Chapter Thirty
Internships are coming up and Bakugo is not ready.
His therapy session with Hound Dog after the whole Deku thing was a wreck. He left with shaking legs and puffy eyes, sniffling like no tomorrow.
It also didn't help that the cold always made his bones ache and they'd done hardcore training again.
He hadn't gone to Recovery Girl for the bruising, but halfway through training, he realized he should have.
Kirishima threw him worried glances all day and Deku hadn't been to physical training. He honestly didn't know where Aizawa had him because he was in class earlier.
The man hadn't made a whole thing about it, just told Todoroki and Deku to switch seats before class so when he came in, Halfie had already been sitting where Deku's seat usually was.
It was a big relief. He'd been so anxious, he was running late and told Halfie to go ahead without him or he'd been more stressed out.
Now he's walking back to the dorms with the knowledge that they're going back to interning next week with their previous agencies, meaning Bakugo had to deal with Endeavor once again.
Sure, he'll have Halfie there, but he'll also have Deku. Right now, Deku is not someone Bakugo wants to be near. Even more so than usual after that shit he pulled.
Hound Dog said it was assault, even sexual assault because of how Bakugo felt sexualized.
Like he said, it wasn't a nice therapy session. He had so much to unpack after the break, and the fact that the break wasn't even the end of it and there had only been one day after the break? Shit Bakugo really is cursed.
The only good things in his life right now are people and he's having a hard time with that with his anxiety about death.
His three good things are his friends, Aizawa, and his boyfriend.
Apparently Halfie hasn't spoken a word to Deku because he feels like he might do something he regrets. Halfie also didn't know the full extent of what happened as far as Bakugo knows.
Maybe he and Kirishima do because of how they discovered him. It wouldn't take a genius to understand that what happened was assault.
He's just glad it didn't escalate and that Deku didn't try anything. Bakugo probably would have used his quirk and Deku couldn't gotten severely hurt.
Like an irreversible injury type hurt.
He couldn't even eat lunch and now he has to make dinner in an hour.
His therapy session ran later, so as he's walking out of the school building, he's surprised to see Halfie waiting for him in his comfy clothes.
"Hi," he greets, a comforting smile and his favorite mango tea in hand, a small chocolate cake in the other.
Immediately, Bakugo's eyes well up and Todoroki is hugging him, trying to squeeze out all the negative thoughts with his tightly held hugs him.
He's just so happy that Todoroki did this for him. He went out of his way to get Bakugo his favorite things to comfort him.
The side of his neck that's chafed hurts and was rubbed even more raw today, leaving him feeling even worse. He's got the bruises from Deku that he almost threw up at seeing today when he was changing, the sore body from training, and the burning side of his neck.
"I'm sorry. Today really sucked, huh?" Halfie says, understanding tone in his voice.
It doesn't sound condescending and it just makes Bakugo feel better because he knows Halfie gets him and isn't judging him. It's amazing having someone that he can be vulnerable with.
So he nods into Halfie's warm chest. He's using his quirk to warm himself up.
"Do you still want to cook dinner?" The other teen asks.
"As long as you stay with me."
Todoroki squeezed harder, "Of course I will."
Honestly, although he doesn't want to deal with being anywhere but his room, he actually really wants to cook dinner. The school stocked up on basic every day food items so they don't have to go grocery shopping to make dinner for this week, at least.
They stay there for another minute before Bakugo pulls away, tears having dried up. The cold air makes Bakugo want to get inside already, so they start making their way to the dorms hand in hand. Halfie has the chocolate cake in his free hand and Bakugo has the mango tea in his.
"How's your neck?"
He gets a hand squeeze and Bakugo shrugs.
There's a weird feeling every now and then, which makes him rub even more, but he guesses it's not too bad.
"Fine. Not that serious."
Todoroki is quiet for a bit before he finally responds. "You should see Recovery Girl in the morning. I think it would be better for you during training if you finally got to heal."
He's not wrong, but then the burning sensation of the chafing wouldn't fight the gross tingly feeling that makes him want to crawl out of his skin. Not to be dramatic.
The aches and bruises on his body do need healing, though. The bruises from Deku, more specifically, are the ones that have to go. Every time he does something that brings pain to those bruises, he's back against his wall feeling weak.
Todoroki doesn't know about them.
Knowing him, he'd probably lose his shit or something. Todoroki is not an emotional person, but when push comes to shove, he can beat someone's ass like no tomorrow.
Not to mention that although he doesn't really show emotion, the one emotion Bakugo has seen on him the most is anger.
When Todoroki is truly angry, you'll know and it'll be hell for you.
That time last year when they failed the practical license exam, holy shit was Halfie pissed. The anger was just radiating off of him.
"I gotta tell you something after dinner," he admits, not really answering his plea to go to Recovery Girl, but putting it aside for later.
He's just banking on the fact that Halfie and Deku are friends, so he probably won't go too crazy. Hopefully, he doesn't do anything at all, but Bakugo can't really say he knows what he would do.
"Okay, I hope it's not that you want to break up."
Bakugo shoves him slightly. "Hell no."
He gets a small smile on his face, looking down shyly and sees the mango tea he's holding, getting a wonderful, warm feeling.
Making dinner went smoothly, he used that time to calm himself down for what's to come. It's not that big of a deal, really.
It is, but it's not like Todoroki will be completely caught off guard. He saw the way Deku was holding him down. He must know a little, so he shouldn't be this nervous.
He can barely eat when they're upstairs watching some random show.
By the time the episode ends, they've both finished, so Bakugo pauses it and turns to the other.
"You know how Deku was holding me down?" He asks suddenly, not trying to do this slowly.
Todoroki just nods and Bakugo's nerves spike as he continues, "I was talking to Hound Dog about it because it was really bothering me. It felt fucking wrong. So I brought it up with Hound Dog and the way he was holding me down and shit felt gross. He was breathing on my goddamn neck," he curses, rubbing the same spot.
It stings, but it's better than that phantom feeling of his breath.
He can't look up to see Halfie's face, too worried about getting through this shit.
"Deku sexually assaulted me. Well- I- that's what it felt like and that's what Hound Dog told me, so it's just real fucking annoying and it keeps feeling like he's breathing down my fucking neck," he grits, rubbing harder at his neck before a hand stops him.
He's taken aback for a second and looks up to see Todoroki's fuming face.
Oh shit, he's pissed off.
Immediately, Bakugo tries to calm him down.
"Listen, it's fine. He probably didn't even mean to make it feel like that. It was just a lot and it caught me off guard. He's never done anything-"
"I don't care. I don't care if he's never done anything like that before, he-," he pauses, rage overtaking his tone, "I'm going to-" Todoroki gets up, making his way to leave, but Bakugo is instantly in front of him, blocking the door.
The taller teen is enraged, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched, fists ready to hit Deku.
"Don't do anything, okay? He didn't mean to. I know it sounds like a lame ass excuse, but I've done fucked up shit too," he admits, trying to keep Todoroki from hitting Deku or anything.
"Oh, you've sexually assaulted someone?" Todoroki asks sarcastically, already knowing that he hasn't.
"No," Bakugo stresses, "but that doesn't mean that what I did wasn't bad. It was basically payback for all the bruises I gave him. He gets a bruise, I get a bruise, now we're even."
Todoroki's face changed, looking confused.
Oh shit.
Bakugo's face falls.
Todoroki goes to move around the blond, but Bakugo is quicker, moving directly in front of the door and watching Todoroki frown at him.
"It's not a big deal, listen. I'm fine, okay? I'll go to Recovery Girl and Aizawa already knows, I had to stop him from expelling Deku. He already separated us by making you sit behind me. He didn't mean to."
Todoroki takes a deep breath, trying to get himself in check. "Tell me exactly what happened."
Before he can even fully cross his arms over his chest, he stops himself and his face immediately changes.
"Only if you're comfortable sharing. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take that tone with you," Halfie apologizes, guilt deep in his voice.
Still standing in front of his door, Bakugo breathes deeply.
"He wouldn't listen to me. I told you before how I talked to him about leaving me alone. But he always does that shit, he never listens to what I'm telling him and just does what he wants," he starts, voice already rising before he brings it back down, "so he came into my room, demanding that I talk to him like if I would ever, and I snapped. I told him to drop it and tried to kick him out by dragging him since he wouldn't listen, and he pinned me. He just kept saying that I don't listen and I told him to get off, but he didn't. I didn't want to use my quirk on him, but his was too strong. Then you came in."
He's pressing down on the side of his neck as he tells the story. Not wanting to run because of how bad it hurts, but needed the pressure.
The memory of his arms being pinned down and Deku's grip tightening plays in his mind and he winces.
"Are the bruises okay? Can I see?" Halfie asks carefully, worried about hurting him.
Bakugo just nods and starts removing his hoodie, his shirt almost coming up with it before he pulls the bottom of it to make sure it doesn't.
He doesn't look, already knowing that they're pretty horrible looking with a nasty yellow color mixing with the deep dark purple. They're in the shape of a handprint.
Instead, he takes in Halfie's reaction and bites the inside of his cheek when he sees the anger return before it fades, the idiot suppressing it so that he can focus on Bakugo.
"We should go to Recovery Girl now. I also want to speak to Aizawa."
Bakugo knows in his gut that he's going to try and get Deku expelled.
"Wait, Todoroki," he says in a panic, "please don't. Listen, just listen."
Maybe it was the desperate tone in his voice, but Todoroki listened, immediately pausing and looking Bakugo directly in the eye.
"You don't deserve to be treated like this. It's not fair."
Disregarding what he said, Bakugo shakes his head, "Okay, but I don't think Deku should be kicked out. I told Aizawa to work with him or something. He just doesn't know what he did and has done before was wrong, so he should get help with that. He just needs to learn like I have. It's not entirely on him that he hasn't learned."
"But then you take the consequences? How is that fair? If he hasn't learned from the past, why is it on you to suffer?"
Bakugo is silent. He's not sure how to answer this shit and not really sure why he's defending Deku like his life depends on it. Deku grew up being his victim, always being pushed around by him.
Sure, a big part of it was because he didn't know how to take the word 'no' and continued to do what he wanted, but that didn't mean Bakugo had to resort to violence. And although it never came to bruising or burnt arms until that one time he did hurt him, there were times he shoved a little too hard or used his explosions a little too close to the nerd.
"Just because you've hurt him in the past doesn't mean you deserve to continue being hurt by him. He should know that what he's doing is wrong even if he was never 'taught'. He should just know. I'm ashamed to have been his friend knowing he's put you through this amount of discomfort."
Bakugo sighs, knowing that neither of them will really get what they want from this. Bakugo doesn't want Deku to get expelled and Todoroki does.
"Okay, but Aizawa is already on it. He's making sure we don't have to interact and I'll talk to him about it and tell him that I want little to no contact with the damn nerd until he's done a couple of therapy sessions and actually understand what he did was wrong. Aizawa will do it because he also wants Deku expelled, but we came to an agreement. You're even around all day so you can make sure he stays away," he tries, tired of this already because he just wants to get to bed.
The day was beyond long. Therapy felt like it was a million hours long on top of the never ending day before that.
"I won't talk to Aizawa and put myself into this. It's your life, so I'll just support you the best I can, okay? Please let me know if he does anything like that again. Even if it's not as physical, and just him not listening. Don't let him disrespect you like that again. You're too amazing for that."
Bakugo never knows how to respond to things like that. Halfie is always throwing overwhelming compliments at him and he never knows how to just accept them without getting annoyingly shy and awkward.
It's not like they're unwelcome, he would just like to stop acting like a stupid idiot loser whenever he gets flustered.
"Thanks for listening. It's gonn-"
A knock interrupts him and he fights the urge to blow up the person on the other side.
Oh, it's just Kirishima. No blowing anyone up.
He moves off the door and opens it, briefly wondering what he could be knocking about before he remembers the bomb he dropped on him yesterday without warning.
Kirishima smiles and waves at him, eyes briefly looking behind him, probably spotting Todoroki before asking if he could come in.
Bakugo moves out of the way, letting him and closing the door behind him.
"I just wanted to talk about what happened. First of all, congratulations you two. I didn't know you guys were a thing, but it was pretty obvious you guys had some feelings for each other. Before I continue," he says, turning to Todoroki and glaring, "You hurt him, you die," then his face returns to normal and he looks back at Bakugo, "next, where's Midoriya because I need to knock some sense into him. I haven't seen him since the beginning of the day."
Bakugo grumbles a quiet, "fucking shit not you too," under his breath and sighs.
"Aizawa is handling it. I don't know where that nerd is and I don't care as long as he stays away from me. Halfie over here is pissed, too," he says, motioning to his boyfriend.
"He stopped me from killing Midoriya."
With a scoff and an amused smile, Bakugo shoved his arm slightly, "dramatic ass," he half laughs.
When he turns back to Kirishima, the loser is smiling widely, throwing Bakugo off from the frown that was previously on his face.
"What's wrong with your face?"
With a dramatic pout, Kirishima sideyes and shakes his head.
"It's good to see you happy. It's been a weird not hearing you laugh," the red head shrugs.
He's too pure for this world.
Why was he blessed with amazing people in his life? God this is making his anxiety about death even worse, but he just tries to enjoy the moment with these two idiots.
"Your face is too loud, though. I don't need to see your ultimate happy face on a random Tuesday night."
Kirishima just raised an eyebrow at him. "Man, I missed you. The break was too long. It didn't help that you completely went off the radar. I don't blame you, though. Break means break from everything," Kirishima laughs, clearly not as hurt as Bakugo was fearing.
Again, he's too pure for this world.
"Yeah, yeah. Now go. I'm tired and I gotta be up early," he says, shooing the red head out of his room.
Kirishima huffs, not wanting to leave yet, but relenting, slouching dramatically.
"Alright, man. I'll see you guys tomorrow. If I have to go against Midoriya in training, I'm not holding back," he admits, a small grin on his face.
Bakugo rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Get to sleep, dumbass."
Once it's just them two again and Todoroki has locked the door, they get into bed, Bakugo deciding that he'll just go to Recovery Girl in the morning and not now.
She's too far and he honestly doesn't need any help going to sleep tonight. He's dead tired both mentally and physically.
As he drifts in Todoroki's arms, he smiles lightly at the memory that he has a chocolate cake and his favorite tea waiting for him tomorrow, too tired to enjoy it tonight.
"Goodnight, Halfie."
"Goodnight, Bakugo."
Word Count: 3092
Chat it's rough out here. I barely passed the 3000 word count and it's late on top of that. It's 4 am. It was my birthday yesterday which is why I didn't have time to write even more. Good day but I cried for more than half of the day because I'm poor and I hate it. I don't mean it in a "I'm poor I couldn't get this shirt I wanted". If yall read these yall know I'm "I don't know if I can afford paying my light bill or groceries this month" broke lol. Ofc that means that I was worried my friends would want to go eat for my birthday and I had no money. (That did happen but my friend paid for me cause it was my bday. I felt beyond guilty and horrible). Yall being poor is the worst type of pain. I'm sorry for the late and short chapter. It probably sucks, too. I also have exams coming up and thanksgiving break is after this week but my parents can't afford to come pick me up so no thanksgiving dinner for me! I also really miss my cat so I've been sobbing about that too. I miss her:( okay rant over. Mb this shit is longer than the chapter. I hope y'all liked it. Next one goes up next Sunday at 11:30 pm central time (hopefully). I love you all and tysm for reading and putting up w my shit <3
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