Bloody Fangs Pack
It was silent. I could hear no sound as I sat there alone at an unfamiliar room. It was the first that I'd been in another place other than my land and my Father's office.
There was a table in front of me with a large empty swivel chair behind it. I kept my head down and remained as still as I could. I was that wary of the new place.
I jolted a bit when the knob clicked and someone pushed the door open. I craned my head slightly to find a stranger staring at me with a surprised expression as I stared back at him with a scared and cautious gaze.
"I-I'm sorry, Luna. I-I did not mean to scare you." He apologized as he scratched his head in an awkward manner.
I felt my stomach churn and squeeze at the foreign word. Even as the daughter of an Alpha, no one ever addressed me as Luna- given that I was to inherit the authority- so hearing him, a man who would also pass as my Father, call me that title seemed and felt not just a bit but very off.
"Uh. N-No. I-It's not your fault. I'm just not used to umm.. here." I answered quietly and politely.
"I heard so. I also heard Loki asked you to be his mate in exchange for absorbing and protecting your pack, is that right?"
I only nodded to his question and averted my gaze again. If possible, I wanted nothing to do with everyone even though I needed to- for my pack.
"You seem crestfallen, child? Are you fine?" He asked and seemed more like a Father to me rather than being a complete stranger.
"I am fine, really. Thank you." I said with a smile. "You're really kind."
"Oh! Umm.. Forgive me if I appeared a bit rude, Luna." He apologized when he realized he did not address me as such just then.
"No. It's fine. I don't mind." I told him with a gentle smile hoping to somehow reassure him.
"Hmm. Might I be allowed to say one thing, Luna?" He properly asked for permission this time.
"Yes?" I responded, trying my best to keep my smile on and not twitch because of the title that was slowly binding me.
"I think I kind of understand now why Loki chose you to be his mate." He said with a look of understanding decorating his face.
He must've noticed I was befuddled with his words and he chose to continue before I could ask.
"You are very beautiful, Luna. Probably the most beautiful she-wolf I have ever laid eyes on. You are also very kind and sweet. If it were me, I'm sure to ask your hand for marriage also."
There it is again. The flatteries that surround me. I smiled and expressed my gratitude at his compliment while also thinking to myself that it was just that- Flattery.
"Well, I need to go now Luna. It seems Loki's not here. Till next time, Luna. I hope to see you again." He bid goodbye, bowed and turned to go out.
"Wait!" I called and he halted on his steps before he turned to me. "Umm.. May I know your name?"
"Oh! It's Tristan but everyone here in the Bloody Fangs pack calls me Stan." He said with a gentle and friendly smile.
"I see. Thank you for accompanying me even for a short while." I thanked him and did a curtsey.
"Please, there's no need for formalities, Luna. I am happy to have helped you ease your anxiety even a little bit."
"Thank you, Uncle Stan." I said with a smile and he nodded his head in acknowledgement before he left me alone.
"Such a lovely little girl. Too bad she'll be tied to you, Loki. She won't ever have the chance to find her true mate." Stan murmured and looked over his shoulder to find Loki standing behind him.
"True mate. Bah! Such a thing does not exist." He scoffed with derision.
"I know that you know true mates do exist. You did find yours like I did. They were sisters, after all."
Loki's face contorted with mixed emotion; anger, sorrow, loneliness, and longing.
"If you're marrying her just because she looked and sounded a bit like her then please, stop it." Stan told him before he walked to pass Loki. "I am saying this as your Beta, Alpha."
"You don't understand." Loki whispered to himself as he felt Stan's presence disappear from his house.
"Luna, do you need anything else?" A girl, maybe a year or so younger than me, said with bowed head.
"Nothing. Thank you." I said with a smile that seemed kind of forced. Well, not like they'd notice it anyway. No one's been looking me in my eye or even my face.
"Then, Goodnight Luna." She said and left me on my supposed to be 'room'. It'd be the first time I won't be spending the night in my house and in my room. Somehow, thinking that made me all the more uneasy.
I sighed and hugged a pillow close to me. I really wanted to go home. I am dying to. The only thing that's stopping me is the fact that I don't know what will happen to my pack if I suddenly back down now.
We could be attacked by other packs and capture us. Worst, they might kill everyone.
The thought sent chills down my spine that I involuntarily shuddered. I closed my eyes and steeled my resolve. This was the only way now. My union with Alpha Loki will bring fortune to my pack. They won't have to live everyday fearing a sudden attack.
I can protect them like this. You can do this Isis.
I told myself over and over again till sleep pulled me in and I finally slept. Dreaming a very sweet and wondeful dream where I was back in my land, laughing together with my friends and family and everything was just a scary and weird dream.
If only things were as simple as that.
Here's a quick continuation and the next will follow after. Anyway I forgot to say but Isis' name is pronounced as /Aysis/ that's why her pet name is "Ais" thought you might need it.
Halloween Godspell
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