Chapter Twenty-Seven
The second day being sick was also hell. Todoroki was with him all day, too and got him everything he needed. It was nice besides feeling like shit. The guilt came and went, but usually it was overrun by the sheer gratefulness and joy he felt from the way Todoroki was treating him.
"Are you okay?"
Currently, Todoroki was heating up Bakugo's throat like he was the day before, just after the blond had finished his soup.
Bakugo just nods minutely, not feeling like moving more than necessary.
"How's your head?"
All he does is scrunch his face to show his discomfort and Todoroki understands.
"You can take more painkillers now. Are you up for that?"
With a shrug, Bakugo starts sitting up, already hating that the warm hand that was helping soothe his throat is gone.
The taller teen leaves to get him some tea and pain killers. He's back in no time, but it feels like forever to him because he's uncomfortable and in pain. He fucking hates being sick, ugh.
"Here, finish this and then you can take a nap," Todoroki instructs, handing Bakugo the two items.
For once, Bakugo listens, not wanting to disobey orders that'll make him feel better at the end. He at least wants his throat to feel better by tomorrow. Will it? Probably not, but he can hope. It's Christmas so maybe that can be his Christmas miracle.
It feels a little ridiculous to think about.
"Do you have plans for tomorrow? I can leave tonight if you do. I don't want to intrude any more," Todoroki says, picking up around his room.
It's not much, just a few tissues that fell off the bed and a shirt that Bakugo hadn't picked up.
All Bakugo does is shake his head.
"Oh, okay. I can still leave, though."
Bakugo shakes his head again, letting him know that that's not what he wants. He should probably talk even if his throat hurts because he has questions.
"You have plans?" The blond asks.
Todoroki looks like he's trying not to show that he cares as he shrugs. It's barely noticeable, but for some reason Bakugo can pick up on it. Maybe it's all the time they've been spending together, even before this.
"No, my family doesn't like talking to me and Endeavor stopped paying too much attention to me after first year."
It's silent for a minute as Bakugo thinks. Something that'll make Halfie feel better.
"We can make a day of it tomorrow. Let's watch movies and drink hot chocolate."
Todoroki's eyes light up as he looks over at Bakugo, a smile forming on his face, teeth showing slightly.
"Really? You want to?" He asks like a little kid, excited about a small thing. It probably means a lot to him though, so Bakugo can't really find it funny.
"Yeah, don't think I like you, though. Got it?"
Todoroki's smile widens somehow and it's the best thing Bakugo has seen. It reaches his eyes, which squint just slightly from it.
It's not the biggest smile, but it's the biggest smile he's seen on Todoroki.
His heart picks up speed and he finds himself staring at the other for too long before he swallows and looks away, wincing slightly at the pain when he swallows.
"Do you need help for the next hour? I have to go somewhere right now but I'll be back as fast as possible," the taller teen says, standing up straight and looking at Bakugo for an answer to his question.
"I'll be fine while you're gone. Don't miss me too much," Bakugo says sarcastically.
He sounds a little stupid because his voice is absolutely shot and it cracks every now and then.
Todoroki looks excited and way happier than before and it makes Bakugo happy, too.
"Okay, I'll be back," he says, and then runs over to Bakugo, giving him and huge hug, and then backing away and heading towards the door, "finish that while it's still hot."
It's silent after that and Bakugo is left wondering where the hell that idiot is going. Also, he can't tell him what to do.
He is going to finish it while it's hot, but not because he told him too, but because his throat hurts and this is helping. Stupid idiot, thinking he can just tell Bakugo what to do with that dumb smile.
In no time he's finished and then laying back down, deciding that he could nap for a bit while the other teen is gone. It only takes a few minutes for him to decide that that's the best idea.
After some tossing and turning, he's out like a light and thinking about what the fuck that idiot is doing.
When he wakes up over an hour later, he feels groggy and his nose is all stuffy. His eyes are crusty and the fucking flem in his throat is damn annoying.
As he's staring up at his ceiling, he wonders if he should just go wash his dishes now that he's not feeling as bad as yesterday. Sure, he feels weak and his body is aching, but he never gets too sick, so it's fine.
It takes a while to actually make himself get up, but when he does, he's annoyed at how his body is betraying him and making him feel like this.
When he's at the sink, washing his dishes, he hears his dad come out, and he freezes, hating himself for not thinking about that. He didn't even text his dad he'd be home all day again or anything.
His dad's footsteps approach and neither one of them say anything. Not until he feels his dad's hands on his shoulders on him in a weird way.
Immediately, he's flinching and turning around, looking incredulously at his dad, water still running as his back hits the counter. He had made a shocked and confused noise as soon as he felt hands on him.
His dad's face is just as shocked as his hands stay raised in the air in front of him.
Masaru is obviously surprised and uncomfortable with what just happened. He looks as shocked as Bakugo feels and he's just glad his dad honestly didn't mean to.
It's honestly not anything too crazy, but the touch felt intentionally intimate and obviously not for Bakugo.
"Katsuki," his dad finally gets out.
"Hey dad," he says, trying to pretend that happened and giving him an out since it was unintentional, "I forgot to tell you I'd be home again. I'm still sick."
It's obvious because his voice is shot, he's sniffled like a million times, and his face is red like it usually gets when he's sick.
"I see," he says, turning and making his way to leave.
"Wait," the teen calls.
The man listens, turning around to look at him, but when he makes eye contact, the man turns back around but stays in place.
"I have a friend over. We're going to be in the living room tomorrow, so just giving you a heads up, I guess," he explains.
"Okay, I won't be home."
He doesn't stay after, just heading back to his room and leaving Bakugo like he has been every time they communicate.
Just then, the front door opens and in walks Todoroki with quite a bit of bags.
He pauses immediately when he notices someone is in the kitchen and unfreezes when he makes eye contact with Bakugo. Immediately he's walking up to him and smiling.
Before he can even say anything, he probably notices something is wrong and makes a confused face at Bakugo.
"What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?"
With a shake of his head, Bakugo turns back round and starts washing his dishes.
"I'm fine, it's nothing," he says, and takes a deep breath to ground himself, "just- I'll tell you in my room. What do you have there?" He asks, trying to fix his tone.
Todoroki did nothing wrong and he shouldn't make him feel bad.
"Oh, okay, well- oh, I got you some presents for tomorrow," he answers, smiling when Bakugo turns to him with a surprised face, turning off the sink.
It's a good surprised face this time.
Then the blond glares.
"You're not winning just cause you got me presents and I can't get you any. Just- take me to the store. I have to get some other stuff, anyway."
He realized that he made plans with Todoroki tomorrow when he had already planned on going to see his mom for the day. Maybe he'll just spend the first half with her and the second with Todoroki.
"What? Bakugo, no you're sick."
"I'm much better, and if I wear a shit ton of layers, I'll be fine. Just- you'll be with me most of the time, anyway. The only time you can't be with me is when I'm getting your presents. Deal?"
Todoroki doesn't look like he's going to budge, looking at him with a stern look.
"Look, I'll wear two masks, a scarf and a turtle neck under all my other layers. Is that good enough?"
Todoroki sighs, looking like he might break because Bakugo really wants to do this.
He has to buy flowers for his mom today because the flower place by the cemetery is closed tomorrow. He also wanted to buy her a new vase on top of the other stuff.
"I don't know, you're still really sick. I don't think it's safe."
Bakugo feels like a little kid as he slouched forward.
"I need some stuff for my mom, too. I- you're coming with me to visit her. It's Christmas and I already planned on spending it with her, so in the morning I'll be there. No matter how sick I am, I need to see her. It- I-"
It's his first Christmas without her.
He gets choked up at the thought because it finally hits him.
His lip starts shaking and his eyes well up instantly, so he turns around, actually finishing up with washing the dishes.
"Okay, okay, I'll take you to the mall. We're only going for thirty minutes the longest, okay? We have to go soon because it's Christmas Eve and most stores close early there. Go on and get changed," Todoroki gives in, obviously affected by his emotion.
Bakugo didn't mean to get emotional.
The thought that this is his first Christmas without his mom honestly has him full of grief.
"Give me five minutes," he says as he leaves, leaving the dishes he's been trying to finish washing as he hurried to get ready.
They talk after the mall.
It's honestly nice, especially since Todoroki is warming his neck as they talk in the dark of his room.
The mall trip was shorter than they thought. Bakugo was able to find a few things for Todoroki, a couple of things for his mom's grave, and some wrapping paper because Todoroki apparently forgot about that.
Todoroki had gotten his driver to take them to and from so they didn't have to worry about walking to a train station.
"My dad keeps thinking I'm my mom. I guess he sees the back of my head and since he both had short hair, he just assumed. And since he's always drinking, I guess it's harder for him to remember that she's gone. It's shitty. It makes me feel shitty."
It's weird that he can just admit this to Todoroki.
But it also isn't that weird because Todoroki is so amazing. He's kind, caring, and so selfless. It's no wonder Bakugo has put his trust in him.
"Are you doing okay?"
Bakugo nods. He feels like he's falling apart most days, but with all the care from him, he's honestly felt better than he has in months. Even with how his dad has been acting.
"I just can't wait to see my mom tomorrow. I'd like some time alone with her after a while, but there's this park near that cemetery, so maybe you can go there while I talk to her? Or you can leave, I don't know. I just really need to see her tomorrow," he rants, unsure how to go about this.
"Are you sure you even want me to go? I can wait here if that's okay or I can just have my driver take me home for a little while you visit her."
Bakugo shakes his head.
"I-" he's not really sure himself if he wants Todoroki to go with him, but he kind of likes the idea of it, "think that's okay. You should come for a couple of minutes, I guess. Where are you going while you wait for me?"
Todoroki thinks about it for a minute before shrugging.
"Maybe just that park you mentioned? I'm not sure, but I don't want to just leave. I'm looking forward to spending time together tomorrow."
Bakugo smiles softly and nods, feeling weirdly warm inside.
It's quiet for a little before Todoroki talks again.
"What happened when I was gone? You looked hurt after I got back."
Bakugo's face sort of falls, not really liking the topic change, but Hound Dog said it's good to talk about stuff like this. It would probably help him out since he's not going to therapy with the man until after the break.
He really doesn't like how his dad has been acting towards him lately. It's not even like it's such a shocker that he can't believe it because it's been steadily getting here over the past few months.
The main thing is that Bakugo just kept expecting his dad to overcome his emotions and start talking to him again.
It feels like he honestly doesn't want Bakugo back in his life. He's at the dorms basically all year, so it's not that big of a change for him not to come around the house at all. His dad never reached out to him, doesn't care that he's sick right now, and has even flat out told him that he hates and blames him sometimes for his mom's death.
That just adds on to his own guilt and hurt.
In a moment of weakness, Bakugo turns his body so he's hugging Todoroki as he puts his head under the taller teen's chin, hiding his face in the already dark room.
Todoroki was taken off guard and shifts awkwardly at first but then he's relaxing and putting his warm hand on Bakugo's throat.
"I told you my dad keeps thinking I'm my mom. Well, he's using that as an excuse to not want to see me. I've been feeling shitty since my mom's death," he takes a deep breath, "and I found it hard to focus on my own BS since my dad was really going through shit, too. He'd get drunk and would pass out anywhere."
It feels to vulnerable to admit this, so cursing in between helps make him feel like he's not being a little bitch.
"I kind of helped him get better, but I was constantly at school, so he'd just drink whenever I was gone. It took a while, but he finally became sober and I stopped coming home as often. I think- I don't know. I think it was because I didn't have to take care of him anymore that I stopped coming."
It's quiet for a while as Todoroki waits for Bakugo to continue. The blond is just trying to get his thoughts together.
"Anyway, while you were gone, I forgot to tell my dad I was still home and still sick, so he caught be while I was washing dishes, and-" he pauses, staring with wide eyes into the darkness, "he keeps thinking I'm my mom. He's been drinking a lot again, so it just makes him more confused, and he came up behind me and touched my arms in a weird way. I knew it wasn't meant for me, but I still hated that. It wasn't right."
He'd accidentally squeezed Todoroki harder, so he loosens his hold and curses at himself for letting himself be so weak.
It does feel good to get it out of his chest, but to admit this shit to someone who isn't his therapist is humiliating to him. He's not sure why, maybe it's his ego?
"I'm sorry that happened. That the other stuff has been happening, too. You don't deserve to hold any blame for anything. You're the kid, Bakugo. He should be taking care of you, not the other way around."
And it's so fucking validating to hear that. So unbelievably important that it makes him feel like he can breathe again.
He doesn't know when he lost the feeling of being able to breathe. Maybe it was when he first stepped foot in this house, or maybe it was before when he was walking home from the dorms. Either way, the words coming from Todoroki feel monumental because he can breathe again.
"Thank you," he says, fighting the urge to cry.
"I'm sorry you haven't heard those words as often as you need. Excuse me, but I'm going to be angry at your dad for a long time."
The last sentence has Bakugo laughing, not expecting such a polite declaration of dislike on his dad from this idiot.
They wrap their presents to each other the next morning, facing away from each other and promising not to look.
Bakugo's throat was not better, but he was overall feeling better.
They'd already eaten breakfast and his dad had left while they were downstairs. He didn't say a word as he left and it brought Bakugo's mood down a bit.
Then Todoroki threw whipped cream at him and they started fighting, Bakugo using the 'I'm sick how could you hurt me' shtick to make Todoroki feel bad.
It didn't work.
They're on their way to see his mom so he's carrying the blankets and flowers, and Todoroki is holding the few things Bakugo got for her grave.
He feels a little anxious taking Todoroki to see her. He's kind of happy that Todoroki even wants to come, but he also feels a little ridiculous making it a big deal. It feels like a big deal to him, though. This is his mom he's taking to see, and if she were actually here, he'd be overwhelmed and beyond nervous about letting him meet his mom.
She's important.
"Are you okay?" The taller teen asks, looking at Bakugo's nervous form as they near the cemetery.
He just nods and looks away.
He's got a mask and so many layers on. It's the only way Todoroki let him actually leave. He even insisted on two scarves.
So dramatic.
"If you don't want me to meet her yet, that's fine."
But Todoroki is so nice and this is actually important to him. Even the way he's speaking about his mom is amazing. He's not making Bakugo feel stupid or pathetic for talking of his mom the way he is.
"I do, I'm just nervous. It's stupid, just drop it," he sighs, shaking his head.
"This is important to you, so no, it's not stupid and I'm not going to drop it. Wait," he says, stopping Bakugo as they get to the entrance of the cemetery.
The blond turns around, wondering what the urgency is.
"I have to look presentable," Halfie says, fixing his shirt and hair as he looks to Bakugo for help, "do I look okay?"
He's genuinely worried, and it makes Bakugo smile and feel all happy inside.
The blond almost tears up as he nods.
"You look fine, just fix your collar," he gestures, noticing that it was folded in the wrong way.
In a quick motion, the collar is fixed and they're walking into the cemetery. Bakugo's mood picks up as soon as they're in front of the gravestone. He's gesturing to it with a smile and looking at Todoroki.
"This is her grave," he says before he kisses his hand and presses it to the gravestone, facing the photo of his mom, "Hi mom."
Before he can feel embarrassed about speaking to the stone like if it was actually Mitsuki, Todoroki is bowing really far down and saying, "It's nice to finally meet you."
It strikes something in Bakugo and has him tearing up as he smiles at the other teen.
The other notices as he stands up straight and looks worried. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, I was trying to be resp-"
"No, it's- you're great. It means a lot to me that you're doing this. Thanks or whatever," he sniffles, looking away.
He starts setting the blanket down for them to sit and as Todoroki takes everything out, switches out the flowers and the vase.
"Sorry I haven't visited in a bit, I got sick, but don't worry because Halfie over here has been helping me," he starts, "oh, and I got you a new vase for the holidays."
He thinks it's something she would like.
"I'm not sure if you like it, but I'm hoping you do. And," he says, grabbing a few of the decorations he bought, "I got you some things for today."
Once he places the garland and a couple of ornaments, he sits back, smiling. "Merry Christmas, mom."
Todoroki grabs his hand and smiles at him before turning to his mom's headstone.
"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Bakugo."
He looks unsure of what else to say, so Bakugo shrugs, encouraging him by telling him that he could say a story that he thinks she might like.
It takes a few seconds but then he's perking up and smiling.
"Bakugo says he doesn't like me, but I think I'm the first person he's brought here, so I think I'm winning him over. I hope I have your blessing to date him."
Bakugo is left slack jawed and shocked as he looks at the other teen. The only word he can think of is flabbergasted. Bakugo is absolutely flabbergasted by the confidence and lack of shame this man has. What the fuck?
"I remember one night he even let me hold his hand, so I definitely have a chance."
Now he's getting too confident.
So Bakugo scoffs, pushing him lightly to get his attention.
"What the fuck? I thought I told you to get over that. You don't like me."
Todoroki shakes his head in a way that says 'you're stupid if you thought that would work' and it's so funny to Bakugo because he didn't think Todoroki would do that. It's dramatic and slow and to add onto that, he's jutting his lips out.
"Bakugo, there's no way I couldn't like you. I wasn't just going to 'get over it' or anything. I want you."
It's so blunt and brave and it has Bakugo doubling over as he laughs.
"You're so dumb, Halfie. This is so embarrassing, too. You're confessing in front of my mom's grave," he whisper yells.
It feels ridiculous because he's acting like if his mom can hear, but he's too happy right now to care too much.
Todoroki just shrugs. "I really hope I have her blessing because I really want you to be my boyfriend."
Unsure of how to answer, Bakugo starts cursing at Todoroki, "You dumbass, did- how long have you been planning this shit? Did you even plan this? What is your goal here?"
The idiot just smiles, grabbing his hand again.
"My end goal is to be with you, Bakugo. I didn't really plan this, it just felt right. Was that wrong? I actually would like your mom's blessing so I'm glad we're here now. I did want to meet her."
It feels weird to look over and see if his mom is hearing this bullshit and only see her headstone, but this whole situation is funny. It's so Todoroki and so full of positivity, and he knows his mom would want that. For him to be with someone who radiates joy and happiness.
Even in the middle of his grieving process, Todoroki has managed to be a light and a stable force for him as he's trying to get up. To get back on his feet.
"If he says no, I can always try again, right?" Todoroki asks his mom's grave.
The blond sighs, "Look, I'm not saying no, but we will talk about this later. You go somewhere else now, I need time with my mom. I won't be too long, okay? Maybe an hour max."
The other stands up, nodding as he takes the old vase and flowers with him, holding them for Bakugo.
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. I'll be at the playground," he tells Bakugo before turning and bowing to his mom, "It was very nice to meet you, I look forward to talking again. Please convince him to say yes to me."
Then he's gone, heading to the small park nearby.
Bakugo then looks to his mom and scoffs.
"I cannot believe that idiot fucking asked me out like that. God, you're probably laughing at me right now," he whines, hiding his face in his hands as he feels a blush come on.
"I think I'll say yes to him later. He's good. I'm just worried that I'm not good for him," he says before pausing and then humming, "but I think he knows what he's getting himself into and who he likes. If he likes me for me, then I'll be fine, right?"
He groans in annoyance at the idiocy of this guy.
"He's so dumb. I- he's so embarrassing I can't believe him."
He honestly can't believe he did that. It was so out of nowhere. Honestly, he should have seen it coming. You always have to expect the unexpected with him.
"I guess I'll bring him more often so you can hear more of his stupid stories-" he grows more embarrassed at the memory of Halfie telling his mom about them holding hands, "which aren't all true. I didn't hold his hand, okay?"
A few seconds go by.
"Fine. I did."
Admitting to holding hands feels so childish, but it's the most he's done with anyone, so it's a big deal. Even if it does seem minuscule, it's not for him. Especially not when it comes to telling his mom about it.
"I hate him, he's so embarrassing."
His face doesn't leave his hands for the rest of that visit.
Word Count: 4415
Yippee another 4000 word chapter!!! Anyway the concert WAS BEYOND FUN I LOVED IT IT WAS SO FUN FUN FUNF UN AHHHH. Anywayyy the party I went to on Friday was lowkey boring lol and I think I might be getting sick😔. I had much more fun before the party with my friend while we were hanging out at his apartment. We did that hear me out cake. This MF had tiger's eye crystals as one of his 😭😭 funny asf fr. Anywayyyx2 I hope y'all liked this chapter. The next one goes up next Sunday at 11:30 pm central time (before 12 at least lol) and will be around 3000-6000 words. I love you all and tysm for reading<3
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