Chapter Five
It is quarter past six and Louis is patiently waiting for a certain train to arrive at Paddington Station. Platform three is already crowded with too many people and Louis has positioned himself close to a pillar, so he doesn't get knocked over by someone who's not watching his way.
A computer voice announces through loudspeakers that the next train shall arrive in four minutes. Louis is slowly growing impatient and starts nervously tapping his foot onto the ground. His wandering gaze is caught by something that is happening on the opposite platform.
A young man steps out of the train, turning around himself until he spots the person he's looking for and instantly drops all his belongings as a woman is running up to him and throws herself into his arms. He's whirling her around, kissing her passionately before setting her down and wrapping his arms around her. Louis nearly believes to hear their laughter until he notices that it is way too loud in here for him to hear anything else than the squeaky brakes of the train coming to a halt in front of him.
The doors open and Louis instantly goes on his tiptoes to try and spot his girlfriend in the crowd that is flowing on the platform. Why can't he be taller? Just a few inches...
He doesn't notice someone is calling his name until a hand is being waved eagerly right in front of his face. The hand sticks out of a grass green sleeve that belongs to his girlfriend's coat. Her face lights up as she is approaching him and makes Louis grin in return.
He takes her bag and suitcase from her hands and leans in to give her a quick peck on the lips.
"Let's go, baby?"
"Sure," she replies, shyly scratching her cheek. After two weeks of not seeing each other, it often feels a little odd when they are meeting again but this awkward atmosphere usually fades after some time.
Louis offers her his arm, which she takes happily, and the both of them make their way to the exit. As they are leaving the building and crossing the street, Jane leans over and presses a kiss on Louis' cheek.
"I've missed you, honey," she murmurs and wraps her arm more tightly around Louis'.
"Same, love," he replies smiling and leads her over to his car.
Jane gets inside while Louis puts her luggage into the boot of the car and places himself behind the steering wheel. He pulls out of the parking lot and tries to concentrate on the traffic while his girlfriend starts playing around with the radio buttons. After two minutes of constant switching, she finally settles on a channel and leans back, closing her eyes.
Silently, Louis drives them back to his flat and parks the car in front of the building. He reaches over and carefully caresses Jane's hand.
"Baby, I know you're tired, but you have to get up now, we're there..."
She lazily opens her eyes and smiled at him.
"Sorry I dozed off...," she apologises while unbuckling her seatbelt.
"Don't worry, you've had a stressful week, I understand," Louis replies with a light chuckle and gets out of the car.
She follows right after and together they carry her luggage to the main entrance. Louis needs a second to find his keys, but eventually fishes them out of the pocket of his jeans.
When he opens the door to his flat a few minutes later, cosy warmth immediately wraps around them. Louis turns up the light and carries his girlfriend's suitcase to his room. When he comes back, he finds her in the living room, feet put on the back of the sofa and already asleep – again.
Sighing, he makes his way to the kitchen and sets up some water for making pasta. Louis' cooking skills are pretty basic and nothing to show off with, but it's enough for his purposes and his girlfriend doesn't usually complain either.
Just as he's about to put the pasta into the pot, he hears feet padding behind him before two gentle arms wrap around his waste from behind.
"Hey," Jane whispers into his ear and presses a soft kiss to his neck. In any other situation he would like that, but right now, with a pot of hot, boiling water in front of him and a bag of pasta in his hands, it is a rather unpleasant distraction.
"Could you lay the table, please, love?" he asks softly, and Jane actually lets go of him, strolling over to the cupboard and looking for some plates.
"They're over here, remember?" Louis points to another cupboard at the other end of the kitchen.
"Oh, yes, of course," she mumbles, shaking her head confusedly and walking over to where the plates are.
The rest of the evening drags on unspectacularly and they end up cuddling on the sofa. Louis is watching a horribly cheesy romantic comedy, while absentmindedly drawing random patterns on Jane's back with his fingertips. She is tucked into his side, her nose nuzzled into the crook of Louis' neck and her ankles intertwined with his.
After lying like this for what feels like hours, Louis' legs start feeling numb and he decides that it's time for bed. He carefully loosens Jane's grip around him and sits up. She is deeply asleep. He yawns and stretches his spine before laying an arm under her knees and one behind her back and lifting her up.
Louis carries her out of the living room and into his bed, where he covers her with his blanket and brushes strands of her hair out of her face.
He returns to the living room to turn off the TV before slipping into the bathroom and getting ready for bed. Afterwards he crawls into bed and gently draws the covers over both of them. Jane stirs a little but doesn't wake up, and Louis is glad about that.
He turns to his side, so he is facing the opposite direction of her and stares out of the window. To be honest, he has imagined their first weekend together since quite a long time a little differently. But of course, he understands that she's exhausted from working all the time. At least she has a job, unlike him. It is only a placement, though, but it will help her later when trying to find an actual job.
Even though thoughts about his occupational situation are trying to keep him awake, he eventually drifts off to sleep while listening to the rain, that has set in half an hour ago and that is tapping softly against his window.
He wakes up early next morning, noticing that his girlfriend is not in bed anymore. Confusedly, he walks into the kitchen to find her making breakfast. She greets him with a beaming smile and Louis can only give back a small smile, his eyes still screwed up because of the blinding light in the room.
They end up making breakfast and discussing their plans for the weekend. It turns out that Jane has still some work to do, which annoys Louis pretty much and he decides to go for a walk, instead of causing an unnecessary fight. He doesn't have the right to keep her from educating herself and working on her studies, but at the same time he feels like they're losing their connection.
Nearly every time she comes and visits him, she is either completely exhausted, like yesterday, or has brought tons of work to do. It is nothing she has to do for university, no assignments or so. It's simply work her boss has decided to foist off on her. Since a placement is compulsory for her studies, she can't even do anything against it if she doesn't want to risk losing it.
He misses the time when they were still talking. Not only about the weather and what they're having for dinner. They used to talk about everything. Like best friends. They actually used to be best friends for many years before Louis brought up the courage to ask her out. His mates had mocked him about how he didn't care about the fact that he was best friends with the most beautiful girl on campus.
She really was, and still is the most beautiful woman in the world. He doesn't quite get why he never saw this when he was young – why he needed other people to tell him they would be a cute couple. However, asking her out was the best decision he has ever made. Louis is sure that they'll be able to fix this. There will be a time when they can spend as much time together as they want.
He decides that when he gets back from his walk, he will convince her to go out tonight, to the cinema or whatever she wants to do. They will have a proper date night like they haven't had in a while.
Louis actually follows his plan and makes her go out with him in the evening. They go to a small Indian restaurant before strolling through the city centre and ending up in a cosy pub with live music.
They spend their Sunday at home, talking about everything and nothing, like in good old times. Louis even brings up his concerns about growing apart, and Jane promises to talk to her boss and improve her work-life balance.
When Louis takes her to the train station in the evening, there is only one thing he hasn't mentioned – a declined wedding invitation that is resting in his nightstand. Because it isn't relevant. It has never been.
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