Boardwalk Encounters
I finished straightening my hair. It was 8 o'clock and my dad had promised to show me the boardwalk. I thought to make an effort for my first night, didn't want to seem life a scruff now. Placing my straighteners on the heat mat, I took a finally look in the mirror. Happy with my choice, I grabbed my bag, walked out of my room and practically flew down the stairs.
"Ready!" I beamed at him.
"Okay let's ... I don't think so!" My dad sternly, seeing my outfit. It may have been a little revealing but not that bad. "Nope go change"
"What why?" I whined.
"Just do it, I'm not having my little girl.." I had to interrupt him at that point.
"That's just it, I'm not a little girl anymore" Ironically, after I said that I proceeded to give him puppy dog eyes, it's how I've always got what I wanted. Hell, I think I'll still be doing that when I'm 80 years old. A smile started to form on my face, I could tell he was starting to give in, but quickly made it disappear. My dad rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Will you at least put on a jacket?" He sighed.
"Sure, thanks dad!" I kissed him on the cheek and rushed off to find a jacket.
The sound of music and screams filled the air once we were on the boardwalk. The smell of cotton candy hit my nose. The atmosphere was amazing, better than any place I've been to. Santa Carla is starting to become my favourite place. I looked over at dad who seemed a little overwhelmed. I guess he was having memories of his past. He suddenly stopped and faced me.
"Right, here's $30. Don't talk to anyone who looks out of the ordinary or just plain weird and don't leave the boardwalk, do you understand?" He asked I nodded my head swiftly. So basically everyone here "I'll be in the comic book store, you come in there every now and then so I know you are safe! We'll leave at 11" There was no way, 11 was too early for my liking.
"12" I argued.
"Fine 12!" I grinned and went to take the money but he quickly snatched his hand back. "One more thing. Do not...I repeat do not go into that video store. If you want to go in there for whatever reason you come and find me first!"
"Okay okay can I go now?" He handed me the money and I took off.
I had no idea where to start, there was a concert, the rides, game stalls. I finally made up my mind when a loud growl erupted from stomach. I spotted a diner only a few steps from where I stood. I walked over and took a seat at one of the booths. Scanning the place, I saw it wasn't busy at all, but the customers they did have came in pairs. I felt stupid.
"What can I get you ma'am?" I looked up and saw a waitress standing above me. She looked about my age.
"A friend?" I joked causing her to laugh slightly.
"Only if you get me one first" she replied. I took an instant liking to her. "My name is Madison but you can call me Maddie" she took a seat opposite me.
"I'm Naomi"
"You new around here?" She asked placing her note pad and pen beside her.
"Yeah, I just moved here from Phoenix with my dad, so I'm kind of a loner right now." I told her.
"Well I get off in an hour, I'd be happy to show you around" She offered
After Madisons shift ended she gave me a tour around the whole boardwalk. Which I was extremely grateful for because I knew I would've gotten lost. We went on a few rides, which stopped once we both felt a little sick. She met my dad when I had to do a little check in at the comic book store. He seemed joyed that I had met a friend who seemed normal in this weird town. I learned that her and her family only lover here about a month ago. The two of us slumped down on a bench and let out tired sighs.
"Well that was fun, we need to do this again!" She exclaimed.
"Absolutely" I agreed. Madison looked down at her watch and let out a groan.
"Damn, I have to get going else my parents are going to freak!" She told me.
"Oh" I felt a little down. I didn't want to be by myself again.
"Come by the diner tomorrow ok?"
"Sure, bye Madison" I waved as she ran off, glancing back to wave at me.
I leaned back against the bench, deciding what I should do now. We had pretty much done everything expect go down to the beach. However, I didn't really have the energy to do anything else. 'Time to go' I thought to myself. I stood up, my head facing the ground and slowly walked to the comic book store.
"Ow!" I yelled. I stumbled back a little and rubbed my nose. Thank god I didn't fall over, they would've been embarrassing.
"Are you ok?" I heard a males voice.
"I'm fine, it was my fault I should've been looking where I was going. I'm so-" The words had completely disappeared from my mouth the minute I saw who I had bumped into. He was about 2 inches taller than me, curly blonde hair that trailed down his back, gorgeous eyes and a smile to die for, very angelic. Damn! He wore a white top that showed his stomach, a colourful patchwork jacket, jeans which had chaps over them and boots. I stared in admiration.
"Pretty" I mumbled.
"I'm sorry what?" He asked, crossing his arms and giving me a smirk.
"I umm said dippy. I'm dippy" Great save!
"Of course you did" I blushed and looked down in embarrassment. "What's your name?"
"Naomi?" He looked confused at first but then gave a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. "I like it"
"Why thank you"
"I'm Marko"
"I like your jacket" I complimented.
"Why thank you" he mocked me. "I made it myself" Impressive! We stood in an awkward silence before Marko spoke up.
"You know, someone as pretty as you shouldn't be alone on the boardwalk" he told me. He thinks I'm pretty? Score!
"I wasn't alone, I was with a friend but she had to leave. So now I'm going to find my dad" I explained.
"Want me to help you? It's not safe around here" He offered.
I hesitated at first but agreed. On the way, we had gotten ourselves into a deep conversation. I learned about his hobbies and interest and that he lived with his three brothers. He seemed like an interesting character, someone who I'd like to get to know more of. But I had just met him, it would seem weird if I asked. Desperate almost.
"He's right in there" I pointed to the comic book store. He seemed taken by surprise and came to a halt. Marko stared directly at the store, no emotion could be picked up from him. He finally looked at me.
"Okay well, you go on ahead" He ushered me forward and smiled.
"Thank you for walking me" I smiled and turned away.
"Wait Naomi" I heard him yell. I turned and gave him a questioning look. "Will you be at the boardwalk tomorrow night?"
"More than likely" I replied.
"Cool, I'll see you tomorrow then" He smirked at me before waving, I gave a small wave back before turning and heading towards the store.
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