21. Hit On You
"I'm sure she's lying and she just said that she doesn't remember you because she was in love with you," Jimin nudges me with his shoulder just to make me embarrassed like an imbecile.
"That's not even true..." I try my best to not look stupid in front of him, but Jungkook passes his arm in front of me to reach something on my right when there's like only two centimeters of space. Of course, his chest got pressed against mine tightly.
"He told me that he always found you cute but what about now?" the man keeps on insisting. What the hell does he want? If he doesn't flirt with me, he just makes me feel awkward.
"A cute beauty," he grins broadly.
I don't like it I'm blushing like a poor idiot.
The boy on my left coughed obviously and he turned around to lean on the worktop but hit my arm with his elbow. I don't know if it was purposely made but...I'm going to punch him back.
"My buddies, you're both starting to be a couple just because of me, don't thank me," he put his arms around me and the boy standing in front of me before smiling and leaving us.
"This guy is crazy," he chuckles at what the guy just did. "I don't know him that well but yeah, he is."
"Let's go sit down on the sofa," he invites me to follow him. I do it but a hand stops me.
"You better stop flirting," Jungkook whispered to me discreetly before walking away.
My heart jumped at this deep voice that passed through my ear, I got shook when his hand brushed my skin and that his shapes bumped into mine.
The picture he sent me last night just popped out of the little box in my brain, why couldn't that stay hidden, even buried somewhere and never come back?! Gosh...
"Why the hell are you blushing again?!" my brother bugs me while I'm getting where everyone is.
"Shut the hell up," I mumble out of wrath, I'm sick of being ridiculed in front of all the boys here and...Wait...Now that I think about it. I'm the only girl in this house.
"She's cute when she blushes, stop being so mean to your little sister," Wonho saves me but at the same time worsen my shyness. "Yah. Don't try to get her. She won't date you."
"I'm not even doing anything!" he slightly laughs at the empathized reaction of my brother. "Ah stop it. I know you boy."
"Sit down Y/N," Jimin tells me to join him on the sofa.
"No thanks, I'm fine on my feet," I refuse to get by his side. The glares that Jungkook keeps on giving me with his deadly look is making me hesitate.
Is he a jealous type?
From what I'm seeing right now, he is and not just a little bit. I just remember the fact that he enjoyed playing with my emotions to test my jealousy. I'm going to do it as well and not restrain myself if I want to do something.
I decide to change my mind and sit down next to Jimin, just in front of the boy that seems mad. He stared at me and pushed his inner cheek with his tongue. Does that show how upset he is? Because I feel like he's going to murder someone.
"You easily change your mind?" the boy by my side gives me a large beam. "Yes..."
"You seems a bit crazy in your head, aren't you?" he places his hand on my thigh and just pats it. He lets an adorable eye smile appear. "Jimin. Your hand," my brother remarked to the boy that was just subtly touching me.
"What? Are you talking about this?" he completely grabs my curves and rub my thigh in a back and forth movement.
I'm hot in a sudden, can he stop touching me that way? The hell is he thinking about?
"Put that hand away from my sister before I break it into pieces Jimin," he gives him the evil eye, threatening him.
Jimin turns his head to me to lean towards my ear and brushes his thumb on my skin without moving away. "Let's annoy your brother, hm?" he whispers in a shivering way.
"He's going to kill you," I smile but doesn't really agree, I don't want to get in trouble. "Jimin. I swear to god."
The boy pecked my cheek to nag Yoongi but then stopped provoking him and removed his hand from my body.
"I don't want to see just a finger touching my sister or I smash your face in the wall before throwing you out of the window, got it?" he addresses to everybody in the room. If only he knew what Jungkook does with me when he's not here...
"Okay dangerous person," a blond guy smiled. It looks like a square every time his lips form a bright beam, that's cute. "Let's get serious now. Where are the beers?"
"Namjoon. You get up and go grab one for all of us except Y/N," Yoongi decided for me and literally put me aside.
"Uhm...I'm eighteen so I can drink if I want," I stand up for myself.
"Yes but, my house, my rules," he smirks just to work me up, knowing how easy it is to make me go berserk.
"Okay then. Goodbye," I stand up to leave the place, not feeling very useful or comfortable anyway...I'm like the odd one out. "Don't you dare leave, you stay here with us."
"And why should I? I have no purpose to stay here and you're all just boys having fun together, talking about things that I don't give a toss about."
"Yes, you have a purpose. Making food for us," his lips curve upwards in a smug shape. "Screw you and your damn face of little crap that I hate," I grab the handle of my bag to go out.
"Yah! I'm joking my small pickle...! You know I don't mean those stupid things," he tries to make me stay by softening his behavior and words.
"I want you to stay Y/N..." Wonho came from out of nowhere. "Come, I'm going to hug you to apologize, my baby," my brother opens his arms to me and gesture me to get closer.
I give in like a weak girl and put my handbag on the spot it was before being stolen by me and I go get into the embrace of the boy.
"Well...Good, you're reconciled but where's my beer?" Namjoon ruins everything again.
I move back from my brother's clasp and go sit just where I was seconds ago.
"Let's order pizzas and chicken later, we let the beers to drink while eating, okay?" Yoongi suggests to everyone.
They all approved to the idea and started to play while I'm just watching, even if I like video games I'm stressed when I have to do it in front of the others. I'm an idiot.
"I have to go pick up Daehan, Yoongi..." I took a look at my watch.
"Okay, come back with him and I'll order for the dinner once he will have slept a little bit," he remains focused on his game that he's playing all alone on his phone.
"I will but there's a small problem. He went to a walk in the woods with his classroom and I have to go there to pick him up...I need someone who has its driving license..." I take hold of my bag while mentioning the slight inconvenient. "Well....I'm not going to let Jimin go there just with you...Neither Namjoon...-"
"I can do it," Jungkook proposes himself volunteer. Is he serious? This is not a good idea.
"Hmm..." Yoongi considers it. "Okay..."
Jungkook jumps out of the sofa and goes to his bedroom. I don't really have the time to wait more than five minutes...jeez...
He comes back after just two minutes.
Damn. A tight jeans with a white and blue stripes dress shirt. I'm dying at the view and worse given the way that his pants just reveal each of his shapes and muscles. I should avert my eyes immediately, this is bad.
He grabs the keys of his car to get closer to me and puts his shoes on. He's been mad all day long so I'm fearing the most once we'll be just together.
"See you in short minutes Yoongi," I walk out of the place and already take some advance on the boy behind me who's tucking his top cloth into his jeans while hurrying to catch up with my steps.
I wait for him to indicate me which one among all the cars is his. He headed towards it and opened the doors just by approaching the vehicle.
I get into it and sit on the passenger seat but the atmosphere is a bit tensed. He starts the car and turns his GPS on before putting his phone on a handle to use it for the way.
"Show me where it is," he tells me, pointing at his phone screen.
I get the name of the place into the device. He peeked at it before grabbing the steering wheel with one of his hands, and the gear stick with the other to drive to that point.
"Did you enjoy flirting with other men?" he breaks the silence coldly putting his anger forth. "Flirting? I don't flirt I just respond to the people talking to me."
"Yeah sure," he sneers and does his tongue thing against his inner cheek again. Is that a habit?
"Aren't you the one who took pleasure into playing with me just to test my jealousy? Or you have a short memory?" I bring back to his face. "You're comparing two things that are totally different."
"Different?" I raise my eyebrows to show my skepticism. "Damn. you're so brazen," I glance away. I can't believe how he can dare to be so shameless. "For your information, we were not a couple and you kept on talking to me as if you didn't give a damn about me so that was the only thing that could prove me you were just acting."
"I didn't want to fall in love with someone," I let out unwillingly, that should have stayed in my head. "And why? You can tell me and be straightforward, you didn't want to fall in love "with me". Don't worry, I understood."
"That's really not what I meant. I didn't want to fall in love because I'm scared to be heartbroken like a stupid and idiot girl, alright? That doesn't have anything to do with you."
"You thought I was just playing and not being serious? I was touching you, hugging you and calling you cute to give you some little hints about the fact that I was damn crazy about you..!"
"I just thought you were like most of the boys nowadays. Flirting with a girl, dating her and having fun for some weeks or less to then dump her because you're tired of what you consider as your toy," my blood slowly warms up to reach a boiling point at any time, the topic is bugging me a lot.
"Are you serious?" he stops at a red light, laying his eyes on me as if he was shocked by what I uttered out. "Yes, I am. That's what I feel like when I see or hear the boys talking about girls, I'm tired of it and I don't want to be one of them, to fall in love..."
"We're not all like that, as well as the girls aren't all the same. Because if you're talking that way, I can tell you some things about what I think of some of you, when all that matters for some type of girls is to date a guy, with big muscles, perfect built, perfect face, cute and of course a prince which doesn't freaking exist to then dump him because you want someone new!"
"Did I say I wanted a kind of man like that? I don't think so," I assert myself about what I said and what I didn't.
"Oh come on..." he sighs out of exasperation. "Don't tell me you don't want the typical guy that all the girls dream of, with the perfect body, not jealous because oh my god, that's bad, a guy who will buy you all the things you want otherwise you won't stay with him once the money will disappear, uh?"
"You're more than wrong man. I'm totally the opposite of what you're describing, alright? Don't you dare insinuate those things about me when it's not even true."
"Why are you talking about me like that then? You also said bad things and suggested I was just a playboy."
"Because you looked like it, the way you were acting with me when we barely knew each other."
"Oh and what about you? You liked it when Jimin caressed your thigh with his f*cking hand didn't you?" he starts to swear at me and slowly heat up. "No I didn't and you better calm the hell down and not talk to me that way."
"If it was me you would have tossed my hand away which you didn't do with him."
I ignore his sayings, it's really getting on my nerves so I should not speak just once more or else this will go downhill very quickly.
"Stop the car, we're here," I only let those words run out of my mouth.
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