Chapter Twenty-Five
And the second update of the day!!! Make sure you have read chapter 24 before you go on xx
Being the coward that he is, it is no wonder that Louis still hasn't talked to his girlfriend a week later. He thought about doing it on their way to the train station when he took her there two days after the dinner. He decided against it. Talking about it on the phone also doesn't seem to be an appropriate option. What is even the big deal? He met again his former best friend and now wants to rebuild their friendship. Nothing Jane has to worry about. Granted, Harry used to be way more than a friend. But Louis should be steadfast enough by now not to let this happen again, right? Harry will never be more than a friend from now on. He will make sure of that.
On a Thursday night, when Louis is on his way home from his shift at Starbucks and takes the last corner to his flat, he suddenly hears loud, harsh voices coming from the other side of the road. No streetlamp is enlightening this part of the pavement. But in the dim light that is coming from an abandoned-looking shop window, he can make out the outlines of a group of people, gathering around someone kneeling on the ground with their hands over their head, seemingly begging these people not to do whatever they are threatening. This looks serious and Louis knows that he still has the chance to leave, but something holds him back.
"Hey!" Louis shouts against his instinct that is telling him to run away.
One of the black figures whips around on their heels, staring into the dark of the night until they are hit by Louis' flashlight and flinch. The light is reflected by a slim silver object in their left hand and all Louis can think is fuck. What has he got himself into?
"I've already called the police, so I suggest you make a run for it. For your own good," he bluffs, hoping that he sounds at least thirty times more intimidating than he feels. His eyes flicker to the pitiful creature kneeling next to them but he quickly looks away. Their full attention is on him now and it better stay that way. "Your choice mates, but don't say I haven't warned ya..."
Suddenly they exchange a look and all start to move – in his direction. Fuck fuck fuck. Louis is already seeing himself dying in agony while lying on cold concrete, blood dripping from a deep wound in his chest, a knife still sticking in it. They are coming closer and he is just about panic when, as if on cue, somewhere not too far away sirens go off, causing them to stop in their tracks. Half a second later they are running for their lives in the opposite direction.
For a moment Louis feels like collapsing on the pavement until he remembers the other person who is still sitting on the ground on the other side of the road. Louis takes a deep breath and crosses the street, approaching the figure quickly.
"Hey, are you okay?" he rushes out, crouching down in front of what he assumed to be a man. He freezes when he catches a glimpse of the person's face and is met with a pair of frightened emerald green eyes.
"Harry?!" he breathes out, immediately reaching forward to pull the hood from his head. He frantically brushes a few locks from his pale sweaty face and cups his jaw with his hands, turning it from side to side. "Did they hurt you?"
"N-no...," Harry croaks, swallowing harshly. The fear in his eyes is still evident and when he looks down, he sees his hands shaking uncontrollably.
Relief washes over Louis and he can't help wrapping his arms around Harry in a crushing embrace, squishing his face into the crook of his neck. The other man is obviously taken aback by Louis' sudden move, but Louis can't think clearly right now. Slowly, Harry hugs him back and they stay like this for a moment, before Louis pulls back and awkwardly clears his throat.
"I'm going to call the police," he says, getting up. "For real now."
"No, don't!" Harry interjects and Louis gives him a weird look.
"You've just nearly got... What did they even want in the first place?"
"Money, my keys... my phone."
"You've just nearly got robbed and these people are still walking around just like that, with a knife, and you don't want me to call the police?"
"Yeah, I know but I mean... nothing happened, right? And they are long gone... What are the police supposed to do? They won't find them anyway and why cause a stir for nothing...?"
Louis sighs deeply. He knows what Harry is trying to say and he gets it, but he refuses to let them go just like that. They could harm other innocent people that are going for a nightly stroll or do God knows what. But after all, Harry is the one who nearly got mugged so it is probably his decision.
"Okay, your choice... And you also don't want me to call an ambulance?"
"I'm fine, really," Harry insists, almost rolling his eyes.
"Yeah sure," Louis huffs, actually rolling his eyes. "You're shaking like crazy and look like you're about to faint but you're fine... Totally believe you..."
"I just need to calm my nerves down a bit, it'll be okay," Harry says quietly, attempting to get up but swaying a little. Louis offers him a hand that he gladly takes and pulls him to his feet.
"Do you really believe that I'll actually let you continue your way just like that after... after this?! Where were you going anyway?"
"Home. And I don't know...? I don't think there's much you could do right now, so..."
"Apart from calling the police or an ambulance, which you won't allow me to do for some ridiculous reason, I have a ton of other ideas, but I doubt that you would approve of any of them. Therefore, tea."
"Tea. It always helps. And as far as I can remember, your mum used to make you a cup of tea whenever something bothered you. Since it would be a bit difficult to teleport you to Holmes Chapel right now in order to get your obligatory cup of tea, I suggest you come with me, my flat is just a few steps away, and I'll make you some."
He must sound utterly crazy. At least Harry's facial expression tells him that. His own nerves have probably just suffered a bit as well. Eventually the other man shrugs, burying his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "Okay...
Although I am sure that you have better things to do than..."
"Nonsense," Louis shakes his head. He hooks his arm through Harry's and gently guides him in the direction of his flat. "I'll drive you home later."
The last thing he would want Harry to do is walk home alone now after this incident and have a panic attack whenever he hears the slightest bit of a noise behind him. Although he is no expert and he is sure that Harry is quite tough, he assumes that this shock sits deeper than he might think at the moment. Therefore, he believes that leaving him alone right now would be a very bad idea.
"Here we are," Louis says after a not even two minutes of walking when they arrive in front of a housing complex. Light is pouring onto the street from some of the windows while others are completely dark. The front door opens and an elderly woman with a dog steps out.
"Good evening, Mrs Parker," Louis greets her, holding the door open for her until her dog has followed.
"Oh, good evening, Louis," the woman smiles and thanks him.
Louis is about to pull Harry inside when the other man tugs on his sleeve and receives a questioning look. "Maybe she shouldn't..."
"Oh, right," Louis replies, suddenly realising what Harry is implying.
"Mrs Parker!" he calls after her and she turns around.
"Yes Louis?"
"Do you think umm... Is it really necessary to walk your dog right now? We just had an unpleasant encounter with some... people and I guess they are still around..."
The lady looks at him in confusion. "I guess we don't really have to go now... I've walked him twice today already, you know... But is there any reason to be worried?"
"I guess not, it's just not the best time to walk around alone right now," Louis says vaguely, trying not to worry her more than necessary. If she knew, she would surely insist on calling the police and stir up the whole house.
"Alright," she gives in, making her way back inside. "Thank you for always being so considerate," she smiles, patting his arm while passing by.
He smiles back politely. "You're welcome. That's what good neighbours are for, right? Good night, Mrs Parker."
"Good night," Harry mumbles shyly before the old lady waves and closes the door behind her. "Are you so nice to all of your neighbours?"
Louis shakes his head and laughs. "I guess I haven't even seen all of my neighbours here yet... and I've been living here for quite some time now... Tea?"
"You really insist on making me tea, don't you?" Harry asks with a lopsided grin.
"Anything wrong with that?"
"Not really...," he replies, letting Louis guide him upstairs.
How do we like it so far hmm?
I hope you all had a nice Christmas and could spend some time with your loved ones.
Stay safe, I love you all xxx
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