn itself into a beautiful English garden, with the castle and Minerva's full permission, and Ginny was coaxing the creatures that came with it with her soft, melodic tone of voice, her eyes gleaming with excitement. I smiled at the exchange, but made a mental note to leave Morgana up in my quarters that evening, knowing entirely well that it would be too overstimulating for her.
Bowtruckles lurked upon the branches of the enchanted trees; Horklumps bounced merrily upon the green grass; Fairies flew with their captivating wings making beautiful patterns throughout the woods; in a patch of moonlight, Mooncalves danced; and, scuttling about in the final bit of free space, were a plethora of Jarvey.
I made the finishing touches to the food list, asking for a three-tiered cake for Harry—a golden snitch would be its focal point, which would be vanilla cake enrobed in edible gold. The rest of the cake would have three different flavors, one for each tier; pumpkin would be the top layer, with chocolate as the second tier, and vanilla for the bottom tier. Scarlet lettering would adorn the spaces around the snitch, and would read, Happy Fifteenth Birthday, Harry!, much like the banner which had already been put up. Satisfied, once I read it over one last time, I drew out my wand and tapped it, sending the parchment directly down to the kitchens, hoping that the house-elves and Madam Rosmerta would be all right with my selections.
"Hey, stop that!"
I turned at the sound of Ginny's shout, and noticed that the Jarvey's had sounded one of their own, and seemed to be angry with it. I could hear the muffled obscenities from where I sat, across the room, and my heart entered my throat at the look of fear in the poor creatures eyes. I realized for the first time that these animals were sentient, although I didn't know where from, unless Hermione had summoned them from the Forbidden Forest.
I flicked my wrist, knowing it was futile to even attempt to reason with them, and summoned a bottle of Jarvey Calming Tonic from Severus's stores. The potion quickly flew into my hand as I dashed over, knowing that it could be administered in a plethora of ways, and proceeded to douse the little beasts with it, to the point where they hissed and immediately retreated from their prey. I banished the empty bottle back to the stores, aware of Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, and Molly staring at me as I cautiously approached the lone Jarvey, its large, black eyes wide with fear.
"It's all right," I whispered, getting onto my knees. "I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me your name?"
The Jarvey hesitantly stepped closer. "I don't have a name," he replied, for I could sense from its tone that it was male. "None of them ever liked me," he continued, looking positively broken-hearted in the direction of the others.
I raised my eyebrows, surprised that we were actually having a conversation, which was next to impossible when it came to these creatures. "You actually speak politely," I said, flushing deeply when I realized I'd said the words aloud.
The creature nodded. "It's why they didn't like me," he said quietly. "I didn't want to be rude for the sake of being rude." He inched closer, sniffing at me. "You have a familiar, but she has yet to find her own voice."
I blinked. "Morgana's never said anything," I said quietly.
The Jarvey smiled at me. "She didn't know she could," he replied. "Is she magical?"
I nodded. "Yes, it's why her mother rejected her. She was thirteenth in the litter, you see, and would have frozen to death if I hadn't saved her."
"Her mother must have mated with a Jarvey," the little Jarvey explained, "at the same time she mated with another ermine..."
"Well, would you like to meet her?" I asked, hoping that Morgana would like him. I lowered my hand to lie beside the Jarvey, offering for him to climb up my arm. "She's very friendly, and she would do well with a friend, I think."
The little creature nodded. "I would," he replied, "but first, would you mind giving me a name? I have always wanted a name..."
I cocked my head to one side, considering it. "Maldue?" I asked, and his ears seemed to prick up when I uttered the name. "It means a wizard in Arthurian legend, which fits, given that my ermine is called Morgana."
Maldue got on his back legs and bounced up and down for a moment. "Thank you!" he cried out, and scurried up my arm with happiness. "What's your name?" he wanted to know.
"My name is Cressida," I told him.
"It's nice to meet you, Cressida," he replied. "I'd like to meet Morgana now, please."
I slowly got to my feet, seeing that everyone was still staring at me. "Is anything the matter?" I asked them all carefully.
Molly sputtered. "You're not actually going to keep that thing—!"
"His name is Maldue," I informed Molly patiently, and reached upwards, automatically soothing him as he burrowed closer to me, "and yes, I am. He is terribly sweet, but very shy." I looked down at my new familiar and whispered, "Would you like to meet my sister, Fleur, and my dear friends, Hermione and Ginny?"
Maldue nodded his little head. "Yes, thank you."
Fleur came over slowly, her eyes a bit apprehensive, but she smiled at the creature. "Good afternoon, Maldue. My name is Fleur," she said.
Maldue extended his head for Fleur to pet. "Lovely to meet you, Fleur. Oh, my, you're very fair, aren't you?"
"I'm part-Veela," Fleur explained.
Maldue nodded. "That explains it. I like your coloring very much."
Fleur beamed. "I'm partial to yours as well, Maldue."
Hermione and Ginny stepped forward next, each ooh-ing and aah-ing at how civil Maldue was proving to be. Hermione wanted to study how often Jarvey's could actually be polite, which made Maldue pleased to be exceptional. Ginny, meanwhile, told Maldue that she was available for a cuddle anytime he liked, much to his delight.
"I suppose he is adorable," Molly said at last, tickling Maldue underneath his chin.
"Do you need me for anything else, Molly?" I asked her.
"No, dear," Molly said, shaking her head. "You go on upstairs and get Maldue acquainted with your Morgana. I think we've got a match on our hands, don't you?"
"What does Morgana look like, Cressida?" Maldue asked as we climbed the staircase.
"She's white, just a bit smaller than you," I told him. "Her eyes are large and dark, like yours, and she has the most adorable pink nose."
Maldue snuggled more deeply into my neck. "I hope she likes me..."
I tickled Maldue underneath his chin; he seemed to like that. "I hope she does, too." I arrived at Lisette's portrait in no time, and she and Maldue got along very well as I pushed open the door. I was about to call out for Morgana, when I heard the most curious sound.
"Let's give account, my dear, so that I wouldn't have to worry about my soul..."
"She speaks," Maldue breathed, wriggling slightly so that all four paws were positioned upon one of my shoulders. "Where is she?"
"Let's go and see," I offered, going further into my quarters.
"...and if you keep me for your next day, I will not turn it against you..."
Maldue sighed from beside me. "Such beautiful words..."
"It's a Hungarian folk song," I put in, listening to the hauntingly beautiful lyrics. "When we found her, we were deep in the mountains of Eurasia, where Hungary boarders. It's entirely possible that she would know some of their music, given that my mother had such eclectic taste..." I walked through the sitting room and into the kitchen, and there was Morgana, perched upon the small window sill above the sink, staring out at the grounds. "Morgana?" I asked.
Morgana immediately turned at the sound of my voice, her eyes wide. "You heard me?" she whispered, her voice lyrical and lovely. "I never thought you'd be able to..." She broke off then, getting a good look at Maldue for the first time. "Who is that you've got with you?" she whispered, inching backwards upon the sill, obviously afraid.
Maldue immediately hopped down from my shoulders and onto the kitchen counter, however, he still made it a point to give Morgana space. "Please, I mean no harm," he said quickly.
Morgana looked surprised. "You... You speak, and it's not with rancor," she breathed.
"The other Jarvey's were coming after him," I explained to Morgana. "I calmed them with the potion for such things, and rescued him from the fray. He isn't rude, Morgana, far from it, and, when I told him about you, he was anxious to meet you."
"You are even more beautiful than Cressida described," Maldue said breathlessly.
Morgana looked utterly peeved by his words. "I'll have you know that there's far more to me than mere beauty," she replied haughtily.
"Morgana!" I chastised.
"No, she's indeed correct," Maldue countered, stepping closer cautiously. "I'm sure there's quite a bit about you that I don't know about."
"I consider a Kneazle to be my closest friend," Morgana said promptly.
I blinked. "Not me?" I demanded.
Morgana sighed, seemingly put-upon. "You are my family, dear Cressida. Crookshanks is merely a friend. Don't you have friends that are not me? Crookshanks' mistress seems to be quite lovely..."
"Hermione? Well, of course..." I shook my head to clear it. "You know I have..."
"Your closest friend is a Kneazle? How very daring!" Maldue proclaimed excitedly, stepping nearer, once he realized Morgana's stance seemed calmer. "What else?"
"We help Hogwarts with their vermin problem, alongside Mrs. Norris, familiar of the caretaker, Mr. Filch," Morgana continued in a very proud tone of voice. "Mr. Filch was surprised initially by Cressida's kindness towards him and Mrs. Norris, but, once he met me, he deemed me a worthy associate, and the three of us hunt quite regularly. Did you know the headmistress can change herself into a cat as well?" she asked.
Maldue shook his head, captivated. "No, I didn't."
"She'll come on hunts as well," Morgana told him eagerly. "She takes vermin hunting very seriously, especially for one who has so much work to begin with." She cocked her head to one side, considering. "Where do you hail from, then?"
"Loughermore Forest, located between Claudy and Limavady in Northern Ireland," Maldue replied patiently, and even I could tell that Morgana looked impressed.
"I come from the Mátra Mountains, the highest point in Hungary," Morgana said, a bit of sadness to her tone. "My mother left me, as I was the thirteenth kit, and didn't come back for me, instead choosing to lavish all her attention and love upon my brothers and sisters. But, it didn't turn out bad at all," she continued, looking over at me, in a way that only she could, which closely resembled a smile. "Cressida found me, and I knew she was the witch for me, and I the familiar for her."
"That is a lovely tale," Maldue complimented.
Morgana preened at the praise. "It is, isn't it?" she replied, before she turned to fix me with a look, almost as if to say, Oh, are you still here? "Harry's birthday celebration can't begin without his honorary sister," she informed me pointedly. "You'd best ready yourself. You want to look your best, don't you?"
"Best not to outshine the birthday boy, though!" Maldue called out as I rolled my eyes at them, and made my way to my bedroom and en suite.
Upon entering my bedroom, I shut the door automatically behind me, tearing off my clothes and tossing them in the direction of my hamper, knowing entirely well that the house-elves would take care of them at some point. My potions were placed carefully upon my vanity table, and I also knew that the house-elves would lay them out in their appropriate regimen when they came into my room later to tidy it up. It was a warm day, so I thought a sundress would be appropriate, but I also knew that the shower was officially calling my name before I went anywhere that evening, likely due to me not wishing to smell rank at the celebrations.
The shower nozzle was turned to the correct temperature and I stepped inside. I had instructed Dobby to take care of the gift I'd gotten for Harry, and I knew he was up to the task. Although it wasn't a gift one would normally spring on someone, I had blessings from Minerva, Molly, Ron, Hermione, and Hedwig, so I knew there wouldn't be any issues. The shower was over with quickly and I stepped out, wrapping myself in a towel and stepping back into my bedroom, my wand still clutched in my hand, and ventured over towards my wardrobe.
I ultimately selected a knee-length, pale pink dress with an oval neckline, short puffed sleeves, and pattered with lavender-colored flowers. A thin black belt went around my waist, and I paired it with white sandals, along with putting my hair into a high, elegant ponytail, as well as minimal, natural-looking makeup. I left Morgana and Maldue to their conversation, knowing that the house-elves would know when to come and feed her, or if she wanted out of my rooms, she would show Maldue what to do. I said goodbye to the pair of them and left my rooms, my wand hidden beneath my dress in my leg holster, and made my way directly to the Great Hall.
I arrived in the Entrance Hall in good time, and stood there for a moment, listening to the music on the Wizarding Wireless, and decided that now was as good a time as any. "Dobby?" I called out, and grinned when he arrived.
Dobby was carefully holding onto the box, and the scuffling inside told me that what lay within was nervous, but alive. "Dobby took very good care of great Master Harry Potter's birthday present, Mistress Cressida!" he informed me.
"I'm sure you did, Dobby. Thank you," I replied, taking ahold of the box delicately. "Will you be coming to the party as well?"
"Dobby will be bringing in the cake with Winky," he said very seriously. "Dobby must go to work in the kitchens now, Mistress Cressida."
I nodded in understanding. "Of course. I hope you won't get into trouble for helping me out this afternoon..."
Dobby shook his head. "Dobby is always wanting to help great Master Harry Potter and his friends," he told me, before grinning and popping away.
I straightened out the green bow upon the box, and stuck my fingers into the generous air holes, grinning when a pair of paws gripped onto my fingers. "It's all right," I whispered, soothing the squeaks within. "You'll meet him soon." I walked around the corner and stepped into the Great Hall, seeing that the party was in full swing. As it was an informal affair, I noticed that Harry had already begun opening his gifts, which certainly boded well for me.
"Cressida!" Harry called out happily, promptly waving me over towards the table. He reached out and gave me a welcoming embrace, all smiles. "You made it!"
"I did, and your hair looks absolutely lovely," I complimented.
Harry grinned. "Went to a good salon," he joked, and our company laughed along with him. "I don't suppose that's for me?" he asked, nodding to the box I was carrying.
"Indeed it is," I replied, motioning for him to sit down, before I gently placed the box into his lap with a flourish. "Happy Birthday, Harry."
"Go on, mate," Ron said, eagerly bouncing up and down. "It's got to be a good one."
"Honestly, Ronald," Hermione said, scolding her boyfriend gently.
Harry grinned again, carefully untying the bow and opening the box, and everyone around us gasped as he laid eyes on the kitten inside for the first time. "Merlin..." He whispered, and looked up at me. "Thank you, Cressida... What's the breed?"
"She is an Egyptian Mau," I informed him proudly, taking the box away as he lifted the kitten out of it, and proceeded to soothe her quickly. "From Egypt, naturally, but quite popular in Western Europe, and all my research informed me that she will be very loyal to you, Harry."
Harry gasped as the kitten nuzzled him underneath his chin, and cuddled deeper into his arms. "I... I find that I don't know what to say... Thank you, Cressida," he said, his eyes shining with tears. "Thank Merlin cats are allowed here..."
"Yes, and I'd say Cressida picked very well," Minerva said proudly. "She's a lovely animal, and I'm sure she'd love to go running with Crookshanks, Mrs. Norris, Morgana, Maldue, and myself when the time comes..."
"Maldue?" Harry and Ron asked together.
"My Jarvey, who I acquired this afternoon," I told them both. "You'll meet him later, I'm sure. I was just as surprised as you are when I realized that he was quite tame, and well mannered. Poor little guy was rejected by his family, like Morgana."
"I'd like to meet 'im, Cressida," Hagrid put in, sipping at his Gillyweed Tonic. "Might prove a decent lesson for Care of Magical Creatures next term."
"As long as Cressida and Maldue don't mind, I have no objections," Minerva told Hagrid, who beamed, and turned red as Pomona snuggled under his arm.
"I'll speak with Maldue about it, Hagrid," I promised, and the half-giant nodded happily. "I'm sure he'll want to meet you, in any case, beforehand."
"O'course," Hagrid replied, nodding his head vigorously. "Don't want th' little feller getting too scared now..."
"Not scared at all, if you want my opinion," I joked. I turned and looked at Harry, who was getting to know his new familiar properly. "Do you have any ideas for a name yet?"
Harry considered it for a moment, before looking up at Hermione. "Are there any goddesses in Ancient Egypt?" he wanted to know.
"Isis is the Goddess of Healing and Magic," Hermione told him promptly. "But the Ancient Egyptians called her Aset. It's really up to you, though, Harry, what you call her..."
Harry looked down at the little kitten, and smiled to himself. "I like Isis," he declared, and the silvery eyes of his kitten looked up at him, a plaintive meow emitting from her lips.
August arrived with little news, although the largest piece came from Kingsley and Alastor, who informed up that they had rounded up the Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor, and had brought them directly to Azkaban. The Death Eaters officially under arrest were Matthias and Magnus Mulciber (a powerful father and son team), Corbin Yaxley, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Anthony and Abraham Avery (a second father and son team), Walden Macnair, Victor Crabbe (father of Vincent), Gideon Goyle (father of Gregory), Augustus Rookwood, Jeremiah Jugson, and Timothy Nott (father of Theodore, a Slytherin in Harry, Ron, and Hermione's year). The ones still at large, likely in hiding at Riddle House, were Thorfinn Rowle, Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, Salman Selwyn, Tobias Travers, and, of course, the Malfoys.
It was quite a big thing when a rather subdued-looking raven came flying like a bat out of hell not a week after Kingsley and Alastor's news, gripping a piece of parchment in its talons. As soon as it entered the Great Hall and dropped the letter in front of Minerva, it changed. Draco Malfoy knelt immediately in front of the headmistress, literally begging for mercy, if his countenance was anything to go by, and, for the first time, I truly saw how young he was.
"Please, headmistress," Draco breathed, his entire body trembling, "have mercy upon me and grant me sanctuary, for I have defected."
Minerva immediately got to her feet and read the letter. "It is from Narcissa Malfoy, reassuring us of her and her husband's role in the spying game, as well as begging us to take in Draco in these uncertain times." She looked down at Draco, who made no move to rise, or lift his eyes, in a clear show of submission. "Well, the wards of Hogwarts are conditioned not to let any Death Eaters in, but we didn't account for Animagi." She looked a bit uncomfortable, but, nevertheless, kept speaking. "Mr. Malfoy, please bear your arms."
Draco, still keeping his eyes lowered and remaining knelt down, promptly rolled up his sleeves, which showcased bare arms at all angles.
Minerva pulled out her wand, and, although Draco stiffened, she remained firm. "Revelio Magia Obscura," she intoned, a beam of white light flowing from the tip of her wand, and caressed Draco's arms, before revealing nothing. Satisfied, Minerva returned her wand. "I hereby place you underneath Hogwarts protection, Draco Lucius Malfoy. Now, if a member of your family would come forward to claim you—"
"I will," I said, getting to my feet before Minerva had finished speaking. "Sorry, headmistress, but I volunteer to take Draco into my custody."
Minerva looked shocked by my declaration, but, once she had received nods of assent from both Andromeda and Ted, nodded herself. "Very well, then," she said. "Please rise, Draco..."
Draco did as bid.
"...and go to your cousin."
I smiled a bit as Draco stepped forward, unknowing how simple or difficult this would ultimately prove to be. "Hello, Draco," I said gently.
Draco regarded me for a moment. "You're Professor Snape's wife, and the daughter of Cousin Sirius," he intoned.
I nodded. "Yes, Draco, that's correct."
Draco promptly bowed to me, taking me by the hands he did so, in what I knew to be a traditional Pureblood greeting. "How do you do, Madam Snape?"
"Please, no need for that," I told him softly, and merely held his hands in mine, directly causing him to look up. "We're family, so, please, call me Cressida."
"I'll see to it that another bedroom and en suite is made available in your rooms, Cressida," said Minerva from her seat at the table. "Is there anything else you will be needing, Draco?"
Draco shook his head. "No, thank you, ma'am," he replied, taking something small out of his pocket, along with his wand. "My mother packed essentials for me, and I already have my robes and textbooks for next term, courtesy of my father."
Minerva smiled at Draco, seemingly prepared to give him a chance. "As it is your OWL year, Draco, I know you will want to devote plenty of time to studying."
I placed my hand on Draco's shoulder, already guiding him out of the Great Hall. "You have an owl, don't you, Draco?"
"Yes, Alaric," Draco replied, seemingly pleased that someone had remembered. "He's an eagle owl, and came with me on this journey. He's is already in the owlery."
"Well, do know that he is always welcome in our rooms," I told him. "Just know that I keep an ermine, Morgana, and a Jarvey called Maldue. He is to be civil to them, and not try to eat them, if he is in there with us."
Draco nodded. "He looks fierce, but he was always kind to me and to my family. Once I explain who you are, and, by extension, your familiars, he'll behave himself."
I squeezed Draco's shoulder gently as we came upon the portrait, and smiled at Lisette. "Good morning, Lisette," I said to her.
Lisette smiled at me, before turning to Draco. "Oh, good morning," she said to him. "And who do we 'ave 'ere?"
"Draco Malfoy, milady," Draco replied, bowing again.
"Ah, a gentleman," she said. "Friend or family of yours, Cressida?"
"My cousin, Lisette," I replied. "I will let Draco hear the password, and, once he knows it, he will be welcome inside. He's to stay with me for a while."
"Oui, oui, bien sûr," Lisette said, nodding.
I said the password and the portrait opened and, once we stepped into the living room, I saw another door was placed on the other side of the guest lavatory, with an elegantly carved snake at the top, while mine now boasted a lion. "Ah, here we are," I said, turning the doorknob, which revealed a lavishly-appointed bedroom.
The center was dominated by a black walnut four poster, with dark green canopy, curtains, and a lovely duvet. The windows also had green curtains, and there was a bench at the foot of the bed with a green velvet cushion on top. The wardrobe was also black walnut, and the Parisian carpets upon the walnut floor were a green and silver color scheme. A floor-length mirror with silver edges was just beside the wardrobe, and a walnut carved perch was close by the window. A walnut desk was on the opposite wall with a corresponding chair, with lovely pieces of artwork above it, a set of fine quills and plenty of ink, and a stack of expensive-looking parchments. A built-in bookshelf, also made of walnut, dominated the space directly next to the desk and beside the door, filled with all manner of books from the Wizarding World, leading me to believe that Draco not only took his studies very seriously, but was an avid reader as well.
"Will this suit you, Draco?" I asked, having already caught a glimpse of the bathroom, which was very similar to mine, except with green carpets and silver towels inside. "I'm sure if there's anything you don't particularly like, we can merely inform the castle..."
Draco shook his head at me as he unshrunk his belongings and banishing them into his new wardrobe. "It's all wonderful, really," he assured me. "Thank you, Cressida. And, thank you, Hogwarts," he said, stroking at the stone wall a bit.
I smiled at the display, pleased. "I'm going to ask Minerva to keep you with me, and, hopefully, Severus, when the term begins again," I said softly, and he looked at me, eyes wide. "You've defected, Draco, turning your back on your previous way of life. I know you're an intelligent young man, and even you understand that you would be unsafe with the young men and women in Slytherin House."
Draco nibbled his lower lip. "He's been play-acting, you know," he said quietly, and something within me lurched at that. "He's Disillusioned a fake Dark Mark on his arm, and lied to Riddle about the headmistress forcing him to play the good husband and make potions for the hospital wing... He paid dearly for that," he went on, obviously worried.
I swallowed, gripping the side of the bookshelf. "Did... Did Riddle use Crucio?" I whispered, positively trembling at the very thought of it.
Draco nodded. "Yes," he confirmed, and my knees threatened to buckle. "He was locked up in the bottom floor of the house; it's where the servants used to sleep. The Riddle family isn't as old as the Malfoy one, so the house is younger, and there aren't any dungeons. The conditions are horrible, though..."
I felt myself growing pale. "Riddle didn't put you down there, did he?"
"Me? No," Draco assured me, shaking his head. "I was one of the chosen few who was given permission to bring some food down for him; Mother and Father were as well, and it was the three of them who devised the plan to get me out of there ahead of first term. I didn't want to go," he confessed, "not without them, and not without Professor Snape. They promised me that they could take care of themselves, and not to worry. They told me to trust the headmistress, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Tonks, and Professor Snape told me to especially trust you..."
I shook my head at that. "He only sees me as a convenience, Draco," I told him. "This... It wasn't a love match. I mean, there was certainly attractions on both sides, but..." I laughed a bit bitterly at that. "You're fifteen. I need to keep reminding myself of that, and not going to you with all my adult problems..."
Draco made a face. "I'm not a child," he told me firmly, "and, besides, Professor Snape... Rather, Uncle Severus, is my godfather, and you're my cousin. You're half-Black, Cressida, just like I am, which makes us family. Your worries are my worries, especially when my parents are being kept at the same place your husband is. Don't get me wrong, you're good at hiding it, but I know when someone is in love with someone. It's always been obvious to me."
I sputtered at that. "In love? That's ridiculous!" I cried out. "How in Peronne's name could I possibly be in love with a wizard who left me when he discovered I was pregnant?"
Draco looked pleased at the news. "Uncle Severus was worried that..." He shook his head. "I suppose you'll be keeping it, then?"
I scoffed. "Well, of course I..." I broke off, staring at Draco, my mind running a million miles an hour as I attempted to figure out the meaning behind what he'd just said. "If that was a roundabout way of asking if Severus is the father, he is. Our little witch was conceived on our wedding night, I'll have you know," I informed him primly.
Draco grinned. "He'll be pleased to hear that, once he can get away," he assured me. He hesitated at the look on my face but, nevertheless, continued, "He was only out of the servants quarters for about a week once my escape was successful," he explained. "Thankfully, Mother and Father were able to cast the correct charms on his arm to ensure that the other Death Eaters were none the wiser."
"Your aunt is a holy terror," I put in.
Draco blinked. "Andromeda?" he asked, the name sounding foreign on his tongue.
I made a face. "Of course not; I adore her. I meant Bellatrix."
Draco gagged. "No kidding," he responded, looking positively green. "I don't much like her either, and I hate having to pretend to be polite around her."
"It was for your own good," I told him, and he nodded. "I'm sure she wouldn't have hesitated to hurt you, had you stepped a toe out of line."
Draco chuckled darkly. "Too bad she's half-Black, too," he muttered.
"And Rosier," I muttered, remembering the day that Sirius had shown me, Harry, Ron, and Hermione the Black Family Tree, and how interwoven the vines were.
Draco considered it for a moment. "Even though I'm underage, do you think I'll need a magical protector of some kind?" he asked. "Like you and Uncle Severus."
I considered that for a moment. "In all honesty, I can't see it being legally binding at all, unless your mother and father signed a consent form," I replied, "and those usually are only valid if you're at least sixteen, which won't happen for another ten months or so..."
"So, that was Auror-Speak for, not bloody likely?" Draco asked.
"Auror-Speak," I muttered, giggling slightly at that. "Why do you want to know? Are you interested in someone?"
Draco pinked at that. "Y-yeah," he confessed, wrapping his arms around himself. "But they're not here at the castle, and we're related a bit..."
"Well, all in the family," I said. "What's her name, then?"
Draco grimaced. "It's not... Not a witch," he confessed.
"Peronne, I do hope you haven't fallen for a Muggle," I said softly. "Not that I would mind, but the powers that be would, given the Statute of Secrecy, and a certain madman holding both your parents and my husband hostage..."
"Wouldn't be related to me if they were a Muggle, now would they?" Draco asked. "A Squib, surely, but they would have been exiled, given the families I'm related to. No, they're a wizard, and a Pureblood, although, as far as I know, they don't know I exist, and they are terribly devoted to their career..."
"Oh," I said, having figured it out. "There's an age difference to contend with as well, if it is who I think it is."
Draco made a face. "Oi! You and Uncle Severus seventeen years apart!"
I huffed. "Oh, very well then," I responded. "There's, what...Eight or so years between the two of you, then?"
Draco leaned up against the wall beside his wardrobe. "Yes. I am hopeless for Charlie Weasley, Cressida; have been ever since he brought those bloody dragons here next term. I will never be able to live it down..."
"Why? Because he's a blood traitor?" I asked.
Draco huffed. "Please. So am I, and, for that matter, so are you. No, it has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with the notion that the Weasley family can't stand me."
"Well," I said, knowing entirely well that I had to put my own problems aside for the moment, and offered Draco my hand, "perhaps you can seek forgiveness and redemption from our not-so-distant cousins."
Draco looked positively petrified at that. "What, now?" he demanded.
I grinned at him. "No time like the present."
And so the rest of summer happened, with the first re-sorting in Hogwarts history confirming that Draco Malfoy was also the first Malfoy in history to sort Gryffindor. It had been slow-going, but, quite soon, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had opened their arms to Draco in friendship, once the proper apologies were given, of course. Molly and Arthur unofficially adopted Draco as another son, and he was soon running around the corridors of Hogwarts, being a typical teenage boy, and not a snooty, I'm-better-than-you one. Alaric had found a friend in Hedwig, and Hermione, Fleur, and I would joke that it wouldn't be long before Hedwig found herself the mother of a clutch of eggs, with Alaric being a proud papa.
Another bed with be added to the Gryffindor dormitory, and Neville, Dean, and Seamus also offered their hands to Draco in friendship. Draco felt extremely comfortable around Dean and Seamus, and they helped him come out to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, who were just as supportive as well. He didn't readily let on that he fancied Ron's older brother, Charlie, but I did hope that he would eventually do so, once he was completely comfortable.
"Glad I don't have to brave Diagon Alley before the start-of-term," Draco told me, just three days before the first of September. "It would be a nightmare, especially given that the Death Eaters could kidnap me for going turncoat..."
"You're safe here, Draco," I told him gently, as I had done, time and time again, from the moment he'd formally entered my custody. "All I want you to worry about is what remains of your summer reading and assignments... Have you got the OWL revision schedule from Hermione yet?" I asked.
Draco flashed me a grin. "I do," he confirmed. "Luckily for me we've agreed to be official study partners on everything, since we're taking the same classes..."
"Well, it'll give you plenty of time to decide whether or not you want to keep at those classes, and if you want to complete the NEWT-level ones as well," I replied.
"You took NEWTS here, right? Not the Beauxbatons final exams," he clarified.
I nodded. "Yes, I did," I told him.
"What did you get your NEWTS in?" he asked, clearly curious.
I leaned up against the wall of his bedroom; I'd been thumbing through his bookshelves, and now I was watching him looking over his class schedule for first term. "I took my NEWTS in Advanced Ancient Runes, Advanced Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration."
Draco blew out a whistle. "Wow. Eight. All Os, I assume?"
I flushed, lowering my eyes. "Yes," I confirmed.
"Nothing wrong with being proud of your academic achievements," Draco told me gently, "but I do think that Hermione and I will be taking all those, along with Astronomy, Alchemy, Muggle Studies, Ancient Studies, and Magical Theory."
"Ancient Studies I did on my own time; I have a certificate somewhere, as well as Magical Theory, both of which I obtained while at Beauxbatons in my sixth-year," I said, this time meeting his eyes and smiling, proud of both these achievements. "Do you think you'd like to work for the Ministry of Magic?" I wanted to know. "If you take all those subjects, and get Os or EEs, the Wizarding World would be your oyster."
Draco shook his head. "I'd like to be a healer," he confessed, and I raised my eyebrows. "If things don't work out with Charlie, hopefully I can take over Madam Pomfrey's job. I'll ask her if I can apprentice with her eventually, but, if they do work out with Charlie, maybe I can be a healer over in Romania for the dragon preserve..."
I reached outwards and squeezed his shoulder. "I think you would make a brilliant healer," I told him warmly, and he beamed.
It was without fanfare when Kingsley and Alastor returned to Hogwarts for the start-of-term feast, although I was surprised to see Sirius, Remus, and Tonks with them. I kept looking at the doors of the Great Hall, hoping beyond hope that my husband would be following them, but, much to my dismay, he was not with them. It made me so ill that I was sick on the stone floor, but, thankfully, the students were still in their cottages with their families, and the first-years, plus returning students who hadn't been given sanctuary upon the Hogwarts grounds, had yet to arrive on the Hogwarts Express.
"We did see him, I want you to know that, Cressida," Sirius told me, once I was ordered to the hospital wing, where I was deemed to be exhausted and stressed, which, Poppy informed me, was decidedly not good for my daughter. "He was gathering some potions ingredients in Grovley Wood, where he was gathering potions ingredients for Riddle."
I somehow managed to choke down the potion Poppy was administering to me; it was to help combat my vomiting. As the liquid heavily went down my throat, I glared at her once a nutrient potion was shoved into my hand, which I drank greedily, knowing entirely well that my daughter would need as much of it as possible. "And what did my husband have to say?" I snapped, still glaring at Poppy when she gave me a dark expression.
Sirius sighed. "That he was preparing to come, but that he would very much appreciate it if Minerva would persuade Horace Slughorn to temporarily take over his classes in the meantime, as he is very close to completing his mission."
I gritted my teeth; Minerva and Horace Slughorn had begun seeing one another in the romantic sense since Harry's birthday party, and things seemed to be going well. So well, in fact, that he was already prepared to take over my husband's positions of potions professor and Head of Slytherin House. "I see..."
"He asked after you as well," Sirius said quietly.
I gave a stiff nod. "Did you tell him about our daughter?"
Sirius shook his head at me. "No. He seemed terribly distracted and, on the off-chance his Occlumency failed, I wouldn't want Riddle coming to make you, and little Titania, bait for what he perceives to be the greater good."
I rolled my eyes, throwing myself backwards and dramatically upon the hospital bed. "Wonders never cease," I murmured, placing a hand upon my belly.
Remus took over the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Horace Slughorn was officially appointed interim potions professor and Head of Slytherin House. Kingsley and Alastor continued running the Ministry of Magic from Hogwarts, and Amelia Bones moved in with Professor Flitwick for her own safety when her brother and sister-in-law were murdered, taking custody of her niece, Susan. Hagrid bumbled his way through a proposal to Pomona during the Harvest Festival, a tradition which hadn't seen the light of day since Headmaster Dippet, and the Herbology professor and Head of Hufflepuff House accepted.
With classes officially in full swing, Tonks and I continued with our Auror Guardian duties, with Morgana, Maldue, Mrs. Norris, Crookshanks, and Isis patrolling the halls with us. I had noticed that, since my father, his closest friend, and favorite cousin had returned to the castle, that the young Auror seemed more listless than usual. Her eyes didn't dance with their typical gleefulness, nor did her hair change from its mousy brown, which was typical these days, not the below-the-shoulder length candy floss color.
We had just fended off Fred and George's pranks at the Halloween Masquerade when I had officially had enough. It was a Tuesday night, so classes would be halved the following day to accommodate the lateness of the hour. Mr. Filch had taken the Weasley twins outside to tend to Hagrid's gardens for their detention, the waxing gibbous and some Muggle lanterns their only source of light, as magic was off-limits for their detention. I was just getting the sour taste out of my mouth at the notion that Poppy had told me that my baby would be the size of a banana in three days' time, and Tonks' woebegone looks were certainly not helping matters.
"Would you care to explain to me what is bothering you?" I demanded, when we had finally reached an empty corridor.
Tonks huffed, leaning against a swatch of stone wall. "Surely you've noticed that I've taken over and redecorated your guest room," she muttered.
I rolled my shoulders; when term had begun, Draco had joined Harry, Ron, Neville, Dean, and Seamus in the Gryffindor fifth-year boys' dormitories, and Tonks had almost immediately taken over his temporary bedroom. "I had noticed, yes," I admitted, recalling our nights in front of the fireplace when we hadn't needed to guard the corridors, eating way too many sweets and rather fattening dishes (courtesy of Dobby and Kreacher), and staying away from topics that even hinted at love and romance.
Tonks swallowed, looking altogether miserable. "Remus decided it wasn't advisable for us to have a relationship right now..."
I blinked, stunned. "But I thought the two of you were seeing one another..."
Tonks sighed. "I tried spending the night with him," she confessed, and I inched closer, wanting to know everything. "He never let himself get too far with me, always changing the subject. I tried to get him to discuss it plenty of times while we were literally walking to Malfoy Manor, but he wouldn't budge. Even when Sirius was hunting for our dinner, and we were literally on our own..."
"Tonks," I whispered, placing my hand upon her arm. "What happened?"
She sighed, her hair turning an even darker shade. "I asked him if Sirius had said something, if he'd hinted that he didn't want us to be together..."
I nodded. "All right. And?"
"And he said that I could very easily find someone better," she replied.
I sighed. "Oh, Tonks..."
"I told him that he already knew who I'd fallen for," she told me softly, her voice cracking, as if her very heart was breaking into several thousand pieces. "After that, he transfigured sticks into bows and arrows, and did the hunting himself. He refused to allow himself to be alone with me..."
I immediately stepped forward as her voice broke completely, wrapping my arms around her as she came undone very quickly at the contact. "Tonks, it'll be all right," I whispered, rocking her steadily back and forth. "It has to be..."
"How can it be?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "I love him, and how can he even try to see that, if he doesn't give me the time of day..."
I shut my eyes, shaking my head. "I don't know," I said softly to her, and she sobbed even harder within my embrace.
I looked out the large window of the corridor we were stood in, over the tops of the trees of the Forbidden Forest, knowing that the wind blowing over them meant that the winter winds were coming, and, by the grace of Peronne himself, that the snow was on its way, and, by some miracle, it would blanket the castle. Although the seasons and time continued flitting by, I could not be at peace, for my husband was out there, somewhere far away, doing the bidding of a madman, while I was confined to my stone tower, willing him to return, while all the while I comforted my heartbroken friend.
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