Ch.6 Mindscape or Dreamscape?
I woke up on a bed of grass under the tree of feeling. I looked up to see a dome and on the other side an ocean. I could just make out a shark swimming by. I was surrounded by a garden of different plants and flowers made of different reflective colors. Like colorful, mini mirrors. The walls of the garden seemed to be the same, but lacking the color. I quickly realized what was going on. I fell asleep in Blue's arms after I used a load of positivity on everyone to stop being sick. Ugh, that was gross.
Since I was there, I felt around the Dreamscape to see if everything was still in place. When I was in the dark place I couldn't access the dreamscape or my abilities. I was just stuck there with no body, in the dark with only my thoughts and stories for company. Let's get off that track of thought. Everything seemed to be in order. The proximity sensor and anti magic shield was working. The anti-floating field is on. The Mirror Xenomorphs Constructs seemed to be patrolling the mirror maze. The traps and decoys were set and active. The Mirror Queen Conception seemed to have given birth to some Mirror Face Huggers constructs to help with organizing loads of memories in my hidden memory vault. The ocean surrounding the maze was still full of vicious predators. From sharks and parana, to megalodon and kraken. It was like the whole thing was frozen in time, and released as soon as I entered.
I made my way to the entrance of the garden, and through the maze. Walls shift away to let me pass straight by. Why would I have to travel around them if this was my dream? I could fly if I wanted to, but I wanted to waste some time. After several minutes, I finally arrived at my destination. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia at the sight. Outside of the maze there was a clearing. I could see a pile made of fluffy pillows, blankets, and plushies. To the side was a table with a tea set and a pile of games. On the other was a pair of easles with drawings still incomplete. Next to them was a chest full of arts and crafts equipment. I walked over to the pile, turn around, and like a boss fall back into it. The place used to be just a small clearing and the tree. I remember showing Nightmare the place after I first started changing it. He would tell me he was jealous of how well I could manipulate the dreamscape. I would tell him he just needed a little imagination as he pouted. He was physically stronger than me anyways, so we were even. Back to why I was there. As soon as I entered the dreamscape, Nightmare would have known. And, if I was going to get hunted down, I was going to be comfortable. I grabbed a yellow Peep bunny plushy. Then pulled a black and white checkered fleece blanket over me. I relaxed.
Just as I was closing my eyelights I felt the proximity sensor going off. *Huff* "Well that wasn't long." I said to myself. I unlocked the outer barrier to the first trap. If they want to get here, they were going to have to work for it. I wondered if it would be Nightmare himself or if it was Bill instead. I didn't know a lot about the situation in the waking world, other than Nightmare was winning and Bill got his Wierdmageddon. I know even less about these versions of them. I can safely say that their alignments are definitely evil, though. With Bill being chaotic and Nightmare likely being Neutral. I knew the Nightmare before the corruption better. But I couldn't say for sure if this Nightmare is a spirit possessing my brothers corpse or if my Nightmare is still in there somewhere. I would rather not get my hopes up on that though. Losing my brother once pretty much broke me. I can't let myself lose him again. Especially since the Multiverse was going to end soon from being overfilled, thanks to Error being gone and possibly dead. Just then, I heard a splash coming from above.
*Splash* *Thud*
"OuCh! OuCh! WhY ThE FuCk DiD I AgReE To CoMe HeRe!? YoU ArE GoInG To OwE Me BiG AfTeR ThIs NiGhTmArE! I DiD NoT AgRee To CoMe TeRrOrIzE YoUr CoUnTeRpArTs MiNdScApE To GeT SoAkInG WeT AnD EaTeN By FoSsIlS, FoUr TiMeS! ThEy'Re FuCkInG HaRmLeSs My AsS! WhAt'S BiTtInG My LeG? Is ThAt A PaRaNa!?!? FuCk! FuCk! FuCk! GeT It OfF! GeT It OfF! ThIs Is WhY I FuCkInG HaTe LuCiD DrEaMeRs!" I heard an echoy shrill voice scream and panic.
I peaked out of my pile of fluff to see someone I would recognize anywhere. It was none other than the infamous dream demon himself, Bill Sans Cipher! Who was attempting to get a mirror parana off his leg, while yelling explicits not suitable for young children in many different languages. I did the only thing I could possibly do for this occasion. I take a deep breath and from inside my pile yell as loudly as I could, "LANGUAGE! THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT!"
Tell an super villain to watch their language. Crossing that off my bucket list. Along with meeting Bill Cipher. He, Nightmare, and Error were my favorite villains in my past life, so I was having one of the best days of my life. You have to remember though, I also found out that day that the multiverse was going end. Error jumped into the void. Nightmare had effectively taken over the multiverse. And, Bill got his Wierdmageddon. So that paints a picture of what my life has been like so far, if meeting a supervillain (that literally just admitted to being here to terrorize me) is the highlight of my life, there was problem there. But enough about that.
I watched as Bill, now parana free, attempted to float. When that didn't work, use magic by snapping his fingers. When that failed, he sighed. Realizing he was stuck and soaking wet, he walked toward me grumbling under his breath ways he would kill and torture Nightmare when he got back. When he is in front of my pile, he bended down to look closer. With as neutral of a face as I could muster I popped my head out and said, "Hi."
Bill jolted and fell back onto his coccyx. Surprise/scare a super villain. Check that off the bucket list too. Bonus points for it being Bill Cipher. Did I forget to mention I have an even bigger crush on Bill Cipher than I did (and still do), Nightmare Sans. Ya, I have issues. We just stared at each other with increasing intensity. Eventually I get bored and asked, "How you doing over there?"
"YoUr NoT At AlL WhAt I WaS ExPeCtIng." He stated, completely ignoring my question. I seemed to have caught Bill completely off guard. No witty comments. No grand speech. No backhanded compliments. I felt confusion and irritation coming from him.
"Well, what were you expecting?" I asked.
"FiRsT OfF, I WaS ExPeCtInG SoMEoNe OlDeR. NoT A LiTeRaL ChIlD!" He exclaimed.
"Not my fault I was stuck in stone as a kid for a long time. I only got free a little while ago, so I have some catching up to do in the growing department." I deadpaned.
"FiNe! SeCoNdLy, YoU ShOuLd HaVe NoRmAl RaNdOm DrEaMsCaPe, NoT A FuLlY FuNcTiOnAl MiNdScApE WiTh PrOtEcTiOnS AnD GuArDiAnS!" He states with a twitch of his eye.
"It is a dreamscape. And, I was bored one day and decided to mess around with it and discovered I could manipulate it to look like whatever I wanted. It eventually turned into this." I told him.
"It'S ClAsSiFiEd As A MiNdScApE At ThIs PoInT. BuT AnSwEr ThIs. WhY ArEn'T YoU ScArEd oF Me? YoU KnOw WhO I Am, RiGhT? BiLl CiPhEr. DrEaM DeMoN. BrInGeR Of WeIrDmAgEdDoN. ViLlAiN. WoRkS WiTh NiGhTmArE. AnY Of ThIs RiNgInG A BeLl?" He questions.
"Well, watching you hopping around with a parana on your leg yelling explicits would make you seem a lot less scary. Even if that didn't happen, I still wouldn't be afraid of you?" I told him.
"WhY NoT?" He asked in with surprise and irritation.
I realized I had trapped myself with that answer. I couldn't tell him I liked him from one of my favorite TV shows in my past life and I had a huge crush on him. I could feel myself starting to blush. Before I could come up with an answer. I feel myself waking up. The surroundings begin to fade in and out.
"Well would you look at that, I'm waking up! Hope to see you again, and tell Nightmare I said hi!" I said as I quickly booted him out of my dreamscape. I slumped in relief. I look around one last time, wondering what kind of mess I'd be waking up to.
Meanwhile, our dear Cipher pops back into existence at Nightmare's castle. He scratched his head in confusion on what just happened. As he snapped his fingers to dry his cloths, he wondered what kind of entertainment this new person will bring. Thinking about how they were so...
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