On the roof
(Tords POV)
I unzipped my jacket and pulled it off, I put it on Lindy feeling the change. The wind sliced through me and cut me sending shivers down my spine. I hid them and made my teeth stop shaking, I really didn't mind the cold it was just well cold. For the longest time we just sat on the the roof watching the sun disappear and one by one the stars came out. I felt Lindy go limp and she leaned on my resting her head on my shoulder. She was sound asleep, she curled up still tightly clutching my jacket. So we just continued to sit there, for the longest time I wished it would never stop. The happiness that I felt was like nothing before, but joy doesn't last forever. The shape beside me was turning cold, she shivered in her sleep. I carefully removed her off my shoulder and lifted her up with both arms. I walked across the roof carful of each step. I layed her down and crawled through the window, once inside I turned around and pulled Lindy inside. She lay limp in my arms, I didn't dare wake her up and I didn't want to move her or disturb the others so I lay her on my bed pulling the sheets over her. I turned and walked outside the door closing it carefully behind me. I walked down the hall and took one of the empty rooms. I was too tired and cold to care about the bed. I crashed into it and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
(Lindy's POV)
My eyes fluttered open I blinked a couple of times to get my eyes used to the unusually bright sun. Where was I? The room was dark with unpainted walls and regular black sheets lined twisted patterns and a old quilt. I sat up the last thing I remember was being on the roof with Tord..... wait did he carry me in here?! My face turned red as I shook off the thought. My attention was drawn away but the opening door. Tord walked in, he still had his t-shirt on. I looked down and realized i had his red jacket, it covered my fingers completely. I liked it....
"Where an I?" I asked him.
"You're in my room...." he leaned against the wall hands in his pockets.
"Where.... where did you sleep.?" I quickly got out of his bed folding the sheets and cover neatly over the mattress. Sorry to have taken his room.
"Don't worry we had other empty rooms,"
"I'm so sorry I took your room, you should've moved me to the empty one....." he just stood there...
"It's ok, really, thx for sitting out there with me.... it meant a lot." He noticed me admiring the jacket feeling it between my fingers which I had poked out of the sleeves. "You can keep my jacket if you want...." this startled me.
"B--bu---but this is yours!!"
"You needed it more..." he just stood there a second longer before he spoke again" hey breakfast is ready....."
"Oh well I'm starving!" I scurried past him and opened the door, I continued walking down the stairs past the second floor and onto the first and into the kitchen, the smell was enough to make my mouth water but the sight of the eggs and pancakes made me feel like running over there and gobbling them all up, my stomach was eating itself I was so hungry. I waited for Tord to join me and as soon as he got down the steps I whisked him over the the table and we sat down. Tord gave me my share of food, I stuck my fork in it and nomed it. It was so flippin delicious I almost cried.
"I hadn't had anything this good since my moms cooking!"
He grabbed his plate and ate quietly.
"Glad to see you like them, I just made them. You slept in" I glanced at the clock in the wall, it read 1:43!
"What the heck, how's that possible!!"
"Your a heavy sleeper...."
I nodded"last night was........." A small red haze covered Tords face as he turned away to look outside the window.
"We're doing something special today"
I was surprised but also happy," ooh, what are we doing"
"Something that Tom, Edd, Matt, and I used to love to do, too bad Matt's not here"
Confusion clouded my mind"what are we doing?!"
"You'll find out pretty soon!" He smirked because my expression was like what-the-heck-dude-you-can't-just-leaving-me-hanging expression.
"We're leaving in a hour, pack warm clothes." I noticed the joke but his voice was so soulless no one else would.
(Approximately 1 hour later)
"Come on Tord it's been approximately 1 hour and I'm waiting for results!!!" I was impatient and ready to tackle whatever we were doing. Edd had decided to come with us, tom said he would come, and of course ganme was coming. We went outside and got into Tords car. It was a shiny red convertible, he raised the hood because it was cold. I was wearing Tords red jacket. Tord motioned for me to get in his car, but this convertible only had two seats. I slid into the passenger seat and Tom and Ganme rode in Edds car.
As soon as my door was closed and I was buckled Tord floored it speeding off and cracking an evil grin. We speed through the neighborhood, Edd keeping up behind, Ganme had the window down screaming out the window"yeah!!!!! Floor it Edd!!!!!!" Tom just had a bored look drinking his drink which for once was something other than alcohol. I watched the road speed by us, barely seeing tiny rocks in the surface glitter in the pale sun. I pulled Tords jacket over me tighter and the sleeves over my fingers.
We slowed down as we got to busier roads and stopped at a big building. Tord stopped the car and Edd pulled up on the parking spot next to him. We walked in the building and I stared
around with Ganme while Tom, Tord, and Edd did whatever they were doing. I stopped when I saw the icy ground and.....
"Hey Lindy, we're ready!" Tord came over and handed me a pair of ice skates. I grabbed them and sat down excited because I'd never been ice skating before, I took off my shoes and I pulled the ice skates over my feet. I tied the laces tight and tried to stand. I immediately fell back down. I grabbed the bench and tried again. The rubber floor grabbed the steel skate as I found my balance and very wobbly walked over to Tord. He had already found his balance and was helping Ganme who was yelling at the laces because she couldn't tie them right.
"Well this is gonna be fun!!!!" I exclaimed joyfully seeing the ice glitter awaiting me to try it.
Dedicated to Zoe Glass because it was her ice skating birthday.
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