roomate and abs??
POV Zane
I wonder who's gonna be my roommate for the rest of this summer break. Aphmau made a list and im with travis . we talked to each other and i was all right with that but garroth was mad. We all made a plan that we were going to wait for each other in the living room area. The girls didn't take that long for once but the guys took for ever. I didn't bother it was mainly Garroth fault any way. I saw everyone one ready i just went down stairs and put a button on shirt but i didn't us the button part. It was kinda Aaron still every guy had there cloths like that. " come on guys lets go." i said walking past them. They didn't say anything and just looked at me. " guys hello" i said.
Pov Garroth.
We see Zane come down stairs and i see him dressed like the rest of the guys but in black and white. I was surprised he has Abs like the rest of the guys. I see Kawaii~chan blushing and Travis. " when did this happened baby brother" i said looking at him." what r u talking about?" Zane said.
" wait he means is when did you start working out" Aphmau." you guys never noticed" Zane said." no" Dante said." well i have this friend his name is Anthony he's my work out bubby and it started out there" he said and winked at someone and then leaving.
POV Zane
I left and winked at travis making him blush even more. I laughed and went to the beach i took off my shirt and went gor a swim. I had fun for once and i was happy i see everyone else coming in but travis. I waved at them and said." come on in the water great" they looked at each other and went in and we were all having fun. I went out of the water and sat next to Travis my hair was wet and i made me look hotter. I knew i didn't have my mask on and i was okay with that. I look at travis and smiled he blushed even more and i talked to him.
" yeah travis why aren't you getting in the water eh." " im just not in the mood right now." he said trying to cover his blush.
" okay then but do you wanna go take a walk" i said closing my eyes and smiled.
"Sure but do u know that u dony have your mask on." he said." yeah i know i just don't want to wear it." i said getting up with travis and started to walk. Garroth saw me getting up and leaving but lawrence was making fun of him so he didn't know. We were walking around the island and these group of girls came to us. They ask me or travis but we said no and lied that we had a girlfriend. I walked near a tiny contest that was going on and i was thinking of asking travis if he wanted to check it out." yeah travis wanna check out the contest that's going on"" sure why not it might be fun." Travis said. We walked to it and we see lots of guys and girls there and it was a contest based on there swimsuits and attractiveness. I walked away unit i got in to this some how with travis. I was pulled by one of the judges because one of the people weren't there. There were mamy people there and i was the last on to go . travis was first it looked hot when he was doing it and i blushed a little bit. After a few minutes i was up. They dumped water on me and i flipped my hair back and all the girls screamed. I looked back and the girls loved me i gave on of them a kiss on there hand and left the stage. " well that wasnt that bad" i said looking at travis and blush started to roll in. " u did great they loved you" Travis said." i know." i said. They called everyone up and said the winners. " the second place goes to Travis first place is Zane." we went up and i accepted my prize and left . i didn't want the prize so i gave it to garroth when i see him. Its hair gel i didn't like it that much. We walked around a little bit more and i see Michi walking to Travis. " meow hey travis didn't know you were coming to this island" she said putting her breast on Travis's chest. " michi hey please get off me" he said . she got off him and saw me next to him and did the same thing."zane i haven't seen you in forever "
" hey michi please get off me" i said and she did. She liked travis and me in highschool and i think still know. " so when did you arrived on the island " she said coming closer to us." just today" i said. " wow so did i" she said." nice" travis said ." will guys i have to go but see you later" michi said and whispered something on Travis's ear.
"Wait on more thing cam we meet up again Tomorrow near that light house the view is amazing there at 7 in the morning okay" she said and left. We walked a little more and stop to eat. It was a cool tiki place and it was nice there was a bar to but travis didn't want to get drunk this time.
We order to go and waited and there was a lot of people there and i was fine with. They gave us drinks on the house and i just drank some and i felt sick. The food came and travis noticed that i drank half of the cup and it was a alcohol .
POV Travis
I grabbed the food and i saw Zane drunk i guest he didn't know walked him out and forget about the food but we didn't paid for it anyway so that was fine. Zane was blushing like crazy and then we see Aphmau and Aaron. They walk to was and looked at me."what happened this time" Aphmau said." this wasnt my fault this time and zane is drunk" i said ." i thought it would be the other way around" Aaron said
" hey i don't always drink" i said." well get him home " Aphmau said and they left me.
I went back to the house and no one was there. I put Zane in our room and he fell asleep but when i was snout to leave he grabbed my hand. "Travis" he said ."yes" i said trying to hide my blush. He pulled me closer and i came closer and he poked my nose. I didn't get mad he was dumb and drunk and cute. He called me again and kissed me on the cheek and fell asleep. I ran out blushing and went to watch tv . few minutes later everyone came back and i saw Garroth and Dante drunk. Aaron and Lawrence were helping them to there rooms. I went back to my room and zane was fast asleep and i went to bed and gave him a kiss on the cheek he smiled and turned around.
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