Chapter Eleven
I let out a sigh of relief when Obi Wan walks through the doors of the palace, seemingly without a scratch on him. I had been talking with Satine in the throne room for the last hour or so, but at the sight of Obi Wan I rush over towards him, grabbing onto his arms, looking him over.
"Are you hurt?" I ask, not caring how unqueenly it was to run across a throne room and grab onto a Jedi's arm. I just want to make sure he's alright.
Obi Wan lightly smiles at me, looking me over as well. "I'm fine, your majesty. The important thing is that Fett didn't get to you."
I see a disappointment in his eyes that tells me all I need to know; Fett got away. I share an unspoken conversation with my jedi protector, squeezing his arm and giving him an earnest look. I want him to know it wasn't his fault that he didn't catch Fett. He pats my hand softly, nodding his head solemnly. Clearly he thinks it is his fault.
Satine makes her way towards us, her face as solemn as Obi Wan's. "I apologize, to both of you. This hooligan must have stolen our armor, because I can assure you that no Mandalorian would do what this Fett has done."
I smile at the duchess, trying to give her the same earnest look I gave Obi Wan. "I trust you, Duchess. We will figure out who this man is working for. I'm just glad we're all alright."
Obi Wan lets out a sigh, looking at me with a rather guilty expression. "Our location has been exposed here. Since I didn't catch Fett, he'll be back. And if not him, then someone else will come after you. I think it was a mistake to stay in a palace like this. We need to find someplace quaint to hide out in."
Satine steps froward and grand onto my hand, a small smile on her face. "I agree with Obi Wan, you're not safe here. I don't think staying on Mandalore is a smart decision in general. Our city doesn't give you many opportunities to lie low."
So we have to find another planet to hide out in, taking me farther and farther away from Taris. I won't let myself think about that now though. I turn my attention back to Obi Wan, nodding my head and trying to keep a relatively straight face. "What about Naboo? Padmé's family live in a small house in the country about an hour outside the capital. I used to visit her and her family there all the time growing up. They'll take care of us."
Obi Wan contemplates this suggestion, rubbing a hand over his beard. After a moment he nods. "Contact Padme and ask her to inform her family of our arrival. Make sure you tell her to keep our new location to herself though."
I feel my eyebrows crease in confusion. "Why?"
"Because Fett found us very quickly," Obi Wan says, his voice very dire and serious as he glanced between me and Satine. "If someone in the senate or otherwise gave up your location, I don't want to risk that happening again."
The thought of anyone in the senate betraying my location makes me feel like someone is crushing my lungs. The thought of anyone in the republic wanting to help in my capture...I can't even fathom it.
Obi Wan can see the distress on my face, so he slips his hand into mine, rubbing his thumb over the side of my palm. His touch does bring me comfort, probably more than it should.
"What time will we leave?" I ask him.
He glances over to Satine, sharing an unspoken conversation. She nods her head, leading him to say; "As soon as you are done talking to Padmé."
"Aiden, could we speak with you for a moment?" Fallon asks her leader, watching him turn around to greet both of us. He has been going through the crates and counting see how much of each food, clothing, and weapons we have. He looks very satisfied with what we have gained today.
"Of course, is everything alright?"
Fallon now looks to me, allowing me to lead this conversation. She and I had debated whether or not to bring Aiden into the investigation, but I think it's necessary, especially since he's the only person who can talk directly to Dooku.
"No. No everything isn't alright. We have not been entirely honest with you."
Aiden looks between us in confusion, waiting patiently for me to continue. I try to be as calm and matter of fact as I possibly can.
"My name is Anakin Skywalker, I'm a Jedi. When Fallon tried to take the queen, my master and I stopped her. She told us about the situation here and I was sent by the Jedi council to do an investigation into the Taris rebellion. I think the separatists are trying to use Taris to start a civil war."
Aiden doesn't have the temper of Fallon or I, he simply nods, his lips thinned and his breaths short as he asks; "And what makes you think this?"
"We overheard your conversation with the supplier. His name is Count Dooku. He used to be a Jedi before he left the order and became a separatist. Tensions have been high in the senate lately because more and more planets are leaving the republic to join him. The chancellor thinks he will start a war. Taris is the most influential planet on the outer rim, if he gets Taris to join the separatists then he would get fifteen planets on his side and Irum to make weapons."
Aiden looks to Fallon. "What do you think of all this?"
She is very straight forward and honest as she tells her leader; "I think it's odd our trade ports are informing the republic that our supplies are being shipped out as normal. I think it's odd that the man who is actively trying to start a war is trying to get us to join the separatists. I think it's odd that the man who killed our king is the only member of the rebellion who works directly for Dooku. Aiden...I don't think we have all the facts about our situation. I think Anakin is right."
Aiden stares at her for a long moment, his eyes glancing around at her features to find any doubt or hesitation, but there isn't any there. If I've learned anything about her, is that she speaks her mind. She wouldn't say this if she didn't mean it. Aiden lets out a sigh, looking back at me. "What can I do to help?"
"Fallon and I are going to go investigate the trade ports and see what's going on. I need you to keep us updated on what Dooku tells you, especially in regards to the queen. We can't let her come back here."
"Do you know where she is?"
I nod. "Yes, but I'm not telling you. I was hesitant to bring you into this investigation, but I did it anyways because you are useful. But not only that, I did it because you care about your people. I know you don't want this rebellion, I know you didn't want the king dead. Like Fallon, you're doing what you need to do to protect your planet. That's exactly what I am here to do to. But we are on the brink of war, I need to be able to trust you. Can I trust you?"
Aiden nods firmly, placing his hand over his heart, and uttering the Taris saying; "We are one."
Fallon does the same, smiling at her leader with a mixture of pride and relief. "We will be back in a few days. Hopefully then we will know more about what's going on."
Aiden nods to her, a small smile forming on his lips. "Stay safe. Both of you."
I feel myself smiling back at him, but my voice is still firm as I tell him; "Don't trust Dooku."
He stares at me for a moment, before nodding his head. "I trust Fallon. And I trust my queen. If they think something is amiss then that's enough for me."
Feeling a deep respect for the rebel leader before me, I nod to him, turning my attention to the fiery and less sophisticated rebel at my side. "You ready?"
She nods, grinning at me. "As long as I get to fly."
"You flew the last time. It's my turn."
She backs away from me, eyeing the ships over in the landing platform. "Let's have R2 decide who gets to fly."
I scoff, beginning to follow her. "Then you might as well give up now."
She shrugs. "He and I have gotten pretty close the past few days. I think he just knows I'm a better pilot than you."
I feel a smile creeping up on my lips, but I still roll my eyes. "In your dreams."
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