27. Day Or Night
Three weeks later...
Devi regarded the body he considered perfect, move restlessly and totally unfocused. The look on his face was far away and disturbed. They'd just got out of bed and he stood shirtless, looking out the window.
"Maybe he had his reasons," Devi said.
"Still, not to tell me. I don't get it. This is Leo we're talking about. What could be so bad that he couldn't even tell me. Couldn't even hint?"
Alex's worry was the only thing that clouded his anger.
"I know, but let's give it time," Devi went to stand next to him. Tracing fingers across Alex's chest. He didn't really understand his ability to take his man's mind off everything else and focus only on him. Even just with his fingers.
"I'll never get over how beautiful you are. Shit," Alex drew Devi in and the light from the window made his brown skin look heavenly. "It gives me goosebumps every time."
"Then just focus on that," Devi smiled.
Jade was close to snapping.
Every single time he looked at Brady, his insides twisted.
The smile had left his eyes and as if that wasn't enough, they looked sunken, almost like he was suffering from some kind of disease. He looked almost ten years older. And what bugged him more than anything else was how little Brady ate. Brady! The same guy who could gobble up two boxes of pizza while Jade wasn't done with half of one. The one who savored the taste of everything he ate as if everything was a delicacy.
Just the other day, Jade had seen a few ribs poking out after he'd helped Brady out of his clothes to take a shower. It hurt really bad to see it.
In the first week after Leo's disappearance, Brady seemed completely normal, just unusually quiet but everything seemed fine. It wasn't until he stopped calling Jade, avoided every topic about Leo and got his ice cream order wrong that Jade saw the red flags.
What frustrated him more than anything else was that he had absolutely no way to help his best friend. All he could do was sit next to Brady and be there for him. Which pissed the fuck out of him.
He came to see Brady again, as always. He'd be there as long as he needed him. Jade was truly grateful for Devi, together, they were always there for Brady and his sweetness was everything their depressed friend needed at the moment.
"Here's your ice cream Brady, it's mint, your favorite. I even put extra sprinkles," said Jade.
Brady kept on looking ahead as Jade talked and even after. A beat too long after, he looked his way, then slowly turned to Devi, as if realizing for the first time that they were there.
"Oh hey Jade, hey Devi!" he should have sounded excited, like he usually did. But all they heard was his wobbly voice.
Devi went ahead to sit down then hug him from behind and rest his chin on his shoulder.
"How's my Brady doing?" He asked, trying for a cheerful voice.
Brady was silent as he looked ahead, but Devi didn't let him go, if anything, he held him tighter.
"I miss him, but he doesn't even want to see me," Brady sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "He didn't even want me to tell him how I felt!"
"It's okay, it's okay. It'll all work out, you'll see," Devi soothed.
This time Jade didn't stick around to listen, he stormed out, which was how he found himself yelling at Met.
"I know he's your friend but he's mine too and I really care about him. But it's not my place to interfere, it's not our place," said Met.
"So what am I supposed to do then? Watch him waste away? You know I won't do that, you know that right?" replied Jade.
"I know how you feel Jade, and you know I'd fucking lay down my life for you but this isn't our battle to fight. Why can't you see that we have to let it play out?"
"Because I can't afford that luxury, Brady looks sick and his mental health isn't nearly where it should be, how can you sit by and let that happen?"
"You don't know the Leo I know. You don't see the fatigue in his face everyday even when he lies through it. You don't see the dark circles. You don't see him zoning out multiple times, and still delivering his work flawlessly. He carries so much pain inside it shows in his eyes, he's my friend too, and I gave him my word."
"I'd turn this fucking world upside down if someone tried to keep me away from you and Sean, but I'm not sure I can say the same for you," said Jade.
"Don't fucking go there!" Met took a step forward.
"Or what Met?"
"That's enough! For fuck's sake I can't watch you two fight! I can't stand it. Just cut it out already!" said Sean.
He had come in halfway into their argument but hadn't said anything because he thought they might have needed to let it all out. But things were starting to get out of hand and he had to interfere.
Jade turned without a word and made sure he slammed the door on his way out.
"He hates me now doesn't he? I knew it, I knew I'd mess up sooner or later. Should I go after him?" Met asked, already making for the door.
"No," Sean stopped him. "You stay here, I'll go."
Sean pulled Met's face up to look in his eyes, "Dont overthink it, you didn't mess anything up, okay?"
Met nodded before his eyes automatically closed at the feeling of Sean's lips on his. And then they were gone and he wanted to pull him back.
Sean caught up to Jade.
"I know what you want to say, I don't want to hear it," said Jade without turning.
"Really? You don't want to hear that you look really hot when your mad?" asked Sean.
"I don't need your flattery right now Sean."
"Then tell me what you need."
"I need, I need..."
When Jade couldn't find the words, Sean just engulfed him in a hug. Almost like he could read his mind, because it felt like a little weight was being lifted off him.
"I didn't mean— I stormed out because I know he's right, I know, but I can't just do nothing, and see him not moved by anything."
"You aren't doing nothing, God we all know that. You spend most of your day by his side, we barely see you because you're never here anymore. You didn't even come home one night and you think you're doing nothing?"
Jade remembered the night he held Brady as he cried himself to sleep. The anger that coursed through his veins that night was unreal. If he'd seen Leo that night he just might have killed him.
"Met isn't doing nothing either. You're not around to notice but he calls. Brady answers about one out of five calls but he really does. And if Brady doesn't answer any of them, he leaves enough texts," Sean told Brady.
"He calls?" Jade softened and the surprise was evident on his face.
"I even heard him talking about cartoons once," Sean confessed.
Jade despite everything, found himself oddly touched. "Why didn't he say that?"
"Knowing Met, he probably doesn't realize it. Probably thinks he's done absolutely nothing,"
"Yeah you're right I guess," a smile stole its way to Jade's face as he thought of Met, and he ridiculed himself inwards for saying such mean things to him.
"You look so beautiful right now," he heard Sean say.
"I told you it's not the time for your–"
"Yeah well, sorry but I can't help myself, you can punish me later," Sean bent and took Jade's lips in a kiss that sent color running to his cheeks. Moments later he pulled away and rubbed his lower lip with the pad of his thumb.
"I love you," the words tumbled out of Jade's lips and he wasn't even planning on saying them.
"I love you too. Come on," Sean held out his hand that Jade took, "Let's head back before the love of our life commits suicide."
"He wouldn't dare," said Jade.
His eyes locked onto Met's the second they were back. They walked towards each other until Met secured Jade's waist in his embrace.
"At least tell him, in some way," said Jade.
"I already did," said Met. "It was all I could think of after you left. Well that and you probably hate me."
"I love you."
"What you said..."
"I wanted to hurt you and I shouldn't have, I'm so sorry. I'd never doubt what you feel for us. I'm a horrible person, it still baffles me why you love me so much."
Brown hands snaked around Jade's waist. "And it baffles me how you don't see all that you are," said Sean.
Jade exposed his neck a bit more when Sean kissed it, "Please..." the latter asked permission as Met got closer.
"Fuck. I see where this is going," said Jade. "But no. Not now, not yet."
Despite their groans of complaint, Jade stepped away.
"I need you both to be patient and good while I go to see Brady. Who knows what will happen when all of this blows over," he shrugged.
"Maybe I'll let you go all out."
Inside Brady's brain, everything was muddled. He tried so hard to function, really really tried but the best he could come up with was a few sentences a day.
He couldn't remember the simplest things and was always lost in his head. He looked down and noticed the ice cream melting and something in him wanted to spark, but it died down because it wasn't strong enough.
That's right, Leo bought me ice cream. He thought as tears began to roll down his cheeks.
Brady couldn't remember the last time he laughed, it felt like something so alien to him he couldn't fathom it.
What was the point of such a ridiculous thing? Why did people do it? He wondered.
The last time he saw the sun was one week ago, or was it two?
Day or night made no difference to him, he didn't even know which one came after the other or how long they lasted. Even now as his eyes began to shut down.
"Brady!" He heard a voice shout. It was so so familiar but he didn't care anymore. The voice yelled over and over but he found it easier to let go. He tried to shut his ears from all the noise, but his body was shutting down too.
And then everything went blank.
Thank you for reading and sticking with Brady through this time❤️
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