13. Heart Broken
"I...I want to ask you something..."
"Go ahead," I give him the start.
"Do you...you know...uhm...when you spend some time with me...or when I get closer to you...Or I don't know...No, I want to ask you something else," he changes his mind. "There's a girl I like and even love a lot, but I don't know how to tell her. I just...I'd like to know what would be the best way to tell her..."
Damn. That freaking hurt. That's painful and that's exactly what I wanted to avoid.
I remove my hand from his all instinctively. "Well...I don't know...I think you should just confess to her with words that come from your heart...I'm not really good at this..." I barely think straight, the strong and stinging sensation I'm feeling in my chest is totally making me want to run out of this place and just get back home. "How do I know if she feels the same for me?"
"She will look at you with sparkles in her eyes...she will smile unceasingly while thinking about you all day long, she will try to make you understand that she feels safe with you and...that you make her happy, feel special...It's easy to see her reaction when you take her hand in yours and that she beams or blush, if you kiss her cheek and that she just freeze on her spot for some seconds to blush again...she will maybe try to hide what she's feeling to not be broken, but her eyes and body language will betray her..." I speak out as if I was just describing what I feel when I look at him. I'm on the verge of crying like a poor piece of dirt.
"So...if I hold her hand in mine like that..." he steps closer to me and skims my arm with his fingers to go lower and take my hand in his, very softly. He caresses the back of it and then leads those sweet touches to something more special by intertwining our fingers. "Will I be able to see if she loves me?" he stares at me.
"I...yes...I guess..." I drop my gaze down. "But...I'm sorry...I have to go, Jungkook..." I get myself out of his hold and hurry to walk out.
- Three days later -
"Hey, Y/N...Are you alright...? Why didn't you come last Wednesday...?" he opens the door to let me come in.
Seeing his face again reminds me that I'm going to die from pain just to know that I fell in love with him like an idiot, but this person doesn't feel the same back.
I come in and put my handbag down. "I...I had to take care of my little brother..." I lie. "Oh, but why didn't you answer any of my texts these last days...?"
"I'm sorry...I wasn't paying attention to my phone..." I avert his eyes, unable to give this falsehood and look at him. "Hm...Okay..." he toys with his fingers as if something was making him nervous.
He walks closer to me as I'm taking my phone out of my purse, and his arms enfold my figure, very gently to back hug me. His lips embrace my cheek. I think I'm going to pass out.
"I missed you..." he speaks in a low and soft voice. I would like to tell him the same, but I don't want to show him how much I'm thinking about him all the time.
"Are you upset...?" he asks me, maybe wondering why I'm not in a good mood. "No...I'm not," I get away from his embrace and step aside in order to reach my brother's bedroom.
After finishing to put my clothes on the bed for later, I walk back to the living room to start cleaning.
I proceed to the kitchen where the usual products that I'll use are hidden in the cabinets. Jungkook stands up from the sofa where he was sitting and comes right next to me to take something out of the fridge. He puts a small white box, that seems to come from a bakery, on the counter in front of me.
"I bought you that..." he quietly speaks. I straighten up and take a look at him, before opening the container. A box full of colored, glassy or powdered donuts. That looks super appetizing, and some of them are very cute with weird shapes like stars, dinosaur, or whatever it's supposed to look like.
"I passed by the bakery after working out, I wanted to get you something since I know you don't have breakfast..." he touches his left arm and rubs it, expressing his mysterious nervousness unwillingly. "Thank you, Jungkook, but you shouldn't...and those things are going to make me gain weight..."
"What's the problem...? You're working nonstop, and you barely have free time...It's fine..." he shrugs but looks very anxious. "Yeah..." I don't really believe it. "And...you'll look beautiful no matter what, so...you can eat what you want..." he glances away as his cheeks are slowly catching a pinkish tint.
I cannot hold back my smile at his kind words, even if I don't think the same, that's still nice, and it makes me feel better about myself. "Thank you, Jungkook, I'll eat once I'm done cleaning," I give him a frail curve of my lips. I would like to peck his cheek or just hug him, but after what he told me three days ago, I don't think it's a good idea.
"Okay," he smiles very lovingly and takes the box to put it back in the fridge.
I bite into the donut covered with a bright red icing and white stripes. Just the smell of sweetness makes my brain go nuts.
"You like it?" the boy by my side questions me. "Yes, it's delicious," I nod and take another mouth full. "Good, I didn't tell you, but since I know you're very...obsessed with your weight when you shouldn't...I looked for some types of diet ones, it's just made with artificial sweetener and not as fat as the typical ones...That's why I doubted about the taste..."
He really took care of wasting his time looking for less sugary donuts with less fat just for me? And that means that he doesn't forget what I tell him, he makes sure that it's the best just to make me happy.
"Is it true?" I lay my eyes on him. "Yes, I wanted to..." he rubs the nape of his neck while gazing away from my face. "I don't know what I wanted...but...I just like to take something that you will like and enjoy...something that will make you happy, in a way..." his front teeth show up. "Thank you, it's really kind of you, but you know...You should spend your money just on yourself, or buy less expensive things..."
"No...I wanted to get the best ones," he shakes his head, still not putting an eye on me.
I grin like a dumb girl, but I can't stop thinking about that damn girl that he claims to be in love with. Is he that caring with his friends as much as he is with me? Does he hug and kiss his friends the same way he does it with me?
I peek at him and his shy face. I lean closer to him and head the donut to his mouth. "Try it."
His roundish eyes meet mine very innocently, and he parts his lips to take a bite of the fried dough.
His mellow lips touch my finger. I need to act all calm and not let my body react weirdly to that softness, but the way he clung that confection between his thin and pink lips, I think I shouldn't have stared at them so thirstily. I should be hungry for the food, nothing else. On top of that, his baby face when he eats just melts my heart.
"That's yummy," the pretty shape of his lips, of which I can't keep my eyes off, bounce against one another. "Eat the rest," I hold the sweet food for him to take it. "No, eat it it's for you..." he refuses kindly. "But I still have seven of those, let's eat together...please..."
He scans my face with a timid expression and finally gives in to grab the rest of the red donut. While he ends that one I take out a chocolate donut, I wonder what's the taste of this cute one that looks like a face of little bear.
I don't lose just a second and go for it, it looks very savory. As expected, that's good as hell.
After taking some bites, I make Jungkook try it as well and notice right away that he likes it as much as I do. After that a powdered one caught my attention, it looks simple but good.
"There's something inside of it," Jungkook mentions before I taste it. "What is it?" I curiously ask him. "Try it, it's a surprise," he smiles at me, willing to keep it secret.
I don't wait but end that suspense. Strawberry jam. It's delicious as hell. "You took the best ones."
"I'm glad you like them, I didn't want to buy the too simple ones, but at the same time, not too special in case you wouldn't like it," he says, delightedly. "Every kind of donuts is good unless there's green tea in it, which I don't like."
"You don't like green tea?"
"No..." I shook my head to give him my answer. "Good, now I know I shouldn't buy that flavor," he grins, surely thinking about what he's going to buy for me next time.
I give him half of the donut for him to eat with me and eat the other ones with him, a white one with smarties on it and a big one cookie and cream flavor.
Now, I can't anymore.
"Jungkook, it's very delicious but, I can't eat more...It's going to be too much..." I reach my saturation point. "It's fine, don't force yourself if you can't eat anymore," he nicely tells me and grins, cutely. "I would like to eat them, but you should end it to not waste."
"Oh, no. Get back home with them if you like it...Even if you don't want to eat the rest, you can still give them to your little brother."
"Yeah, thank you so much again, Jungkook...It's very kind of you," I thank him for the third or fourth time, I could continue endlessly. "No need to," he acts timid.
I take a look at my watch, the time went by very quickly, and it's now the end of my free time with him, I need to go.
"You have to go...I guess..." the displease can be heard very clearly in his voice. I look up at him and nod. I wish I could have told him no, but it's not my fault.
I close the box and put my phone in my bag like I do almost every day, which is now not far from being a routine. Jungkook takes hold of the container filled with the three donuts left.
"I'm going to put this in a little sachet for it to be easier to carry," he gets to the opened kitchen to do it and once it's done and that I'm ready to go, he takes me in his arms. "Y/N, do you remember what I told you on Tuesday?"
Don't tell me he's going to say that he confessed to that girl.
"Yes..." I obviously say, it would be impossible to tell otherwise. "You told me that I should confess to her and speak with my heart," he holds both of my hands and takes some glimpse of my eyes very hesitatingly. "I did..."
"Well...Will you forgive me if I do something that could ruin our friendship?" he plunges his eyes into mine, he's never been that serious.
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