Arts and walks
(Tord's POV)
Today we were going to make arts and crafts. I could tell this was going to be a crappy day. We got out of bed late. Every one had already went to the art place and we had decided not it go but apparently it's strongly advised, otherwise known as you have no choice you have to do it. We entered the room silent, if we could sign in and then leave maybe they would think we were there. With so many kids it'd be easy to miss us.
"Tord, Edd, Tom!!!!! Over here!!!" I saw a waving hand appear over the sea of kids. Wow just great now everyone knew we were here. We walked over to Lindy putting our faces down.
"Hey Lindy!! Nice to see you again!" I pulled her into a half hug and saw what she'd made. It was a pretty picture of two foxes racing through the woods. It was pretty good and better than any other drawing here.
I smiled at her" that's really good Lindy!" She beamed and continued working on it. I examined the table looking for cool stuff, I saw some silver wire. A couple of stones lay next to them. I grabbed a red stone, it had white dots on it and various shades of red and black. I put the silver wire through it twisting it at the end to make a swirly loop and connected it to some sued leather. Tying a knot at the end I threw it at Lindy.
"Necklace!" She stopped in surprise catching it with her face.
"What was that for Tord!" She pulled
The necklace off and was about to throw it at me but she stopped when she saw it.
"Oh my god did u make this?!" I nodded and she looked surprised.
"This is beautiful!!"
"It's for you, that's why I threw it at you!" She looked confused and then happy. She tied the necklace around her neck and let it fall around her admiring it.
"It's beautiful!!!! How did you make this!!?"
"With my fingers," I smirked at her expression. What else was I supposed to say 'with talent that I actually have and didn't make up'. It looked good on her. She held up he'd finished painting and let me see it. It was two foxes running through the forest, they were red foxes and had playful expressions on their faces. They had sleek bodies and bushy tails. I loved her painting.
"That's so good Lindy, I'm serious where do you find such inspiration!" She glanced back at the painting.
"Oh it comes and goes naturally!"
After a few more hours of this torture the camp leader let us go off by ourselves and do whatever we want.
"And don't forget we have a night walk tonight! We'll meet back here around 7" the loudspeaker broadcasted to the world. My little group that consisted of me, Tom, Edd, and Lindy. Plus another girl Lindy had made friends with. She was tall and shy. Big framed glasses lay on her nose and hair fell between her eyes. She was kinda quiet but after a while she and Lindy were chatting like they'd known each other their whole lives. Oh and also she's a lupa girl. Which means she can change into a wolf and human. She had large ears, one was black and the other was white with a little black tip. She also had a bushy gray tail that lay limp beside her. She was also a genius and whizz at everything. If we had a question we'd go ask her. We just mainly walked around the lake talking, catching up and asking this girl about her life, her name was Zoë and she'd grown up here in Georgia and lived here her whole life. The great thing about Georgia is that it's not too cold and maybe a bit too warm so it's really nice all year round. Except we never get any snow..... it was about 6 when we were done talking so we all headed down to the mess hall. We grabbed our plate of food and began to eat. The food on our plate was good. We were having BBQ chicken and mash potatoes. I really don't care for mash potatoes so I left those alone. Lindy, as always, poured almost the whole bottle of vinegar onto her plate and began nommimg away. We finished eating and stacked our plates on the great leaning tower of plates that was beginning to be created. The speaks buzz shook the whole surrounding with a loud cracklings sound and noises.
"Can you all please head down to the dock and we can begin our nature walk." We shrugged and walked over, Zoe(A/N it's really hard to put the dots
Over the ö in my friend Zoë's name so I'll just put Zoe ok?) was really excited about this. She had a notebook out and was looking at notes or whatever. She kept pointing out different plants and stars in the sky. You could tell she was excited because he ears stood straight up and alert.
"That's Orion, that's Orion's Belt, that red star is Orion's right hand!!" We just kept nodding our head as she pointed up into the sky even though we had no idea what she was talking about, neither did we even see how the stars connected to form anything. Lindy seemed to be the only one interested so we let them be and just kept walking with the group. The person leading the tour kept telling us facts but we'd already heard em' all from Zoe. That girl is one of a kind. Edd seemed partially interested in what Zoe had to say and was making an effort to understand and completely and utterly failing to grasp Zoe's knowledge. So we just kept walking. Before long we made it to a little cliff that overlooked a valley. The sky was painted red with the last light of the suns rays. The whole group sat down and said their goodbyes to the sun. The nature walk was surprisingly fun and it took the entire night to do so. We finished around 11 and was told by the leader to head immediately to our cabins. We were all quite tired when we reached our cabin so we stumbled in and crawled into bed falling fast asleep, waiting for what the next day had to offer. And making plans in our head on how to avoid them if needed to.
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