New Faces And Old Friends
-Sam's P.O.V-
Me, Edgar and Alan woke up pretty early. Well they did, I barely slept a wink. My mind plagued with thoughts about my daughter. Was she safe? Did they turn her already? Naomi never came back. Marko still had her. Michael informed me that he'd be down by 5pm the latest. I hated waiting, but we needed more people. The three of us were out numbered.
"Sam are you done filling up those water guns?" Edgar asked. He placed the stakes he had carved onto the table.
"Just two more to go" I announced, dunking another water gun onto a bowl of Holy Water Alan had fetched us.
"This feels like 1987 all over again" Alan spoke, trying to make light of the situation.
"Only this time" Edgar looked back and forth between me and Alan. "They're dead!"
5 o'clock past and I grew more agitated. The more we waited, the less chance there was of me saving my only child. I tried calling Michael a few times but no answer. He was over an hour later. I let out a sigh and pulled out a cigarette.
"I didn't know you smoked Sam" Alan blurted out.
"I use to. I stopped just after Naomi was born" I told him.
"Doesn't look like it" Edgar snickered.
"Look I'm stressed ok! We are just sat here and I don't even know if my daughter is alive. So forgive me if I take a few drags of this to calm my nerves!" I began to raise my voice and Edgar held his hands up in defence.
"Okay, we'll give Michael till 7. If he isn't here, we'll go" I nodded. The moment he finished speaking the doorbell rang. I put out my cigarette and sprinted towards the door, swinging it open. Finally! Michael stood on the other side of the door, along with Star. I gave them both a short but sad smile, stepping aside and letting them in. I already explained to Michael the situation over the phone.
"She never came home?" Michael asked looking around the house.
"No not yet" Alan replied, pulling Michael into a brotherly hug.
"I'm so sorry we are late Sam" Star apologised, wrapping her arms around me, which I gladly returned.
"Guys wait for me" I heard a familiar high pitched voice from outside. I looked over Star's shoulder and stared is disbelief.
"You brought mom?!" I asked looking over towards Michael.
"I told her and she wanted to come" Michael explained. You have got to be kidding me.
"Look Sam. I know I'm a little old now but Naomi is my granddaughter and I'd be damned if I let any one of them blood sucking leaches hurt her! Now pass me one of those things and let's go!" I guess having mom here wasn't so bad after all.
-Naomi's P.O.V-
I spent the night at the cave. Or shall I say day. David ordered Marko to keep me here until Max turned up. I was currently sat next to Marko. The other three had left and told us they'd be back shortly. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. David sounded pretty serious.
"Marko" I turned to look at him.
"Are you ok?" Marko asked.
"I want to go home" I chocked. Tears began to form in my eyes.
"I know you do but you can't. Not yet" Marko wrapped his arms around me comfortingly and just held me for a while. Marko seemed a lot more nervous than me. Since we've been up he kept biting his nails and pacing around the cave. He moved back a little, and placed his lips onto mine. Giving me a short, but sweet, kiss.
We heard someone clear their throat and we turned to see Paul with a serious look plastered on his face. David and Dwayne emerged from behind him, followed by a man who I had never met before. He wore a stripped shirt, matching tie and a creamed coloured suit. His hair was a shaggy light brown that he had combed back. His eyes were covered by the big round glasses, making him very geeky looking.
"Max this is Naomi. Naomi...this is Max" David introduced.
"It's nice to meet you" Max stuck his hand out for me to shake. I nervously shook it and smiled. Being as polite as I could.
"You too"
"David has already told me everything." Max then looked over at Marko. "You shouldn't have revealed your true form, that was extremely stupid! What were you thinking?" He sounded very pissed.
"I'm sorry Max. But she was being attacked and I wasn't about to stand there and watch. Besides, no one else saw but her" Marko stated in defence.
"That's the problem, she still saw you! How do you know she's not going to run and tell the whole of Santa Carla" Max fired back.
"Like anyone would believe her even if she did" Paul joked. "No offence girl"
"None taken" I replied, smiling slightly.
"You know the options David, as do the rest of you. Now, which one of you boys is going to tell her?" I watched as Paul and Dwayne both looked down at their feet, avoiding eye contact with Max. David shook his head, looking straight at me. And Marko was back to biting his nails.
"Options?" I asked aloud. Marko grabbed my hand as Max took a step towards me.
"I'm not going to beat about the bush Naomi. You seem like such a lovely young woman, so I really hope you make a good decision. You'd be a delicious addition to the family" He began explaining.
"Excuse me!" I blurted out, with a hint of attitude.
"You either join us or I'll kill you. No, as punishment for fucking up, I'll make Marko kill you!" Max bluntly put it. Marko's gripped tightened around my hand. I couldn't speak, I froze in place. I looked over at Marko, letting my tears fall.
"Like we're going to let that happen!" I looked over Max to see My uncle Michael, auntie Star, my dad, the frog brothers and my grandma all stood at the caves entrance.
"Emerson's!" Paul growled. The boys and Max had all 'vamped out' at their arrival.
"Get away from my daughter bloodsuckers!" The boys and Max slowly turned their heads to look at me with a shocked expression.
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