For the love of tord
Just a cool song I found and though it represented Tord
(Tords POV)
I walked through my old lab, burnt pieces of wood surrounding me, a constant reminder of what I had done. Trouble seems to follow me everywhere I go... the ruin of our house lay open blown up by my giant robot. I continued walking feeling every step I take lead me further back in my past. I truly did like my friends, but I knew they didn't like me... they had excepted me and welcomed me into their home. I know they've tried to make me feel at home but it's not working . I feel so left out and alone.. it's so cold, old buttons lay on the ground around my old keyboard. I sat down in my chair feeling its old wood frame strain . Everything was so old but yet so different, I pushed the power button and rebooted my laptop. Its screen was cracked and shattered but I could still read the words.
Welcome Tord,
I typed in my password, Giant robot, and opened my files every experiment flashing through my mind as I remembered each test, each lie I told, each day I lived in lies. They drowned me, they say forgive and forget, but I can't forget. I can't forget what I did. What I have done, what I am doing, even being in this place was wrong. Setting down the computer I glanced around before noticing something strange that I certainly hadn't had before. After the explosion the brick wall had reveled a secret room, dull red button lay on a single panel away from my other works, I remember this but not what it is or what it does. Not knowing what else to do I reached forward and pressed it. Nothing happened, still nothing, quiet could be heard and resounded though these old empty walls. A sudden loud noise disturbed this quiet. It was so sudden it burst my eardrum and I keeled over, clutching my ear I stood up. A wind rushed passed me so strong I had to clutch the wall. A single bright speck dazzled in the light and shot skyward and into the beyond before coming back down to earth. A moment of silence calmed my overwhelming fear. For it that had been what I thought it was, lost in my thoughts I completely ignored the bright explosion behind me until the sound caught up and flung me to my knees again.
My vision was hazy and blurred all of my surroundings. A ringing was drowning out every other sound. When my vision cleared I glanced down at the hole on the earth spreading far and deep. The smoke lingered and filled my nose, the ringing continued in my ears while I examined the surroundings, debris flew on the air and landed in my eyes. Fires lay all over the whole, the flames reflecting in my eyes, and the fire burned. I heard music coming from the street as a girl walk down to bags laying her hands she saw the house she stopped, the bag dropped.
"Wht happened to my house!" She screeched! She was real pretty, forest brown hair lit with golden sunbeams, eyes like blue pools with black lily pads. She wore shorts and a black shirt with flowers and vines that flew across the sides, completed with a black hoodie. A cat wound around her legs but stopped when it saw the house. It melted and grew taller until it took the form of a girl. Her hair was black and tiny purple ears stood up. Her tail stood up, it was black and purple with a little black bow that hung down at the end. She wore netted gloves and ripped pants with a pretty blue shirt and camo overcoat.
"What happened" she looked over at the huge hole and nearly fainted. Then she turned a pissed expression written all over her face, she gritted her teeth together and huffed." When I find out who did this.....!!!!!!"
This is when I stepped in" that might have been me...." I shrugged keeping my head down my hood still over my head.
The neko girl had a murderous look in her eyes" oh you're so dead!" She started walking toward me but the girl stopped her.
"Ganme(Jan- may) stop," she put her hand in front of the neko girl and walked over to me. I shoved my hands into my pokers and kept my head down in my red hoodie. She stopped right in front of me and put her hands on her knees." What's your name.." her voice was calm and soothing, like honey.
"Tord...." I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes waiting for her to laugh at my odd name, I never heard any laugh.
"I like that name, that's a nice name!" I looked up at her. She was smiling, I liked her smile, it made me feel warm like I could trust her. It made me want to smile, but I shoved it down. I hadn't smiled in months... she turned her attention back to the house, "well where are we gonna stay now ganme"
The neko shrugged and sat down cross legged," I don't know...."
"Tord!!!!" I heard a voice calling me, I knew who that voice belonged too, I would know anywhere.
"Hey tom...." tom stood at the end of the sidewalk, he had his hands in his blue hoodie and was walking down toward me wearing a big fake smile.
"We've been looking for you!!" His cheerful tone was fake, just a display put on as a new exhibit.
"I'm coming..." my hoodie still remained on my head as I walked past tom with fast footsteps desperate to get away from everybody. I stopped halfway but didn't turn around to face the girl" wait, what's your name."
"My name is Lindy"
I continued walking" well goodbye Lindy" and as I was walking a small smile spread across my face.
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