Chapter Twenty-Nine
His dad hadn't returned for the rest of the break. It had Bakugo both relieved and overly stressed about how anxious it made him.
It was nice to not have to watch his back all the time at home and worry about triggering his dad, but the man had not contacted him at all. It's been over a week and now that they're back at the dorms, Bakugo is left to pace alone in his room, wondering why his dad won't pick up the phone.
Only a day at the dorms and he's positively freaking the fuck out.
Coming back wasn't an issue, his friends have left him alone and Mina hasn't even tried to get near him. One thing did change, though.
Deku knew.
And he would not stop blowing up Bakugo's phone. The nerd tried coming to his door, but he pretended he wasn't here by not saying a single fucking thing. He could not handle that shit right now.
First, he had to see where the fuck his dad was.
It's three am, their first day back is tomorrow, and he doesn't know what to do. Where is his dad? He hasn't gotten a single update, and at first, Bakugo just waited for him to text on his own, but after a few days, he gave up on that and bombarded him with texts and calls.
Even Todoroki was worried and that guy doesn't even like his dad. Something Bakugo found slightly funny because Todoroki doesn't dislike anyone other than Endeavor.
He tries to calm himself down by taking deep breaths, and coming up with reasons why he isn't responding.
Masaru could just be avoiding Bakugo. As much as Bakugo hates it, it's probably the most likely idea, but his anxiety insists it's something else. What if he's dead?
His breath gets caught in his throat, and he's panicking.
Sweat is basically pouring out of him as his heart tries to beat outside of his chest. He can't stop thinking.
If his dad is dead, that truly means he's unfit to be a hero. He can't even save his parents. Oh god, his dad could be dead.
He pulls at his shirt. It feels like it's suffocating him, choking him and causing him to panic even more, his breath coming out choppy and broken. At this point, he's wheezing, shaking his head.
His dad can't be dead. Please say it's not true.
He's- he's just avoiding Bakugo. That's all.
His phone is forgotten as he pulls at his shirt and paces around the room, trying to stop the rising panic, tears brimming at his eyes.
Does his dad realize that this isn't right? To ghost your kid without any sort of information? Where did he go? Who is he with? Who can he contact if he can't contact Masaru?
He freezes in the middle of the room, feeling like a deer in headlights at the sound of Aizawa's voice.
"Your light is on."
Bakugo curses at himself.
Guess he can't pretend he's not here.
He gets his breathing under control in seconds before he opens the door, still not better. His hands are shaking, he's still sweating, and his face is probably red.
"What?" He bites out, wondering what this man wants at three in the morning.
"I came by to make sure everyone was safe and asleep so they're ready for tomorrow. It's the first day back, why are you awake?"
"I was studying," he lies instantly.
They both just stand there in the doorway, knowing about the lie. He doesn't expect Aizawa to call him out on it though. Dammit, can't he just leave things alone?
"None of your stuff is out," the man sighs before looking Bakugo over, "what's wrong?"
What could it have been that gave him away?
The puffy eyes? The shaking hands? The uneven breathing?
What a mystery.
"I-" maybe he can tell Aizawa what's wrong and then help him find his dad? He just needs to know Masaru is okay, no matter how embarrassed he is to admit he's been freaking out.
"I don't know where my dad is. It's been a week and he hasn't gotten back to me. Could-" he feels so pathetic asking, "could you help me find him?"
His voice lowers dramatically and he looks away from the man, wringing his hands together.
"Of course, Bakugo. Is this what's keeping you up?" The man sounds sincere and caring, genuinely worried about what could possibly be upsetting his student so much.
The blond just nods, still trying to fix his breathing, humiliation just makes this whole thing so much worse. Especially because this is Aizawa he's embarrassing himself in front of.
It's beyond annoying. This happens all the time and now he's getting a little mad at that fact.
The man enters his room completely, shutting the door behind him to give Bakugo more privacy.
"I have his number, let me try calling, okay?" The man says, already pulling out his phone and making Bakugo feel like an idioti, making him even more mad.
"I've already tried calling him," the blond argues as Aizawa puts the phone up to his ear, "I tried a million times, he's not gonna-"
"Hello? Mr. Bakugo?"
The blond's words die in his throat and his anger fades. Oh, it really just was that Masaru was avoiding Bakugo. Of course that was the case.
"Yes, I'm calling- yes. I'm calling on behalf of Bakugo. He says you haven't been in contact and it's been a week?"
There's a pause, and although Bakugo feels the hurt, he's also beyond relieved. He's not dead. He's alive and he's okay. There's not going to be another funeral and Bakugo hasn't lost anyone else.
He doesn't have to worry about buying flowers for the both of them or planning a funeral for his dad, not exactly sure how to do that.
Aizawa continues his conversation with the man and Bakugo tunes him out, too wrapped up in his thoughts to care about anything else other than how he needs to stop being a fucking loser and get his shit together.
While he was over here worrying, he should have been in the gym getting extra training in or actually studying like he told Aizawa.
Instead he was being absolutely useless, losing sleep, and just pacing around like a fucking dumbass. No wonder his dad doesn't think he's a real hero. He's pathetic and worthless.
He looks up, not really wanting to be awake anymore, exhaustion creeping up on him.
"What?" He snaps, relying on his anger to get him through this shit. Why is this happening to him? Why hasn't he tried harder?
"Your dad is in Europe, he's working on a new line apparently. He couldn't stay on the phone much longer, but he's okay. Are you okay? You don't look that well."
He's not fucking okay. His mom is dead, he was angry when his dad tried to get a hold of him to tell him the news, he was unable to help her at all, his dad blames him for her death, he's discovering that he's useless, and his dad won't even talk to him because he blames Bakugo that much.
No he's not doing okay.
"Yeah, I just needed to know. Now go, I gotta wake up early," he sighs, opening the door to his room and motioning for the man to leave. He's not in the mood to deal with anyone anymore. Now he's just beyond sad.
"Please get some rest, Bakugo. Tomorrow I'm pushing the class to a new limit. Take care of yourself. If you need to miss the first part of the day, let me know, but I expect to see you during training. Have a good night."
The man leaves right after, leaving Bakugo just as alone as he feels.
Aizawa was right about pushing them to a new limit, Bakugo was absolutely pushed past his own.
Todoroki noticed his mood during class, not interfering, but definitely making sure to keep others out of his way as subtly as possible. It wasn't obvious or annoying, so Bakugo didn't mind it. Actually, he really appreciates it.
Don't even get him started on Deku, though.
'Kacchan, we need to talk.'
'Kacchan, are you okay?'
'Kacchan, why don't you just talk to me?'
That damn loser would not give up all fucking day and Bakugo had enough, obviously irritated. Todoroki could barely hold that idiot back. He tried to catch him in the morning before class, but Bakugo jumped down from his balcony to avoid him.
Then in class, he tried to go up to him, but he had talked to Aizawa before class, telling him that he needed help keeping Deku away from him.
Yes, he went as far as to ask Aizawa for help again.
He had to block the loser's number because he hasn't stopped bothering him. It's more than just annoying, it feels like an invasion of his boundaries. He told Deku to leave him alone and he just keeps pushing.
It feels just like middle school when Deku just kept pushing and pushing until Bakugo finally pushed back a little harder than he should have.
He doesn't want to revert back to that time. Middle school was dramatic with raging hormones and overwhelming anger. He was out of control and it wasn't until he accidentally pushed things too far with Deku that he finally realized he needed help.
His mom listened openly and didn't judge him, only steering him in a better direction.
Just like then, he feels overly emotional and unable to keep things under wraps. But this time, he doesn't have his mom or dad to help him and get him more help.
He just has to make it to tomorrow's therapy session with Hound Dog.
Of course, like a demon summoned, the nerd is knocking on his door, asking him to open the door so they could talk. That it 'was important' and it was urgent.
The problem is, the blond asked him nicely to leave it alone. Yes, nicely. He asked Deku to drop it, even sending Deku a 'please' because he really didn't want to bring it up. He couldn't.
He asked him nicely multiple times, even answering one of his many calls and telling him directly from himself to leave it alone and that he's fine. Deku just doesn't listen and continues to push, leaving Bakugo feeling cornered and unheard.
It's just like first year when people didn't listen to him and just took whatever they wanted from him. They left him feeling unheard and insignificant. Like if his voice didn't matter.
Just like Deku has been doing. He thought they fixed it, that Deku started respecting his wishes to be left alone, but apparently that wasn't true.
Apparently Deku doesn't give a fuck about what he wants. Even after communicating like regular human being, Deku disregards anything Bakugo has asked. He's bringing attention to it, too. Something that he and Todoroki were working so hard to keep on the down low.
He's wasn't trying to be funny or make some shit up when he said that when people find out, they're going to use it against him. Whether it's his peers, villains, or the public, they will use it against him and Bakugo will not be able to take it.
So as the knocking continues, he grows more fearful and agitated, anger growing inside of him.
"Kacchan, please."
In anger, he pulls the door open, pulling Deku inside aggressively and looming over him, already over this bullshit that he's been pulling.
"Listen to me right now. I told you to drop it. I don't care what kind of fucking hero complex you have where you just ignore what I've been telling you because it's not what you think I 'need'. Leave it alone, Deku. I told you nicely, but you just don't listen. If you keep this shit up, I'm taking it to Aizawa."
He stands there, watching as Deku's eyes well up with tears.
"Oh, Kacchan. It's okay. You can cry. I-"
"NO, DEKU," he screams, put up with the blatant disrespect of his wishes, "aren't you listening to me? God just get the fuck out of my room. If you bother me about this again or tell anyone, I'm reporting you."
With that, he's pulling Deku up from the floor and dragging him to the door, not listening to his protests.
If Deku doesn't want to listen to him, he's not going to listen to Deku.
Just when he's about to reach the door, the other activates his quirk, pulling back and instead, pushing Bakugo to the wall.
He hits it with a dull thud, not understanding what the fuck he's doing as his stomach drops.
"Kacchan, you're not listening to me," he cries, tears streaming down his face, "You need someone to talk to."
Bakugo tries to shove him off, panicking at how he's unable to make him budge, cornered and emotional. The anger fades more into fear because Deku isn't listening and Bakugo doesn't want to use his quirk on him. This feels wrong.
"Deku," he gets out, sounding more desperate to get him off of him than angry, "Deku back off, I'm serious. Leave it alone. I'm doing th-"
"No, you can't do this alone, Kacchan. You always try to push me away, but I care. I'm here for you. Tch, Kacchan, stop struggling," he grumbles, tightening his hold on the blond.
It's uncomfortable and he feels violated as his heart picks up in speed.
"Stop it, leave me alone," he gasps, panic overtaking him and leaving him to struggle even more. This feels wrong. It's wrong. Deku needs to get off of him now.
He doesn't want to use his quirk on him to get him off. This isn't right.
His hands push against the other teen whose quirk is still activated, green sparks on his body. He pushes against the other's face, too, not liking how he can feel his breath on his neck.
It feels like assault.
"Why don't you just accept my help? I'm just trying to help."
Bakugo feels like he might start crying just as his door bursts open, revealing Kirishima and Todoroki. Holy shit they both look angry when they realize what's going on.
"He won't get off of me," he yells, voice cracking and pathetic, making him feel weak, but absolutely wanting help.
"Midoriya, what the hell?" Kirishima yells, rushing to drag Midoriya off of him, IcyHot already ahead of him, angrily yanking his hands off the blond.
The green haired teen hits the floor with a loud thud, and Bakugo immediately backs away, hating the way his skin feels. He feels dirty and weak. It leaves him hyperventilating, covering his fear as best as he can.
"Get him out of my room," he demands, voice shaking and far from confident.
His arm bumps the knob of his closet door harshly, but he barely feels the pain and he watches Deku struggle against Todoroki who's keeping him down.
"Kacchan, I'm just trying to help. You always shut everyone out and never listen," he shouts, leaving Kirishima confused and Todoroki even angrier.
"Midoriya, quit it. This is unacceptable. He talked to you already, why are you so obsessed with him?"
The tone in Todoroki's voice can only be described as pissed.
Kirishima pulls out his phone, walking towards Bakugo to check up on him.
"Hey, man, you okay?" The red head looks at Bakugo with curious eyes.
"No, this loser won't leave me the fuck alone," he curses, trying to keep his thoughts away. If he thinks too much, he's going to break into a million pieces and he can't afford to do that right now. He can do that tomorrow in therapy.
All he has to do is wait for therapy.
Bakugo watches intently as Todoroki keeps his hold on Deku and looks over at Bakugo every now and then to make sure he's okay.
Kirishima is on the phone with Aizawa, telling him to come to the dorms to their floor right away, and judging by the noise on the other side of the phone, Aizawa is booking it here.
His breathing is steadily going back to normal but his shaking arms and legs persist, making him beyond livid at his reaction and the entire situation. Fucking weirdo Deku went 100% creep mode and made their friendship weird.
It wasn't perfect, but they were working towards being better and this freaky idiot ruined it.
When Deku starts slipping from Todoroki's grasp, Bakugo's nervousness spikes and he backs up even more until his back hits his restroom door, getting the attention of Kirishima who immediately takes action.
The red head is holding down Deku's legs as Todoroki focuses on his upper body, that way Deku really can't break out. Both teen use their quirk on the other boy, Todoroki freezing his hands down and Kirishima using his hardening to make sure Deku doesn't find a weakness in his hold.
"Wait outside or something until Aizawa-"
Todoroki is cut off when their teacher rushes in, immediately taking in the sight and deactivating Deku's quirk.
"What's going on here? Why are you guys holding him down?"
"They won't listen to me. Kacchan won't listen, I'm just trying to help," Deku shouts, wiggling in the other teens' hold.
"Midoriya, stop struggling. Both Todoroki and Kirishima, stand down."
Aizawa seems like he doesn't buy whatever Deku is spewing and looks over at Bakugo, taking in his demeanor. He feels like a fake when he fixes his stance and tries to come off as unaffected.
"Bakugo, what happened?"
With Kirishima still here, he's not exactly willing to tell them what happened. Because for them to understand everything, he has to tell them why Deku wouldn't leave him alone.
Aizawa looks like he understands and nods, "Would you like to talk in private? We can discuss this in my office."
The blond nods, clearing his throat.
"Yeah, just get this loser out of my room."
With angry expression, Aizawa turns back to the other teens in his room and motions for them to leave. Deku is still sitting on the floor, but at the sight of Aizawa's anger, he reluctantly stands up and starts to make his way behind the other two.
Todoroki gives Bakugo a look and the blond nods, letting him know he's okay and they'll talk later.
"Midoriya, we're having a talk tomorrow morning, and if you try to approach Bakugo before then, you will be expelled."
Said teen turns to try to protest, but relents at the look on Aizawa's face.
"Todoroki, I'm trusting you to tell Iida that no one is allowed to leave the dorm building."
The other teen nods in the hallway and then walks away, not following Kirishima who goes into his own room, but instead angrily ignoring Deku and putting his hand up to interrupt the other whenever he tries to say something.
Aizawa closes the door and faces Bakugo.
"Before we go, are you okay?" The man asks, genuinely worried.
He feels a little childish as he nods without looking at the other man, feeling utterly weak and uncomfortable with this whole situation.
If he makes eye contact, he might reveal himself too much. More than he really wants to, and even though his body language at the moment already probably exposes how he's feeling, eye contact feels too intimate.
And after that shit show, Bakugo isn't exactly for being so seen.
"Let's just go."
He was basically attacked in his own room and he feels a little unwilling to be here.
It's not until they're outside that he feels a little calmer, rubbing the side of his neck that he could feel Deku's breath on. He shivers in disgust at the memory, rubbing harder to get rid of the feeling.
Aizawa gets started as soon as they're both seated in his office. It's the one at the teacher's dorm building so it's much closer than the one at the school.
"Do I need to expel Midoriya?" The man starts, completely serious as he looks at Bakugo for confirmation, emanating an open energy.
Deku has never done this before and even though he's always weirded Bakugo out, he never crossed the line like this. He's not sure exactly why he decided to cross it today, but that was too far.
Although he did go too far, Bakugo can't say he wants the nerd to be expelled.
Bakugo's done some fucked up shit, too.
Did he ever make Deku feel like he was getting sexually assaulted? No.
Did he ever make Deku feel utterly hopeless in his own living space? No.
But he has done fucked up shit.
"No. I don't know what that was. He- what a fucking weirdo," he scoffs, unsure of how else to go about this. He feels so unlike himself. Even when his mom died, he could rely on anger and frustration about what happened, but for this he's just disgusted.
"What exactly happened? I need to know if Midoriya deserves to continue his education here. Right now it seems to me that he attacked you in your own room with no cause," the man sighs, "you came to me this morning trusting me with your problems to and told me you wanted to keep Midoriya away from you. I know you wouldn't have gone to such great measures if it wasn't serious."
His sweaty hand finds its way back to his neck, rubbing the already chafed spot.
"He found out about my mom during the break," he starts, taking a deep breath to get through what happened, "his mom and my mom used to be friends. They even had us around the same time so we could be best friends, too, but I messed up both friendships and his mom completely cut off mine."
It seems pointless, but it's relevant.
"That's why he didn't know when she first passed. His mom didn't know because they had completely broken contact. I don't know how he found out, but he did and blew up my phone. I texted him that I was fine and that he needs to leave it alone because I'm dealing with it. I even fucking said 'please,'" he curses.
With a huff, he continues, anxiety growing as he goes on, "But he started calling me nonstop, so I answered, telling him on the phone that I was dealing with it and I was fine, so that he needs to leave me alone and give me space."
He looks up at Aizawa after staring down at his brown desk for the beginning of the story. He's listening intently, nodding for him to continue.
"I guess he didn't like that because he just kept nagging. I blocked his ass after that. I already have people to talk to."
The nerves pick up and he shakes his head, rubbing his arms, but when he gets to just above his elbow, he flinches, finding it painful to run his hands over that spot.
That asshole bruised him.
Shame chokes him as the anxiety overwhelms him. Feeling afraid of Deku is the most humiliating thing in the world. Especially because of why he's afraid.
Aizawa notices the pause in the story, and the flinch immediately.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asks, immediately going over to check on the teenager.
Bakugo was going to try and hide it, but it's too fucking late for that now. Way to go. Now Aizawa is going to need a bigger explanation as to why Deku should stay at UA.
"It's nothing," he immediately lies, "I just accidentally pulled a hair from my arm with my sweater."
That was the stupidest excuse ever.
Someone kill him.
"Bakugo, do you have a shirt under that sweater?"
The man already knows, he can see the red shirt peeking out from the top.
Already knowing why the man was asking, Bakugo rolls his eyes and pulls the sweater off, revealing his pale arms and the deep purple bruises around them. They're so much more prominent because he's so damn pale.
"Can I see them?" The man asks, taking caution.
All he does is shrug, not really sure why. He doesn't want his teacher to take a closer look. It's embarrassing.
He doesn't look at the man grabs his arm and feels around the bruise, making Bakugo hiss when he presses too close, causing pain to shoot up his arm.
The man mutters an apology and backs away, going back to sit down.
The cold air around them makes Bakugo's shiver and put the sweater back on.
"It doesn't seem like he broke or fractured anything. It's still bad, though. He used his quirk against you?"
Bakugo just nods once again, staying quiet until Aizawa prompts him to pick the story back up and finish explaining what happened and what made Deku do this.
"Um, so Halfie is was helping me keep people away, especially Deku because I was gonna hit someone if they said something wrong, but Deku was the only one resisting my wishes to stay the fuck back. I asked him nicely multiple times. I have the damn messages, too," he rushes out, over explaining before he notices he's halfway out of his chair.
He sits back, trying to keep his cool.
"Then he came to my room after class and I had already had a shitty day. I started yelling at him to leave me alone because it's none of his business. I told him to back off, I also insulted him, saying he had some fucked up hero complex or something like that. I told him to get out and leave me alone. But he kept pushing, so I pushed back. I tried dragging him out of my room but he activated his quirk and-"
He takes the tiniest pause known to man, but he knows Aizawa still catches it. Talking about what happened right after it happened, sucks.
"he pushed me against the wall. I tried to break away and talk to him, but he wouldn't listen and told me that I didn't listen. I didn't want to use my quirk on him, so I just tried to fight him off, but his quirk was too strong, I guess," he says, voice low as he runs his hands over his bruises.
It's sort of grounding, making him feel like he's actually here. It helps with the phantom feeling of breath on his neck.
"I don't know why he doesn't listen to me. I was trying to be fucking civil. Ugh," he grimaces, "and I can still feel his fucking breath on my neck. It was wrong. Shitty Deku. I know it's fucked up, but even though he's never listened to me before, he's never gone this far, so he deserves another chance. Don't expel him."
When he briefly looks at Aizawa's face again, he looks pissed, but a wave of wonder passes over his face.
"He's never listened to you before? What does that mean? Has he pushed past your boundaries before?"
Bakugo feels his eye twitch at the question. Fucking obviously Deku has pushed past his boundaries. He's never been told no and actually had to deal with consequences if he broke the rules. As much as he loved Inko, she never knew when to go through with setting punishments for Deku so he always gets what he wants.
His whole life, he's had to deal with Deku and his constant insistence. Whenever he tried to get him to back off, he didn't listen and it was only when Bakugo pushed that there were consequences and they weren't consequences for Deku.
But that's not the point. It doesn't matter if the nerd has pushed because Bakugo has done some fucked up shit, too.
"I don't see why that's important," is all Bakugo says.
It looks like Aizawa got the answer he expected because his face goes back to its neutral state and he nods.
"I'm taking that as a yes. That's unacceptable, Bakugo. Why haven't you come to me before? Or told another staff member?"
Bakugo rolls his eyes, "Because I've done fucked up shit, too."
"There hasn't been any issues with you in well over a year, so I know that you haven't done anything to him. Or is there something I don't know about?"
Bakugo shakes his head.
Honestly after their fight in first year where they both got house arrest, Bakugo has done everything to stay away from Deku. The nerd just made Bakugo angry, and he'd been trying to fix his anger issues, so he just kept his distance.
That keeping his distance changed to completely avoiding and basically hiding from the nerd after his mom died because he couldn't deal with Deku at all.
It didn't help that Deku is basically always looking for Bakugo and that they're in the same class. It felt like Bakugo was stuck, trapped with Deku right behind him in class.
"But Midoriya has continued to do so throughout this year. Just because it's not so obvious doesn't mean it's not as bad, Bakugo. If he constantly crosses boundaries, I need to know. You don't want him expelled, but I do have to do something. That kind of behavior is not fit for this school."
Although he feels seen and extremely heard, Bakugo is conflicted.
He feels bad. Deku doesn't know what he's doing is wrong, but that's the problem. Maybe Aizawa can help him with that?
"Yeah, he does this shit all the time. I keep my damn distance from that loser cause he pisses me off. I think it's cause he never listens to me, but I tried to fix it by staying away. I tell him, too. I told him that he needs to leave me alone, but he doesn't. It's all the damn time, too. It's stupid, I know, but-"
"It's not stupid, you're clearly uncomfortable with him. Thank you for speaking to me. I know this sucks, but we will get this fixed. I'm aware he sits right behind you, so I'll be moving him, unless you want to change seats?"
Bakugo thinks about it. He hates sitting in the front now. He feels like everyone is watching him, but maybe it was just Deku?
In the front, he learns better, though. He's right in front and can see everything clearly. He's also got the best spot to look outside when he's bored or trying to get out of his head.
It just makes him perform better, so he shakes his head.
For the millionth time, the man sighs and then checks the time.
"Recovery Girl is already asleep, but I can wake her to check on you," the man says, already pulling out his phone to call the old lady.
Again, Bakugo shakes his head.
"She had a headache today. I don't wanna bother her especially since I'm fine. It's not too bad," he lies, not wanting it to be a big deal. So what he's hurt? He was already sore from training. It's nothing.
Recovery Girl did have a headache, though. Bakugo was going to skip out on classes and go to Recovery Girl, but decided against it after a small chat with the woman.
"Very well, I know you have therapy tomorrow, so go get some rest. We also have training, so if you think your injuries need to be healed before training, do it before classes. You'll be excused from classes, but you cannot miss training."
Bakugo gets up, bones slightly aching because of the weather and without another word, leaves, not wanting to stay here longer than he has to.
Todoroki wants to talk, and he thinks Kirishima might want to, too. He really doesn't want to talk about it, but he'll at least talk to Halfie. He'll tell Kirishima that maybe another day.
All he knows when he gets to his room is that he's beyond tired when he gets there and sees Halfie sitting outside.
He's a little grateful because his room isn't a place he wants to be alone in right now.
Neither of them say a word as Bakugo unlocks his door, but both stop when Kirishima comes out of his room and immediately checks in on Bakugo.
"What was that? Midoriya was not acting right," the red head says, shaking his head, face in a scowl.
"I don't want to talk about it right now. I'm fine but I need some damn sleep," he sighs, voice tired and lacking any sort of anger or bite like it usually does.
That makes Kirishima immediately back off, giving Todoroki a confused look. He's probably wondering why Todoroki gets to go into his room and he doesn't. He doesn't want the idiot to feel bad or anything, so he sighs, motioning at Todoroki.
"We're dating."
The couple enters the room, door already halfway shut when they hear Kirishima yell a distressed, "WHAT?"
Immediately, Bakugo is turning around and hugging Todoroki, relaxing into the hug and exhaling heavily.
After their first date, which went incredibly well, they became much closer, which wasn't that hard for Bakugo to do. He was nervous he'd fuck shit up slightly by not being able to communicate, but honestly, they're both really good at that shit.
He guesses it's the trust they already had in each other from knowing each other for that long before even thinking about forming a relationship.
Todoroki took him to a spicy noodle place that was famous for its spicy soup challenge. It was more than perfect.
They did go to a candy store and also a zip line thing after. It was amazing.
Completely opposite energy from right now, Bakugo tense and embarrassed, uncomfortable with himself and with someone he thought was a good person.
It's not like Deku is a bad person and maybe he's just exaggerating and being a drama queen, but what Deku did made him feel horrible.
He probably is exaggerating, but in that moment he felt hopeless. He had never had that fear in his life, and although he could get why women were so scared all the time, he had never actually understood.
"Can we just go to sleep? I'm tired."
"Of course," Todoroki whispers, rubbing his fingers through Bakugo's hair.
As they both get under the covers, Bakugo finds himself rubbing at his neck again, feeling a weird sensation. It's tingly and uncomfortable, making rub even more.
That is until a hand stops his, squeezing and making Bakugo look up.
"Your neck is all red. What's wrong with it?"
Todoroki is concerned, looking at him for an honest response.
"Nothing, just drop it. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Just-" he sighs, grabbing Todoroki's right hand and putting it to the chafed part of his neck, "squeeze a bit and use your quirk."
The squeezing is so that it's not a trickle feeling like Deku's breath, but instead a firm form of contact.
Bakugo relaxes and hugs Todoroki as the other does as told, making Bakugo feel more comfortable. Once Bakugo stops moving, Todoroki moves forward, pressing a kiss on his forehead.
"Thank you, Halfie. You're the best."
He feels the taller teen smile before Todoroki pulls away and gets more comfortable, adjusting them so Bakugo is closer.
"Goodnight, Bakugo. I'm sorry today was so hard."
There's a warm feeling in his chest at the words. This guy is more than he ever deserved. It's insane to think about how much changed in the span of a few months.
"Goodnight, Halfie."
A surge of happiness goes through him as he feels his eyes droop. He feels his heart rate slow down as the uncomfortable feeling on his neck completely disappears.
He honestly didn't think he'd be able to sleep after that shit show. He underestimated how comfortable this idiot makes him feel.
Word Count: 6013
Chat I forgot that I had written that they weren't gonna have a physical exam and instead they'd do internships in place of the grade😭 Oopsie!! yall did I eat with this chapter or what. Angst and it's 6000 words🗣️‼️ anyway onto the serious shit in the comments. Gist of what's in the comments, if you live in the US and are old enough to vote but didn't, voted trump, or voted third party, leave this page right now istg yall are stupid and uneducated. Anywayyy I hope yall liked this chapter. Next one goes up next Sunday at 11:30 pm central time (before 12) and will be around 3000-6000 chapters. I love you all and tysm for reading <3
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