36. Filthy
I wake up in a sudden. Jungkook inhaled very deeply and also came back to consciousness but as soon as he realized where his hand was, he put it away very fast.
"Daehan, get in the bathroom, I'm coming. If you have to vomit do it in the toilet, okay?" I sit up on the mattress and get up from it.
He ran to the other room in a haste, but I took a quick glance of Jungkook still on the bed. Why is he blushing so much again? Something is weird with him, even though he surely got shy when he woke up and all, it's not usual coming from him. Have I caused that much to his body just because of my curves against him...?
I walk out of the bedroom and go check on my little brother.
"What is happening? What's wrong my baby?" I squat down by his side and place my hands on his face. He seems a bit sick.
"I don't know...I don't feel well...I'm scared cuddle...I don't want to vomit, it hurts..." his tears are rolling down his cheeks the painful expression of his face is shattering my heart. "Hey sweetheart, it's alright. I'm here you don't have to worry," I brush his cheek with my thumb to put his mind at rest.
The door behind me opens very slowly. "Can I come in?"
I turn my head towards the tall man. "Yes, of course."
He steps in the small bathroom to join us, he kind of looks a little bit concerned about the condition of my brother. "What's wrong?"
"He's not feeling very good, he seems to have some fever because his body is hot but he's telling me that he's cold..."
"Oh...and is there something that he could take? A medication or else...?"
"I'm not sure..." I stand up and take a look into the furniture in which all the medical supplies and more is. I rummage through it in hope to find a box of ibuprofen but I don't think there's still any left. It's a bit my fault...I take a lot of those every day.
Jungkook brushes past me to reach Daehan and he sits down on a small step stool made for kids to approach him from his body. "Hey...do want some water to drink? Or maybe you're hungry and that's why you have some nausea?"
"No..." he shakes his head lightly but wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck. "Can I ask you something...?" I pose a question to Jungkook a bit hesitantly. "Yes, what is it?"
"Can you take care of him while I hurry to go buy some medications? I'll be fast I promise."
"Yes of course baby, you don't have to ask me. You know I'm here for the both of you," he smiles to me while hugging Daehan and rubbing his back. I love to see how much he cares about us and wouldn't mind spending some time with my little brother. Some would have refused or complained but not him.
"Thank you, I'm not going to take too long," I press my lips on his and hurry to go get ready for me to go out and buy what's needed.
I open the front door of my apartment house and step in.
The sight I have of the living room made my heart melt.
Jungkook is lied down on his side with Daehan just in front of him, but he's rubbing his stomach while my little brother has his eyes closed with a damped towel on his forehead.
I get closer to them but a gentle smile got given by the man as soon as he looked at me.
"Should I let him sleep or I wake him up to give him the medicines?" I speak in a low voice to not disturb the boy's sleep.
"I would let him rest but...do what you think is the best," he kindly opines and continues having a lot of attention on the small figure peacefully away in his dreams. "Okay, I'll wait till he woke up," I put the box of pills on the coffee table and stroll to the kitchen.
I now have to cook the breakfast for us.
I pull my bangs back to let my forehead breath and I wash my hands to start preparing the food.
"Do you think he will be able to go to school on tomorrow?" the voice became way closer than I expected it and kind of surprised me as the boy placed his hands on my waist, to stick his body to mine.
"He'll stay here for tomorrow and we'll see how it goes," I start making some eggs with a stew full of vegetables for my little brother to have all the energy he needs.
"Baby..." he wraps his arms around me but his head is directed a bit downwards for unknown reasons. "I'm sorry about this morning..."
"Sorry? Why?"
"You know...uhm..." he coughs a bit obviously. "My hand..."
"Oh," I smile uncontrollably at his cuteness. "It's fine."
He's too cute for me to tell him something anyway. "But can I ask you something?" I turn my head to look at him. "Yeah."
"Why were you blushing last night? You seemed very uncomfortable or shy...which is odd from you."
"Oh...uhm...I don't know..." he passes one of his hand through his hair very subtly. "I was not uncomfortable, maybe just a bit...hot..."
I swear that now, I'm starting to know by heart each of his little habits. Every time he is nervous I notice that he glances away, he rubs the nape of his neck or hair, he slightly blushes and is unable to maintain any eye contact.
"You're lying," I laugh very lightly at his adorable reaction.
But a phone interrupts us by ringing. It's Jungkook's one that he went to pick it up. "Hello?..."
"Oh sorry, I was busy...Okay, see you..." he hanged up kind of quickly. "I have to go see Jimin, baby," he walks to me and grabs the keys for his car, laid on the flat surface by my side.
"See you later, I love you and text me or call me if something's wrong," he pecks my temple to walk to the door and put his jacket and shoes on.
"See you...I love you..." I pronounce with some grief just to know that I'm now going to be alone with my little brother for maybe the rest of the day. "I love you more baby," he smiled to me and pursed his lips out as a way of sending me a flying kiss, before disappearing behind the wall to pass by the front door and leave.
When the sound that signaled me that the boy was out, all of a sudden, a heavy silence dropped in the house. That's terribly painful and that's the first time I feel that emptiness. It's weird.
I just hope that he's not going to take too long there...
"Hello," I walk in Jimin's house after the long way on the road. "Hey kookie, what brings you here that you absolutely wanted to talk about with me?"
"Y/N," I get straight forward about the subject of our conversation that I want to broach. I know I told her I had to see Jimin after he called me but in reality, I'm the one who has to talk.
I go sit on his sofa and comfortably stretch out, before rubbing my hands on my face to wake me up.
"What's wrong? You broke up?" he sips on his drink without feeling anything no matter what he just got out of his mouth. "No dummy! If we had broken up I would be in tears right now."
"You would cry?!" he scoffs at my face, thinking that this is funny when it's really not. "Whatever...I need to talk about last night."
"Wow. Uhm. Please. Your intimacy doesn't interest me Kook."
"Not that you jerk! Just...I slept with her for the first time last night, but sleep like just closing our eyes and falling asleep. The problem was that...-"
"You wanted more," he cuts me off.
"NO!" I get ticked off by his behavior, not wanting to let me end my sentence for god's sake. "I mean...maybe I did but anyway! Tell me if this was bad from me or that I'm just a weirdo but I wasn't able to fall asleep with her curves against me and I think she noticed it because she asked me if I was uncomfortable...but I can't tell her the truth."
"Were you uncomfortable or this is just because you were in the bed and couldn't control your feelings?"
"Second option...Please tell me it's normal but I was hot as hell," I let out with some embarrassment but he's the only person with who I feel the most comfortable to tell my worries and problems apart from Y/N but this isn't the kind of topic that I can talk about with her. "The only thing weird was that you were able to spend the whole night with your girlfriend in one bed just sleeping."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well...you didn't even hug her or kiss her?" he asks me as if he didn't hear anything I told him just seconds ago. "Are you deaf or stupid? I told you, I was totally going crazy inside of me and kissing her wouldn't have been a good idea because her little brother was in the bed."
"Oh, that explain...but how were you positioned?"
"I was "spooning" her as we call it."
"Holy sh*t," he almost choked on his drink to hear my answer.
"What?" I put my eyes on him with some confusion. "That's...No wonder you were freaking hot and unable to think straight! You had her damn backside against you! Gosh...What about when you woke up?"
"Terribly embarrassing as hell," I bite my lower lip just to remember what I was doing to her unconsciously.
"Oh my god tell me. I'm sure she noticed you were enjoying it" he claps in his hands to burst into laughter, loving the situation and not having any mercy on me or any compassion.
"Stop freaking guffawing that's not funny dammit! I woke up to our bodies as tight as two pieces of puzzles with my hand under her shirt and touching her breasts! I can't stop feeling awkward around her for doing that now!"
"Damn!" he chuckles nonstop. "I think your body just did what it wanted while you were asleep. Your real side was showing when you were unconscious but, what were you dreaming about to do that?"
"Let's not even talk about this..." I roll my eyes. This is really not the type of things I should reveal even to him my best friend. "Come on! It will surely explain why you woke up into that position."
"That was really..." I think before continuing my sentence. "Freaking good..."
"Oh my god, I can't believe it! Is that the real baby boy I used to know that I'm talking to?!" he laughs at me and places his hand on my thigh.
"I feel horribly awkward with her now...I don't know what the hell to do...I feel super good in her arms or just to have her close to me but...last night and this morning...-"
"Tell her the truth."
"What?!" I jerk my head to look at him with shock. "Are you insane?! I can't tell her that she made me go wild and that I had a more than intense wet dream about her! She won't ever want to sleep in my arms again!"
"Maybe she will want to make your dreams come true, who knows..." he smirks and take this important talk not seriously. "Dammit..." I sigh out of exasperation and frustration not feeling any help coming from him.
"Just tell her that some things could happen while she's sleeping but that you won't be conscious so that you won't be at fault."
"Oh yeah super great idea!" I utter sarcastically. "She will think that I'm a creepy psycho who's going to touch her up and do more while she's not even conscious, that's even better!"
"Yah! Calm down alright?! It's not my fault if you're thirsty as hell and that you can't control yourself!"
"I'm not! But how could I control a natural reaction of my body to what my girlfriend provokes to me?!"
"I don't know," he grins at my face, not even caring about the fact that I'm like a freaking lost man. "Maybe you should try to just spend another night with her and then see if it's worse."
"What if it is?"
"Deal with it," he simply gives me as the best advice he could have said. "Thank you very much for helping me," I don't think just a single letter of those words I pronounced.
"No but seriously...you shouldn't feel uncomfortable with your girlfriend just for that. She's not a little girl who doesn't know anything about what a man can feel so just tell her, I'm sure she's going to find it cute."
"Cute? I don't think so."
"How did she react about your hand and all?"
"She said it was fine..."
"See, why are you stressed about her reaction so much then?" he punches my shoulder as a way of just telling me I'm stupid. "Because...maybe she hates me or think I'm a pervert but hides it."
"Alright, give me your phone," he stretches his hand out in front of me. "Eh excuse me?" I look up at him. "What are you going to do with it?"
"Just trust me..."
I give him what he asked for but a bit with reluctance and hesitation. I don't feel good about his plan, but really not good.
I take a look at the things he's typing on my phone.
"Aw that's so cute her contact name is "My babyboo love" with all kind of hearts emoji, what a sweet boy~" he mocks me like a freaking dumbass but I just ignore it, I'm used to this little brat.
He takes knowledge of her phone number to save it on his phone.
Uh. I don't accept this. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You don't take the phone number of my girlfriend like that Park Jimin."
"Shut up," he starts to lean back to not let me see what he's typing on his phone and surely sending to her.
"What are you doing?!" I try to peek at his screen or grab his phone but he stood up and is now running in his large living room to avoid me. "Stop this right now and don't you dare tell her anything about what I told you!"
"Too late, it's sent," his lips curve upward in a smug manner, reflecting his proudness and satisfaction after what he just did.
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