Into the dream
The phone buzzed slightly in the dead silent area surrounding me. I sighed before reaching over to pick it up. I answered with a quick hello and was greeted by a rough voice whose tone sent shivers down my spine.
"It has begun. Go while you still have time." The phone clicked off and I put it down. Staring into the silence I put the phone down.
"Well that was a mood killer...." Flashing a quick grin, I grabbed my coat and headed to my car. The smile disappeared as I entered my garage, clicking the door open.
"I just hope I'm not too late."
*2 hours later*
I pulled into the dirt road covered in asphalt and pine needles. Hearing shrieks of laughter I turned. Feeling something stir inside me, I realized the dire situation unfolding…. I hope they're ok.. i hope they just hold on a little longer. I the old place, feeling my heart freeze in my chest as I gazed upon familiar faces. I stepped out of the car, quickly shutting it off and putting my keys in my pocket. Two heads glanced up as if in remembrance. I approached them with caution.
"No way.." one breathed out.
"It's been too long.." I muttered, holding eye contact with them.
"Yeah, and where the hell have you been," The other was more hostile as his words cut through me.
I finally dropped my gaze, staring at the ground.
"I'm sorry.."
"Lindy will be glad you’re back." The first spoke while the other turned away.
"That's actually why I'm here. Lindy's in danger.."
We walked up the creaky old stairs to the central room, seeing two shapes out cold on the couch. I coughed and shook Tord lightly. He turned to face me, blinking slowly. He almost jumped aside off the couch.
"GANME!" he cried out in astonishment.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," I said bemused, smiling.
"Nope. Are you really back?" He questioned as if trying to decipher if this was a dream or not.
"Yes, I'm back and I fear not for good reasons." I glanced at Lindy asleep on the couch. She seemed dead to the world and lost in her mind….Mostly because that was what was exactly going on here.
"What do you mean, Ganme?"
"I believe Lindy is trapped in her mind." I sat down on the couch, staring at my best friend. All three simply stared at me as if I wasn't speaking English.
"How?" Tom was first to speak.
"Someone, i think we all know who, put her there.." I explained, hoping they would understand.
"How do how know this?" Edd suddenly questioned. His sentence left me perplexed. I could not answer that. Not now, not yet..
"I need someone to volunteer to save her.." All eyes in the room darted to Tord.
"Well of course I'll do it." He stood up. "How exactly do i do that..?"
"I can send you into her mind. From there you must help her escape.. Then and only then can the truth be sought.."
"And that's supposed to help me how?" He cocked his head, confused.
"Find out for yourself, dumbass!" I retorted. I exhaled and reached into my pocket taking single stone out.
"What is that?" They all looked at the tiny white stone.
"It will allow you to enter her mind." I answered holding the stone up.
"But wha-----" He was cut off as i threw the stone at him. It hit him square in the forehead. He doubled over before collapsing on the floor.
"YOU'VE KILLED HIM!!" Edd exclaimed, his voice reaching a high pitch.
"Oh relax, he'll just be asleep until he and Lindy both wake up." I explained to the frightened looking Edd.
*meanwhile in Lindy's mind*
(Switch to Lindy's POV)
I continued walking down the hall, seeing only darkness befall me. The walls were slimy and sticky. Goop spread down the sides of the sorry forsaken wall. I slowed my pace, afraid of what awaited me up ahead in this never ending room. I came to an abrupt stop as a sudden dimmed light appeared in the distance. My pace increased as i started running toward the light. It slowly came closer and more into view. The light engulfed me in It's wonderfulness and filled me with joy and happiness. Then suddenly the feeling was gone, almost like it was never there. I was on the ground, on top of a shape. I looked down seeing a familiar face right below me.
"Tord," i breathed out. It felt like an eternity since i'd seen him.
"Ah?" He looked up at me with a groggy expression on his face." Lindy?" His face suddenly lit up as a smile spread across his face.
"LINDY!!" He reached up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.
"I thought I'd never see you again." I spoke softly but my voice echoed, repeating word after word.
"I'm always with you," he whispered into my ear. He then let go of me and we both stood up.
"Where are we?" I wondered aloud, taking in my surroundings once more.
"Ganme said you were trapped in your mind, so i guess we're in your mind.." he pointed out.
"Ganme... she's here??" I cried out, looking around wildly for my friend.
"No, she's with you in the real world," Tord answered, walking up to me.
"Why'd you come," i suddenly asked. Surprised by my own question, I cupped my hands over my mouth.
"Ganme said i could help you." He ignored my seemingly ignorant question.
"Thanks for all you've done for me," i replied back turning away from him. “How do we get out of here?"
"I don't really know.." he replied sheepishly.
"Well that's okay, we can find out together!"
i smiled at him, thanking my lucky stars that at least Tord was here.
We wandered around the aimless halls, taking note that everything looked the same. Only doors upon doors upon doors. It seemed like we were going nowhere...
Nowhere, nowhere at all.
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