24. Burglar
Brady was probably trembling in that moment. He heard the sound of cloth being handled in a jittery fashion. It sounded like a tie being yanked off and the next second, a hand was on the heel of his foot and that was were all of his focus zeroed.
Even when the hand crept up further, Brady still didn't turn. He stayed still right where he was. Apparently this was all part of the plan, to act unresponsive until he couldn't anymore.
Brady had lain down on the bed with nothing but a thong. So thin it covered almost nothing according to the way Brady thought. Also, it was pink.
Leo hooked his finger under the thin band of the thong and inhaled deeply. Then pulled further and let go, letting the band sting as it hit Brady.
Brady broke the silence in the room. "Ahh!" he groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Leo then grabbed his ass, squeezed and inhaled that too. He kissed each cheek and carried on over to Brady's back, spanking his ass hard and leaving his hand right where the hit had landed. Brady felt electric sparks on his back and spine and everywhere Leo's lips and breath touched.
Leo hadn't spoken yet, but Brady understood everything he had to say. He wanted him so bad he couldn't ruin it with words. Leo held the back of his neck and squeezed. And in no way was he gentle.
Brady leaked and yearned but his moans stopped when Leo rested his whole weight on him, pinning him down. He had not yet undressed but Brady felt that length rub against him, and it was the hardest thing he knew of. He wanted it so badly.
Leo swiped his tongue against the side of Brady's face as his hand now moved up front, and he began to choke Brady, his watch bruising the base of Brady's neck as the other struggled to breathe.
He licked some more as his hand began to massage Brady's ass pulling the thong back and forth to tease his hole. Just when Brady thought he couldn't take it anymore, Leo stopped and turned him around. Finally looking him in the face.
Brady was still trying to breathe normally but Leo made it hard with his unwavering gaze. He then started running a hand up and down the side of Brady's face and slowly shaking his head. Like he couldn't quite believe his eyes. Almost like he was seeing him for the first time.
In that moment as they looked into each other's eyes, the room, and everything in it disappeared and the world only existed in the places their gazes met, between them.
"Leo..." Brady began, he wanted to say so many things. He wanted to ask Leo to stop looking at him like that, and tell him it was too intense. But his mouth was covered in what was probably the softest kiss he'd ever had. So soft he wouldn't have believed it possible. So soft a tear escaped his eye. It spoke of the one word he was trying hardest to avoid.
Leo then pulled away slowly for air, noses touching but eyes closed and Brady thought he couldn't look more beautiful.
Leo finally opened his eyes, and Brady smiled, wiping away the tear. Maybe that did the trick because the next kiss was a tidal wave. It was delicious fire that burned from his lips to his toes. Leo kissed like he wanted to take his lips away for himself. He demanded everything from Brady's mouth and the latter was more than eager to give it.
Brady fiddled with the buttons of his shirt but before he could do much, Leo ripped it off, sending at least three buttons flying. Next were the pants and underwear he got rid of in time short enough to count to ten.
As much as Brady wanted to, Leo didn't really give him a chance to suck him off. He just held Brady as he continued to kiss all the way down his body, even while he fondled his balls, he kissed his length too. Brady's inner thigh, calves and even his feet.
Then he reached for the drawer, and pulled out the condoms and lube. Pouring some onto his hand, Leo inserted two fingers at once into Brady. Then worked them until his muscles loosened around his fingers. Brady found himself biting the pillow throughout the entire act and he still wanted more. The other man smacked his ass before removing his fingers and his cock twitched.
"Leo, I want you inside... please–ahh!" Brady said at the same time Leo gave his dick a few tugs. He was being so cruel and hell if that didn't turn Brady on further.
The first condom Leo tried to open accidentally ripped because of how much force he was using. Brady was so turned on by the fact that Leo could barely control himself, all because of him. It was like Leo didn't even notice, he just grabbed another one and ripped it open so fast like the world would end if he didn't get it in the next minute.
With Brady's thong mid thigh, Leo entered him in one swift motion from behind, both of them grunting. Leo from the sensation, Brady from the impact. Leo's strokes started out long and fast then slowed down to make it last longer, or just to grasp any kind of sanity from the act.
The room was so hot Brady couldn't figure out where all the heat was coming from. He just loved the way Leo filled him, how he felt inside him and when he started moving, it was all he could do not to faint. Leo fucked him like he was born to do it.
Spreading his cheeks wider and moving faster. Five seconds or three, Brady was going to blow. He really was, but Leo stopped suddenly and just the same, he was turned on his backside so that they were now facing each other. Leo lifted Brady's legs and opened them wide, damaging the thong in the process. He was like a completely different person, ignoring the thin strip of cloth that was now only on one side of Brady's legs.
Brady's hole was now exposed and Leo was staring at it like it held all the secrets of the universe. Faster than Brady could blink, Leo's tongue was already there, Brady's back arched at an angle he was sure it had never arched before. He meant to move away but his body moved on its own and he instead found his legs wrapped around Leo's neck.
Brady was positive his entire body was vibrating. Once again it was Leo who brought to him a feeling he'd never felt before. He wanted to burst, to melt, to combust. Whichever came quickest. And whichever did the most damage.
Leo then entered him, eyes never leaving his as he teased, going in then out completely then only the tip.
"Leo please..." Brady begged. "Leo..."
Leo leaned in and kissed him, entering him at the same time. He moved as he continued to kiss him. The intensity causing goosebumps to break out all over Brady's skin. He got louder as Leo got faster, moaning, grunting, breathing and almost screaming.
Leo squeezed the buds of his nipples but never slowed his pace, Brady found the steadiness in himself to reach out and touch his face even when his body was rocking like a boat in bad weather. Leo put two fingers in Brady's mouth and the other sucked on them, he sucked like his life depended on it, so much that by the time Leo removed them, they dripped with his saliva.
What Leo did next, baffled Brady. He forced them halfway in where his cock was already taking charge. Brady screamed the fuck out of his lungs.
Leo didn't stop fucking him. almost like he wanted to hear Brady scream, and when the screams got softer, he removed the rest of the thong crumbled it up and placed the little pink cloth into Brady's mouth, it was hot as fuck. Brady's cock was pouring so much precome and the wanton Leo swiped some of it up sucked, the way he closed his eyes as he did it made Brady's chest squeeze. As if he'd discovered the most beautiful taste on earth and no one could take it from him. Leo slid his fingers out and Brady might have finally understood why he'd done it with the way his cock now felt like it moved more freely.
"Ahhh!" Brady tried to say through the thong, which came out muffled.
Leo rammed into him mercilessly, hitting his prostate the first time. Brady cried out again and again in the next few times. Never had he ever been fucked so hard in his life. He could have even sworn he saw stars. The whole bed rocked around their sweaty bodies.
Leo stroked Brady's cock and he couldn't take it anymore.
"Come here Leo, here!" Brady seemed to say and was shocked by the desperation of his actions. Reaching out towards Leo, unsure as he was.
But Leo understood and leaned in nevertheless, pulled the pink material out with his teeth, and replaced it with his own tongue. That was all he needed, Brady exploded. All over Leo's hand he came like he'd never come before, if Leo wasn't kissing him, he'd have screamed and probably cried too. When the most intense part had subsided, he found Leo looking at him like he was mapping out every single detail of his face. The moment turned ferocious when he realized Leo was coming too, hands never stopping their stroking as he fucked faster, he was so far gone in what was probably the peak of the moment, biting Brady's lip as he cussed and groaned, savoring all his aftershocks.
He then collapsed on top of Brady after his orgasm, cock still inside him. Leo tried so hard to catch his breath, his cock softening inside the other man. When his breathing finally resembled that of a human being, he looked down at Brady's face and there was that look again. This time though, Brady looked away.
Leo rolled onto his side, his cock pulling out of Brady who wanted to protest but couldn't find the strength to. Leo pulled him close and held him, hands unsteady still but Brady didn't question it, he was probably worse. They couldn't get any closer. Brady didn't know whether Leo was already asleep but he felt himself drifting away as he tried to figure it out.
Leo was in no way asleep, he was just trying to locate the human in him that had been replaced by this animal inside. He was awake, even long after he'd started hearing Brady's soft snores. He loved the sound, he found it relaxing. The only indication that everything was real was the fact that the body he was holding so close was real, warm and soft against his skin.
Whatever Brady had been thinking to wear that next to invisible thong, had made him lose his mind. He only saw red and the only thing he could see in the haze was Brady lying down so seductively, his for the taking. And take, he did.
Even as he held Brady, he got hard again just thinking about it. Leo didn't support his body's decisions as he started to kiss Brady and lick everywhere his eyes landed. Brady moved and moaned a little but he continued to sleep.
Leo began to nip Brady's soft nipples and felt them harden against his tongue as his hand went down to close around Brady's cock. This was no good, he wasn't going to stop, no matter what his brain tried to tell his dick.
Brady moaned again, and when his eyes opened and found Leo's in the darkness, the animal was back.
Brady opened his eyes to find himself alone, again. He hadn't thought about how tired his body was till he got off the bed. He felt like he was using twice the energy it needed to do everything.
He walked to the bathroom and it felt like forever before he got there. Staring at himself in the mirror, Brady took a really good look at himself. Flushed face, disheveled hair, bruised lips and hickies that made pink and reddish spots all over his body. He touched his cheek and stared at his reflection. Never had anybody made it so clear they wanted him so much. Never had his body been worshipped like it was a holy place. His reflection looked happy.
He looked... well loved.
Brady took a shower and found the strength to then change the sheets and finally went out to find Leo. He still didn't know what Leo had dropped and shattered the night before, he came up with the conclusion that Leo had cleaned it up while he slept.
"For a smart person, you're really such an idiot," he heard Leo say.
When he didn't hear a response he figured he was on the phone.
He stood and just watched Leo. There was something about watching him without his knowledge. It was like he could see a part of him because he was off guard and alone.
"So just ask him!' he said and Brady found it sexy the way his hands rested at the back of the couch as he spoke.
"I swear to God Alex you act all mighty and cocky as fuck but the second his name is mentioned you stop functioning."
"Why is it so hard and what could go wrong now? What do you have to lose?"
Brady was intrigued now because Leo was clearly speaking to Alex and the way he was speaking was interesting. It couldn't be...
He decided to make his presence known. Brady cleared his throat and Leo looked back and quickly spoke into the phone. "Talk to you later you shit," he said and hung up.
Looking back at Brady's eyes that held so much he said, "Come here."
As he held his hand out to him, Brady like a happy toddler walked over and put his hand in his and in no time he was seated on Leo's lap, currently one of his favorite places to be.
"Did you get any sleep?" Brady asked because of the dark circles under Leo's eyes although this particular morning, they didn't look as bad.
"Never mind that," Leo said. "You look good, like you're mine."
Brady's heart fluttered. Leo kissed him and he kissed back, despite the doubt at the back of his mind.
"I worry about you Leo, when will you finally let her go? I'm here now aren't I?" asked Brady.
"Yeah but for how long?" Leo asked then quickly shook his head. "Pay that no mind. Let's not talk about that now."
Brady leaned so his head rested against his chest, his fingers traced Leo's collarbone through the shirt as he nodded. Such a simple gesture, clearing up all the tension in the air.
"You snore, did you know that?" Leo asked.
"Sometimes," Brady giggled. "Sorry."
"I wasn't complaining. Last night was... what were you thinking Brady? Fuck! And pink? You really don't care about my well being do you?" Leo asked as he ran his hands up and down Brady's back.
"So you didn't like it?" the one being held like a child asked.
"I can't even look at you without my body reacting in some way, last night I discovered things about myself I'd never known before. Like is such a tiny word."
After a beat, he added.
"I can't get enough of you. You have to know that by now," Leo said, then softly kissed his forehead.
The butterflies inside Brady raged.
"Stop it," said Brady.
Leo laughed. "What? Speaking facts?"
"No, just stop it. Oh and you were on the phone, I know I'm prying but I have to know." Brady sat up.
"What? That Alex is the biggest moron when it comes to matters of the heart?" Leo asked.
"Is he seeing someone? Is he in love with someone?" Brady asked while crossing his fingers.
"Why are you getting all worked up? Do you like him or something? Because then I'd have to kill him and hide the body."
"Please, it's like comparing a flashlight to a spotlight. And that goes for everyone else," Brady felt Leo stiffen but ignored it. "So I have to know. Who is he in love with?"
"He hides it really well but he really can't breathe when Devi's in the room," Leo said. "And he can't gather up the balls to ask him out, swear to God he's such an idiot. So much for all that confidence he throws around."
"Alex has a thing for Devi," Brady stated. It sounded like music to his ears.
"It's more than just a thing, I'm afraid. He gets so nervous he could trip over his own feet. This one time, he actually pretended to be a burglar and actually ran off because Devi had walked in and turned in his direction. Luckily Devi hadn't seen it happen, he only asked me why I was so calm about a stranger getting away through the window. He's really helpless," Leo said.
"But at the club—"
"Because Devi touched me. His jealousy is another thing, it's the only way he can actually get the courage to get closer to Devi. That's especially when he feels there's a 'threat'," Leo air quoted. "I swear I hate that guy."
"So he doesn't know?" Brady asked.
"Doesn't know what?" replied Leo.
"That Devi likes him."
"Devi what?!" The surprise was genuine in Leo's face.
"Wow, don't you guys notice anything?" Brady asked. "And why would Alex think you a threat?"
"We umm... we might have fooled around in the past, all of us, multiple times," Leo tried to look anywhere but Brady.
"You must have liked it huh," Brady pouted. "Doing it with people who know everything."
"Answer me," he said when Leo kept quiet, sounding bossier than he intended.
"I don't know, it's like comparing a flashlight to a spotlight, and that goes for everyone else," Leo said.
This time it was Brady who stiffened.
"Good," he said as he straddled Leo. "Good."
"I'm calling an emergency meeting by the way, but first," Brady caught handfuls of Leo's shirt and pulled him forward till their faces were inches apart. "Take care of this bossy attitude."
It's been a long chapter hasn't it?😱
I hope you liked it!
Thank you for reading anyway ❤️
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