16. Avatar
The house was what Leo thought every lovely home should be, and so much more. It looked warm. There were photographs everywhere and it was big too. He figured because it was a big family.
Brady had clearly been understating when he said the breakfast was going to be delicious, it was amazing! Leo couldn't remember the last time he did something so close to family.
"It's good right?" Brady had asked while wiggling his eyebrows. It's fucking amazing. "It's okay."
Leo then spent the rest of the day memorizing every detail about the rest of the Madisons, looking at every picture. Warmth flooding his chest at the sight of a ten year old Brady. Even back then, his smile could still light up the world.
Brady told him everything, never leaving any detail out. And even when he did, Bree chipped in. He learned that Cade, the second youngest after Bree, would be coming home any time. He was having a sleepover or something.
Leo also studied the dynamics of the two siblings. They were like one and the same person but so very different. Bree also watched him from the corner of her eyes with curiosity where he always made sure to catch her gaze and fluster her. She was such a princess!
When the sun began to go down, Bree began to pester Brady about watching a movie. Leo was not even surprised when Brady gave in. When she was asked what she wanted to watch, she pondered for what seemed like a no brainer. "Barbieeee!" she yelled.
Brady looked close to pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned to Leo.
"I apologize in advance," Brady said before throwing extra cushions on to the couch and then going to the kitchen. Ten minutes later he carried bowls of popcorn and handed one to Leo.
At first Leo couldn't understand why Brady would be apologizing but eventually, he did.
Only Bree did justice to the Barbie songs where as Brady butchered every word and high note, his voice cracking on every key. Leo began with a chuckle, watching the other two in amusement.
It didn't take long before the chuckle morphed into a laugh. It didn't take long before Brady was staring at him. "I've never seen you laugh so hard before, it's beau-- I mean it's unusual," Brady said.
Seemingly saved by the doorbell, Brady said he'd go get it. Leo didn't even know he had ordered pizza until he saw the boxes.
Brady opened a box next to Leo, "Extra spicy. This is for you! Oh and for my one and only!" Brady said to Bree who looked delighted.
Leo was so jealous at the handful of words but he'd never admit it. Just like they had come, the feelings disappeared when Brady sat next to him and leaned his head on Leo's shoulder as he gobbled his first slice. It took everything in Leo not to pull Brady closer and wrap his hands around him.
Hyper aware of Brady's body right next to him, he felt rather than saw the little figure walk over and settle in between them. If Bree was doing it out of spite, he thought it was sweet.
Leo tried not to move, lest he break the spell of the moment. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and slowly released the breath he was holding.
What is this? he asked.
It was obvious that Leo still hadn't slept well but when he went looking for Brady in the morning, he wasn't expecting what he found.
He stood and leaned by the door as he watched Bree climb onto the bed and straddle Brady's shirtless waist. He heard the pop sound when she uncapped a sharpie and smiled when she got to work.
He sneaked closer and saw that she was drawing a circle around each of his eyes. The full set of instruments with glitter also came into view, Bree went rigid when she noticed him. She gave him one of the most innocent faces he'd ever seen, "Are you gonna scold me?" she whispered. Her eyes said she was skeptical.
Leo shook his head, "I appreciate good art," he said and held out his hand, in which Bree placed another sharpie.
Leo crouched down and started giving Brady a moustache.
Bree covered her mouth and laughed silently, eyes filled with mirth.
Leo also stifled his laugh when Bree drew two circles around Brady's chest and used his nipples for eyes.
They both froze when Brady moved, letting out breaths of relief when Brady settled once again.
Leo adored the giggles that escaped Bree. He watched as Brady was decorated with pink glitter and was a bit shocked at his dedication to not wake up.
Once they were both done, Bree took all her tools and Leo lifted her off him, carrying her gently away from the crime scene, quietly to where they could wait for Brady to wake up. The living room.
"You're pretty, I like you!" Bree suddenly told Leo once she had managed to stop laughing.
"You think I'm pretty?" Leo asked as his insides jumped for joy.
"Bray says that when someone looks at something for a long time, it means you think it's pretty!" Bree looked proud of her memory but Leo wondered what she was getting at.
"Bray looks at you all the time!" she threw her hands up like this wasnt even the half of her frustrations, "Duhhh! you're pretty!"
Leo felt butterflies in his stomach before the sound of a door closing and somewhat hurried footsteps moving along the hall distracted him, another door opened which Leo was guessing was the bathroom.
"Three," Bree said and Leo followed along, "Two."
"Breeeeeeeeeee!!!" Brady practically screeched as the other two heard the footsteps get closer and closer to them.
Leo viewed the sight that was Brady. Now that he was upright, the designs they had drawn looked more comical. The eyes on Brady's chest, the moustache, the stick figures. Not to mention the bed hair. It was too funny. Leo muffled a laugh.
"What have you done to me?! I look like Barbie the last hairbender!" Brady screamed.
Leo was trying so hard, he pursed his lips when glittered eyebrows went up and Brady's eyes fell on him, "You!" he said, "You were in on this too?!"
Leo was the picture of calm when he answered. "I don't know what you're talking about, I've been here with Bree the entire time."
Bree, the picture of innocence, clung to him.
Brady picked up a cushion as Leo stood with Bree in his arms. Leo took a step back as Brady took one forward. "Oh you are so going to get it!" Brady threatened before swinging the cushion and missing Leo.
It seemed to take one minute and Leo was already up the stairs. He found the closest room and got in, coincidentally, it was the room where the crime was committed, setting Bree down, who was laughing so hard. He wasn't fast enough though, before he could close the door, Brady was already barging in. He had never seen such an evil grin on Brady's face while the door clicked locked.
"Leo! we can't go down without a fight!" Bree yelled and then grabbed a pillow. She charged and hit Brady first. And soon they were at it.
Leo watched, he'd never had a pillow fight so he took it all in for a moment until his thoughts were interrupted by a hit against the side of his head. He caught the pillow before it could fall down. Leo looked at it, then at Brady. His hands tightened on it before he whacked the other male with the pillow.
Brady seemed to smile despite the blow as if to say, now its really on.
Pillows and laughs and glee, it lasted forever because Brady couldn't let them off easy, and he had to admit, it was fun. What adults they were.
The three dropped on the bed, faces up to the ceiling, trying to catch their breaths and trapped in fits of laughter.
Brady was the first to get up, "You two are fixing this mess," he motioned to the room that was in disarray. "I'm going to take a shower then I'll make us breakfast so better get to it," Brady shut out the rest of their complaints with the door.
He closed it behind him and leaned against it. He heard Bree giggling from the other side and thought maybe she really did have magic.
He was still trying to reconcile the two Leos he knew. The other moody, dangerous and really closed off. This one, he wanted to lock and keep to himself for a really really long time.
Thank you for reading ❤
Drink water.
Just reminding you in case you forgot.❤
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