64. You're the one
- One week later -
I get out of the bedroom at the smell of some food cooking in the house. I rub my eyes but proceed to the kitchen where a shirtless muscular man is making some things that are already delicious just at the scent of it.
I make myself very discreet and go towards him with quiet and light steps. Once I reach his figure, I wrap my arms around his thin waist and press my lips on his bare back. He smells so good that I would want to keep on having him close to me just to enjoy his scent.
I heard him gasping a little bit before the chills could be felt on his skin, which made me smile like an idea. He turns around, offering me the wonderful view of his chest and abs before approaching his features from mine to kiss my lips. "Good morning," he beams, his sparkling eyes staring into mine with fondness. I answer with the same words and give myself a second taste of his sweet lips.
He encircles my neck with his strong arms, drawing my face closer to his firm chest before turning around, to keep an eye on the food. "Have you slept well?"
I hum and nod, scanning his shapes and face with love while he's focused on what he's cooking. He pushes his lips against my forehead. "Daehan is still sleeping?" I look up into his eyes. "Yes, I just woke up to cook the breakfast for you and let you sleep more."
I tighten my hold around him, squeezing our shapes together while staring at him with my head raised up. "Why didn't you stay in bed for longer? You dont have to wake up that early in the morning when he doesn't go to school..."
"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't wake up before me and make the breakfast," he smiles at me, making my heart beat faster. I grin and rest my head on his chest, to close my eyes and just enjoy the moment with his arm able to almost envelop all my body. The warmth of his skin is the best thing on this earth, jesus christ...How can he be so hot in just a grey sweatpants?
The room remains calm with only the sound of the food cooking being audible. As the meal must be ready, he moves his arms up to the furniture and opens it, to take the dishes out and place them on the kitchen counter.
"Do you want me to move to let you serve the food?" I take a look at him, wondering if I'm not annoying him by being under his feet. "No," he makes his clasp tighter around me with one arm, making me feel each of his muscles flex against my curves. "Stay with me, or else I won't feel good."
"Then do you want me to help you?"
He shakes his head. "Just keep on hugging me."
"Okay," I do as said and peck his chest, which made me hear the rhythm of his heartbeat accelerating once I put my head against his soft skin.
He turns the induction hob off and takes hold of a utensil to put some food into the empty dishes, not even letting me go or trying to push me aside to have more place.
After some short minutes he was finally over with everything and went to the small table in the living room, to place everything down on it and make me sit down first. He went into the bedroom to put a tshirt on to my disappointment and got into Daehan's room to go wake him up. It was fortunately easy for him to make the little boy join us.
He now comes back with him in his arms, holding the big Nemo plush against him with his little eyes and messy hair. He's so adorable...
He puts him down by my side, making me kiss my little brother who smiled at me, and he then sits down at the right angle of the table to be next to me. He seems nervous for some reasons. He turns the TV on for Daehan to watch his favorite cartoon and then digs in the food at the same time than us. There's something strange in his behavior, I can't tell why but he's acting strange.
"Is there something wrong?" I ask him, worrying about him and what could be going through his mind. He raises his eyes up to fall upon mine nervously. "I...no...Why?"
Alright, he's nervous.
"Jungkook, I know you. What's wrong? You know you can tell me."
"I...uhm..." he lets go of his chopsticks and places his fingers on his red lips. "I need to...say...I mean...not say but tell you...or maybe not tell either..." he tries to find the words, being stressed out as ever while speaking. He looks like a lost puppy.
"Hey," I lay my hand on his forearm to reassure him. "Calm down, just tell me."
"I don't know how to do it..." he bites his lower lip and gazes at me. His chest obviously inflating and reducing in volume swiftly. I wonder what this is for him to be so anxious. "Well...I dont know what's the problem but you can just let the words out..."
He sets his eyes into mine, his cheeks turning pink for no reason. "Maybe it isn't the right time..."
"Okay then," I remove my hand from his skin to put my attention back on my food. "Just wait if you want to."
He doesn't respond to me or say anything but just stands up from the floor, to walk towards the bedroom and leave us.
"Is your breakfast good my baby?" I pass my hand through his messy hair, checking on him as I can see that he's enjoying his food to the full and leaving some sauce on the corner of his lips. He nods with a large smile. "That's delicious."
"Great," I peck his temple but drift my eyes from his face once Jungkook reappears. His cheeks are even more pink. "Baby...Can you come here for a second...?"
I nod and stand up to head towards him but make sure that Daehan stops eating for the short moment that we're not by his sides, in case he could choke "Don't eat until we're back, okay?"
"Can't I eat one noodle at a time...?"
I look at him and his big baby eyes. "Okay...but one noodle at a time..." I roll my eyes and smile before following Jungkook into the bedroom. This must be pretty serious for him to prevent our little brother to hear us.
"What's wrong Jungkook...?"
"Can you sit here...?" he pats the space next to him on the mattress. I do it and keep my eyes into his. I'm a bit scared of the things he could tell me.
"Alright..." he takes a deep breath in and then exhales sharply as he glanced away. He grabs hold of something in his back but keeps his hand out of my sight. "Can you close your eyes...? Please...?"
"Just...do it...please...I promise it's not something stupid or a kind of joke..."
I trust him and close my eyes to do as asked.
I don't feel good about this, really not but I saw how nervous he was so I know it means it's serious.
"Can you keep your eyes closed like that until I say you can open them?"
"Okay..." I agree with confusion and worry.
It remains very calm and quiet, some sounds of an item only catching my attention. His hand touches mine and he lifts it up in a gentle manner.
He passes something around my ring finger, making me open my eyes uncontrollably once I realized what he was doing.
"Jungkook..." I gape at the sight of the ring he put around my finger. He raises his eyes up, his cheeks turned crimson in just a second. "I-I told you to keep your eyes closed...!"
"Is it what I think?" I cover my mouth, not believing what is happening. He stutters but blushes like crazy. "I- I...ye-No! I don't know what to do now...!" he glances away and puts his hands on his face to hide it and throws his body backwards, to land on the mattress.
"Baby!" I bend over him and lie down on his body to hug him tightly. "I love you so much!"
He wraps his arms around my neck and forces me to keep my head in his chest, for me to not be able to look at him. He turns to the side and puts his hot face against the side of mine. "Will you marry me...?"
"Of course yes!" I tighten my clasp around him with joy. "Look at me, I want to be sure you're not joking with me," I attempt to make him show me his red face but he doesn't and just keeps me against him. "Not yet...and I'm not joking!"
"Is that the reason why you were nervous?" I smile and slightly laugh at how cute this man can be. "Yes..." he mumbles in my ear. "I was scared that you could have not say yes and I was too stressed to ask you like all the guys do..."
"You know I like it better when you're yourself," I pinch his back to show him my annoyance.
"But if I was myself...I would have put the ring around your finger when you would have been asleep..."
"That's even cuter!" I act a bit overly excited about all those things, moving back to get to see his crimson cheeks that makes him adorable. "You could have done this, that would have been the best proposal ever."
"Does that mean what I did was bad...?"
"No, that was better that any other proposal," I smile at him to show I'm not lying at all. "I love your way of doing everything."
He grins but bites his lower lip like a shy boy, staring into my eyes. I kiss him, not letting myself fall too deeply into his gaze full of stars and love. "I love you so much Jungkook..."
"I love you more baby," he joins our lips once more. I cup his hot face with my hands and stare into his eyes, "Do you know you're cute as hell?" I laugh without being able to restrain it. He giggles like a baby but kisses my lips while holding me tight against him.
- Two years later -
[A/N: Because the end of this story is near]
"Baby!" he hits the arm of the couch with his fist. "Why can't you freaking understand what I'm telling you?! How many times do I have to repeat myself goddammit?!"
"Stop it!" I shoot back angrily, not handling his remarks anymore. "Just shut up now and leave me alone. I'm f*cking done with you!"
"No I'm not leaving you alone! You're seriously the one getting on my nerves Y/N right now!"
"I don't care," I move away from him to be further from his spot on the couch and avoid his abrupt actions.
"I can't do it anymore!" he lets out angrily and moves onto the couch. "Look at that! For God's sake I'm gonna blow a freaking fuse," he bounces his leg, showing his anger and huffing like a mad animal on the verge of going berserk. "You-!" he hurries to get closer to me at the sight of what I did and almost jumps on my body as I made fast to turn to the other side. He rests all his weight on the back of my body to try grabbing the controller of the PS4 that I'm using. "You're gonna make me die if you don't freaking do what I say! I don't want my level to be lower because of you!" he fights with me while I'm doing my best to not let his hands collect my item. "Get the f*ck away from me you Hulk!"
He wraps his arm around my neck and wrenches me back to make me land on his body, almost strangle me and cause the TV on which my game is playing, to be out of my sight. "Give me that controller you brat!"
I punch him in the guts with my elbow but he reacts in a way to block me, his legs wrap around my body, provoking us to fall onto the ground and end with him on top of me, crushing me down against the hard surface with his tough shapes while I'm facing the floor. Since it's now impossible for me to use my hands anymore, I bite his biceps. "Yaah! Yah!" he slaps my head with his large hand to make me stop but since I'm not letting go he rolls onto the floor and uses a submission hold on me, his arm around my neck suffocating me and his legs keeping me still. "Give me that!" he yells in my ear, and manages to my reluctance to take hold of what I was holding in my hands to push me against the couch and run away. "That's the last time I let you play you wild animal!" he yells but rubs the spot onto which my teeth clamped. "You should have let me end my game!"
"You little-" he throws his hand up in the air and makes a loud step forward to threaten me with his cute face. "Keep that mouth close before I come back."
"Come back," I smile and stare into his big eyes, ready to fight with this guy. "Not now, I don't want my baby Daehan to stumble upon us while I'm punishing you, and Kiran could cry at any moment."
"Excuses," I whisper to provoke him and stand up from my seat to walk towards our baby's room, but get pulled back violently by Jungkook. He lifts me up and turns me around to put me on his shoulder, making my head almost touch his thick butt. As well known from me, I slap it with a lot of force to enjoy myself. "Don't touch my ass my naughty woman."
I give a squeeze to act against what he's telling me. The most powerful smack hit my bottom it return, making it almost numb from the strong impact. Is this man insane?!
He drops me on the couch like a bag of potatoes. "You stay there, I'm gonna check on Kiran before coming back to give you your punishment."
"How are you going to do it?" I look up at him, forgetting the way he made my whole thigh shake from the slap he gave me. "Are you curious to know how your husband is going to give it to you?" he lifts his eyebrow, leering at me in a flirty way while stepping backwards to get closer to our child's bedroom. "Yes I do."
"Hmm...I think you will have to get undressed then take my clothes off..." he speaks slowly, describing a moment that I would want to happen in real life eagerly. "This could be very rough...wild...but full of love and passion..."
"That's what we do every night..." I act innocent with a frown and light curve at the corner of my lips. "Yes I know but I will add some little things to make it a bad punishment. You know...handcuffs...my belt and a vibrator for me to make some dirty things to you..."
"Tell me what things right now!" I punch the cushion carrying all my heavy weight, to express my frustration. Why is he teasing me like that when he knows how much I want to more?!
"Wait a minute..." he smirks at me, crossing his muscular arms against his robust chest. "Isn't it a kind of punishment already?"
"No. It's torture," I glance away to show how mad I am. His chuckles are his only answer to this, he walks into the room to leave me alone with my defeat.
After some minutes Daehan joined me in the living room while Jungkook hasn't come back. "Cuddle!" he runs to me and jumps on my lap to hug me. Gosh...he changed so much in just two years...eight years old is too old, I want him to be back at his five years old when I met Jungkook.
"What is it?" I hold him tightly against him and kiss his cheek. He looks at me with a large beam, fluttering my weak heart. "Where is daddy...?"
Daddy...hearing him calling Jungkook like that because of how good and relieved he feels to know he has a father figure to protect and take care of him, still sounds weird but I'm slowly getting used to it. It is odd but he knows Jungkook is not his real father, he just wants to call him that way because it comforts him...so I cannot be against it.
"He's taking care of Kiran, why?" I brush some stands of his hair away from his forehead softly. "I made the best score at my game, I want to show it to him."
"Really?" I show some excitement, knowing this will make him happy. "He's going to be proud of his little baby. You're better than him, but don't tell him I said that," I lower my voice to whisper at him as he's slightly laughing. "He's going to be jealous."
He giggles but stands up to go towards the kitchen.
At the exact moment that I saw him looking through the fridge, the door of Kiran's bedroom opened to reveal the tall figure of my man. He closes the door and gazes at me with a smirk. "Is my bad girl ready to take her man's di-" he stopped once I reacted crazily by gesturing him to shut his mouth. This stupid jerk didn't see Daehan was in the room!
"H-Her man's di...ding...ding..." he mumbles as the boy noticed he was here.
"Daddy!" he rushes to him with a bottle of chocolate milk in his hand while the man is remaining frozen now that he realized he was about to say something bad in front of a kid. "Hey," he smiles nervously but takes him in his arms. "What's making you so happy?"
"I upgraded at my game! I got the best score!" he exclaims joyfully while gazing into Jungkook's eyes. "Wow! That's my boy," he gives him a kiss. "I knew you would beat everyone easily."
"Cuddle said I was better than you," he looks at me while laughing, making the tall man set his eyes on me. "I know you are better than me my baby," he pecks the boy's cheek before sitting down by my side and making him land on his lap. He places his hand on my thigh but in a rough manner, slapping my skin to then grab it with his long fingers touching my inner thigh.
I think he's mad.
"Where did you put my Nintendo switch cuddle?" he turns his head towards me when I was in eye contact with Jungkook. "It's on the desk in the office just there," I point at our right to indicate the sliding glass doors just behind the couch. He stands up and gets inside of it to go get his device.
"Are you trying to provoke me?" he whispers with a threatening tone, staring right into my eyes and squeezing my poor thigh. "Ya!" I keep my voice as low as possible but grasp his wrist to try saving my muscles. "You're going to break it...!"
He grabs my tigh with his large manly hand and pulls on my legs in a beastly way to spread them , then place the one he's holding, on his hard lap. "You're gonna have to feed Kiran soon, I know he's going to wake up in a short time."
"Then let me go, I have to prepare his bottle of milk."
"What?" he cups my thighs but in a way more gentle manner with both of his hands, to caress my skin and send shivers all over my body. "You have to breastfeed him..."
"Where the hell do you come from?" I slap his arm out of frustration. "I don't do this anymore."
"Why not?"
"Because he's one year old now and even if some mothers do it till their child is two years old, I prefer to stop now and feed him with the bottle..." I lie down on my back comfortable while talking to the man massaging my thigh. "And what if I want you to keep on doing it?"
"Why would you...?" I frown.
"Couldn't it be bad if you stop too earlier...?"
"No and that's too painful so I can't do it anymore," I look away from him to check on Daehan playing in the office. "I wish you could have been my mother."
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