13. The Mighty Brady's Boat
Were going to a gay club. Brady recalled the words and remembered how he'd almost choked on his water.
It had nothing on him now though because he was dressed and going out to meet Leo who was supposedly waiting for him.
He'd waited anxiously for the week to go by, for this day to come and yet he didn't even know what to expect.
Leo looked amazing. He'd worn a loose, short sleeved button up shirt and he'd left at least three buttons open, exposing more of his chest than was necessary and giving him a solid air of confidence. Brady was in a trance. No one should look that good, and him crossing his arms while leaning against his car waiting for Brady weirdly gave him a bad boy look that made Brady gape.
He couldn't decide whether to keep looking or alert Leo of his presence. He didn't have to struggle pondering for long because Leo finally saw him.
"Fucking go and change," Leo said, never taking his eyes off where Brady's ass was.
"What?" Brady asked and looked down at himself.
He'd just worn a simple shirt and jeans. Okay maybe they were just a little tight but nobody in their right mind would spare him a second glance once they looked at Leo. He couldn't understand what the fuss was all about.
"I don't want to have to keep my eyes on you all the time," Leo said.
"I'm not a child, I can watch myself thank you very much," Brady had more where that came from. Leo was just overreacting for one of the smallest things ever and he wasn't about to comply with him. In fact, he liked those jeans.
"Fine, whatever. Do whatever you want," Leo said with a strained shrug.
The silence in the car was awkward, and maybe it was the fact that they were stealing glances at each other the entire time.
Brady stared at how Leo's hand rested against his own thigh, tapping a bit impatiently while the other controlled the wheel.
He followed the length of it until it disappeared into his sleeve.
When Brady looked up, their eyes met and in that moment alone, he believed in magic.
The window was open enough to let the night wind ruffle Leo's hair a little, enough to make him look like a creature out of a fantasy, complimented by the sinful look in his eyes.
Brady couldn't tear his eyes away, he bit his bottom lip unconsciously and Leo's eyes darkened.
Suddenly the car lurched and turned sharply, and just like that, the magic was broken. "Don't look at me like that," Leo said looking straight ahead, he sounded irritated.
You're one to talk, Brady said inside his head. He'd probably squeak if he tried to talk now.
Out of habit, he hugged his knees then glued his eyes to the windshield. Brady decided to keep his mouth shut for the rest if the ride.
"Wait here, I'm going to go let Alex know we're here first," Leo said once they were inside and left before Brady could question him.
Brady sat at the bar and ordered a light drink. It didn't even take five minutes before a guy had walked over to Brady.
"Hello sunshine!" he shouted. The guy reeked of alcohol and he was too close, a drop or two of spittle flew to Brady.
"Ew!" was all Brady said. He chose to ignore the guy and act like he hadn't seen or heard him.
"I can shows yerr a good time," the guy insisted and this time held Brady's hand and began to pull.
"Let my hand go! I'm not interested."
"That's what you think now babe, I promise to go easy on you," his speech was not as slurred now that he was being forceful.
"Hands off," the calm, angry voice belonged to Leo.
The guy quickly whipped his head around to where Leo was staring at him menacingly. "Yeah? Or what?"
"I'll give you five seconds to find out," he too, took a step closer to the guy.
It wasn't hard to get intimidated by Leo, and right now more than ever. He looked a bit scary.
Within three seconds, the guy was leaving.
"Whatever man," he looked like he wanted to shove Leo aside but was careful not to.
Brady looked as Leo took his glasses off and started cleaning them. "Fucking disgusting," he said with a frown.
"Damn," Brady muttered under his breath. Was it just him or had it just gotten hotter.
"What did you say?" Leo asked while putting his glasses back on, he took a seat and focused on Brady.
"Um, I- I said damn that guy!" Brady lied.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, you can look after yourself? Was that what you said?" Leo mocked. "You really had things under control there didn't you?"
"The heck are you angry at me for? I didn't even ask for your help, I was calmly handling everything," Brady said but didn't sound sure.
"Sure, whatever floats the mighty Brady's boat," Leo said sarcastically. He was being so childish Brady couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You can handle yourself from here on out, I still have to talk to Alex anyway."
Yeah go ahead, have babies together for all I care. Brady turned and contemplated asking the bartender for another drink.
Just then, he saw a small guy walk up behind Leo and hug him, snaking his hand into his shirt. Brady sat straight immediately, he knew those buttons shouldn't have been open.
The guy was beautiful, Brady didn't know why he thought that, it was just the truth. "Hey daddy," the beauty said in an extremely sleazy voice. "It's been a while."
While since what, while since what? Brady's brain was turning screws.
Leo only gently removed his hand and guided him to face him. Leo smiled and it somehow shocked Brady that it was genuine. "You're gorgeous as ever sweetheart, but tonight I'm taken," Leo pecked his cheek.
The beauty then finally seemed to notice Brady, "I'm a bit jealous, you're kinda cute, but you don't seem like his type. I'm DeVante but call me Devi."
"Brady. Nice to meet you," he answered as he saw a familiar figure get closer and lightly spank Devi on the ass.
Devi yelped so seductively Brady didn't think it could even be mimicked, he murmured a few words Brady couldn't catch to the guy. Looking more clearly, Brady noticed that it was Alex. Brady couldn't stop the rush of jealousy that surged within him, was this why Leo got the idea?
He remembered their kiss, he still hated the memory even if he knew they weren't even together.
Alex acknowledged him with a nod and a smile, "Hey, Brady was it? Fancy seeing you in a place like this. I'm stealing Leo for a bit okay? And yes, I know, you know." Alex referred to the whole boyfriend situation.
After the two had left, Devi sat next to Brady and got a drink of his own. "Where'd they go?" Brady asked him.
"Oh, look up there," Devi said and Brady turned. In a raised and more private looking area, Leo settled with Alex.
"I don't like it either," Devi said next to him. "Seeing them together."
"How do you know I don't like it?"
"Boy please! Anyone a mile away can see how much you are attracted to him."
Was he really attracted to him?
"Not to mention how your face changed when Alex took him away," Devi said and Brady could only think about how observant he was. He hadn't even noticed it himself.
"Wanna know a secret?" Devi said and moved closer. "Leo's the jealous type, especially when he's got his eyes on you. You're so lucky, because that can be so much fun! Wanna experiment?"
Why do you know so much?
"Maybe if you tell me what's up with you and Alex," Brady smiled widely at him. "We're friends now right? Of course we are, I mean, who could you be? To resist my charm?"
"Okay now I'm sure I like you," Devi returned his smile, the lights making several patterns on his face, his smile was nothing short of perfect. And for the first time in a long time, Brady felt self conscious.
"My God, you're so..."
"Gorgeous? Flawless? Stunning?" Devi asked with a sigh. "I've heard it all, but I don't believe it. If only some people thought the same."
"Alex?" Brady thought it was a pretty good guess.
"He's the love of my life, he just doesn't know it yet. He doesn't notice me no matter what I do," Devi hung his head low then it was back up immediately. "But oh well, doesn't mean I'll stop trying. So what do you say?"
"Okay, let's do it, but not to rile him up or anything. I don't think he'd do anything. I just want to try it, it's my first time in a gay club." Brady was nervous as hell.
"Oh don't give me that look, I'll show you how it's done. Let's dance come on!" Devi pulled him to the dance floor.
Soon they were blending in with the sweaty bodies trying to shake their skins off. "The key is to just keep dancing," Devi said.
Brady had done this multiple times before, it was just dancing. He swung his hips to the beat and let the rhythm of the beat control his body. It was easy.
"So my boy is a natural huh!" Devi said to Brady. "Okay now three o'clock, there's a guy checking you out. Make eye contact, smile at him, then look away and keep dancing."
Brady turned and surely the guy was staring. Brady then did exactly what Devi said. God what am I doing? What now? "I'm not so sure about this," he started to say, he'd also started feeling a little tipsy.
"You're fine, you could even convince me that you've done this before. Give me your phone," he shouted to Brady over the music.
"This is for the details baby, I'll be waiting!" he said as he punched his number into Brady's phone and gave it back.
"Here he comes! Oh wait there's two of them. Okay I'm going to have my fun, good luck with Leo!"
No sooner had Devi left than he was sandwiched by two bodies at his front and back. "Hey baby," a deep voice said. "We've been watching you, what do you say we ditch this place?"
"I don't-" Brady stopped when the other guy cupped his ass, he didn't know they'd be so straightforward. He thought they'd dance and he'd slowly reject any offers.
"Come on," the guy nibbled his ear lobe. "Your eyes were practically begging me."
Brady wasn't doing this. He pulled free of their grasp. "I changed my mind."
"You don't mean that, playing hard to get is sexy too," the other guy now smirked at him.
"We're leaving," Leo almost growled. Brady didn't see him approach, but there he was, saving him from the two strangers. He didn't resist when he was yanked away. Leo didn't even spare him a glance, just led him out, Brady guessed he was furious. Was Devi right after all?
Reaching outside, Leo felt his pocket and seemed not to find what he was looking for. "Fuck. Wait here," he said and went back in a hurry.
Brady didn't argue with him. Resigning, he leaned against the car. He wondered what to say to Leo when he was back.
This was one of his strangest nights ever. He knew it would probably be wilder than the clubs he'd been to, but he didn't expect this either.
"We meet again," a familiar voice said. "And your intense boyfriend isn't here. Its-s must be a sign!"
Just great! What were the odds, that it would be him? The same disgusting guy who'd first hit on him.
I know, I know, I promise to write better in the future.❤ Won't lie, this chapter's been difficult for me (cringes like crazy)
Sorry for the late update! I'm blaming it on Haikyuu!😖😖 I started it and got so hooked. It's just so good!
Hopefully this chapter found you in good graces, thank you for reading❤❤
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