Turth or dare ( aphmaus evil plan)
Pov Travis
I woke up and i can see Zane head laying against my chest. I smile and laid there then falling back asleep.
I feel zane move his head and he looks at me with his baby blue eyes.
" hey travis~" zane said softly
" hello my sleeping prince" i said.
" travis what happened yesterday" zane asked half asleep.
" garroth kawaii~chan aphmau and lucinda know that were dating" i answered.
" okay" zane said getting up.
" where are you going" i asked.
" to chance my clothes" zane said.
" lay down with me for a little bit more" i said.
" fine" zane said laying next to me.
" zane" i said.
" yes" zane said.
" why are you so cute" i said.
" because im with a sexy guy" he answered.
We both laughed and i kissed him on the lips. We kisses me back and i see him blushing some what.
We both get up and went to chance and we both went down stairs leaving the beach house.
I see the girls looking at us and kawaii~chan is still very happy about her ship sailing.
We went to the beach and walked around it do a little bit.
After that we went to the tiny fair that was close to the beach. We walk around there and zane stops and looks at something
" Zane" i said.
" Travis there's a cupcake plushie i want it" zane said looking at me.
" fine" i said
We went to the booth that they had it at and we started to play the game it was a water gun game that we had to play so many times. After like the 6th round we finally won it . it took us at least two hours because there were so many people playing the game. We finally get it and we went on a few rides. After the 5th ride aphmau texted me and told us to meet her back at the house.
I told zane that she wanted us back to the house for some reason so we went back to the house.
Time skip brought to you by Zanvis
The mess we got into with just one round.
Aphmau wanted us back at the house and once we got there we had to play truth or dare with her. We had no choice because one it was aphmau two it was only the people that knew we were dating and Lawrence. We started the first around of terror and aphmau had a bottle with her to make it more interesting. Spin the bottom truth and dare .
Me and zane sat next to each other and the girls had something up there sleeves .
Aphmau spins the bottle and she did a evil grin. It lands on my of course the day i wanted to kill myself right there right now.
" Travis truth or dare" aphmau said hoping that i say dare.
" truth" i replied
" Were you bi at some point in your life" she asked.
" yes" i answered
Bottle spin on garroth
" truth or dare" i asked
" dare" garroth said.
" i dare you to take kawaii~chan dare" i said looking at her .
" what's her dare" Garroth asked.
" i dare you to Kiss Lawrence~kun on the lips" she said.
Garroth and lawrence blushed bright red.
I laughed a little bit and told the girls to take out there phones.
Garroth just kissed him on the lips fast and lawrence kissed back and they stopped.
" i hate the both of you" garroth said blushing .
"I know" i said
Spins on Aphmau
"Truth or dare aph" Garroth said.
" Dare" aphmau said.
" i dare you to Drop 5 pieces of ice down your shirt" garroth said.
" fine" aphmau said.
She got up and put 5 ice cubes down her shirt and she took it like a woman and hold down the cold pain.
Spins on kawaii~chan
"Truth or dare" aphmau said.
" truth" kawaii~chan said.
" is it truth that you almost fell into the water when you were spying on guy to know his magic" aphmau said
" yes i want to know" kawaii~chan said
Spins on Lawrence
" truth or dare" kawaii~chan said
" truth " he said
" how was that kiss" kawaii~chan said
" fine" he said blushing.
Spins on lucinda
"Truth or dare" Lawrence said.
" dare" she said.
" i dare you to turn your self in to a mefiwa for a whole day" lawrence said.
" okay then" she said and turned her self into one.
Spins on zane
"zane truth or dare" she said
" truth" zane said
" why do you where you mask" she asked.
" i think garroth can explain that." zane said
" when we were little me and zane were playing around and i kinda pranked him and he got a scar but know you cant see it" garroth said.
" okay" she Said.
" one more person and they have to pick dare" aphmau said.
Spin on me
"Truth or dare" lucinda said.
" Dare " i said.
" i dare you to take Aphmau's dare" lucinda said.
" i dare you to kiss Zane on the lips" aphmau said.
I took a deep breathe in and out and at Garroth he was in rage. I leaned in to zane and kissed him on the lips quick. Lawrence was surprised that i did it so fast and took a little bit shorter then garroth.
"That was fast" Lawrence said
" okay im leaving" i said.
" me to peace" zane said.
Me and zane left the room and we went upstairs. I closed the door and locked it after zane came in. I turn around and i was on top of zane.
"Whats this for" i said smiling.
" i don't know" zane said smiling at me.
" are you mad because i didn't kiss you for that long" i said.
" maybe" zane said
I put my hand in his cheek and kissed him. He kisses me back and i bit the bottom of his mouth to enter. He said yes and i explored his mouth . we stopped for a minute and i was sitting down on my bed.
Zane sat on my lap facing me and kisses me more. I kiss him back and started to head down to his neck. He moans a little but but softly and no one heard. I stop and kiss him the lips again. We stop and we hanged out for a little bit after all that.
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