Chapter Twenty-Eight
"Are you ready?" Padmé asks me, stepping back from me and letting me look at myself in the mirror.
I can hardly recognize myself. I am wearing a floor length navy blue dress, with a long white fur cloak draped over my shoulders that also reaches the length of the floor. Around my neck is my mother's Andurite Stone necklace, it's presence allowing me to have a small piece of her on today's occasion. I am wearing white slippers that hug my feet tightly and match the fur cloak. My hair is let down, the brown ringlets cascading past my shoulders. On top of my head is my crown, the crown of a princess. It has a sapphire in it's center, with small red gems curving around the remainder of the crown in a straight line. Pretty soon this crown will no longer be mine.
I reach over to her and grip onto her hand, smiling sadly at my own reflection. "I wish they were here."
My mother and father's absence weighs heavily on me today. I wish my mother was here to help me get ready like Padmé has done, I wish it was my father that would be crowning me today. I told Obi Wan of this and he told me that when life forms die, they become part of the living force. He told me that no matter where I am, they are always with me. It's a comforting thought, so I keep that in mind as I fight back my tears to avoid messing up my makeup.
Padmé squeezes my hand, her expression sad as well. "They would be so proud of you. I know I am."
I turn my head towards her, smiling softly at her as I dap at my eyes. "We should probably get down stairs, it's time."
Padmé nods to me, continuing to hold my hand as we exit my bedroom and out into the hallway. Two of my guards are waiting for me, escorting the two of us to the elevator. The entire ride down I am filled with anticipation. I have never felt so nervous in my entire life, I feel like I might explode where I stand. When my father died I became queen, but it was never made official. Today I would really become a queen. Part of me still feels like I'm not ready, that I am what Dooku said I was; a little girl running around in a crown. But I remember what Obi Wan told me, what Aiden and Fallon told me; that I am the only one who can rule Taris, and I will do it my way.
The doors of the elevator open. Padmé and I start down the hall towards the throne room where everyone is waiting. She lets go of my hand and grips onto my arm, giving me a proud nod. The walls leading to the double doors of the throne room are lined with the portraits of past monarchs. Right next to the elevator is Jayce Daulton, my ancestor. I look at each painting as I pass by it, kings and queens who have sat on that throne and ruled this planet and the system. I still can't fathom that I will be up there along side then one day. The last portrait I pass by is the one of my father and mother, both of them looking just as radiant and strong as I remember them. Seeing them stare down at me now makes it really feel like they are here. My eyes fall to the empty space next to their portrait, to where my portrait will go some day.
With a deep breath, I nod my head to the guards standing on other side of the doors. They open up the throne room, revealing about a hundred people waiting for me. Nobles from Taris, the governors of the fourteen planets I oversee, important families on each planet, my father's old advisors, past senators and government officials, they are all here to see me on my special day.
I nod my head to them as I pass them, clutching onto Padmé' sand tightly. In the front row of the crowd is Padmé's mother and sister, who have tears in their eyes as they see me in my outfit and crown. Next to them are Obi Wan and Anakin, along with his new padawan Ashoka. Even Anakin's droids are here today. Anakin and Ashoka both smile at me and nod, while Obi Wan simply stares at me. As I pass him by I smile at him nervously, to which he gives me a reassuring nod. His eyes trail me up and down and I see a smile grow on his face just as I turn away from him, making me blush.
The throne is right in front of me, the queen's crown lying delicately on top of the navy cushions. Aiden and Fallon are on either side of the throne, their eyes filled with pride to be standing here by my side. Fallon is wearing a long navy dress, but hers isn't as extravagant as mine. Her hair is pulled back and she's wearing a black cloak over her shoulders. Aiden is wearing navy blue pants and long sleeve shirt, with a black cloak also draped over his shoulders. Both of them are wearing black boots similar to what the guards wear, and I wonder if they stole them while they occupied my palace during my absence.
Standing in front of the throne is a high priest, who will be conducting the ceremony since my father is gone. Padmé lets go of my arm and winks at me, joining her mother and sister. I take another deep breath and kneel down in front of the priest, watching him smile down at me.
He takes the princess crown off of my head, handing it to the guard closest to him. He then approaches the throne and picks up my new crown, the same crown the monarchs of Taris have been wearing for generations. Like my old one, it has a sapphire in it's center, but instead of red gems the gems are white, forming straight vertical lines that are meant to represent the sword like buildings in our capital. There are fourteen white gems in total, one for every planet Taris oversees. The crown itself is made of gold like my other one, but as the priest picks it up, I can tell this one is much more heavier than the last.
"Genevieve Daulton, only child of King Willard and Queen Hilda Daulton, are you ready to take on the responsibilities of being queen?"
"I am."
"Do you swear to to protect Taris and all people who live on Taris, as well as the Ojoster system which Taris has sworn to oversee?"
"I swear."
"Will you put aside all selfish ambition and greed and do what is only right for the people of Taris?"
"I will."
The priest's smile widens. "Then on this day, I proclaim you Queen Genevieve Daulton, first of her name, protector of Taris and the Ojoster system," he says loudly, placing the crown on my head. It is indeed heavier than my other crown. The priest gestures for me to stand, placing his hand over his heart. "We are one, my queen."
I place my hand over my own heart. "We are one."
The priest redirects his attention back to the room, shouting loudly; "Long may she reign!"
The crowd repeats it back with enthusiasm, saying it over and over again as I walk towards my throne and sit on it, finally letting out that breath I have been holding in. My eyes find Obi Wan's, and he has never looked happier. He is shouting probably the loudest, and it is enough to distract me from what I should be doing now.
There is a projector in the room that is broadcasting my coronation ceremony to every citizen of Taris and of the Ojoster system. I wanted everyone to be apart of today, especially since I was gone up until recently.
I now look at this projector directly, speaking to every person I have now sworn to protect. I smile at the projector, nodding my head it's way. "I am sorry not everyone could be here in person to celebrate this special occasion. I not only wanted everyone to be apart of this day, but I wanted to deliver a message to my people." I begin, clearing my throat before I go any further.
"The Clone Wars have officially begun, a war that will spread chaos across every corner of the galaxy, starting with Taris. Count Dooku of the separatist alliance has been the cause of the lack of supplies and starvation that has plagued our planet. He, and he alone, is responsible for the war that now threatens to kill us all. He will not stop until he has Taris for himself, until he can use our planet's goods and turn them into weapons of mass destruction. But as he promises never to stop, I promise to never either. As long as I am queen, I will fight until my last breath to ensure the safety of every man, woman, and child in this system or this planet. Taris is stronger than anything the separatists can throw our way, and we will show them what we are made of. This is our home, our people, our land. No one will take it from us, and this is a promise I make to you. I love my people and I love this planet. I will not stop fighting until I ensure the freedom of everyone of you. This I swear to you. Thank you."
I turn my attention back to the crowd of people in the throne room, a newfound sense of confidence filling me as I stand up from my throne. I place my hand over my heart, saying loudly; "We are one."
"We are one." The room repeats back to me, their faces filled with hope for the future, the future I just ensured for them. I just hope I can hold up my promise.
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