Chapter Seven
To celebrate 1D's 10th birthday tomorrow, here is a midweek update. Enjoy!
The drive from London to Northwich takes Louis nearly four hours. The only thing, that is able to distract him from the knowledge that he's getting closer and closer towards the town where he had spent a year of his youth, is the fact that Zayn is sitting next to him in the car. He has been doing a great job of taking Louis' focus away from these unpleasant thoughts for the past hours.
He and Zayn hadn't seen each other for quite a while so there is much to talk about. Even though Zayn is usually more a silent and thoughtful guy, he is rather talkative today. Louis silently thanks him for that. He focuses on driving and the route they are taking to not think about anything he will regret. Distracting himself works up to the point as they are approaching some kind of motorway ring where a huge blue sign indicates that for Holmes Chapel, you have to turn off at the exit to the right.
They, however, take the exit to the left and drive further in the direction of their filming location, which is only ten more miles away from where they are right now. Zayn has booked a room for the two of them in a guest house. Louis doesn't mind sharing it with him, as long as it saves some money. It will also prevent him from sitting on his bed alone, musing over a certain curly head with piercing green eyes.
Louis hates himself so incredibly much for letting these things that by far belong to the past bother him that much. Last night, when he packed his belongings in a suitcase and prepared everything for the trip, he thought about quitting. He could have simply not show up this morning. He could have made up a story of being terribly ill. Zayn would have needed to find another way of getting to the filming location and Louis would have got himself into big trouble with Johnny, but at least he could have stayed in London – far away from the Styles family.
When they arrive at the guest house, it turns out that the room that Zayn has booked is barely more spacious than a storeroom and only contains a double bed. Awesome. They try for 15 minutes straight to split the bed but of course it doesn't work.
"I don't really mind," Zayn eventually exclaims and lets himself plop onto the mattress. "You?"
Louis just shakes his head and sighs. It will only be for a few days anyway. He doesn't even care to unpack his bag.
The days on set are an amazing distraction for Louis. He hadn't even realised how much he had missed acting in front of a camera. Although bearing with Johnny Gabriel is exhausting and Louis remembers why he had avoided him at university, the team is great, and the director actually has quite innovative ideas. Louis enjoys watching the others play their scenes, he loves the comfortable banter with Zayn and he nearly forgets about his problems for a while.
He only hopes that he will be finished on the day before the wedding. Not that it really matters if they are shooting on this day. Louis just knows himself well enough to realise that being as far away from it as possible will be the best thing. He doesn't quite trust himself. So it comes that his dull mood on Friday makes it even impossible for him to act without bloopers and forgetting his lines.
"Tomlinson, what the hell is wrong with you today? Can you please concentrate?!" Johnny shouts from his seat beside the camera, after Louis has messed up the scene for the sixth time. "Okay, we'll have a short break now and Tomlinson – I recommend you go through your lines. You better not ruin it another time."
Louis sighs, taking a water bottle and making his way to his trailer. Before he can even reach it, a hand grabs his sleeve and pulls him right to the makeup room. Zayn pushes him onto a chair and closes the door behind them.
"Okay, what is wrong?" he asks bluntly and raises an eyebrow at Louis, who decides that playing dumb will be his means of choice.
"Um... nothing. Just a little tired," he chuckles lightly and hopes that Zayn will buy it.
"Bullshit, you slept like a baby last night. I was, however, up 'til three because you were snoring like a walrus."
"I wasn't!" Louis protests immediately.
"Yes, you were. And now answer my question, Louis Tomlinson. Something is bothering you and if you go on like that, you will ruin the whole day of shooting."
"Okay, okay...," Louis decides to give in. He has never mentioned this special part of his youth to Zayn, or to anyone else he met afterwards. He isn't keen on telling him now, though, but he doesn't want to lie to him either because he's one of his closest friends.
"A few weeks ago, I got a wedding invitation from the sister of a... someone I once knew. I declined because I have no reason for seeing this person again."
"The wedding is tomorrow, in Holmes Chapel. Have you seen the sign at the motorway ring?"
Zayn screws his eyes in concentration but eventually shakes his head.
"Well, it's only ten miles away from here. I wasn't actually planning on being around when it takes place, you know?"
Zayn's eyes light up when he finally understands.
"So, you actually wanted to stay away from it and then I came up with this bloody job here, right?" he half laughs.
"Something like that...," Louis grins sheepishly.
"This person must have been pretty shitty to you if you're so keen on avoiding them. An ex-girlfriend?" He asks with a smirk.
Louis must look like a brick has hit him right into his face because the smile on Zayn's face falters immediately.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"Never mind, let's just not talk about it, okay? Please?" Louis adds and gives him a soft smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"O-okay... Then let's hope that you'll be finished here and on your way home before the whole things starts..."
Louis nods and gets up from his chair.
But of course, his plan doesn't work out. His nervousness on Friday led to another day of shooting for Louis on Saturday. When he finally returns to his trailer after the last 'Cut!' for the day, it is already dark. He plops onto a chair and stretches his aching limps. A knock on the door startles him.
Without waiting for an answer, Zayn steps in. He is holding a few bottles of beer and another bottle with clear liquid that looks suspiciously like vodka. He places them on the table and makes himself comfortable.
"That's a wrap?" he asks.
"Yeah, that's a wrap – finally," Louis replies and yawns.
Zayn opens two beer bottles and hands him one.
"Let's celebrate your first job in ages," he says with a smile and Louis chuckles. Maybe this will actually be the start of something like a 'career' for him. For now, he is just glad that it's over. It has been more exhausting than expected.
After a lot more beer and not an irrelevant amount of vodka shots, they end up on the roof of the trailer, giggling like schoolboys and trying to count the stars, which is slightly difficult with a blurred vision.
Zayn suddenly starts humming festive music and tries to stand up on the roof. He poorly fixes his hair and clears his throat.
"Dear ladies and gentlemen, family and friends," he hiccups, "we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of – who's the happy couple? – in marriage. With love and commit-"
At this point, Louis is already dying of laughter and pulls on Zayn's leg to make him sit down again. Thank god the location is abandoned by now and they are the only ones left, so nobody will hear them.
"Louis, I've got an idea!" Zayn suddenly exclaims, interrupting his speech. "This wedding there, it's not far away, right? Let's get a taxi and crash that bloody party, shall we?!"
"Shhh, Zayn," Louis giggles, "you're crazy, man. We're not going anywhere than our bed tonight..."
He thinks about his choice of words and cracks into a fit of laughter.
"Oh, come on, Lou – let's have some fun and show this idiot person you were talking about what they're missing!"
Louis tries to catch his breath and leans back on the roof. With the right level of alcohol in his blood, this idea sounds actually quite appealing.
"But we don't have anything to wear," he half-heartedly protests.
"Who needs a fine suit for crashing a wedding, huh? But if you insist – it has its advantages to be friends with the head makeup artist..."
Zayn wiggles his eyebrows and pulls a key out of his pocket. Louis has no idea what Zayn is going to do, but he simply follows him down the roof and to another trailer nearby. Zayn unlocks a door and holds it open for Louis to enter.
"Welcome to the realm of attire," he solemnly exclaims and turns on the light.
In front of Louis, masses of clothes rails are stretching along the walls. Zayn directly walks over to one with different types of suits on it. He goes through them, testing the garments with his fingers and looking at the signs that tell the sizes. He picks out two and hands them to Louis. He finds a third one and presents it to him as well. Louis is completely overchallenged – he has never been good at choosing outfits.
"This one it is," Zayn suddenly says and points to a light blue suit with a white shirt and a dark blue tie. "Matches your eyes."
While Louis is changing, Zayn picks out a noble black suit for himself and even finds two pairs of fitting dress shoes.
"Let's go then," he says, patting Louis on his shoulder.
While they are waiting for a taxi, Louis slowly starts to question his decision. It is probably the worst idea they've ever had. He has a feeling that he will regret it tomorrow – but for now, all he wants is a little fun, even if that means that he has to look again into these emerald green eyes that have been haunting him since he was 18.
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